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As a student, I recently had the opportunity to attend a class taught by a substitute teacher, and

I would like to provide some feedback on her instruction and the classroom environment.
Overall, I found the experience to be positive and productive, although there were some areas
for improvement.
Firstly, the substitute teacher was friendly and approachable. She welcomed us into the
classroom with a warm smile and quickly introduced herself, which made us feel comfortable
and at ease. Throughout the lesson, she was patient with our questions and took the time to
explain concepts in a way that was easy to understand. She also encouraged us to participate
in discussions and activities, which helped to keep the class engaged and focused.
However, I did notice that the substitute teacher had some trouble managing the class at times.
There were a few students who were disruptive and not paying attention, which made it difficult
for the rest of us to concentrate. I think the substitute teacher could have benefited from some
classroom management techniques to keep everyone on task and focused.

Additionally, I felt that the substitute teacher could have provided more structure and direction to
the lesson. While she was knowledgeable about the subject matter, there were times when the
class felt disjointed and lacked a clear objective. I think that setting clear goals and expectations
at the beginning of the class would have helped to make the lesson more organized and
Despite these areas for improvement, I appreciated the substitute teacher's efforts to make the
class engaging and interactive. She used a variety of teaching methods, such as group
discussions and hands-on activities, which helped to keep the class interesting and informative.
I also appreciated that she took the time to provide individual feedback to each student, which
helped us to understand our strengths and weaknesses in the subject matter.
In conclusion, I found the substitute teacher's instruction to be positive overall, with some areas
for improvement. I think that with some additional classroom management techniques and more
structure to the lesson, the class could have been even more effective. Nevertheless, I
appreciated the substitute teacher's friendly demeanor and her efforts to make the class
engaging and informative.

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