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Work in small groups or pairs:

Design a lesson plan for a young learner EFL class that is based on one of Piaget's cognitive
development stages:
● Sensorimotor stage (0-2 years)
● Preoperational stage (2-7 years)
● Concrete operational stage (7-11 years)
● Formal operational stage (11+ years)

The lesson plan should include the following components:

Grade level: Specify the grade level and age range of the students. What development stage
are they in?
Learning objectives: State the learning objectives of the lesson in clear and concise terms.
Sensorimotor stage:
Students will be able to identify and respond to the English words for "ball", "car", and "dog".
Students will be able to imitate the English sounds "b", "c", and "d".

Preoperational stage:
Students will be able to understand and follow the English instructions "sit down", "stand up",
and "jump".
Students will be able to identify and name the English vocabulary for "animals", "colors", and
Students will be able to produce the English sentences "I want a ball" and "I like cats".

Concrete operational stage:

Students will be able to understand and answer the English questions "What is your name?"
and "How old are you?"
Students will be able to use English to describe their favorite toy and their favorite food.
Students will be able to write and speak English in a variety of contexts, such as singing
songs, playing games, and telling stories.

Formal operational stage:

In this assignment, we will not work on the formal operational stage.

Activities: Describe the activities that students will complete during the lesson. Be sure to
include activities that are appropriate for the students' cognitive level and learning styles.
Provide details about one of the activities.

Materials: List all of the materials that will be needed for the lesson.

Assessment: Explain how you will assess student learning at the end of the lesson.

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