Ingles - Semana 9

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KIARA: Hello Luz, how are you?

LUZ: Hi Kiara, I am fine, thank you.

What are you doing?

Well, I am doing a portrait of Gastón Acurio Jaramillo, one of the best chefs in the

Interesting! And tell me a little more about this famous person.

Well, this famous Peruvian has not only changed the image of Peru but has turned the
country's gastronomy into a global industry. LUZ: Where and when was he born?

KIARA: Well, Gastón Acurio Jaramillo was born in Lima on October 30, 1967.

Who were your parents?

His father was Gastón Acurio Velarde and his mother was Jesusa Jaramillo Rázuri.

LUZ: What is the marital status of Gastón Acurio?

KIARA: Gastón Acurio is currently married to Astrid Gutsche.

And how many children does he have?

Gastón Acurio has 2 daughters.

LUZ: And tell me, since when did your love for cooking begin?

KIARA: It all started at the age of seven when she discovered that her mother did not
like to cook. From there he began to prepare his own menus and began to study the
flavors of Peru from the Andes to the Amazon.

LUZ: And how many restaurants does Gastón Acurio have in the world?

KIARA: Well, Gastón Acurio has 59 restaurants spread across America, Europe and

LUZ: Fantastic! And tell me, in what year did Gastón Acurio open his first restaurant?

KIARA: Well, in 1994 Gastón Acurio opened his first restaurant, which he called "Astrid
y Gastón"

LUZ: Did Gastón Acurio receive any awards with this restaurant?

KIARA: Yes, Astrid y Gastón in 2014 turned out to be the best restaurant in Latin
Without a doubt, he is one of the most successful Peruvian references in the world.

This man is admirable, he managed to achieve success through effort and dedication.
It is an example to follow.

Well Jose, I must go, it was a pleasure to have shared this excellent conversation with
you. See you later.

OK see you soon.

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