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Sure, here are your answers:

a. Describe the potential benefits of projects such as EACOP to Africa (10 marks)

The East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) is a proposed 1,443-kilometer long
heated crude oil pipeline that would transport oil from Uganda to Tanzania. The
project has the potential to bring a number of benefits to Africa, including:

 Tax revenues: The project would generate significant tax revenues for
both Uganda and Tanzania.
 Job creation: The project would create thousands of jobs during the
construction and operational phases.
 Economic development: The project would boost economic development
in both Uganda and Tanzania.
 Infrastructure development: The project would spur the development of
new infrastructure, such as roads, railways, and telecommunications
 Technology transfer: The project would help to transfer oil and gas
technology to Africa.
 Export opportunities: The project would create new export opportunities
for Africa.

b. Identify the stakeholders of these projects and describe the stakeholder

mapping process (10 marks)

The stakeholders of EACOP include:

 Governments: The governments of Uganda and Tanzania are the key

stakeholders in the project. They will provide the necessary permits and
approvals, and they will collect the tax revenues generated by the project.
 Oil companies: The oil companies that are developing the project are also
key stakeholders. They will invest in the project and they will operate the
pipeline once it is built.
 Local communities: The local communities that live along the pipeline
route are also stakeholders. They will be affected by the construction and
operation of the pipeline, and they will benefit from the economic
development that the project brings.
 Environmental groups: Environmental groups are also stakeholders in the
project. They are concerned about the environmental impacts of the
project, and they will advocate for measures to mitigate these impacts.

The stakeholder mapping process is a way of identifying and understanding the

different stakeholders in a project. It involves identifying the different groups of
people who will be affected by the project, and understanding their interests and
concerns. The stakeholder mapping process can help to ensure that the project
is designed and implemented in a way that takes into account the interests of all

c. Explain what the feasibility study of such projects entail (10 marks)

A feasibility study is a study that is conducted to determine whether a project is

feasible. It involves assessing the technical, economic, and environmental
feasibility of the project. The feasibility study will also identify the risks and
challenges associated with the project, and it will recommend ways to mitigate
these risks.

The feasibility study of a project such as EACOP would entail the following:

 Technical feasibility: The study would assess whether the project is

technically feasible. This would involve examining the geology of the area,
the availability of resources, and the technical expertise required to build
and operate the pipeline.
 Economic feasibility: The study would assess whether the project is
economically feasible. This would involve examining the costs of the
project, the potential revenues, and the financial risks involved.
 Environmental feasibility: The study would assess whether the project is
environmentally feasible. This would involve examining the potential
impacts of the project on the environment, and the measures that can be
taken to mitigate these impacts.

d. Discuss how an Environment Impact Assessment Report would increase

project transparency (10 marks)

An Environment Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) is a document that is

prepared to assess the environmental impacts of a project. The EIAR would
increase project transparency by providing information about the potential
environmental impacts of the project, and the measures that can be taken to
mitigate these impacts.

The EIAR would be made available to the public, and it would be subject to
public review. This would allow the public to voice their concerns about the
project, and it would help to ensure that the project is designed and implemented
in a way that minimizes environmental impacts.

In addition to increasing project transparency, the EIAR would also help to

ensure that the project complies with environmental regulations. This would help
to protect the environment and to avoid legal challenges to the project.
Sure, here are your answers:

2. (a) Coherently expound project measurement parameters (10 Marks)

Project measurement parameters are the criteria used to measure the success of
a project. They can be used to track progress, identify risks, and ensure that the
project is on track to meet its objectives.

Some common project measurement parameters include:

 Time: The project should be completed within the agreed-upon timeframe.

 Cost: The project should be completed within the agreed-upon budget.
 Quality: The project should meet the agreed-upon standards of quality.
 Scope: The project should deliver all of the agreed-upon deliverables.
 Customer satisfaction: The project should meet the needs and
expectations of the customer.

(b) Discuss the project cycles for industrial and development projects (10 Marks)

The project cycle is the process of planning, executing, and closing a project. It is
typically divided into four phases:

1. Initiation: This phase involves defining the project scope, objectives, and
2. Planning: This phase involves developing the project plan, which includes
the schedule, budget, and resource requirements.
3. Execution: This phase involves carrying out the project plan and delivering
the project deliverables.
4. Closing: This phase involves closing out the project and completing all of
the administrative tasks.

The project cycle for industrial projects is typically shorter than the project cycle
for development projects. This is because industrial projects are often more well-
defined and have less uncertainty.

3. Using relevant examples and illustrations, present the difference between

output and outcome indicators in project planning and management (20 Marks)

Output indicators measure the results of a project, while outcome indicators

measure the impact of a project.
For example, an output indicator for a project to build a new school might be the
number of classrooms built. An outcome indicator for the same project might be
the increase in the number of students who are able to attend school.

Output indicators are typically more tangible and easier to measure than
outcome indicators. However, outcome indicators are more important because
they measure the real impact of a project.

4. Examine clearly Results Based Management as a tool for Monitoring and

Evaluation of a Project (20 marks)

Results-based management (RBM) is a framework for planning, monitoring, and

evaluating projects. It is based on the idea that projects should be designed to
achieve specific results.

RBM uses a set of indicators to measure the progress of a project and to assess
its impact. These indicators can be used to track the performance of the project
and to identify any areas where there are problems.

RBM is a valuable tool for monitoring and evaluating projects. It can help to
ensure that projects are on track to achieve their objectives and that they are
having a positive impact.

5. As a project expert, if you were employed by IUEA Electric Bike Project and
you are requested by the Vice Chancellor to conduct a training program for all
the IUEA community on the different aspects of project management what are
the key issues that must come out in your training? (20 marks)

The key issues that must come out in my training program on project
management would include:

 The importance of planning and goal setting.

 The need to manage time and resources effectively.
 The importance of communication and teamwork.
 The need to identify and manage risks.
 The importance of monitoring and evaluation.

I would also emphasize the importance of using a project management

framework, such as RBM. This would help to ensure that the project is well-
planned and that it is on track to achieve its objectives.
I would also provide the participants with the opportunity to practice their project
management skills by working on a case study. This would help them to apply
the concepts that they have learned in the training program.

I believe that this training program would be valuable for the IUEA community. It
would help to ensure that the Electric Bike Project is well-managed and that it is
a success.

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