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The overall tone employed throughout the poem has a depressing and sarcastic tone throughout the
poem. The image of war as a hard worker is where the irony is set. According to the poem, "builds new
houses for the orphans."This contributes to and shows how the poet criticizes the war.

2. The line "How magnificent the war is!" uses sarcasm to show the contrast between war's destruction
and its usual positive image. When the poem talks about children asking questions about war, it creates a
critical tone by contrasting their innocence with the harsh reality. The poet really doesn't like war; you can
tell from the way they criticize it using sarcasm.

3. Personification contributes to delivering the poet's message because the poem gives human qualities
to war, making it seem like an active and conscious force. This helps emphasize the destructive nature of
war and supports the poet's anti-war message.
4. The poem "The War Works Hard" has a shift. The shift is when the poem goes from talking about the
bad things that war does, to talking about how war seems to be happy about doing those things. For
example, the poem starts by talking about how war "swings corpses through the air." Then, the poem
starts talking about war like it's a person who is excited about its job: "works with unparalleled diligence."

5. In line 12, the poem uses the word "emigrate." The word "emigrate" means to leave one place and go
to another. The word "immigrate" means to come into a new place. So the difference between "emigrate"
and "immigrate" is about leaving versus coming. The word "emigrate" in the poem makes you think about
people leaving their homes because of war. This can make people feel like they've lost their identity,
because they have to leave their homes and everything they know.

6. The poem "The War Works Hard" uses hyperbole, or extreme exaggeration, in several places. For
example, when it says that war "swings corpses through the air," that is an exaggeration. War doesn't
literally swing corpses. This exaggeration is used to show how bad and terrible war is. The purpose of this
hyperbole is to make the reader feel a strong negative feeling about war.

7: The poet's purpose in lines 22-24 is to highlight the absurdity and futility of war by using irony, and to
also state that people to all be equal, either dead or alive, and that we should love each other and not
cause a war. According to the poem, "achieves equality, between killer and killed, teaches lovers to write
letters." These lines show Dunya's intention to critique the impact of war on society and the individuals
affected by it.8: The writing style used in the poem is sarcasm. The author follows the following style to
mock war and describe how bad it is without using the strong words that can be used about war. The
author's tone gives the illusion that he's praising war even though he is doing the opposite. For example,
the author says that war "builds new houses." This might give the impression that he's going to praise
war. However, the author continues the sentence by writing "for the orphans." As adding musicality would
not add to the poem’s sad tone, it ass more room for the poet. The writing style of the poem is writing in
incomplete sentences like war and how it confuses people and also the idea that was doesn’t ever
complete as you can’t fully win the war.

9. I think the poet's depiction of life in Iraq in the poem reveal that the poet is related to the country, and
this is true as Dunya Mikhail was born in Iraq and is attached to her country. The poet including Iraq in the
poem also reveal how Dunya wants to send a message to the world about how life in Iraq during the war
is very different from normal life to reflect the suffering, loss, and pain that Iraq people undergo during

10. The perspective that is being adopted in the poem is the victim because the poem emphasizes
people's suffering and experiences in war. In my opinion, I believe that the tone and diction would likely
be different if it was narrated from the opponents' point because the opponents would reflect their
experiences, motivations, and emotions that are likely more different.

11. The theme of the poem is the relentless nature of war and how war impacts its people as well as the
area. As stated, " swings corpses through the air." This citation accurately describes the torment and
horror of war and what goes on throughout. The citation described the horror people had to face. Other
parts of the poem describe their living conditions such as " urges families to emigrate. "

12. Mikhail chose to take a satirical approach to writing a poem about war in order to criticize the
absurdity and futility of war. She wanted to draw attention to the human suffering caused by war, while
also highlighting the way in which war can be used for political gain. Her intention was to make her
audience think more deeply about the realities of war and its consequences.

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