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Vague Research
Question and
Going off-topic
While choosing a research topic, be very clear
about the question it is going to answer. Ask
yourself – Why do you want to look into this
topic and how can the findings help you and
When a researcher goes off-topic, it can lead to
a dilution of the study's purpose and potentially
compromise the validity of the findings. It's
crucial for researchers to maintain a clear focus
on their original research question, ensuring that
all data and analysis contribute directly to
addressing that specific inquiry.
To avoid both vague research questions and
going off-topic, researchers should take the time
to formulate precise, well-defined research
questions that establish clear boundaries for
their study.
Formatting of the
Remember to always check the specific guidelines
provided by your institution or the publisher you
are submitting to, as they may have specific
requirements for formatting. Following these
guidelines will help ensure that your paper is
presented in a professional and organized
Complex Language

Don’t fill your paper with too much technical

jargon or with long and complex sentences.
Clear communication is essential for the
effectiveness and impact of research work. By
avoiding unnecessary complexity in language,
researchers can enhance accessibility,
promote understanding, foster collaboration,
and ultimately contribute to the advancement
of knowledge in their respective fields.
Poor Abstract

The abstract of a research paper is a concise

summary that provides readers with a snapshot of
the study's purpose, methods, results, and
conclusions. A well-crafted abstract is crucial for
attracting readers and conveying the significance of
the research. However, poor abstracts can hinder the
dissemination of valuable findings and leave readers
with a misleading or incomplete understanding of the
One of the most common writing mistakes made
by early career researchers is that they do not
pay sufficient attention to the introduction of
the research manuscript. The introduction serves
as the reader’s first impression of the article,
influencing their decision to either continue
reading or skip it. Ensuring that the introduction
is captivating and concise is vital
Unexplained abbreviations can be a little
confusing for the reader. The general rule is to
provide the full expansion at the first occurrence
and use the abbreviated form at all subsequent
occurrences. This will bring more clarity to the
Choosing too many or ineffective keywords for
your article is another common mistake. Picking
the right keywords (usually 4–6 words) will
determine how a search engine indexes your
article. Try to use keywords that recur most
frequently throughout the article (including
article title and subheadings).
Not Proofreading
Your Paper
Never forget to proofread your paper (if possible,
more than once) before submitting it to a journal.
Proofreading is an indispensable part of the
research process that ensures the quality and
credibility of your work. Neglecting this crucial
step can lead to errors, misinterpretations, and a
diminished impact on the academic community.
Poor Grammar
(Voice, Tenses,
In academic writing, it’s essential to check your
work to eliminate common grammar mistakes.
Using grammar and punctuation properly helps to
emphasize pauses, thoughts, ideas, and even the
accuracy of the text
The incorrect use of punctuation marks, such as
commas, apostrophes, quotations, colons, and
semi-colons, is among the most common
grammar mistakes in English that can change the
way a message is interpreted.

Plagiarism is a serious ethical violation in

academic and research settings. It involves
presenting someone else's work, ideas, or words
as your own without proper attribution. To
maintain the integrity of scholarly pursuits, it is
imperative to understand and implement
strategies to avoid plagiarism in research work.
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