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Singapore Airlines: Building the ultimate brand from inside out

Class: Market Studies and Business Feasibility

Date: 15.10.2023
Professor: Yeong Ae Jeon
Students name: Ye seul Kim
Unlocking the Success Factors of Singapore Airlines' Singapore Girl Program

Singapore Airlines' success with the Singapore Girl program is attributed to several key

Recruitment Strategy: SIA meticulously selects its flight attendants, reserving the position
for those who embody an ideal of impeccable grooming. Recruitment extends beyond
Singaporeans and Malaysians, encompassing diverse Asian ethnicities. This mitigates
language barriers on international routes. Rigorous overseas recruitment events expedite
the talent selection process.

Training and Development: SIA's extensive four-month training program exceeds industry
standards. It covers diverse areas, including grooming, language skills, and the signature
makeup style of the Singapore Girl. Appearance and grooming are pivotal in performance

Management Involvement: Management actively oversees employee performance and

encourages a courteous demeanor. A mentoring system and performance appraisal checks
foster skill transfer and motivation.

Employee Communication:

Effective communication conveys company values through publications, briefings, and the
intranet platform W@ve.

The SOAR program encourages flight attendants to exceed customer expectations,

emphasizing practical scenarios and bonding.

Comprehensive feedback collection aids in enhancing service quality through Voyage

Reports, Crew Web, and more.

Consistent advertising and public relations feature the Singapore Girl, reinforcing SIA's
commitment to service excellence.

Brand Reputation Management: Strict grooming standards and consistent branding

materials create a strong visual identity for flight attendants. The Singapore Girl, with her
Sarong Kebaya uniform, stands as a powerful brand icon, while management maintains a
focus on employee branding and consistent communication.

In conclusion, Singapore Airlines' Singapore Girl program owes its success to strict
recruitment and training, effective management involvement, communication, reinforcement
programs, feedback mechanisms, and consistent branding, culminating in the creation of a
powerful brand icon and the airline's reputation as an industry leader.

The Influence of Evolving Cultural Trends on the Perception of the Singapore Girl: A
Focus on the Increasing Number of Women Business

Changing cultural trends and the increasing presence of women business travelers may
indeed impact the perception of the Singapore Girl and the appeal of Singapore Airlines'
emphasis on female flight attendants. Here are some considerations:

Evolving Gender Roles:

In many cultures, traditional gender roles are evolving, and women are playing increasingly
prominent roles in business and other sectors. This shift may influence the perception of the
Singapore Girl as it emphasizes a stereotypical image of female flight attendants. While this
image may still be appreciated, there may be a growing demand for a more inclusive and
diverse representation of airline staff.

Diversity and Inclusion:

In a globalized world, there is a growing emphasis on diversity and inclusion. Airlines that
showcase a more diverse range of staff, including male and female flight attendants from
various backgrounds, may be more appealing to a wider range of passengers, including
women business travelers.

Brand Evolution:

To adapt to changing cultural trends and the preferences of their target audience, airlines like
Singapore Airlines may consider evolving their brand messaging and representation. This
could involve showcasing their commitment to quality service and professionalism without
being limited by traditional gender stereotypes.

Cultural Sensitivity:

Singapore Airlines, like any global brand, should be culturally sensitive in its marketing and
branding. The appeal of the Singapore Girl may vary among different cultural groups, so it's
essential to consider these differences when crafting their image.
In conclusion, while the Singapore Girl has been an iconic representation of Singapore
Airlines for many years, changing cultural trends and the increasing number of women
business travelers may encourage the airline to revisit its branding strategy. Emphasizing
professionalism, service excellence, and inclusivity in their branding may align better with the
evolving preferences of their diverse passenger base, including women business travelers.
This doesn't necessarily mean abandoning the Singapore Girl image but rather evolving it to
be more in tune with modern values and expectations.

Revisiting the Portrayal and Focus on the Singapore Girl

To adapt to evolving cultural trends and ensure the portrayal of the Singapore Girl remains
relevant and appealing, Singapore Airlines should consider several changes:

Embrace Diversity: Introduce a more diverse range of staff in marketing materials,

showcasing male and female flight attendants from various backgrounds. Promote diversity
as a core value.

Shift Focus: Transition from an emphasis on appearance to professionalism, competence,

and dedication to providing exceptional service. Highlight the skills, language proficiency,
and commitment to passenger safety.

Modernize Image: Update the Singapore Girl's image to align with contemporary
sensibilities and functional, practical uniforms that prioritize safety and comfort over
traditional stereotypes.

Customer-Centric Approach: Concentrate on a marketing approach that underscores the

airline's commitment to quality service, safety, efficiency, and passenger satisfaction. This
can appeal to a broader audience, including women business travelers.

Cultural Sensitivity: Ensure that the portrayal of the Singapore Girl is culturally sensitive
and respectful of diverse backgrounds and preferences, taking into account the preferences
of the airline's global passenger base.

Evolution: The goal is to evolve the Singapore Girl image to be more in tune with modern
values and expectations rather than completely abandoning it. It can still be part of the
airline's identity while reflecting contemporary values.

In summary, changes should focus on moving from a stereotypical portrayal of the

Singapore Girl to a more modern, inclusive, and professional representation that reflects the
airline's commitment to diversity, safety, and high-quality service while considering evolving
cultural trends and passenger preferences, including those of women business travelers.
Exploring the Applicability of SIA's Branding Strategy in the Hospitality Industry

Singapore Airlines' systematic approach to service provision can be effectively adapted to

the hotel and restaurant industries. The method of imprinting branding on consumers, similar
to the strategy employed with the Singapore Girl, can bring substantial benefits. However,
when applying this strategy, considerations should include:

Systematic Service: The rigorous and systematic approach to service excellence, as seen
in Singapore Airlines, can be readily implemented in hotels and restaurants to ensure
consistent quality and customer satisfaction.

Branding Strategy: Employing a branding strategy akin to the Singapore Girl, even in a
different context, can be beneficial. It helps create a memorable and distinct identity for a
restaurant or hotel, fostering customer loyalty.

Cultural Sensitivity: Emphasizing femininity, as exemplified by the Singapore Girl, may

require cultural sensitivity, especially in contexts where gender roles are evolving rapidly. It's
crucial to adapt the strategy to align with changing societal norms.

Diversity: Acknowledging cultural diversity is key, as the branding approach should resonate
with a wide range of customers from various cultural backgrounds.

Trends and Adaptation: Staying attuned to rapidly changing trends in the restaurant and
hotel industries is essential. An adaptive attitude is necessary to ensure that the branding
strategy remains relevant and appealing to evolving customer preferences.

In summary, while the systematic system and branding strategy of Singapore Airlines can be
effectively applied in the hotel and restaurant industries, it's important to acknowledge
cultural diversity, recognize changing trends, and remain adaptable to ensure sustained
success. Emphasizing femininity should be done with cultural sensitivity and an awareness
of evolving gender roles in different regions.

Consideration of Emulating SIA's Approach and Potential Challenges for Other


While other airlines might consider adopting aspects of Singapore Airlines' approach, there
are several challenges they could face:

Brand Differentiation: Copying SIA's iconic Singapore Girl may lead to brand confusion
and difficulty in distinguishing themselves in a competitive market.

Consistency: Maintaining consistency in service excellence and branding, especially in

larger organizations, can be daunting.

Resource Intensity: Achieving SIA's level of training and grooming requires significant
investments in time and resources.

Market Positioning: SIA's success is tied to its premium positioning, which might be hard
for other airlines to match.

In summary, airlines should be cautious about directly copying SIA's approach and must
adapt it to their unique brand, target audience, and regional context to overcome these

Jeon, Y., & Dodd, T. (2013). Singapore Airlines: Building the ultimate brand from inside out.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Cases/Sage Publications.

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