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DATE - 17.10.23 MM MARKS - 35

**General Instructions**

1. **Test Pattern**: This test is designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of the principles of ray
optics. It consists of three sections: Derivations and Numericals, Theoretical and Conceptual Questions, and
Application Questions.

2. **Total Marks**: The total marks for this test are 35. Each question is allocated a specific number of marks
as mentioned below.

Section A: Derivations and Numericals (14 Marks)

- Question 1: Derivation and Formula Application (3 marks)

- Question 2: Numerical Problem (3 marks)
- Question 3: Numerical Problem (4 marks)
- Question 4: Critical Thinking Problem (4 marks)

Section B: Theoretical and Conceptual Questions (12 Marks)

- Question 5: Concept Explanation (4 marks)

- Question 6: Application of Laws (4 marks)
- Question 7: Theory and Examples (4 marks)

Section C: Application Questions (9 Marks)

- Question 8: Real-World Scenario (4 marks)

- Question 9: Practical Application (4 marks)
- Question 10: Explanation and Examples (1 mark)

Instructions for Specific Sections

- **Section A (Derivations and Numericals)**: Show all your work, including derivations and calculations.
Clearly label the steps, and use proper notation and units.

- **Section B (Theoretical and Conceptual Questions)**: Provide concise and clear explanations. When asked
for examples, make them relevant to the concept discussed.

- **Section C (Application Questions)**: For real-world scenarios, analyze the problem and apply ray optics
principles. In practical applications, think critically and provide practical solutions. For explanation and
examples, be concise but comprehensive.

**Section A: Derivations and Numericals**

1. Derive the lens formula and the magnification formula for a thin lens. (3 marks)

2. A concave mirror has a focal length of -10 cm. Calculate its radius of curvature. (3 marks)

3. A glass prism of refractive index 1.5 is placed in a medium of refractive index 1.6. Calculate the critical
angle and determine whether total internal reflection occurs at the prism-air interface. (4 marks)

4. An object is placed 20 cm in front of a convex lens with a focal length of 15 cm. Calculate the position and
nature of the image formed. (4 marks)

**Section B: Theoretical and Conceptual Questions**

5. State the laws of reflection. Explain how these laws are used to determine the position of an image formed
by a plane mirror. (4 marks)

6. Describe the formation of an image by a concave mirror when an object is placed between the focal point
and the pole of the mirror. Use ray diagrams to illustrate your answer. (4 marks)

7. Explain the concept of total internal reflection. Provide an example of an application of total internal
reflection in daily life. (3 marks)

8. How does the refractive index of a medium affect the speed of light in that medium? Provide a theoretical
explanation. (3 marks)

**Section C: Application Questions**

9. A fish is at a depth of 5 meters below the surface of a pond. Calculate the apparent depth of the fish when
viewed from above. Given that the refractive index of water is 1.33. (4 marks)

10. A glass slab with a refractive index of 1.5 is placed in air. A ray of light is incident on the slab at an angle of
45 degrees to the normal. Calculate the angle of refraction and the lateral displacement of the ray as it enters
the glass slab. (4 marks)

11. A student observes his image in a shiny metal spoon. Explain why the image is erect and magnified. (3

12. State and explain the three cases when a convex lens forms a virtual and erect image. Provide examples
for each case. (4 marks)

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