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Affection vs Duty - An Ethical Dilemma

Summary - They problem of regarding the 7 year old child can be really problematic as it may
lead to losing one's own licence to practice and thus the proper knowledge about the patient,
their previous history and previous treatment are essential for a harmonious life.

The Essay-
Not a case study from Google but a case study from "Dear Zindagi" movie

At the end of the movie, Alia literally falls in love with her psychiatrist who was played by none
other that Shahrukh Khan. And then and there He makes her realise that how its not okay to
have a relationship with his client. It does breaks her heart in a way but it also makes her realise
that all those people that comes to your life are not meant to stay.

And Yes, at present also it does happen that the patients develop some sort of affection towards
their therapist. One of the primary reasons being that the therapist talks with them, listens to
them and their problems related to life, share their vulnarabilities like they had never done with
anyone else before. They also feel like they are being heard for the first time in their life. It
makes the person feel important and he/she develops an affection towards the therapist. Also at
that time the doctor makes the person realise about their own mistakes, their own emotions,
make them feel those emotions that need to be felt and drive them away from those negative
thoughts. Such a behaviour of the therapist keeps the patient engaged to them for a long time
and this develops a bond between them.
After some sessions they just want to see the therapist several times a day, pay them surprise
visits, try to know their address, follow them, make or buy gifts for them.

However all those emotions are well understood by the doctor, he/she makes their patient
understand and tell them how this will be very unethical to have a relationship with their own
patients. How knowing the patient's secrets and vulnarabilities makes the therapist at an
advantageous position where they can exploit their needs and preferences. The relationship
becomes unhealthy and later it takes a negative mental toll on the patient itself.

Therefore, knowing the patient's as well as personal boundaries is important and keeping those
boundaries will help both of them in a long run.

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