Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Based Reference Values For Two-Dimensional Quantitative Brain Metrics in A Cohort of Extremely Preterm Infants (2023)

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Clinical Trials

Neonatology Received: February 3, 2023
Accepted: September 5, 2023
DOI: 10.1159/000534009 Published online: October 20, 2023

Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Based Reference

Values for Two-Dimensional Quantitative Brain
Metrics in a Cohort of Extremely Preterm Infants

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Julia Buchmayer a Gregor Kasprian b Raphaela Jernej a Sophie Stummer a
Victor Schmidbauer b Vito Giordano a Katrin Klebermass-Schrehof a
Angelika Berger a Katharina Goeral a
Division of Neonatology, Intensive Care and Neuropediatrics, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent
Medicine, Comprehensive Center for Pediatrics, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; bDivision of
Neuroradiology and Musculoskeletal Radiology, Department of Radiology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna,

Keywords significant correlation between gestational age at birth and

Neonatal brain · Neonatal intensive care · Magnetic resonance larger “tissue” parameters, as well as smaller “fluid” pa-
imaging · Neurodevelopment · Brain rameters, including intracerebral and extracerebral spaces.
Discussion: With quantitative brain metrics infants with
impaired brain growth might be detected earlier. Compared
Abstract to preexisting reference values, these are the first of a
Introduction: Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (cMRI) contemporary collective of extremely preterm neonates
is an important diagnostic tool in neonatology. In addition to without severe brain injuries. Measurements can be easily
qualitative analysis, quantitative measurements may help performed by radiologists as well as neonatologists without
identify infants with impaired brain growth. This study specialized equipment or computational expertise.
aimed to create reference values for brain metrics of various Conclusion: Two-dimensional cMRI brain measurements at
brain areas in neonates without major brain injuries born term-equivalent age represent an easy and reliable ap-
before 28 weeks of gestation. Methods: This retrospective proach for the evaluation of brain size and growth in infants
study analyzes cMRI imaging data of high-risk patients at high risk for neurodevelopmental impairment.
without severe brain pathologies at term-equivalent age, © 2023 The Author(s).
collected over 4 years since November 2017. Nineteen brain Published by S. Karger AG, Basel

areas were measured, reference values created, and com-

pared to published values from fetal and postnatal MRI.
Furthermore, correlations between brain metrics and ges- Introduction
tational age at birth were evaluated. Results: A total of 174
cMRI examinations were available for analysis. Reference Extremely preterm infants born before 28 weeks
values including cut-offs for impaired brain growth were gestational age (GA) show increasing survival rates over
established for different gestational age groups. There was a recent years [1], but nevertheless, they remain at high risk © 2023 The Author(s). Correspondence to: Published by S. Karger AG, Basel Katharina Goeral, katharina.goeral @

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-

NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC) (http://www. Usage and distribution for
commercial purposes requires written permission.
of cognitive, motor, learning, or behavioral disabilities Methods
[2–5]. As a consequence, research interest is moving
toward more accurate prediction of neurodevelopmental Subjects
This retrospective study included preterm infants born at
outcomes. 221/7–276/7 weeks of gestation with a cMRI examination from No-
Serial cranial ultrasound is the most used bedside vember 2017 to October 2021. The preterm infants were admitted to a
neuroimaging tool in preterm infants [6]. Two- level 4 neonatal intensive care unit of the Medical University Hospital
dimensional (2D) measurements have been im- in Vienna, Austria. Perinatal and clinical variables were obtained,
plemented in cranial sonography, and have been including GA, mode of delivery, multiple birth, sex, birth weight, and
respective percentile, APGAR, pH from both umbilical cord and first
shown to be associated with outcome [7]. Cerebral postnatal; important neonatal diagnoses (IVH, graded per Papile et al.
magnetic resonance imaging (cMRI) provides a more [15]; WMD, including cystic periventricular leukomalacia [16]; CBI,
accurate description of the neonatal brain and is fre- graded per Kidokoro et al. [17]; blood culture-proven sepsis; patent
quently performed around term-equivalent age (TEA). ductus arteriosus requiring intervention [both surgical or interven-
cMRI offers an improved prediction of motor and tional closure]; necrotizing enterocolitis above Bell’s stage 2 [18];
severe retinopathy of prematurity, defined as stage 3 and above

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cognitive outcomes and a possibility for further risk
according to the international classification [19] requiring inter-
stratification [8] as abnormal cMRI findings at TEA in vention; and bronchopulmonary disease, defined as oxygen re-
very preterm infants have been shown to strongly quirement ≥36 weeks’ [20]). Also, the duration of respiratory support
predict adverse neurodevelopmental outcome [9, 10]. and supplemental oxygen were obtained.
Studies have shown that some infants without brain
injuries on conventional cMRI at TEA, such as in- cMRI Examinations
traventricular hemorrhage (IVH), white matter in- Since the implementation of routine cMRI at the Medical
University of Vienna in November 2017, every extremely preterm
juries (WMD), or cerebellar injuries (CBI), are affected infant was offered a cMRI at TEA independently of clinical an-
by adverse outcome [11]. Impaired brain growth amnesis, medical history, or aforementioned brain pathologies
identified by cMRI could offer a valuable tool for the seen on serial routine cranial ultrasound. cMRI over a 4-year
identification of preterm infants at high risk of neu- period was analyzed within this study. All examinations were
rodevelopmental impairment. conducted without sedation according to our local feed-and-wrap
protocol using a vacuum immobilization mattress. A similar
Quantitative evaluation of cerebral structures in at-risk protocol was previously published by Woodward et al. [8].
infants, especially those born extremely preterm, may
assist in defining the impact of preterm birth on cerebral cMRI Protocol
development. 2D parameters, including “tissue” and Image acquisition was performed at the local department of
“fluid” (intracerebral and extracerebral) measurements, radiology, division of neuroradiology and musculoskeletal radi-
have been implemented by Garel [12], showing a close ology on a Philips Ingenia (Philips Healthcare, Best, The Neth-
erlands) 1.5 Tesla MR system (Table 1). During and after cMRI,
correlation with maturity. Tissue parameters mean dis- the images were manually rotated to a standardized alignment by
tances and areas of structural brain tissue, whereas fluid technical radiology assistants.
measurements refer to liquid spaces. Nguyen The Tich
et al. [13] described that preterm infants born before Quantitative cMRI Metrics
30 weeks of gestation had impaired brain metrics at TEA The 2D measurements were performed in the standard radio-
compared to full-term infants. Kidokoro et al. [14] logical DICOM program IMPAX EE (https://global.agfahealthcare.
com/dicomconformance/). In five standard slices (displayed with
connected impaired brain growth with impaired landmarks in Fig. 1) 19 parameters were measured, adapted from
outcome. Previously published values by Garel [12] and Garel et al. [12] and Nguyen The Tich et al. [13]. Brain measurements
Nguyen The Tich et al. [13] were either created using fetal were performed by two independent investigators (J.B. and R.J.), who
MRI or postnatal cMRI including infants with severe were blinded to the clinical history. Reference values as well as cut-off
brain injuries. The advantage of those measurements is values for impaired brain growth (defined as two standard deviations
below the mean for “tissue” parameters and two standard deviations
that they can be done rather quickly.
above the mean for “fluid” parameters) were created.
Reference values based on postnatal cMRI from a large The first coronal slice was taken at the level of the olfactory sulci
cohort of preterm infants without major pathologies are with four teeth apparent. The bifrontal diameter (BFD) was
warranted. The aim of our study was to create reference measured as the maximal distance perpendicular to the inter-
values of 19 brain areas for a contemporary cohort of hemispheric fissure and the anterior horn height (AHH) at the
extremely preterm infants born before 28 weeks of ges- level of the gyrus rectus.
The second coronal slice measurements were taken at the level
tation without severe brain pathologies, which might help of the temporal horns of the lateral ventricles with the basilar
identify patients with impaired brain growth in clinical truncus apparent and the bilateral cochlea as a landmark. The
practice. cerebral biparietal width (cBPW) corresponded to the greatest

2 Neonatology Buchmayer et al.

DOI: 10.1159/000534009
Table 1. Standardized neonatal cMRI protocol

Sequence Plane AT TR TE Voxela FOVa Matrixa

T1 SE Axial 03:07 400 15 0.83 × 1.05 × 3.00 120 × 120 × 90 144 × 115 × 30
T1 3D Sagittal 03:46 25 7.6 0.75 × 0.75 × 2.00 120 × 120 × 99 160 × 160 × 99
T2 TSE Axial 01:48 3,000 140 0.94 × 1.06 × 3.00 120 × 120 × 102 128 × 113 × 34
T2 TSE Sagittal 01:48 3,000 140 0.94 × 1.06 × 3.00 120 × 120 × 108 128 × 113 × 36
T2 TSE Coronal 01:48 3,000 140 0.94 × 1.06 × 3.00 110 × 110 × 108 116 × 103 × 36
SWI Axial 03:35 51 12 0.85 × 1.00 × 2.00 170 × 139 × 90 200 × 138 × 90
DWI Axial 01:34 4,066 90 1.14 × 1.15 × 3.00 200 × 200 × 92 176 × 170 × 28

AT, acquisition time (min); DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging; FOV, field-of-view; SE, spin echo; SWI,
susceptibility-weighted imaging; TE, echo time (ms); TR, repetition time (ms); TSE, turbo spin echo. amm.

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Fig. 1. Slices and landmarks of neonatal cMRI brain metrics. a, CCI, craniocaudal interopercular distance; 11, TCD, transverse
right; b, left; 1, BFD, bifrontal diameter; 2a+2b, AHH, anterior cerebellar diameter; 12a+12b, AtrialV, ventricular atria; 13, FOD,
horn height; 3, cBPW, cranial biparietal width; 4, bBPW, bone fronto-occipital diameter; 14, CClength, corpus callosum length;
biparietal width; 5, IHD, interhemispheric distance; 6a+6b, ECS, 15, 4V, fourth ventricle; 16, dVermis, vermis diameter; 17,
extracerebellar space; 7a+7b, VI, ventricular index; 8a+8b, AHW, hVermis, vermis height; 18, sVermis, vermis surface; 19, DGMA,
anterior ventricular horn width; 9, 3V, third ventricle; 10a+10b, deep gray matter area.

transverse brain width at the mentioned level, while the bone vermis (sVermis) were also measured in the sagittal slice. In the
biparietal width (bBPW) was defined as the maximum diameter axial slice, the deep gray matter area (DGMA) corresponding to
between the inner limits of the skull. Interhemispheric distance the maximal surface of the basal ganglia was measured.
(IHD) was measured as the horizontal distance between the in- The brain metrics were compared with growth curves of
ternal edges of the superior frontal gyri, directly above the cingular normative data published by Garel [12] and Nguyen The Tich
sulcus, at an equal distance from the corpus callosum and vertex. et al. [13] and respective Z-scores were calculated. cMRI done
The extracerebral space (ECS) was obtained as the distance be- until 370/7 weeks was compared with Garel [12] and cMRI done
tween the superior frontal gyri to the inner limit of the skull. between 37 and 42 weeks was compared with the measure-
Ventricular measurements, including the ventricular index (VI; ments from Nguyen The Tich et al. [13]. Furthermore, cor-
distance between the falx and the lateral wall of the anterior horn), relations between measurements and GA at birth were eval-
anterior horn width (diagonal width of the anterior ventricular uated. Additionally, impaired brain growth was implemented
horn measured at its widest point), and maximal lateral distance of and defined as two standard deviations below mean for tissue
the third ventricle were assessed in this slice. Furthermore, the parameters and two standard deviations above mean for fluid
craniocaudal interopercular distance (CCI) as the maximum di- parameters.
ameter of the fossa lateralis was measured [13, 21]. The third
coronal slice was obtained at the maximum diameter of the Statistical Analysis and Ethics
cerebellum, where the transverse cerebellar diameter (TCD) and The analysis was performed using SPSS, version 21 for Mac
the ventricular atria at ventricular mid-height were measured. (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Data distribution was tested with
The sagittal slice was analyzed in midline and the front- the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Depending on the distribution,
occipital distance (FOD) was measured as the maximal distance Student’s t test or Mann-Whitney U test as well as linear regression
from the anterior to the posterior edge of the brain. Next, the were employed for group comparison. Analysis of categorical data
length of the corpus callosum (CClength) from the genu to the and calculation of odds ratio were performed using χ2 or Fisher’s
posterior extremity of the splenium was assessed. The height of exact test. p values <0.05 were considered statistically significant.
the vermis (hVermis) parallel to the 4th ventricle, the diameter To evaluate intraobserver variability, measurements were re-
of the vermis (90 degrees to hVermis), and the surface of the peated on two subsequent days by a single observer. The

MRI Reference Values for 2D Quantitative Neonatology 3

Brain Metrics in Preterm Infants DOI: 10.1159/000534009
Table 2. Neonatal and clinical characteristics another hospital [n = 18], lack of parental consent [n = 5],
infant too ill [n = 5], no routine cMRI during first months of
Characteristics cMRI (n = 174) COVID-19 [n = 4], reason unclear retrospectively [n = 5],
GA at birth, weeks 261/7 (251/7–271/7) examination discontinued/halted due to lack of compliance
22 weeks GA 2 (1.5) [motion artifacts, n = 1]). Furthermore, 74 (19.7%) neonates
23 weeks GA 15 (8.6) were excluded because of severe pathologies found on cMRI
24 weeks GA 24 (13.8) (IVH Grade ≥2; any WMD; CBI Grade ≥3) and 11 (2.9%)
25 weeks GA 31 (17.8) because of GA at cMRI (<35 or ≥42 GA).
26 weeks GA 46 (26.4)
27 weeks GA 56 (32.2) In total, 174 cMRI acquisitions were included. Mean
Caesarean delivery 151 (86.8) birth weight was 825 ± 201 grams, median GA at birth
Multiple birth 50 (28.7) 261/7 (251/7–271/7; range 221/7–276/7) weeks. cMRI ex-
Male 98 (56.3) aminations were performed at a median post-menstrual
Birth weight, g 825±201 age of 372/7 (364/7–382/7) weeks. Further neonatal
Birth weight percentile 52 (30–74)

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<10th percentile 13 (7.5) characteristics are shown in Table 2.
APGAR 1 8 (7–8)
APGAR 5 9 (8–9) Brain Metrics – Reference Values
APGAR 10 9 (9–9) Results for the 19 variables are presented in Table 3.
pHumb 7.3±0.1 The analysis is displayed for the entire cohort as well as
pHneon 7.2±0.1
Blood culture-proven sepsis 42 (24.1)
two GA groups (n = 72 [41.4%] born at 221/7–256/7; n =
Early-onset sepsis (culture proven) 5 (2.9) 102 [58.6%] at 260/7–276/7); as well as groups for three
Late-onset sepsis (culture proven) 38 (21.8) timepoints of cMRI (n = 67 [38.5%] from 350/7–366/7 GA;
IVH grade 1 27 (15.5) n = 78 [44.8%] from 370/7–386/7 GA; n = 29 [16.7%] from
CBI grade 1 or 2 23 (13.8) 390/7–416/7 GA).
PDA with intervention 13 (7.5)
NEC with surgery 8 (4.6)
ROP with intervention 12 (6.9) Comparison with Preexisting Literature
BPD (oxygen requirement ≥36 weeks’) 56 (32.2) cMRI measurements from 350/7 to 376/7 GA at cMRI
GA at cMRI 37.3 (36.6–38.3) were compared with Garel [12] and above 380/7 GA with
GA at discharge 38.4 (37.3–40.0) Nguyen The Tich et al. [13]. In our analysis, compared to
Data are n (%), mean ± SD, or median (IQR) as appropriate. BPD,
the respective reference groups Z-scores were −2.4 (−2.9
bronchopulmonary disease; CBI, cerebellar injury; cMRI, cerebral to −1.9) for cBPW; −2.2 (−2.7 to −1.7) for bBPW; −0.6
magnetic resonance imaging; GA, gestational age; IVH, intraven- (−1.8 to −0.0) for TCD; −1.6 (−2.9 to −0.9) for FOD; −0.8
tricular hemorrhage; NEC, necrotizing enterocolitis; PDA, patent (−1.2 to −0.3) for CClength; 2.1 (0.7–3.6) for IHD, and 1.0
ductus arteriosus; pHneon, first neonatal pH after birth; pHumb, (0.2–1.7) for third ventricle.
umbilical artery pH; ROP, retinopathy of prematurity.
Differences and Correlations Concerning
Gestational Age
interobserver reliability was evaluated by repeating measurements Comparing the more immature infants (below 261/7
by a second observer, who was unaware of the first observer’s data. GA) of our cohort to the more mature ones (≥261/7 GA),
Intra- as well as interrater agreement were assessed in 15% of our results show that infants in the group with <261/7 GA
patients. Correlation coefficients were calculated using a 2-way
had a significantly later cMRI timepoint (376/7 vs. 370/7
random model for absolute agreement and interpreted according
to the strength of agreement scale of Brennan and Silman [22]. The GA). Corrected for GA at cMRI, BFD, AHH, FOD,
study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of CClength, hVermis, sVermis, and DGMA were signifi-
the Medical University of Vienna (EK 1667/2022). cantly smaller. In contrast to that, “fluid” parameters, like
VI and CCI were significantly larger in the more im-
mature group. All findings are displayed in Table 4.
Results Increasing GA at birth was significantly associated with a
larger AHH (p = 0.001), FOD (p = 0.042), CClength (p =
Subjects 0.001), hVermis (p = 0.010), sVermis (p = 0.002), and
During the 4-year study period, 375 preterm infants <28 DGMA (p = 0.024), whereas IHD (p = 0.044), ECS (p =
GA were born, of whom 78 (20.8%) died and 38 (10.1%) did 0.001), VI (p = 0.002), CCI (p = 0.025), and ventricular
not undergo cMRI due to various reasons (transfer into atria (0.015) were significantly smaller.

4 Neonatology Buchmayer et al.

DOI: 10.1159/000534009
Table 3. Reference values with cut-offs for impaired brain growth according to GA


350/7–366/7 (n = 67) 370/7–386/7 (n = 78) 390/7–416/7 (n = 29)

mean SD impBG mean SD impBG mean SD impBG

221/7–256/7 GA 56.4 2.6 51.2 57.1 3.0 51.1 59.8 3.6 52.6
260/7–276/7 GA 58.1 3.4 51.3 58.6 2.9 52.8 59.1 3.2 52.7
Entire cohort 57.6 3.3 51.0 57.8 3.0 51.8 59.4 3.4 52.6
221/7–256/7 GA 39.1 3.0 33.1 38.9 3.8 31.3 41.4 4.4 32.6
260/7–276/7 GA 41.1 3.8 33.5 41.8 3.4 35.0 40.7 3.7 33.3
Entire cohort 40.6 3.7 33.2 40.3 3.9 32.5 41.0 4.1 32.8
221/7–256/7 GA 68.6 2.6 63.4 72.8 3.7 65.4 74.3 4.5 65.3

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260/7–276/7 GA 70.3 2.6 65.1 71.5 3.0 65.5 74.8 4.9 65.0
Entire cohort 69.8 3.0 63.8 72.2 3.4 65.4 74.5 4.6 65.9
221/7–256/7 GA 73.5 2.7 68.1 78.5 3.7 71.1 79.5 5.0 69.5
260/7–276/7 GA 74.9 3.2 68.5 76.1 3.2 69.7 79.9 5.8 68.3
Entire cohort 74.5 3.1 68.3 77.3 3.6 70.1 79.7 5.4 68.9
221/7–256/7 GA 4.0 1.4 6.8 4.6 1.7 8.0 4.0 1.9 7.8
260/7–276/7 GA 4.0 1.4 6.8 3.7 1.1 5.9 4.0 1.7 7.4
Entire cohort 4.0 1.4 6.8 4.1 1.5 7.1 4.1 1.8 7.7
221/7–256/7 GA 6.5 2.0 10.5 7.2 2.3 11.8 6.2 2.2 10.6
260/7–276/7 GA 5.4 1.8 9.0 5.6 1.9 9.4 6.3 2.3 10.9
Entire cohort 5.7 1.9 9.5 6.4 2.3 11.0 6.3 2.2 10.7
221/7–256/7 GA 11.5 1.5 14.5 13.0 1.3 15.6 12.9 1.3 15.5
260/7–276/7 GA 11.4 1.3 14.0 12.0 1.8 15.6 13.1 1.8 16.7
Entire cohort 11.6 1.4 14.4 12.5 1.6 15.7 13.0 1.6 16.2
221/7–256/7 GA 3.2 1.2 5.6 4.0 1.2 6.4 4.0 1.3 6.6
260/7–276/7 GA 3.5 1.1 5.7 3.6 1.3 6.2 3.9 1.6 7.1
Entire cohort 3.4 1.1 5.6 3.8 1.3 6.4 3.9 1.5 6.9
221/7–256/7 GA 3.1 0.8 4.7 3.8 0.7 5.2 4.0 0.6 5.2
260/7–276/7 GA 3.4 0.7 4.8 3.6 0.8 5.2 3.9 1.3 6.5
Entire cohort 3.3 0.8 4.9 3.7 0.8 5.3 4.0 1.0 6.0
221/7–256/7 GA 2.5 1.1 4.7 3.7 2.4 8.5 2.8 1.8 6.4
260/7–276/7 GA 2.7 1.5 5.7 2.6 1.9 6.4 2.5 1.4 5.3
Entire cohort 2.6 1.4 5.4 3.2 2.3 7.8 2.6 1.6 5.8
221/7–256/7 GA 46.6 2.9 40.8 48.8 4.7 39.4 48.8 3.1 42.6
260/7–276/7 GA 47.0 2.2 42.6 48.2 2.3 43.6 50.7 3.3 44.1
Entire cohort 46.9 2.4 42.1 48.5 3.7 41.1 49.8 3.3 43.2
221/7–256/7 GA 6.8 1.2 9.2 7.4 1.8 11.0 7.1 1.5 10.1
260/7–276/7 GA 6.5 1.5 9.5 6.5 1.8 10.1 7.5 1.8 11.1
Entire cohort 6.5 1.4 9.3 6.9 1.9 10.7 7.3 1.7 10.7
221/7–256/7 GA 94.5 4.2 86.1 95.1 5.1 84.9 96.1 6.3 83.5
260/7–276/7 GA 96.2 4.8 86.6 97.2 5.3 86.6 99.1 7.3 84.5
Entire cohort 95.7 4.6 86.5 96.1 5.3 85.5 97.6 6.9 83.8
221/7–256/7 GA 39.0 3.3 32.4 37.6 3.4 44.4 37.7 2.8 32.1
260/7–276/7 GA 39.6 2.6 34.4 39.4 2.8 33.8 39.9 3.7 32.5
Entire cohort 39.4 2.8 33.8 38.5 3.2 32.1 38.9 3.4 32.1

MRI Reference Values for 2D Quantitative Neonatology 5

Brain Metrics in Preterm Infants DOI: 10.1159/000534009
Table 3 (continued)


350/7–366/7 (n = 67) 370/7–386/7 (n = 78) 390/7–416/7 (n = 29)

mean SD impBG mean SD impBG mean SD impBG

221/7–256/7 GA 5.5 0.8 7.1 5.8 0.9 7.5 5.9 1.4 8.7
260/7–276/7 GA 5.5 0.8 7.1 5.8 0.9 7.5 6.3 1.1 8.5
Entire cohort 5.5 0.8 7.1 5.8 0.9 7.5 6.1 1.3 8.7
221/7–256/7 GA (n = 72) 14.8 2.3 10.2 15.4 1.7 12.0 14.3 2.1 10.1
260/7–276/7 GA (n = 102) 15.6 2.4 10.8 15.2 1.6 12.0 15.8 3.1 9.6
Entire cohort (n = 174) 15.4 2.4 10.6 15.3 1.7 11.9 15.0 2.7 9.6
221/7–256/7 GA 22.0 2.2 17.6 22.3 1.8 18.7 21.9 1.3 19.3

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260/7–276/7 GA 22.4 1.8 18.8 22.7 2.0 18.7 23.2 1.8 19.6
Entire cohort 22.3 1.9 18.5 22.5 1.9 18.7 22.6 1.7 19.2
221/7–256/7 GA 272.6 45.3 182.0 278.1 30.5 217.1 268.6 50.1 186.4
260/7–276/7 GA 292.2 48.4 195.4 298.5 51.5 195.5 312.4 60.6 191.2
Entire cohort 286.6 48.0 190.6 288.1 43.0 202.1 291.3 59.1 173.1
221/7–256/7 GA 896.3 67.9 760.5 902.2 60.3 781.6 921.0 117.0 687.0
260/7–276/7 GA 898.4 75.5 747.4 941.7 85.4 770.9 982.5 98.2 768.1
Entire cohort 897.8 72.8 752.2 921.4 75.8 769.8 952.3 110.2 731.9

Data are in mm and mm2. Entire cohort (n = 174); 221/7–256/7 GA (n = 72); 260/7–276/7 GA (n = 102). Bold = mean value for the
reference metrics. Normal = standard deviation. impBG (impaired brain growth) = value resembling a cut-off two-standard deviations
below or above the mean value for a better identification of patients at risk. cMRI, cerebral magnetic resonance imaging; GA, gestational
age; impBG, impaired brain growth; dVermis, diameter vermis; 4V, fourth ventricle; AtrialV, ventricular atria; AHW, anterior ventricular horn
height; 3V, third ventricle; cBPW, cranial biparietal width. aDistance. bArea.

Intraobserver and Interobserver Reliability showed that impaired brain growth was connected to
The reproducibility of measurements by a single ob- adverse neurodevelopment in preterm neonates.
server, as well as between observers, was classified as very Although extremely preterm neonates show smaller
good (≥0.81) according to the strength of agreement scale brain metrics at TEA compared to term-born, it is im-
of Brennan and Silman for all 19 parameters. portant to find the ones at risk for impaired brain growth
and consecutive adverse neurodevelopment. The creation
of reference values for this high-risk collective is im-
Discussion portant, as no comparable values currently exist.
Concerning “tissue” parameters, reductions of cBPW,
The purpose of this study was to create reference values bBPW, and FOD have been related to impaired brain
for cerebral structures and cut-off values for impaired growth and are therefore predictors for adverse outcome
brain growth in a large, contemporary cohort of ex- [14]. We compared the more immature half to the mature
tremely preterm infants without major brain abnor- ones and found significantly smaller “tissue” parameters,
malities. Two-dimensional cMRI brain metrics have been like BFD, AHH, FOD, hVermis, and sVermis [13]. WMD
used since 1999 in adolescents, where former preterm are one of the major pathologies in extremely preterm
infants were compared with term-born neonates and had infants [26]. CClength resembles the amount of white
smaller brain parameters reflecting poor postnatal growth matter and a narrowing can be associated with poorer
[23]. The used variables are easily reproducible with a developmental outcome and a lower intelligence quotient
high intra- as well as interrater reliability in the literature [27]. Although we excluded all patients with WMD in this
as well as in our analysis [13]. Several studies examined analysis, we observed significantly lower values in more
the correlation between brain structures and neuro- premature infants, which could resemble quantitative
developmental outcome [7, 24, 25]. Kidokoro et al. [14] white matter defects.

6 Neonatology Buchmayer et al.

DOI: 10.1159/000534009
Table 4. Differences of brain
measurements at TEA and GA at birth GA birth 221/7–260/7 GA 261/7–276/7 GA p value*

BFDa 57.4 (55.3–59.6) 58.8 (56.4–60.1) 0.005

AHHa 39.2 (37.0–41.9) 41.6 (39.2–43.5) 0.001
cBPWa 71.1 (68.9–75.5) 71.7 (69.1–73.7) 0.907
bBPWa 76.6 (74.0–80.2) 76.2 (73.6–78.5) 0.342
IHDa 4.4 (3.2–5.4) 3.8 (2.7–5.0) 0.108
ECSa 6.4 (5.3–8.4) 5.5 (4.5–6.8) 0.001
VIa 12.5 (11.5–13.5) 12.0 (11.1–13.0) 0.459
AHWa 3.6 (2.9–4.5) 3.3 (2.7–4.4) 0.928
3Va 3.7±0.8 3.6±0.9 0.704
CCIa 3.2±1.8 2.7±1.5 0.049
TCDa 48.1 (45.9–49.9) 47.7 (46.4–49.9) 0.288
AtrialVa 6.9 (6.1–8.0) 6.6 (5.7–7.5) 0.231
FODa 94.4 (91.9–97.9) 96.9 (93.0–101.0) 0.002

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CClengtha 38.3 (36.1–40.4) 39.6 (37.7–41.7) 0.003
4Va 5.7 (5.1–6.3) 5.7 (5.0–6.3) 0.154
dVermisa 14.7 (13.7–16.4) 15.3 (14.0–16.8) 0.266
hVermisa 22.2 (20.9–23.7) 22.7 (21.7–23.9) 0.017
sVermisb 272.0 (248.0–298.0) 291.0 (261.5–330.3) 0.002
DGMAb 903.0 (854.5–945.5) 925.5 (871.8–976.8) 0.004

AHH, anterior horn height; AHW, anterior ventricular horn width; AtrialV, ventricular
atria; BFD, bifrontal diameter; bBPW, bone biparietal width; cBPW, cerebral biparietal
width; CCI, craniocaudal interopercular distance; CClength, corpus callosum length;
cMRI, cerebral magnetic resonance imaging; DGMA, deep gray matter area; dVermis,
vermis diameter; ECS, extracerebral space; FOD, fronto-occipital diameter; GA, ges-
tational age; IHD, interhemispheric distance; hVermis, vermis height; TCD, transverse
cerebellar diameter; sVermis, vermis surface; VI, ventricular index; 2D, two-
dimensional; 3V, third ventricle; 4V, fourth ventricle. *p values were corrected for
GA at cMRI. aDistance. bArea.

Another vulnerable and clinically important part of the worse motor outcome at 2 years of corrected age and
neonatal brain is the cerebellum [28]. CBI have been enhanced ventricles at TEA have been associated with
linked to white matter as well as supratentorial injuries other brain injuries and atrophy [35].
and are associated with cognitive, learning, and behav- Garel [12] measured most of the used brain metrics in
ioral disabilities in very preterm infants [29–31]. Liter- fetal cMRI. They found good comparability between 2D
ature supports the idea that impaired growth in certain measurements and quantitative volumetric cMRI data.
brain regions happens in presence of supratentorial le- Nguyen The Tich et al. [13] examined 189 preterm infants
sions, like IVH, hemorrhagic parenchymal infarction, or and compared them to term-born controls. In contrast to
cystic periventricular leukomalacia [13, 30]. Those pa- our cohort, the studied infants were more mature (274/7 vs.
thologies were excluded in our analysis as they might have 261/7 GA) and their cMRI was done later (400/7 vs. 372/7
an influence on brain development and thus distort the GA). This partly explains the smaller “tissue” measure-
derived reference values [24, 25]. ments with Z-Scores of −2.4 for cBPW or −1.9 for FOD
Another analysis was the DGMA, resembling the basal and larger “fluid” measurements with +1.0 for IHD
ganglia, which was significantly smaller in preterm in- compared to the abovementioned existing values [12, 13].
fants compared to term infants. It is well accepted that Hammerl et al. [34] published that >50% of their
this area is highly connected with the premotor, motor, cohort of very preterm infants were below cut-off values
and somatosensory cortices [32, 33]. for cBPW previously defined by Kidokoro et al. [17],
Concerning “fluid” parameters like IHD and VI, in- which limits those values as references for extremely
fants born at a younger GA had significantly higher values preterm infants. Considering this, the extensive reference
at TEA. Enlarged ECSs have been associated with lower values presented within this study are to our knowledge
cognitive and psychomotor abilities [34]. Kidokoro et al. the first ones published in extremely preterm infants
[14] showed that a larger IHD has been associated with born <28 GA without severe brain injury.

MRI Reference Values for 2D Quantitative Neonatology 7

Brain Metrics in Preterm Infants DOI: 10.1159/000534009
Strengths and Limitations Statement of Ethics
The main strength of our study is the creation of
reference values including cut-off values for impaired The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review
Board of the Medical University of Vienna (EK 1667/2022).
brain growth in a contemporary cohort of extremely Samples used in this study were obtained as part of routine medical
preterm infants without major pathologies for various care. Written informed consent from participants’ parents was not
brain areas. Another advantage is that the measurements required in accordance with local/national guidelines. For this
could be done by neonatologists without the dependency study, the images were analyzed retrospectively, which was ap-
of radiologists as they are easily reproducible. proved by our Ethics Committee.
Coming to the limitations, cMRI was performed shortly
before discharge with a median GA of 372/7 (364/7–382/7)
weeks. Kidokoro et al. [14] or Hammerl et al. [34] were able Conflict of Interest Statement
to show impairments in the presence of altered measure-
The authors have no conflicts of interest relevant to this article
ments, the investigation of standardized follow-up will be to disclose.

Downloaded from by guest on 21 October 2023

obtained in our population. In addition, as previously stated,
we refrained from rotating the images following the stan-
dardization and manual realignment processes conducted
Funding Sources
by our skilled technical radiology assistants during and
directly after cMRI. Furthermore, reproducibility was better No funding was secured for this study.
for large values (e.g., FOD or BPW) and less accurate for
small ones (e.g., IHD or CCI), but still all measurements had
a very good intra- as well as interrater agreement according Author Contributions
to Brennan and Silman [22].
Dr. Katharina Goeral and Dr. Julia Buchmayer conceptualized
and designed the study, designed the data collection instruments,
Conclusion collected data, made formal analysis, visualized the data, drafted
the initial manuscript, and critically reviewed and revised the
This study demonstrates that 2D cMRI brain measure- manuscript. Prof. Gregor Kasprian, Dr. Sophie Stummer, PhD
Vito Giordano, Dr. Katrin Klebermass-Schrehof, and Dr. Victor
ments at TEA may represent an easy and reliable approach
Schmidbauer critically reviewed and revised the manuscript. Dr.
for the evaluation of brain size and hence brain growth in Raphaela Jernej collected data and critically reviewed and revised
infants at high risk for neurodevelopmental impairment. the manuscript. Prof. Angelika Berger coordinated and supervised
They can be easily performed by radiologists as well as data collection and critically reviewed and revised the manuscript
neonatologists and the proposed reference values may assist for important intellectual content. All authors approved the final
in research as well as clinical settings to better understand the manuscript as submitted and agreed to be accountable for all
aspects of the work.
impact of prematurity on brain development.

Acknowledgments Data Availability Statement

We would like to thank our little patients and their parents for Data are not publicly available due to ethical reasons. Further
participating in our survey. inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.


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Brain Metrics in Preterm Infants DOI: 10.1159/000534009

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