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Experim ent No.

Title: To demonstrate the components and working of an Internal Combustion Engine

Aim: To understand and demonstrate components and working cycle of Internal



Apparatus used:Cut section models of 4S SC petrol and diesel engines, actual 4S SC

engine, actual single cylinder 4S diesel engine
Engine classification:
Engine: It is a device which transforms one form of energy into another form.
t'; Heat Engine: It is a device which converts the chemical energy of fuel into thermal
and uses this energy to produce mechanical work.Examples: petrol engine, diesel engine,
engine, steam engine, etc.
Two broad categories:
1. External combustion (EC) engines - the combustion of fuel takes place outside
engine cylinder. Example: Steam engine

2. Internal combustion (IC) engines - either the combustion of fuel takes place inside
engine cylinder or products of combustion enter into the cylinder as a working fluid.
Examples: petrol engine, diesel engine, jet engine, etc.

IC Engine Terminology:

intake Exhaust vatve

___ ___..~--1-- TDC


___ L·BDC
(a) Displacement (b,) Clearan~e
·volume Volume
Bore.Th e inside Diameter of the Cylinder is known as the Bore and it is measure
d, generally
in millimetre (mm).
Stroke:It is the distance travelled by the Piston from one of its dead centre position
to the
other dead centre position.
. oke
io n s o c c .
a t th e e n d o f its str or
e posit piston line. F
e s p o n d to th d ': ;• c d by the the s a m e straight
y c o r r d a n
e c ti n g ro d C r a n k a r e in D Centre
a d C e n tre: The t h e c o n n C ) a n d B ott om ead ) and
De e of op D tr c ( T. . D (I.D.C
e t h e c e n t r e l i n a r e k n o w n a s T esee aarc ke n I n n e r D ead Centre
Wh~ r these e s , th nown as
V e r ti c a l)
. n h o r i z o n t a l e n g in
. on. I it io n . ·· towards th
( B .D.C pos1t1 t r e ( 0 .D .C ) p o s lo e P is to n
ad Cen e s th e t1on o f th
Outer De I n v e r ti c a l e n g in D d p C most pos1 e
: towards th
d C e n t r e (TDC) is k n o w n a s T o'p e a entre.
e P is to n
Top Dea linder n o f th
n d s i d e of the cy s , th e lo w e r ptroes.itio
cover e n g in e d Cen
C ) : I n V e r tiwc anl aEs B ot to m D e a lu m e. It is the
e ( B D
n t r c y l i n d e r is k n o e n t V o
Dea<_' C e lacem rea o f cro
B o tt o k·me n d s i d e o f t h
C e
t V o lu m e o r Disp l to th e A
ran s Swep is equa
is a l s o known a it s o n e S t roke. I t
n t : Tt e e poskfo r
e Le ngth.
t o n D i s placeme t h e P i s t o n sitws S tr C ylinder H
Pis h i c h pli e d b y n d th e
o u gPhi sw
e t hf rt h ton multi e n t he Pis
ton a
ead Centr
e in
v o ltui m o e d be tw e in n e r D t
sec on V o lu m e in c lu de r ti c a l E n gi n e s a n d r c e n ta g e s o f Swep
the in V e as pe
c e V o l u me: It is p D e a d C en tr e n e r a l l y e x p r es s e d
o e
Clearan s t o n is a t
its T
n c e Volum
e is g
h e P i l e a r a
when t ngines.
The C
a rance volum
o n t a l E th e c le
olrui zm e . m e to
V nder v o l u
a r a t i o o f the cyli
sio n ratio:It
Compres gine:
t s o f IC En er.
Com po n e n
e q u i r e d p e r cylind h am b e r. (Diameter
s are r tion c
m u m t w o v a lv e e s c a p e th e combus
in i ses
Valves: M e ts t h e e x h a u s t ga
h a u s t Valve J v a l v e ) b u s tio n chamber.
• E x k e e co m
than Inta to enter th
is s m a l l e r el m ix tu r e
t h e a i r o r a i r fu )
t a k e V alvelet s
t h e e x h a u s t valve es.
• I n
t e r i s l a rger tha n
r o p e r a ti ng the valv e r. T h r o u g
i a m e a m s f o it p o w
(D ust c d tr a n s m
s i n t a k e and exha .
a n
t ha ceive
. shaft tha e r , w h i ch canter.e
ylin d rota
a f t . T h e f i t t e d i n t ot haecc r a n k s h a f t to .
Ca m S h fc
m o v a b l e pp~irstton o r c e s t a ry motion
t o n : A
P i sn n e c t i n g r o d , t h e n i n t o r o
co . r o c a t .m g m o t i o
1 p
..,Y,1~;'t-· C o n
verts rec t.
nk s h a t o t h e c r a n k shaf
nnects p
d ·
· C o
. ng ro
chamber ....&-_ _...;cooling
btock prstcm


Spark Plug: It provides the means of ignition when the gasoline engine' s piston is at the end
of compression stroke, close to Top Dead Center (TDC)

Cylinder head:Part that covers and encloses the cylinder. It contains cooling fins or water
jacketsa nd the valves. Some engines contain the cam shaft in the cylinder head.

Engine Block: Foundation of the engine and contains pistons, crank shaft, cylinders , timing
sprocket s and sometimes the cam shaft. In an internal combustion engine, the cylinder
head (often informally abbreviated to just head) sits above the cylinders on top of the cylinder

Working Principle of Petrol Engine:

Four basic processe s are involved in any IC engine

I. Suction (intake): either air-fuel mixture (in case of petrol engines) or only air (in
case of diesel engines) is taken into the combustion chamber.

2 . Compre ssion: either air-fuel mixture or air is compressed.

3. Combustion: compres sed fuel-air mixture is burned either by providin g spark (in
case of petrol engines) or diesel injection (in case of diesel engines).

4. Exhaust : gases generate d during combust ion are expelled out of the combustion
chambe r.

W or ki ng Pr in ci pl e of O
tto Cy cl e (P et ro l En gi ne
The Otto cycle is the ide
al cycle for spark-ignition
ignition engines, the piston reciprocating engines. In mo
executes fourcomplete strok st spark-
cylinder, and thecranksh es (two mechanical cycles)
aft completes two revolu wi thin the
Theseengines are called fo tions for each thermodyn
ur-stroke internal combustio am ic cycle.
Initially, both the intake n engines.
and the exhaust valves are
lowest position (BDC). closed, and the piston isa
During the compression t its
compressing the air -fu el stroke, the piston movesupw
mixture. Shortly before the ard,
(TDC), the spark plug fires piston reachesits highest
and the mixture ignite,incre position
the system. The high-pres asing the pressure and tem
suregases force the piston perature of
to rotate,producing a usefu down, which in tu m forces
l wo rk output during the ex the crankshaft
this stroke, the piston is at pansion or power stroke. At
its lowest position (the co theend of
and the cylinder is filled mpletion of thefirst mech
with combustion products. an ical cycle),
time, purging the exhaus Now the piston moves up
t gasesthrough the exhaus ward one more
second tim e,d ra wi ng in t valve (the exhaust strok
fresh air -fu el mixture thr e), and down a
Notice that th e pr es su re ough the intake valve (th
in the cylinder is slightly e intakestroke).
exhaust str ok e an d slightly above the atmosphericvalu
be lo w during the intakestro e during the
r II

Ellhauu Ait- fuo,
End of cotnbu mi:ltun

-v--tlonJ .Exhaust
Powt{ (UpM llr oU
Compnnlon ilr ok e
-■ 1rt1kd tp.trl:•
igntlloo engine
(a) A~lual four


------ (4]

V• CO IIS t.
V•const. beat. ,tjectioa
~n lro pi c expatulon
.v COll1J)laSioo
,BDC c:)clc
(b) Ideal Otto

e or T
y sis o f the ac tual four-strok .
namic anal not a simple
The thennody ib ed is
clesd escr nific tlyif
two-stroke cy lysis can be simplified sig lting
How~ver, the
tio n s ar e utilized. The resu ing
rd assump al operat
the a rr -s ~ d a sely resembles the actu s o f four
cycle, which
clo consist
is the idea l Ottocycle. It
condition s, :
tern al ly re ve rsible processes n
in mpressio
1-2 isentropic colume heat addition
2-3 constant-v pansion
ic ex
3-4 isentrop s
4-1 constant-
volume heat

r ngine)
se l C y cle (Diesel E posed
in g P r in c iple o f D ie
in es . The C le ngine, first pro
Wor k g ,
cl e fo r C I reciprocating en dis cu ss ed in the last section
l cy eSI engine
cle is the idea y similar to th engines (also kn
The Diesel cy 18 9 0 s, is v er ar k -i g n itio n
iesel in the stion. In sp belowthe
by Rudolph D m eth o d o fi n itiating combu to a tem p erature that is ark
ly in the ed
differing main -f u e l m ix ture is compress ss is in itia tedby firing a sp
gines), the a
ir ustion proce to a temperatu
re that
as gasolineen o f th e fu el , and the comb co m p re ss ed
mperature ),the air is on contact as
the fuel
autoignition te o kn o w n as diesel engines u stio n st ar ts
gines (als e fuel, and co
m b by a
plug. In CI en per at u re of th ca rb u re to r are replaced
is above the a
utoignition tem erefore, the spark pJug and
tothis hot air.
is injected in .
dieseJ engines
fueJinjector in

In gasol ine engines, a mixture of air and fue l is Spark injoctor
compressed during thecomprcssion stroke, and
the compression ratios are limited .by the ~nset Air
ofautoignition or engine knock. In diesel cng11~es,
only air is compressed duringthe ~0~11.prcss1011 Air--fuel
stroke, eliminating the poss1b1hty of mixture Fuel spray
autoignition.Therefore, diesel engines can be
designed to operate at much higher
compressionratios, typically between 12 and 24.
Not having to deal with theproblem of
autoignition has another benefit: many of the
stringent requirementsplaced on the gasoline can
now be removed, and fuels that are lessrefined Gasoline engine Diesel engine
(thus less expensive) can be used in diesel
The fuel injection process in diesel engines starts when the pistonapproaches me
and continues during the first part of the power stroke.Therefore, the combustion process in
these engines takes place over alonger interval. Because of this longer duration, the
combustion process inthe ideal Diesel cycle is approximated as a constant-pressure heat-
additionprocess. In fact, this is the only process where the Otto and the D ieselcycles differ.
The remaining three processes are the same for both idealcycles. That is, process 1-2 is
isentropic compression, 3-4 is isentropicexpansion, and 4-1 is constant-volume heat rejection.
The similaritybetween the two cycles is also apparent from the P-v and T-s diagrams ofthe
Diesel cycle.

{a) p,.v<fiagram (b) T-4 dittgt11m s

.------..u~~ -~- tD ~ ~~ u.b:__ CU()d v\JQ'a--l<:..l'YJ3 .
.------U----- -~ Q, ~6 i'V1 re ff:YJCvL c(9::VY) to\.~ ,

4)\ l \
o\l") re

~ Gl
~ ~-


• ~ t_ Q.-U:( VVl 1'x ~ \.. lJ-l,.,( fkn -.L.ld .-.L6e 1-l.~l l.c\..4 -- - -

,CQ ~ ( ~ 1l rD tawt YL D.nd Qy___pQn cJ . -

,hil Ll 10 rye o 1, t-v u pIcD)-"0 n d.. o w ~-
(Cu--\.ll) ,·~ ~ t½A -~ _ Q _ ~ ~~ -' --- --- --- --- ----

=- ,~~ ~
~ /:b ~ p1id> __x_VD~G~WQ;.Llh~ ~ ___J_. !'. ._l..L_\~
0-V ,


l . , l~ . . . ,VL L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r.L...L.
...C.__ _...= ::::i ~-
d , . _ _ _ _ _ ,CTV
L -JJ_ _ __ _u u & . . L ~ _ . . : ~ a
~:: :..1 .6. L.- L-_ ___ _:\J:..._c~UAA..l=-=--~--'L-=---'--'-=-== -= --= --- ---
L__--- iJL -.-- --- -=~ ~o \~_ L.~ -~~ -
.!~- ---' ~~- -N~ ~.-J ....L ....i ....L .<~ ~=- ---- =-., ~~
L -4t _ _ _ _ __u- -1.. .Z:: :~.. L1. ....- L1.

- -- - - -
_ U - - - -- - - - - - -
D\A.)l) n<) tV1(J} ,6\'-(0k.,e__ _., ~Vle ,·vt.-\:u..'f;_.L_
re,l l u <'.A. n d ..Q y h C-<. t..,W t '✓ a. Lu.. t --LI..K-{.

:l~-ud . Dw ~ r\AL f"~i"np.o--t l ~

:l.or\ p~-Y M i A n..o 0:6 t\a.P ~ b~
~ b (lc OVYLP YJH"t) ill_'~ ·
YU.,~ r~ ~~fUA A fj fyJ:-L&O- g
"°--P~<-- _Q_Q_cj_ ~ {h: 4 t\A 6 ru .h
~ t-t 111 ,c, u..J::lr:u 'c Jo De;, J:±:L,(,A
rn C/4..c p;---vJ-:s 1 , ru, D t½ 1

I v:y'} D\ te)) ,Y,,-r'-0 \--I 'iroLo QyJ d 2:::€ ~ C.t,,\d D


I t'iiw l,LlL, I I '-4 a A., • "b'iCTWn b-J I\
C\.VJ d
Butterfly valve (opens on pressing
Timing Belt Surfaces

Connecting Link
Rocker link

Gear Box

Piston Rings
Cylinder Liner

Fuel injector (Cl - Diesel Engi

Spark Plugs (SI - Petrol Engine)

4-stroke SI engine Otto Cycle:-
(Refer third one from left)

n Intake Compression
(ignition at the end)
Expansion Exhaust

- .d.iW ch ~ (liJJ,c# •ft) ch . fu_
·--~~~~ w ~
(!ll1Jt Jiot), m, e @.!Jw)-,, ~ ---

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