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Class: IX Subject: Chemistry

1. A dative bond is always formed between two________.
* Like atom * Unlike atoms * Similar atoms * None of these.
2. How many sub-shell in L shell
*2 *3 *1 *4
3. The element is identified by their _________.
* Atomic mass * Atomic number * Atomic radius * Molecular mass.
4. An example of ionic compound ________.
* H2 * CH4 * NaCl * NH3
5. Noble gases are stable because they contain ______ electron in valence shell
*4 *3 *6 *8
6. Atomic spectra is always be ________.
* Line * continuous * None of these
7. ________ rays used to sterilization of medical instruments and dressings from harmful
* Gamma rays * Alpha rays * X rays * Beta rays
8. Which isotopes of hydrogen contain the greater number of neutrons?
* Protium * Deuterium * Tritium * Hydrogen
9. ______ Proposed atomic model based on Plancks quantum theory.
* Rutherford * Bohr * De Broglie * John Dalton
10. The element X having valence shell electronic configuration 2s2,2p5 belong to ____ period
and _____ group.
* 3 and 2 * 2 and 6 * 2 and 7 * 3 and 7
11. When two identical atoms share electron pairs and exert force on each other than bond form
is called ______.
* Non-polar covalent bond * Polar covalent bond * Double covalent bond * Co-ordinate
covalent bond.
12. Strength of intermolecular forces from ionic or covalent bond.
* Weaker * Stronger * Equal * None of above.
13. Which one of the following are the lightest form of matter.
* Solid * Liquid * Gases * Plasma
14. 1 atmospheric pressure is equal to ______
* 10325 pascal * 106075 pascal * 10523 pascal * 101325 pascal
15. Which pair of an element is chemically similar?
* K and Cr * Cu and Ca * F and Cl * N and O

Attempt any 10 question from this section.
Q1: Write down the difference between the following?
i) Polar and Non-polar covalent bond.
ii) Ion and Radical
Q2: Define the following terms?
i) Covalent bond
ii) Melting Point
iii) Electroaffinity
iv) Ionization Energy
Q3: Calculate the number of moles in 40g of Na?
Q4: A chemist analyses the amount of sodium in a sample which is 3.6g. Calculate number of
moles and number of atom of sodium in a sample?
Q5: Write down the properties of neutron?
Q6: Prove De Broglie’s Hypothesis of electron wave-particle nature?
Q7: Why ionization energy increases with in a period?
Q8: Write down the electronic configuration of following?
Sodium Z= 11, Magnesium Z 12, Chlorine Z= 17, Calcium Z= 20.
Q9: Define Isotopes and discuss its two applications in the field of medical.
Q10: Write down the importance of chemistry?
Q11: Difference between ionic bond and covalent bond?
Q12: Write 3 points about Group VII-A ?
Q13. Define Ionic Bond and the formation of NaCl.
Q14. Describe the co-ordinate covalent bond with its one equation example with labels.


(Long answer question) Marks: 10

Attempt any 3 question from this section
Q1: Define chemistry and discuss only these branches?
1. Analytical chemistry
2. Medicinal chemistry
3. Nuclear chemistry
4. Biochemistry
5. Green Chemistry
Q2: State Boyles Laws and Charles law and derive their equations?
Q3: Write down the postulates of Bohr atomic model?
Q4. Determine the demarcation of the periodic table into s, p, d and f blocks.
Q5. Discuss the Rutherford’s gold foil experiment in the light of structure of atom.

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