20.11.22 - SR - STAR CO-SC (MODEL-A&B) - Jee - Adv - 2017 - P1 - PTA-9 - QP

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Sec: SR.

IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A&B) Date: 20-11-22

Time: 3HRS Max. Marks: 183
Name of the Student: ___________________ H.T. NO:
PHYSICS: Modern Physics: Atomic nucleus; α, β and γ radiations; Law of
radioactive decay; Decay constant; Half-life and mean life; Binding
energy and its calculation; Fission and fusion processes; Energy
calculation in these processes.
Photoelectric effect; Bohr’s theory of hydrogen-like atoms; Characteristic
and continuous X-rays, Moseley’s law; de Broglie wavelength of matter
CHEMISTRY: Chemical Thermodynamics: Intensive and extensive properties, state
functions, First law of thermodynamics; Internal energy, work (pressure-
volume only) and heat; Enthalpy, heat capacity, standard state, Hess’s
law; Enthalpy of reaction, fusion and vapourization, and lattice
enthalpy; Second law of thermodynamics; Entropy; Gibbs energy;
Criteria of equilibrium and spontaneity.
MATHEMATICS: Matrices: Matrices as a rectangular array of real numbers, equality of
matrices, addition, multiplication by a scalar and product of matrices,
transpose of a matrix, determinant of a square matrix of order up to
inverse of a square matrix of order up to three, properties of these
matrix operations, diagonal, symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices
and their properties, solutions of simultaneous linear equations in
two or three variables.
Existence of non zero matrices whose product is zero matrix.
Elementry row transformation proof of uniqueness inverse of
Properties of Determinants, consistency, inconsistency of number
of solutions of system of equations.
Narayana IIT Academy 20-11-22_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A&B )_JEE-Adv_PTA-9_Q’P
Time: 03:00 Hr’s IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS Max Marks: 183
+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions With Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – I (Q.N : 1 – 7) +4 -2 7 28
(partial marking scheme) (+1,0)
Sec – II (Q.N : 8 – 12) Questions With Integer Answer Type +3 0 5 15
3 column paragraph
Sec – III (Q.N : 13 – 18) +3 -1 6 18
Questions With Single Answer Type
Total 18 61

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions With Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – I (Q.N : 19 – 25) +4 -2 7 28
(partial marking scheme) (+1,0)
Sec – II (Q.N : 26 – 30) Questions With Integer Answer Type +3 0 5 15
3 column paragraph
Sec – III (Q.N : 31 – 36) +3 -1 6 18
Questions With Single Answer Type
Total 18 61

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions With Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – I (Q.N : 37 – 43) +4 -2 7 28
(partial marking scheme) (+1,0)
Sec – II (Q.N : 44 – 48) Questions With Integer Answer Type +3 0 5 15
3 column paragraph
Sec – III (Q.N : 49 – 54) +3 -1 6 28
Questions With Single Answer Type
Total 18 61

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PHYSICS Max. Marks: 61
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases
1. When a point light source, of power W emitting monochromatic light of wavelength 
is kept at a large distance a from a photosensitive surface of work function  , and area
S, we will have ( The surface faces the source)

W S
A) Number of photons striking the surface per unit time as
4 hca 2

B) The maximum energy of the emitted photoelectrons as  hc   

C) The stopping potential needed to stop the most energetic emitted photoelectrons as
 hc   

D) Photoemission occurs only if  lies in the range 0    hc / 

2. The figure shows electronic wave function for a hydrogen atom.

A) The quantum number of this state is 6

B) The wavelength of this electron is 6 r0 . ( r0 is radius of ground state)

C) can go to ground state by emitting 3 different photons

D) On deexcitation it emits at least one line in infra red region of spectrum.

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3. A small mirror is suspended by a thread as shown. A short pulse of monochromatic light
rays is incident normally on the mirror and gets reflected. Which of the following is/are
correct ?

A) Mirror will start oscillate

B) Wave length of reflected rays will be greater than that of incident rays

C) Wave length of reflected rays may be less than that of incident rays

D) Wave length of reflected rays may be equal to the wave length of incident rays

4. For nuclei with A>120.

A) The binding energy of the nucleus decreases on an average as A increases
B) The binding energy per nucleon decreases on an average as A increases
C) If the nucleus breaks into two roughly equal parts energy is released
D) If two nuclei fuse to form a bigger nucleus, energy is released.
5. An electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition form n = n1 to n = n 2 .The time period
of the electron in the initial state is eight times that in the final state. The possible values
of n1 and n 2 are

A) n1  4, n 2  2 B) n1  8, n 2  2 C) n1  8, n 2  1 D) n1  6, n 2  3

6. Which of the following assertion are correct

A) The rest mass of a stable nucleus is less than the sum of the rest masses of its
separated nucleons

B) neutron-proton ratio in nucleus increases as mass number of the elements increases.

C) A proton can change to a neutron only inside a nucleus

D) In nuclear fission, energy is released by fragmentation of a very heavy nucleus

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7. Which of the following statements are correct?

A) the rest mass of a stable nucleus is less than the sum of the rest masses of its
separated nucleons.

B) In  -decay electron (or) positron are created from neutron or proton at the moment
of decay

C) Free neutron is not stable. It decays into a proton, electron and neutrino outside the

D) The radio activity of an element is affected when it forms chemical compounds with
the other elements.

This section contains 5 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
8. Radiation from hydrogen gas in its first excited state is used for illuminating certain
photoelectric plate. When the radiation from some unknown hydrogen like gas excited to
the same level is used to expose the same plate, it is found that the deBroglie wavelength
of the fastest photoelectron has decreased 2.3 times. It is given that the energy
corresponding to the longest wavelength of the Lyman series of the unknown gas is 3
times the ionization energy of hydrogen gas (13.6 eV). Find the work function of
photoelectric plate in eV. (Take (2.3)2 = 5.25).

9. A stationary He+ ion emitted a photon corresponding to the first line of the Lyman series.
The photon liberates electron from a stationary hydrogen atom in the ground state. The
velocity of the liberated electron is 3.110x m/s . Find x (You can make necessary

10. A radioactive substance ' A ' is being generated at a constant rate C 100 106 atoms / sec  . It

disintegrates at a rate constant of  = 37/sec to form B. Initially there are no A or B

atoms. If the number of atoms of B after one mean life of A is x10 atoms, then find the
value of x.

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11. A radioactive material consists of nuclides of 3 isotopes which decay by   emission ,
  emission and deuteron emission respectively. Their half lives are

T1  400sec,T2  800sec and T3  1600sec respectively. At t=0, probability of getting ,  and

deuteron from radio nuclide are equal. If the probability of  emission at t=1600
seconds is n 13 , then find the value of ‘n’.

12. A radioactive sample can decay by either of two processes X and Y. The half life for
1 1
process X is hr and for process Y is hr . In a hypothetical process the sample decays
4 6
for first half hour by process X, for next one hour by process Y and for next half hour by
processes X and Y both. The initial number of nuclei of the sample is N 0 . After 2 Hr, the
N 1
number of undecayed nuclei of the sample are 0   . Find the value of n.
32  2 

This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
Answer Q,13, Q,14 and Q,15 by appropriately matching the information given in the three
columns of the following table.
In the First Column the transition of electron from one orbit to other is given for a H atom. In
the second Column The series name is given and in third column the range of emitted or
absorbed Radiation is given

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

I) n = 5 to n = 2 i) Lyman Series P) Ultraviolet Range
II) n = 2 to n = 4 ii) Balmer Series Q) Visible Range
III) n = 4 to n = 1 iii) Pachen Series R) Infrared Range
IV) n = 6 to n = 3 iv) Brackett Series S) X Rays
13. Which of the Following is a correct Combination?

A) (II)(i)(P) B) (I)(ii)(Q) C) (I)(iii)(R) D) (IV)(iii)(Q)

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14. A Hydrogen atom absorbs 2.55ev of Energy and makes a transition. Which of the
following is correct

A) (II)(i)(Q) B) (III)(ii)(Q) C) (II)(ii)(Q) D) (IV)(iii)(R)

15. A Hydrogen atom emits a wavelength of 973 Å and makes a transition. Which of the
following is correct?

A) (III)(i)(P) B) (III)(ii)(Q) C) (II)(i)(P) D) (IV)(iii)(R)

Answer Q,16, Q,17 and Q,18 by appropriately matching the information given in the three
columns of the following table.
Three radiations are incident on a metal surface having threshold frequency less than
frequencies of the three incident radiations. If I represents intensity, k is maximum
kinetic energy, i photoelectric current and V slopping potential, answer the following
questions, based on given matrix.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

I1  I 2  I 3
I) i) k1  k2  k3 P)
f1  f 2  f 3

I1  I 2  I 3
II) ii) k1  k2  k3 Q)
f1  f 2  f 3

I1  I 2  I 3
III) iii) k1  k2  k3 R)
f1  f 2  f 3

I1  I 2  I 3
IV) iv) k1  k2  k3 S)
f1  f 2  f 3
16. Which of the folloiwng is correct sequential combination of Column 1 with Column 2.
A) (iv), (ii), (i), (iii) B) (ii), (i), (iii), (iv)
C) (iii), (ii), (i), (iv) D) (iv), (ii), (iii), (i)
17. Which of the following is a correct combination
A) I, iii, S B) III, ii, R C) I, iii, R D) IV, iii, Q
18. Which of the following is correct sequential combination of Column 2 with Column 3

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CHEMISTRY Max. Marks: 61
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases
19. One mole of O 2 (g) , initially at 120K temperature and under a pressure of 4 atm is
expanded adiabatically and irreversibly to 1 atm in such a way that temperature of the
gas falls to 90K (just above its normal boiling point). C P of O 2 (g) is 28.2JK 1mol1 and
is constant over the required temperature range. Assume O 2 behaves ideally, select the
correct option(s): ( ln 2  0.70 , ln 3  1.1, R  8.3 J / K mol )

A) q = 0 B) W  597 J

C) H  846J D) Ssys  3.16 JK 1

20. Select the INCORRECT statement(s):

A) The internal energy of a system and surroundings is not conserved during an

irreversible process, but is conserved for reversible process

B) No heat transfer occurs when an ideal gas is reversibly and isothermally compressed

C) If in a reversible process the temperature of one mole of an diatomic ideal gas is

increased by 10 0C , the work done on the gas must be numerically equal to the molar
heat capacity at constant volume.

D) Melting of any substance is an endothermic process.

21. 1 mole of an ideal gas    1.5  taken through a series of processes as shown in the
following P-V curve.
A > D




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Given that, the temperature at state 'A' and B are 300 K and 150 K respectively, the
process 'A' to 'B' is reversible adiabatic, the reversible isothermal expansion from 'B' to
'C' doubles the volume, & entropy change of system from 'C' to 'D' is 4 n16 cal / K .
Select the correct option(s) using above information. (Use R=2 cal/K mol)
A) Entropy change of the system from 'D' to 'A' is 6 ln8
B) The temperature at point 'D' is 2400 K
C) WAB  600cal
D) WBC  300 ln 2 cal
22. Which statements is/are correct for an ideal gas?
A) Final temperature in reversible adiabatic expansion is lower than in irreversible
adiabatic expansion if final volume is same. (Initial state is same)
B) When heat is supplied to an ideal gas in an isothermal process, kinetic energy of gas
molecules will increase.
C) When an ideal gas is subjected to adiabatic compression, it gets heated.
D) Magnitude of work done in isothermal reversible expansion process is more than that
of adiabatic reversible expansion if final volume is same. (Initial state is same)
23. Identify the process for which entropy change of the system is positive?
A) reversible isothermal expansion B) irreversible isothermal compression
C) irreversible adiabatic expansion D) irreversible adiabatic compression
24. A reversible cyclic process for an ideal gas is shown below. Here, P, V, and T are
pressure, volume and temperature, respectively. The thermodynamic parameters q, w, H
and U are heat, work, enthalpy and internal energy, respectively.
The correct option(s) is (are)

A) qAC  U BC and WAB  P2 V2  V1  B) WBC  P2 V2  V1  and qBC  H AC

C) H CA  U CA and qAC  U BC D) qBC  H AC and H CA  U CA

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25. Select the incorrect statement(s):

A) ΔHatomisation of graphite is equal to ΔH f C  g  

B) ΔH combustion of H atom is equal to ΔH f  H 2O  l  

C) ΔHf  H 2O  l   is zero

D) ΔHcombustion of diamond is equal to ΔH f CO 2  g  

This section contains 5 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
26. 200 L of a certain liquid is confined in insulated walls at the pressure of 100 atm. The

pressure is suddenly released and maintained at 5 atm by which the liquid expanded by

1% against this external pressure. For the above process, the absolute value of

U  W
in L atm is________

27. A definite amount of an ideal gas is taken from state-I to state-II isothermally at 300 K.

if the process is carried out reversibly, then work done is –1750 kJ and if the process is

carried out irreversibly, then work done is –1000 kJ. If Stotal is kJ / K for irreversible

isothermal process, then 'x' is ______

28. The enthalpy of formation of C2 H5OH() is – 66 kcal/mol. The enthalpy of combustion of

CH 3OCH 3 (g) is – 348 kcal/mol. Enthalpy of formation of H 2O and CO 2 are – 68 kcal/mol

and – 94 kcal/mol respectively. Then the H isomerization of C2H5OH    into

CH 3OCH 3 (g) is 11x kcal/mol. The value of ‘x’ is______.

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29. The change in the temperature attained if all the heat released in neutralization of 2L of
0.1 M HCl solution with 1L of 0.2 M NH4OH solution assuming the base is 30%
ionized in the given solution is 5.3x K. The value of ‘x’ is______.
(For this solution, initial temperature is 27°C,
density =0.95 g/mL,
specific heat capacity = J/gmoC,
ΔH neutralization SA/SB = –57.5 kJ/equivalent; ΔH ionization of NH4OH = 10 kJ/mole)
30. The Souniverse for the following reaction at 298K is approximately kJ K 1 mol 1 . The value
of yis______.
 H 2O   
H 2 (g)  O 2 (g) 

Given : H or  285 kJ mol1 , SoH O(  )  70 JK 1mol1 SoO (g)  204 JK 1mol1

2 2

1 1
H 2 (g)  130 JK mol

This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
Answer Q,31, Q,32 and Q,33 by appropriately matching the information given in the three
columns of the following table.
Column - II
Column -I Column -II
(Related property of
(Process) (Condition)
the system)
Mixing of two liquids to
I) A) Isothermal process P) H system  0
form an ideal solution
Adsorption of Argon gas on
II) B) Adiabatic process Q) S system  0
surface of charcoal
Reversible expansion of
III) C) Isobaric process R) Wsystem  0
ideal gas
IV) Free expansion of real gas D) Isochoric process S) Q=0

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31. Identify the CORRECT option


32. Identify the only INCORRECT option


33. Identify the only CORRECT option


Answer Q,34, Q,35 and Q,36 by appropriately matching the information given in the three
columns of the following table.
Column I, II & III contains reactions, enthalpy of reactions and their thermo chemical

Column-I Column-II Column-III

Enthalpy of
I) Br2 (l) 
 2Br(g) i) P) S0  0
bond dissociation
II) Na(s) 
 Na(g) ii) Q) H 0  U 0

III) nP4 
 (P4 ) n iii) Enthalpy of formation R) H0  0
 White phosphorus   Re d phosphorus 

IV) H 2O(g) 
 2H(g)  O(g) iv) phase transition S) H0  0

34. Which of the following options is the only CORRECT combination?

A) I-iii-R B) I-ii-R C) II-i-Q D) II-iii-S

35. Which of the following options is the only CORRECT combination?

A) III-iv-R B) III-iv-S C) I-iv-R D) II-ii-S

36. Which of the following options is the only INCORRECT combination?

A) IV-i-P B) IV-i-Q C) IV-iv-Q D) II-i-P

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MATHEMATICS Max. Marks: 61
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases
37. Let M be the set of all possible 2  2 matrices A of integer entries such that AA T  1 where
1 0
I  , then, (where det A denotes determinant value of matrix A)
0 1

A) Number of matrices in set M is 8

B) Number of matrices in set M is 4

C) Number of matrices in set M such that det. (A  I)  0 is 3

D) Number of matrices in set M such that det. (A  I)  0 is 4

1 1 1  2 1 1
38. Let matrix A  1 1 1 and B   1 2 1 , then -
 
1 1 1  1 1 2 

A) (A  B)2005  A 2005  B2005 B) (AB)2005  A 2005 B2010


C) (3A  7B)  (3 A  7 B)
n n n
D) (3A  7B)  3
n 2n 1
A  21 B

39. If A and B are square matrices of order ‘3’ such that A adj (2B) = 16I3 and det(B) = 2
then which of the following is/are true (Where adj (X) denotes adjoint of matrix (X), X 1
denotes inverse of matrix (X)) and det (X) denotes determinant value of matrix (X).

A) (A 1 (adj(B))1  4A 2 B) (A 1 (adj(B))1  B2
C) B(adj A)  8I3 D) B(adj A)  4I3

 2 2 0
40. If A is a square matrix of order 3 of real entries such that | A | 2 & A adj(A)   0 2 2  ,

 k 0 2 
then (k  R)
A) A3  2I B) | kA | 16 C) A 2  2A D) trace of A 3  6

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41. The system of equations
px  y  z  0

y  2z  1

3x  qz  3

has :
A) unique solution, if pq  3
B) infinite solution, if pq = 3
C) no solution if pq = 3 & (p  3)(q  1)  0
D) no solution if pq  3 & (p  1)(q  3)  0
 cos   sin  
42. Let   , X    , O is null matrix and I is an identity matrix of order 2  2 , and
5  sin  cos  
if I  X  X 2  ....  X n  O then n can be

A) 9 B) 19 C) 4 D) 29

43. If A is a symmetric matrix B is a skew symmetric matrix, A  B is non – singular and

C  (A  B) 1 (A  B) then which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

A) CT (A  B)C  A  B B) CT (A  B)C  B  A

C) CT AC  B D) CT BC  B

This section contains 5 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
44. If ‘A’ is an idempotent matrix satisfying (I  0.4A) 1  (I  A) (where I is the unit matrix
of same order as that of ‘A’, A is not a null matrix), then is

45. If the system of equations

x  2y  3z  x
2x  3y  z  y
3x  y  2z  z

Has a non trivial solution for three values of  whose product is P, then absolute value
of is equal to

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x 1 x 1 x 1
46. Let x 1 x x2  ax 4  bx 3  cx 2  dx  e , then the value of 5a  3b  c  d
x 2  2x  2 x 2  2x  5 x 2  2x  17

is equal to
47. If (1  ax  bx 2 )4  a 0  a1x  a 2 x 2  ....  a 8 x 8 , where a, b, a 0 , a1 ,...., a 8  R such that a 0  a l  a 2  0
a 0 a1 a 2
a1 a 2 a 0  0 , then the value of 5 is ___________
a 2 a 0 a1

a 2 1 
48. Consider, A  0 b 0  , where a, b and c are the roots of the equation x 3  3x 2  2x  1  0 .
0 3 c 

If matrix B is such that AB = BA, | A  B  2I | 0 and A 2  B2  4I  4B , then find the value

det  B 
of .

This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
Answer Q,49, Q,50 and Q,51 by appropriately matching the information given in the three
columns of the following table.
For list – I, Consider a system of linear equations a i x  bi y  ci z  d i (where a i , bi , ci  0 and
i  1, 2,3 ) & (, ,  ) is its unique solution. Match the answers to the questions in List – I

and List – III with the values in List – II.

List – I List – II List – III
 2 0  
Given A   5  0  if A 1 exists
If a i  k, d i  k 2 , (k  0)  0  3 
a) and       2 , then k p) 0 i)
for   R  {a, b}, and
is A 1  A 2  5bA  cI when   1 .

Then value of a  5b  c  14 is

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If A is a square matrix such that
If a i  d i  k  0 , then A2 = A and (I + A)3 = I + kA, then
b) q) 1 ii)
     is k – 6 = (I is the identity matrix of
the appropriate order)
 1 1 
 2
If matrix A   2  and B is
 1 1 
  2 2 
If a i  k  0, d i  k  1,
c) r) 2 iii) a matrix such that BT A  A T and
then      can be
kBT  2A T  2I (where I is unit

matrix of order 2 and k  R  ) then

the value of k 2 is
Number of possible 3  3 matrices
that can be formed from the
elements of the set {1,1} and
If a i  k  0, d i  k  1 , satisfying the following
d) s) 3 iv)
then      can be conditions:
(i) all diagonal elements are 1
(ii) Sum of elements in each row
and each column is 1.

49. Which of the following is the CORRECT combination?

A) a  p  ii B) a  s  ii C) b  q  ii D) b  r  i
50. Which of the following is the CORRECT combination ?
A) c  s  i B) c  r  ii C) d  s  ii D) a  r  ii
51. Which of the following is the INCORRECT combination?
A) c  r  iii B) c  r  iv C) a  r  iii D) d  p  ii

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Answer Q,52, Q,53 and Q,54 by appropriately matching the information given in the three
columns of the following table.
For List – I Consider the matrix A  [a ij ]33 and  | A | 2 .
Match the answers to the questions in List – I and List – III with the values in List – II.
List – I List – II List – III
 i i   1 1
If A    and B   1 1  ,
The value of | B |  i i   
a) p) 1 i)
where bij  (1)i  j a ij is then A8  2k B then k  5  (where
i  1 )

If the number of different

The value of | B |
idempotent diagonal matrices of
b) where bij  2i  j a ij q) 2 ii)
order 3 that can be formed is k
is 2 then k  10 

then k  5 
If the number of different
The value of | B |
involutary diagonal matrices of
where bij  Cij , where
c) r) 3 iii) order 6 that can be formed is 2k
Cij is the cofactor of a ij
then k  2 

The value of | B |
where bij  Dij , where
3 4 
d) Dij = cofactor of Cij s) 4 iv) If A   2012
 then tr.(A ) =
1 1
and Cij is cofactor a ij
is 2k then k 
52. Which of the following is the CORRECT combination ?
A) a  r  ii B) a  q  i C) b  s  i D) b  s  ii
53. Which of the following is the CORRECT combination ?
A) a  s  ii B) b  q  i C) c  s  iii D) c  q  iv
54. Which of the following is the INCORRECT combination ?
A) b  r  i B) a  q  iv C) d  s  iii D) b  r  ii

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