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Introduction 1. When there is a fraud or when there is a mutual

mistake by both the parties. Now the person who
Let us first understand the Specific Relief Act,1963. It is entitled for the rectification of instrument are
means an act which provides remedies for persons whose as follows: –
civil or contractual rights have been violated. Whenever  Either party or his representative can file.
there is a breach of contract, compensation or damages are  The plaintiff in any suit can file if any rights
provided for the same, but when the damages or arising under the rectification of instruments.
compensation are not of adequate relief then, in that case,  Defendants can file in any suit as mentioned in
the specific relief or preventive relief is provided sub-clause (B).
2. If in any case in which a contract or instrument is
Specific relief: – it means when a person does a breach of
to be rectified under clause (1), the court finds
contract and when monetary compensation fails to
that contract is done by fraud or by mutual
complete contractual obligation then specific relief is
mistake of the parties, then the court has
discretionary power to rectify it.
Preventive relief: – it means when a person is prevented to 3. If parties claim for rectification and the court
do an act, which is not validly liable to do. thinks fit, then it will be specifically enforced.
4. No relief shall be granted until the parties
Legal instrument is a legal term that is used for any legal specifically claim for rectification of the
written document that is a legally enforceable act, process, instrument.
obligation, contractual duty, right or obligation.
Modes of Rectification of Instrument
So basically in simple terms, an instrument is a document
by which any rights or liabilities are to be created, Chapter three of the Specific Relief Act, 1963 deals with
transferred, limited, or extended. the rectification of instruments and Chapter five of the
Specific Relief Act, 1963 deals with the cancellation of
RELEVENT PROVSIONS: instruments. Under section 26 of the specific relief act, the
modes of rectification of instrument are: –
Section 31 to 34 of the Specific Relief Act, 1877
1. Fraud
Whenever someone intentionally misrepresents the other
The term rectification means the correction of an error regarding the contract, there is a way of rectification of the
which here is in the form of instrument. instrument. Fraud means, when:

RECTIFICATION OF INSTRUMENT MEANING:  A person suggests a fact which is not true.

 A person hides a fact, which he already knows
‘Rectification of instrument,’ means correcting the errors, about.
here instrument means contract. Rectification of  A person made a promise without any intention
instruments under specific relief act is a fair or an impartial of performing it.
remedy that is granted by the Court when facts are not 2. Mutual mistake of parties
according to the intention of the parties.
The term ’mutual mistake’ means the common
Rectification of Instruments mistake on the part of both the parties to contract. A
party who wants rectification of the instrument has to
Section 26 of the Specific Relief Act talks about
establish that there was a prior complete agreement
rectification. Let us understand in more clear terms.
that was reduced to writing in accordance with the
Rectification’ means correction and here ‘instrument’
common intention of the parties and by reason of
means any legal document/contract.
mistake the writing did not express the real intention
So rectification of instruments means correction or changes of the parties. If the mistake is not from both the
in the contract. Under Section 26 of the Specific Relief parties but from the scribe then it will not be rectified.
Act,1963, it is provided that when any contract may be A mutual mistake can be established by any parties to
rectified: a contract. On the basis of unilateral mistake not
amounting to fraud, there cannot be rectification.
3. Real Intention of the Party not continue to exist with a parol variation, it is to be read
as if it had been originally drawn in its rectified form.
The rectification of the instrument always involves the real When the court rectifies a deed of transfer it becomes a
prior agreement between the parties and the absence of conveyance and so no further conveyance is required. The
such facts in the agreement of the document as a result of order should be declared that the deed ought to be rectified,
fraud or mutual mistake. point out the way in which it should be rectified and direct
an endorsement of the order on the conveyance.
The court has also the responsibility to see whether the
parties do have a real intention or they are framing the Cancellation of instrument
instrument and further the court has to ascertain for the
same. Section 31 of the specific relief act, 1963 provides the
cancellation of the instrument.
Requirements For Rectification of Instrument Under
Section 26: Cancellation may be ordered when:-

There are certain requirements under Section 26 of the 1. The person against whom a written
specific relief act. instrument is void or voidable and has
reasonable cause that such an instrument is
 Existence of fraud or mutual mistake: – for the causing serious injury to him/her. In that
rectification of instrument, one has the proof case, the court has the discretion, so it is
regarding the fraud and the mutual mistake. The declared to be true and orders it to be
intention must be truthful which is owing to fraud delivered and cancelled.
or common mistake. 2. If the instrument has been registered under
 ‘Fraud’ means an act done by any party through the registration act, the court shall send a
a contract to deceive another party to enter into a copy of the order to that officer in whose
contract. office that instrument has been registered
 ‘Common mistake’ means when the mistake in and that officer shall not of the copy of the
any contract or in any deed done by both the instrument contained in his books for the
parties. cancellation.
 ‘Real intention of the parties’ means it’s not
only the party to prove fraud or mutual mistake Cases for rectification
but also the court has to find out and further the
Sartaj And Another vs Ayub Khan (2019)
court has to also ascertain the real intention of the
In this case, it was held that the appellant filed a civil suit
o The burden of proof lies on the person
with the allegation that the plaintiff purchased property
who wants rectification of the
(land) from the defendant by registered sale deed for
valuable consideration but due to inadvertent mistake and
misunderstanding in the sale deed they are taking undue
Parties To Rectification of Instrument
advantage for the same. In the judgment it was held that the
Either party to a contract or their legal representative in appeal is liable to be allowed and the judgment passed by
interest can take action for the rectification of the the lower appellate court is liable to set aside and the
instrument under Section 26. Any other person does not judgment and decree passed by the trial court are liable to
have any right to maintain a suit for its rectification. be restored.

Proper parties can apply for the same. ‘Proper parties’ are Conclusion
those parties when a case is brought for rectification of sale
According to me, the rectification of an instrument is
deed at that time the other parties who are affected by it are
necessary, as because of this section parties can be saved
called proper parties.
from being in any kind of fraud or if there is any mistake
Effect of rectification of Instrument occurs in a contract by the parties then with the help of
section 26 one can complain in the Court regarding the
A deed can only be rectified by the court so as to confirm same. As there are certain provisions within which if the
the true intention of the executing party at the moment of court does not find it justified then the rectification may not
execution. After the execution the written agreement does be enforced

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