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 Joseph Stalin- (whose last name means “man of steel”) took control of the Soviet Union
 Totalitarian- tried to exert complete control over its citizens.
 Benito Mussolini- establishing a totalitarian regime in Italy, where unemployment and inflation
produced bitter strikes, some communist-led.
 Fascism- stressed nationalism and placed the interest of the state above those of individuals.
 Adolf Hitler- followed a path to power like Mussolini’s.
 Nazism- the German brand of fascism.
 Francisco Franco- a general led a group of Spanish army officers rebelled against the Spanish
 Neutrality Acts- the first two acts outlawed arms sales or loans to nations at war. The third act
was passed in response to the fighting in Spain. This act extended the ban on arms sales and
loans to nations engaged in civil wars.


Stalin: focused on Hitler: he proved to

. creating a model be such a powerful
communist state. In speaker and
so doing, he made organizer that he
both agricultural quickly became the
and industrial party’s leader
growth the prime
economic goals of
the Soviet Union Dictator’s


Franco: He led the

Mussolini: knew Spanish army,
how to appeal to rebelled against the
Italy’s wounded Spanish republic
national pride
3. The treaty blamed Germany for the war, and striped the nation of its territories while at the
same time making it pay exorbitant reparations, causing a deep resentment towards the
countries who put together the treaty.

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