Tugas 1 (Bahasa Dan Terminologi Hukum)

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Sdr Mahasiswa, susunlah ke dalam 10 kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris dengan

menggunakan istilah-istilah hukum berikut:

1. Presumption of Innocence

2. Justice Collaborator

3. Contempt of court

4. Legal Standing

5. Shifting burden of proof

6. Comparative Seizure

7. Forfeiture

8. Legal entity

9. Minutes/Official record

10. Pledge right.

- Jawaban :

 1. He has given me back my presumption of innocence and I am innocent.

 2. As a justice collaborator, his verdict was lighter than the other actors who have a
greater role.

 3. They have gone to prison for contempt of court.

 4. Two of the doctors involved had legal standing to file the lawsuit, according to a
three-judge panel.

 5. This shifting of the burden of proof occurred under the 1892 act only if the circular
was sent to any person at any university, college, school, or other place of education.
 6. Comparative Seizure For civil cases, on the same object, "confiscation" can be
imposed more than once, which in terms of civil procedural law is called "similar
confiscation" or "comparative confiscation"

 7. to perpetrators of criminal acts whose assets (money or property) are state forfeiture
without receiving compensation as a result of the offense or crime committed.

 8. The Indonesian National Police is a government legal entity

 9. Rio has been included in the official Minutes/Records of the Indonesian Police

 10. Don't pledge right my case for me.

Sumber/Referensi :



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