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Lesson 5 – Worksheet MEMO

Activity 1: Homework

Question 1.1
Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Choose the correct answer
and write only the letter (A-D) next to the question number
(1.1.1 to 1.1.3) in the answer book, for example 1.1.4. D.
1.1.1 An example of social injustice would be:
A. Living on a rubbish dump because you can’t afford your own property.
B. Someone throwing their rubbish over your wall and messing your garden.
C. A man going to jail for stealing money from the elderly.
D. The loss of energy resources like loadshedding.
1.1.2 An example of environmental justice would be:
A. People taking care of the beach to bring back the local turtle population.
B. Fining large corporations for dumping waste into communal drinking water.
C. Jailing a citizen for subsistence fishing in an area where fish are abundant.
D. Setting guard animals lose on people who are trespassing on private property.

1.1.2 The harmful effects of poverty include:

A. Less money to buy treats like school lunch.
B. Getting sick because you don’t have clean water to drink.
C. Will never find work because you are uneducated.
D. Cannot attend school in South Africa. (3x1) (3)

Question 1.2
Give ONE word/term for EACH of the following descriptions. Write only the word/term next to the
question number (1.2.1 to 1.2.3).

1.2.1. A group of young people that help serve food at an old age home. (1)
Volunteers (✓)
1.2.2. A document that contains the legal rights and responsibilities of South Africa. (1)
Bill of Rights, SA Constitution (✓)
1.2.3. Skills that enable you to see a need in a community and want to do something about it. (1)
Social thinking skills (✓) (3x1) (3)

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Question 1.3
Answer the following questions by writing the answer next to the question number (1.3.1 to 1.3.2).
Write your answers in full sentences.

1.3.1 Discuss ONE benefit to youth for getting involved in volunteering. (1x2) (2)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO (✓ ✓) marks for a well explained response

Volunteering could be beneficial to youth because…

• it builds character (✓) and creates opportunities for individual growth (✓)
• it teaches us to empathize with others (✓) and experience different places we would not
normally experience (✓)
• it is an opportunity to get to know yourself better (✓) and you will learn new skills you can
include on your CV. (✓)

Any ONE of the above for TWO marks

(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for qualifier / explanation)

1.3.2 Recommend ONE way that civic organisations could uplift a community. (1x2) (2)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO (✓ ✓) marks for a well explained response

Civic organisation could …

• fund a variety of poverty alleviation projects (✓) enabling communities to have a start in
life/meet their basic needs. (✓)
• support the needy with their educational needs (✓) so that they could be able to explore
opportunities for sustainable employment/entrepreneurship. (✓)
• offer cheap and/or free therapy services for communities in distress (✓) so that they regain
their hope/resume their daily activities. (✓)
• support shelters for underprivileged or vulnerable community members. (✓) This could allow
these members to be secure and allow them to build themselves up easier as they do not have
to worry about being sheltered. (✓)
• develop and distribute information on how to empower vulnerable people. (✓) This could
provide cohesion within the community as the vulnerable people will not only be recognised
but embraced and fully incorporated within the community (✓)

Any ONE of the above for TWO marks

(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for qualifier / explanation)


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Question 2
Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

Carbon tax revenues could be sourced to help South Africa’s poor

Environmental issues that impact negatively on local and global communities

Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana has announced that he hopes to force large
companies and individuals to lower their emissions by increasing the carbon tax — an
insignificant hike in light of the cost the environment pays in carrying the emitters’

Climate change needs urgent action by all countries as per the Paris Agreement, to keep
temperature “well below 2℃” and pursue efforts to keep global temperature increase
below 1.5℃. Sadly, we are currently on a path to 3℃ or more. The negative impacts of
climate change increase as the temperatures increase – and the poor suffer the most.

Putting a price on carbon is a key way of responding to the climate emergency. It will also
raise awareness and improve reporting on emissions. The tax revenues should be used to
ensure benefits to poor communities, and the tax will need to be increased over time to
provide a long-term price signal to decarbonise the economy.

[Adapted from: Accessed on 03 March 2022]

2.1 Give a definition for the term ‘environmental justice’ and mention THREE ways in which
carbon tax is an example of environmental justice. (1+3) (4)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
ONE (✓) mark for a correct definition.

Environmental justice is …

• how the poor/illiterate people are protected when mineral resources are extracted from the
environment. (✓)
• equitable/fair/sound/reasonable use of environmental resources without negatively impacting
on the people who live in it. (✓)
• the just treatment and engaged involvement of everyone regardless of race, colour, nationality,
or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of
environmental laws. (✓)
• how we treat people with regard to the laws surrounding the environment. (✓)

Any ONE of the above for ONE mark.


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Marks should be awarded as follows:
ONE (✓) mark for a well explained response.

A carbon tax is an example of environmental justice because …

• the revenue generated from it could be used to restore the environment and societies
negatively impacted by extraction of fossil fuel. (✓)
• it causes companies who deal on products that have a potential to emit more carbon dioxide to
the environment to minimise the quantity that could be emitted thus protecting the
environment and the people. (✓)
• the carbon tax is based on the usage of fossil fuels, meaning that all people are expected to
contribute equitably/ one group is not meant to carry the burden of the rest. (✓)
• it guards against disproportionate misuse of our environmental resources. (✓)
• there is now a measure in place to stop large companies from taking advantage of vulnerable
groups by destroying their environment without repercussions. (✓)
• no one is exempt from paying this tax, forcing everyone, despite race, colour, nationality or
income to make a contribution towards saving the environment. (✓)

Any THREE of the above for ONE mark each

2.2 Explain TWO ways in which poverty-stricken communities could be negatively impacted by
the rapid increase in environmental temperature. (2x2) (4)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO (✓✓) marks for a well explained response

Poor communities could …

• find it difficult to secure adequate/sufficient shelter (✓) which could shield them from the
negative elements/ultraviolet rays of the sun with devastating effects to their lives. (✓)
• be unable to find sustainable water resource (✓) since the unbearable heat would have dried up
the water wells. (✓)
• barely provide suitable and nutritious grazing land for their livestock due to the heat (✓) which
could result in them losing the little that they had in their lives. (✓)
• struggle to afford ways to refrigerate food (✓) which could cause them to eat rotten food with
negative effects in their lives. (✓)
• suffer from a number of heat-related illnesses such as skin cancer and heat stroke because of a
lack of infrastructure or air conditioning (✓) which could result in people losing their lives. (✓)
• not have access to adequate farming equipment to stop their crops from being scorched (✓)
and that has a potential to decrease food supply putting communities at risk of starvation as
well as decreased profits. (✓)

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• not have access to well ventilated/ heat resistance school buildings (✓) making it difficult to
learners to focus and excel at their studies due to heat stroke/ severe temperatures inside the
buildings. (✓)

Any TWO of the above for TWO marks each

(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for qualifier / explanation)

2.3 Discuss THREE strategies which the grade 10s could consider implementing to increase
environmental justice by reducing their carbon emissions. (3x2) (6)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO (✓✓) marks for a well explained response

Learners could…

• minimise the number of products bought made from Styrofoam or plastic (✓) as these are one of
the main carbon emitters and this would ensure less physical pollution as well. (✓)
• take/use public transportation (✓) as that could lower the number of private vehicles in our roads
thus reducing the quantity of carbon emission to the atmosphere. (✓)
• eat less of red meat (✓) as red meat farms produce more quantities of methane gas/require a large
number of feeds to be raised which contributes the carbon emissions. ✓
• embark on awareness drive within their community by speaking to family, friends or acquaintances
about carbon emissions (✓) as this could educate people on ways to reduce carbon emission. (✓)
• try to recycle or reuse products instead of disposing of them (✓) so that there is less landfill gas
emissions/ less emissions caused by burning of waste. (✓)
• avoid replacing something that is still working with a newer, flashier product (✓) as this will stop
factories from having to create more emissions to keep up with consumer demand. (✓)
• use less electricity at home (✓) meaning less coal would have to be burned to provide electricity to
our homes. (✓)

Any THREE of the above for TWO marks each

(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for qualifier / explanation)

2.4 Advise the Finance Minister on TWO ways in which increased finances from carbon tax
could be used to help the poor. (2x3) (6)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

THREE (✓✓✓) marks for a well explained response

The Minister could …

• use the carbon tax revenue to create alternative job opportunities (✓) ensuring that many
people are employed for further generation of revenue (✓) resulting in reduced rates of
unemployment for the benefit of these communities. (✓)

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• use the finances to directly fund the poor (✓) as this could be used for shelter or food (✓) and
that could act as a buffer and prevent a community from being stuck in poverty. (✓)
• use the revenue to create places of free or cheaper education for poorer communities (✓) as
this could empower them with relevant and practical skills (✓) which could eventually develop
self-reliance in these communities. (✓)
• use the revenue to provide good health services to poorer communities (✓) ensuring that their
quality of life is enhanced (✓) so that they could play an active role in building their
communities/providing for their daily needs and those of others. (✓)
• provide for tax break directed to poorer communities (✓) as this could help those who need to
produce carbon in order to survive, a much-needed reprieve (✓) and in this way, more
environmentally friendly ways of making income could be considered. (✓)

Any TWO of the above for THREE marks each

(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for the qualifier and ONE mark for the outcome.)

Activity 2: Reflection

Write a paragraph about the presentation today that most inspired you. List how it inspired
you to get involved. Include in your paragraph how this group activity has changed your
opinion on volunteering.

Learners will give personal responses to this activity.

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