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As you know, Ankara is one of the most popular and crowded city of Türkiye. Also, of course it is
capital city of Türkiye. Today I want to consider and show the state of Ankara.

The first thing an attractive city requires to be ordered: The buildings need to have a balance
between themselves. Heights, colors and functions should be harmonic. To illustrate, if there is a
hospital, you would put there a pharmacy right? Not a night club. A city needs a balance. Not too
ordered or not chaotic. In my lovely city, Ankara we have both. If you look up to Sinpaş buildings, you
can see how they are organized. Buildings are beautiful, they have some space. They are not
drowning. They hear some water sounds. On the other hand, most of the Ankara has unplanned
urbanization. The apartmans, slums they look terrible. The reason behind this is the government’s
construction ambition and forgiving people who build without permission. They built more and more
and they haven’t thought even once about how is it going to look like. Unfortunately, Ankara memes
are real.

The second thing a city needs: Visible life. A city should be online and we should be able too what
people do where they are going. People should be in contact in a city. We are social creatures and
this is what makes us alive. In Ankara we have some places. Such as Hamamönü, 7. Street, Tunalı
Hilmi street and of course the Kızılay. As you can see these places are crowded. Everybody is going to
somewhere. Someone is happy someone is not. They are active. We should see people alive and they
are moving and doing something. That makes us happy.

Consequently, organization of a city is critical and it affects our feelings dramaticly.

Thank you for listening and patience.

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