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Human Trafficking

The Effects Of Human

Topics: Human Trafficking

Slavery in the World

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People may think that slavery has ended, but

tragically the trade in humans is a continuing
practice across the world. Historic slavery
already focused on the weak and the weary,
but the seventeenth and eighteenth century
brought the focus onto Africans being traded
for racist reasons. In this regard only, modern
day slavery can also be known as human
trafficking , which is now truly multi-racial and
tragically one of the fastest-growing segments
of organized crime around the world.
According to the international labor
organization (ILO), it is estimated that 21
million people are thus abused by human
traffickers who deprive the victims of their
human rights. The majority (71%) of these
victims of human trafficking are women and
girls. About one third of trafficked victims are
children as per the United Nation Office on
Drugs and Crimes (Safe horizon). There are
different reasons for human trafficking to be
perpetuated: for organ harvesting, for cheap
or free labor, to use trafficked children as child
soldiers, and for sexual exploitation (La
strada). This ongoing horrendous exploitation
is committed by force, manipulation, abuse of
position of power toward vulnerable victims or
through myriad other forms of physical and
emotional harassments. Africa prominently
featured slavery during the Enlightenment
period and untold numbers of its people were
abused during those early modern days of the
slave trade. Tragically, Africa is once again the
central focus of many modern-day human
trafficking victims (off) According to the
article centerforglobalimpact the main
contributing causes for human trafficking to
occur can be summarized as follows: in the
country of (the victim’s) origin certain
circumstances are likely present—restrictive
one party governments, authoritarian
government press controls, and limited
religious freedoms; transitional countries show
the presence of—a shortage of international
migration opportunities; and finally, the
prevalent circumstances of classical
destination countries with a) a need for cheap
labor and b) strict adherence to rules against
migrant. Unstable political situations and
damaging and corrupt policies in Africa lead
the majority of people habitually to face low
job opportunities, persecution, unending
military service and overall poverty. For these
reasons people try to escape and are prepared
to face the challenges of a new life. Sadly,
many of these contributing factors can be
found in Eritrea, an African country in the
north-easterly corner of the continent. . It is
one of the countries from which desperate
people flee because of severe governmental
mismanagement (United Nations). The
migrants start to make their way to Europe for
a better life, but unfortunately, they are very
likely to fall into the hands of traffickers
(United Nations). By studying the example of
the fates of Eritrean migrants, international
human trafficking tragedies which usually
occur in at least three different countries
(origin-, transition- and destination country)
can be explained.(Refworld) .

Human trafficking differs from country to

country and the cause also differ as well . The
main causes of trafficking in the country of
origin are influenced by social, economic,
cultural and other factors. Specifically, the
main cause for trafficking in Eritrea is because
the government do not respect the basic
human right for its own citizens(REFWORLD).
According to the article from (REFWORLD),
Eritrean government continue to keep its
people under the compulsory military and very
bad conditions. The article also mentions that
the government is trafficking its people in
different unknown prisons and did not report
any information about the victims. Another
cause for the Eritrean people to leave the
country is because there is no true free press.
All the media are owned by the Eritrean
government and the government often
arbitrarily arrests journalists only for them to
rot away in unknown underground jails
(Human Rights Watch)) (world report-2018). It
can be said that there is no de facto internet
access in Eritrea, only a few percent use
internet services and all the internet that is
provided is controlled by Eri-Tel (the national
Eritrean telecommunication company wholly
by government). (off) Neither does the
Eritrean government allow the people to
practice their religion freely. In Eritrea, only the
followers of the Sunni branch of Islam, the
Eritrean Orthodox, the Roman Catholic, and
Evangelical (Lutheran) churches are permitted
to practice openly (Human Right Watch)
(world report-2018). So, the main issue for the
exodus of Eritreans and falling in the hands of
traffickers are: the unlimited national services,
government controls every citizen
(male/Female) life from the age 16-17 and not
respecting the basic human rights.(world
report -20180 (Human right watch). According
to the article from the United States
Department of State( “Government
of Eritrea does not fully meet the minimum
standards for the elimination of trafficking and
is not making significant efforts to do”, so the
international communities should take a
proper action against the regime and they
must put pressure to the government to
change the policies. Because of the mentioned
causes every month 4000 to 5000 leave
Eritrea to seek asylum for a better life in
western countries.

According to the online article “I Want To Lie

Down and Die”, after the Eritrean people start
their journey for a better life they get
kidnapped by traffickers on the borders of the
neighboring or transition countries such as
Sudan, Ethiopia and Libya. About 25,000 to
30,000 Eritrea get trafficked around the
borders of Eritrea in the year between 2007
and 2012 and it is continuing with no solution .
In these years it is estimates that about $600
million has been paid by the families to the
trafficker to save the lives of their relatives
(The Guardian) (The Guardian).When the
victims kidnapped in the borders of Eritrea
they get abused, tortured, beat the soles of
their feet’s, electric shocks to pay the amount
of money they are asked. While they are
staying under the traffickers some of them die
because of the tortures and abuses they face
(“I want to lie down and Die”). Report states
that, the senior Eritrean military authorities
also have hands on this crime. Some of the
authorities have connections with traffickers
and they get thousands of dollars from the
family’s victims. The Eritrean government and
the authorities who have connections with the
traffickers should face charges for involving in
this crime.(The Guardian ).

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According to the article by Jordan Dianne,

Organ harvesting is classified into three
classifications:(1) Illegal doctors remove organs
without the victim’s knowledge, (2) Convincing
the victims to sell their organs for no payment
or paying them way less than they agreed, and
(3) Victims get tricked by the traffickers for
zero cost(Jordan). When the traffickers knew
their family are unable to pay the ransoms;
they use their organs as means of income. The
organ transplant is done illegally by doctors
and some people who have a little knowledge
of medical training. According to United
Nations report in 2011 10,000 organs were
sold, the organs are sold in high prices, for
example a kidney can go for up to 200,000 in
black market. The traffickers made 600 million
to 1.2 billion profits from organs (Williams)
(Need more research numbers). In this
operation the Egyptian doctor are involved,
and they do it by drugging the victims.

There are hundreds of thousands of migrants

have reached Europe by boat in recent years,
most fleeing conflict in the Middle East and
poverty in Africa (Rankin). Traffickers usually
target undocumented immigrants, runaway
and homeless youth, victims of trauma and
abuse, refugees and impoverished individuals
(Kaylor). According to the European Union
(EU), because the migrants have no
knowledge of the new place and language
barrier, the criminal gangs take advantage of
the migrants and force them into sex work,
forced labor, often as agricultural workers.
Children are the most targeted victims for
traffickers because they are easy to control
and move them from place to place and also
they are easily recruited. As it is stated in the
article “Five Things Everyone Should Know
About Eritrean Refugees”, Eritreans are one of
the most asylum seekers in Europe. In 2015
there were about 40,000 Eritrean migrants
arrived in Italy through the Mediterranean sea
escaping abuses they face in the country of
their origin( 5 things ). About 30,000 asked
asylums in Sweden, France, Germany,
Netherland, Switzerland, and Denmark (Human
Rights Watch). Eritreans are also in target to
fall into the hands of traffickers; it is very high
because they are new to the place and, they
don’t speak the destination country language.
As a result, they face sexual abuses and forced
labor. Eritreans flee their country of origin for a
better life because the current government is
not respecting their basic human right; but
their expectation and problems they face in
the country of destination are very different.
As a consequence, they live with different
psychological and mental illnesses such as,
suicidal ideation, depression, anxiety, Post-
Traumatic Stress Disorder and panic disorder

Each country in the world is affected by

human trafficking; some countries are where
the humans are taken from while other
countries are where the humans are taken to
for forced labor or sex. No one has a full proof
solution to human trafficking but many
countries and international organizations have
been working to combat it.

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The Effects Of Human Trafficking. (2022, July

08). Edubirdie. Retrieved November 5, 2023,



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