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Science Unit Design: Planning for Teaching and Learning

adapt to its particular habitat.

Teacher: Candy Hart

Macro Task: Explore and explain how the features of an animal living on the rocky shore have allowed it to Meso Task: 1. Collect prior knowledge of what students think the term adaptation means as it relates to plants and

1.1 Students record their ideas on what they think the term adaptation means in relation to living things. Ask students to give examples. 1.2Gather students ideas of where and why animals would be found in a particular environment.

Organisational Frame
Students work as individuals to record ideas Groups chosen by teacher.

Focal Artefacts
Pictures of animals found on rock/sandy shore

Planned Interactions

Key Outcomes What do I Expect

Students explore 1.1Students work individually to record what they already know. their knowledge in books. 1.1Groups record ideas in terms of brainstorm and share findings with class. 1.2Students work in groups to decide where animals should be placed i.e. the sandy or rocky shore. 1.2Complete on tchart They write an explanation in form of a summary to explain why they would put a particular animal in either sandy or rocky environment.

Key Questions:
INSITE Project, March 2006, CSTER, University of Waikato: Designing

for Learning and Teaching in Science

Macro Task: Explore and explain how the features of an animal living on the rocky shore have allowed it to adapt to
its particular habitat. Meso Task: 2. Identify the different zones found on the rocky shore.

2.1 Identify the different zones found at the rocky shore

Organisational Frame
Student choice Individuals draw diagram in books

Focal Artefacts
Laminated chart of zones Laminated labels with correct names for each zone Pictures of animals found on rocky shore

Planned Interactions
Students work in groups of four. Group dynamics established Each group has chart of cross section of rocky shore. Groups identify low, mid tide and high tide zones by adding labels. Individuals draw up table showing different zones and write descriptive words into columns that describe their ideas on the conditions found in each zone. (Will return to this after camp Give groups pictures of animals Students allocate animals to particular zone by observing visible features Students explain why they have put animals in particular zone by writing summary. Students work on A3 so can be reduced and put into their Science Book

Key Outcomes What do I Expect

Students understand that there are distinct zones found on the rocky shore.

2.2 Gather students ideas on what the conditions are like in the various zones.

2.2Explore their ideas on the conditions found in the various zones. Students begin to link a particular environment to specific animals based on features

2.3 Gather students prior knowledge of where rocky shore animals are found a

INSITE Project, March 2006, CSTER, University of Waikato: Designing

for Learning and Teaching in Science

Key Questions:
When you go for a walk in the bush are all the plants the same height? Why might this be? Do you think there maybe different areas (zones) in other environments e.g. rocky shore? How many areas do you think you may find? How could you perhaps identify the different zones? Are all animals found in the same area? Formative Assessment: If relevant make notes about observations and comments from students. Take photocopy of each chart and put on wall as prior knowledge. Students had very limited knowledge on zones and explanations of where animals were found were based on the fact that they had seen them in a particular place when they had visited the rocky shore. Need to look at diagram next time to clarify understanding of cross section.

Macro Task: Explore and explain how the features of an animal living on the rocky shore have allowed it to adapt to its
particular habitat.
INSITE Project, March 2006, CSTER, University of Waikato: Designing

for Learning and Teaching in Science

Meso Task:3 Explore the rocky shore environment Micro

3.1Find and identify rocky shore animals. 3.2 Make observations and record information

Organisational Frame
Groups Paper/pencils/clipboard s Containers

Focal Artefacts
Identification sheets Sheets for recording information

Planned Interactions

Key Outcomes What do I Expect

Identify animals living on the rocky shore Identify high/low tide lines Identify the zones Identify the habitat of animals that they find Identify external features

Students are given a particular area They find, observe and record what they find describing habitat and visible features. Sketch Use sheets to identify animals Adults discuss findings and support learning. Get together as group and discuss findings. Key Questions: Why do you think different animals are found living in varying levels on the rocky shore? live there?

What may help them to

INSITE Project, March 2006, CSTER, University of Waikato: Designing

for Learning and Teaching in Science

Macro Task: Explore and explain how the features of an animal living on the rocky shore have allowed it to adapt to
its particular habitat.

Meso Task: 4. Explore the sandy shore environment, making comparisons with the rocky shore through observation and

4.1 .Observe the sandy shore. 4.2 . Find animals living in the sandy shore. 4.3 Make observations and record information.

Organisational Frame
Camp Books

Focal Artefacts
Identification sheets

Planned Interactions
Draw diagram of sandy shore. Find high tide mark Students explore environment to find animals within boundaries, starting from high tide mark They find, observe and record what they find, where they found it, describe visible features. Adults discuss findings and support learning. Get together as group and discuss findings.

Key Outcomes What do I Expect

Identify animals living on the sandy shore Identify high tide line Identify the habitat of animals that they find. Identify the similarities and differences between the sandy versus rocky shore.

INSITE Project, March 2006, CSTER, University of Waikato: Designing

for Learning and Teaching in Science

Macro Task: Explore and explain how the features of an animal living on the rocky shore have allowed it to adapt to
its particular habitat.

Meso Task: 5. Identify, clarify and explore the major environmental factors that have shaped the lives of animals living on the
rocky shore

5.1 C5.Identify and describe the conditions in each of the zones. 5.2 Identify the major contributing factors that would influence which animals live on the rocky shore 5.3 Explore salinity by carrying out an experiment

Organisational Frame
Students work in groups Students work individually then form into groups Class discussion Working individually to record information

Focal Artefacts
Chart with columns previously used in lesson 2. Information recorded on camp Copy of experiment Model of flow char

Planned Interactions
5.1Revisit chart used in lesson 2 on zonation and placement of animals. 5.1Students change placement of animals to refine ideas by putting circling animals they would like to change and use arrows to show where they would now put them. 5:1Students work individually to refine their ideas on conditions found in each zone. They add or delete ideas 5.1Students form into groups to share ideas and discuss findings. 5.1Class discussion where teacher records statements to get description of each zone either on white board or charts

Key Outcomes What do I Expect

Refine ideas on conditions found on a rocky shore and where animals are found Each zone on the rocky shore has a particular environment. In environments there are factors that must be overcome for animals to survive there. C2Dehydration is not just a human problem Salinity concentration varies according to tide variation and evaporation

INSITE Project, March 2006, CSTER, University of Waikato: Designing

for Learning and Teaching in Science

5.2 Retrieve relevant information on conditions from chart by making connections between words to make some generalisations about each zone which students then synthesise into a statement that describes the intertidal zone. e.g. Wave action. Changes in tides Discuss what other factors may influence the lives of animals living on the rocky shore. e.g. Predators Competition from other animals for food and space 5.2Discuss how each factor may influence the lives of the animals living there. 5.2Record information in on a flow- chart. 5.3 Students carry out desalination experiment. 5.3 Students make
INSITE Project, March 2006, CSTER, University of Waikato: Designing

for Learning and Teaching in Science

observations. 5.3 Record findings 5.3 Discuss results and how this relates to the rocky shore e.g. change in salinity 5.3 Add this to chart Key Questions: What are the major things which would influence where animals live? How would these things which we have identified affect the lives of animals living on the rocky shore? Do these things vary depending on where the animal lives? Which zone has the most difficult conditions for animals to live in? What evidence do we have to base this on? Why dont we find each species living in all of the zones? Is there anything else that would influence the lives of the animals living in the intertidal zone? Students had difficulty writing a statement that contained the necessary information. With questioning and using students who understood task, was able to clarify uncertainties and class ended up with an overall statement which was concise and conveyed relevant information.

Macro Task: Explore and explain how the features of an animal living on the rocky shore have allowed it to adapt to its
particular habitat. Meso Task: 6: Explain what the term adaptation and identify adaptations that animals have that allow them to live in a particular environment

6.1 Explain the term adaptation 6.2: Identify adaptations that animals have that allow them to live in the rocky shore environment.

Organisational Frame
Class discussions

Focal Artefacts
Adaptations chart Pictures of limpet Information on limpet

Planned Interactions
6.1 Collect student ideas on the term adaptation. Students may modify their definition. Discuss Make a class definition of term.

Key Outcomes What do I Expect

6.1Clarify understanding of the term adaptation.

INSITE Project, March 2006, CSTER, University of Waikato: Designing

for Learning and Teaching in Science

6.2 Refer back to conditions on the rocky shore. Recap. 6.2Modelling: take example of limpet and identify what features it has that allow it to adapt to each condition. 6.2Put on to chart (Adaptations). 6.2In groups students are given an animal. They identify features that their animal has that enable it to survive. They label and explain function of feature. Each group is given information on animal to assist with task. 6.2Groups report back Extra: Complete sheet: Factors Affecting the Lives of Rocky Shore Animals 9

INSITE Project, March 2006, CSTER, University of Waikato: Designing

for Learning and Teaching in Science

Key Questions: What do you think the term adaptation means when we talk about animals living on the rocky shore? What features are adaptations? How will this adaptation allow the animal to survive? Some students are showing an understanding of term however majority are relating to changing features over time that allow an animal to survive in an ever changing world or focused on behavioural adaptations. Will avoid using the word adapt and will focus on using the word feature

Macro Task: Explore and explain how the features of an animal living on the rocky shore have allowed it to adapt to its
particular habitat. Meso Task: 7Explain what the term adaptation and identify adaptations that animals have that allow them to live in a particular environment:

7.1Dissection of a fish/crab

Organisational Frame
Students work individually

Focal Artefacts Planned Interactions

Fish/crab Identification sheets showing external/inte rnal features Review the term adaptation. Sketch fish/crab Label sketch identifying the adaptations that enable the fish/crab to survive in its particular environment. Write explanation for each one e.g. fins

Key Outcomes What do I Expect

To transfer knowledge of adaptations To sketch and label a drawing appropriately To identify the major organs of fish/crab and what they are used for.

INSITE Project, March 2006, CSTER, University of Waikato: Designing

for Learning and Teaching in Science


allow fish to swim. Use identification sheets to help with this. Dissect fish/crab Find and identify internal organs e.g. heart, liver, swim bladder in fish. When dissecting has taken place, write down organs and explain their significance to the animals survival. Use identification sheets to help with this process. Key Questions: What features can you identify that would enable this animal to survive in its environment? What are similarities that humans and fish have?

INSITE Project, March 2006, CSTER, University of Waikato: Designing

for Learning and Teaching in Science


Macro Task: Explore and explain how the features of an animal living on the rocky shore have allowed it to adapt to
its particular habitat. Meso Task: 8 To assess knowledge and understanding of the term adaptation and how these adaptations relate to an animals survival

8.1 To make comparisons between a sandy and rocky shore environment. 8.2 Identify the adaptations of an animal that lives on the rocky shore and one that lives in the sandy shore.

Organisational Frame
Individually students record ideas

Focal Artefacts
Venn diagram or tchart Camp Books or sheets completed on camp

Planned Interactions
8.1On a t-chart or Venn diagram list the differences and similarities between a rocky and sandy shore environment. 8.1Discuss findings 8.1Add to chart in different colour any relevant ideas

Key Outcomes What do I Expect

Identify key conditions in a environment that an animal must adapt to in order to survive Identify the adaptations that an animal has to allow it to survive 12

INSITE Project, March 2006, CSTER, University of Waikato: Designing

for Learning and Teaching in Science

8.2 On a Venn diagram compare a cats eye with pipi. 8.2Identify which one lives on sandy shore and which lives on rocky shore. 8.2Identify and explain the features that each animal has that enables it to survive in its particular environment

Key Questions: Students carried out this task competently. Were able to identify features of animals and explain how they would help an animal survive on the rocky shore.

Macro Task: Explore and explain how the features of an animal living on the rocky shore have allowed it to adapt to
its particular habitat. Meso Task: 8 To assess knowledge and understanding of the term adaptation and how these adaptations relate to an animals survival


Organisational Frame

Focal Artefacts

Planned Interactions

Key Outcomes What do I Expect

INSITE Project, March 2006, CSTER, University of Waikato: Designing

for Learning and Teaching in Science


9.1 Identify the adaptations of an animal that lives on the rocky shore and one that lives in the sandy shore.

Individually students record ideas

Students revise term adaptations and modify. Complete ARB on chiton. LW0547

Understand the term adaptation and apply it to a range of contexts Understand the term adaptation and apply it to a range of contexts Identify and describe the features of rocky shore animals.
Explain how these adaptations (features) help an animal to survive in its environment Explain how these adaptations (features) help an animal to survive in its environment

Key Questions:

INSITE Project, March 2006, CSTER, University of Waikato: Designing

for Learning and Teaching in Science


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