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A Concept Paper
Presented to
Instructor. Ashnor C. Mascara
Faculty, Department of Public Administration
College of Public Affairs
Mindanao State University
Marawi City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
BPA 130 - Xx (Local and Regional Government)


May, 2023
Marawi was called before as Dansalan and was the capital of the then undivided Lanao
province from 1907-1940. The placed served as the port area for the ships going to the most
areas of the province. It then converted into a chartered city on 1940 under the grant of manuel
L. Quezon. The name was changed from Dansalan to Marawi on 1956. The renaming of the city
as “Islamic City of Marawi” was proposed by Parliamentary Bill No. 261 in the defunct Batasang
Pambansa, the former parliament of the Philippines during the Marcos regime, reportedly to
attract funds from the Middle East.

Marawi City, It is primarily inhabited by the Maranao people, The Meranaws were also
the last major tribe to be Islamized in the 13 th Century. They were mostly left to their “rather
isolated lake country” in the centuries that followed. In the chronicles of Spanish and American
colonial forces, the Meranaws are written up as being fierce and valiant they were known to be
fighters who would fight to their last breath for their way of life.

Marawi City, a home for maranao because of its stunning natural scenery, a rich cultural
history, and important historical sites. The city is a well-liked travel destination because to its
beautiful natural surroundings and diverse cultural traditions. The city is also called the "summer
capital of the south" due to its higher elevation and cooler climate
Being a public servant can be overwhelming. Multi-dimensional issues beset local
communities, and urgent needs warrant attention and action simultaneously. Days will be filled
with situations that will require us to adapt and will test our resolve. Stay focused and be
steadfast with the priorities you have for your community. Peace and order is one of the most
crucial areas where we must focus on. I appeal to you that will continue and intensify the fight
against illegal drugs, corruption, and criminality. Equally important, strengthen our community’s
resilience by improving disaster preparedness and by ensuring that you have the systems in
place to meet basic needs such as water, shelter, nutrition, and health. Channel your efforts into
moving people from the margins into the mainstream by providing opportunities for sustainable
livelihood and development.

The purpose of this concept paper is to propose a plan to rebuild, and recreate Marawi
City. The paper will provide the program approach that I as a leader will do. Also to identify the
challenges and issues our city, and propose a set of measures that can be taken to address
these challenges and promote rebuild and recreate program in the city. By implementing the
proposed measures, Marawi City can ensure a cleaner, healthier, and peace environment for its
residents and visitors, and promote sustainable development in the long term.

Program Approach

1. Rebuilding the dredge for a better waterways

2. Vendors applying for business permit as well as submission of application towards
3. Implementing new traffic system approach
4. Proper waste disposal
5. Full payment of SRP loan
6. Improvement of APMC
7. Providing scholarship for students
8. Completion of Carbon Market Phase 2


Floods should be our top priority as the rainy season has arrived. Department of Public
Works and Highways (DPWH) cooperation is necessary. While doing so, we must collaborate
closely with Iligan and cagayan, two nearby cities, to massively dredge our waterways. Because
the blocking of water within our metropolis cannot be prevented by localized dredging.
Tributaries must be provided for the water to exit. Because of this, I implore their municipal and
barangay leaders to work together to immediately dredge Marawi City's water channels.

The Commercial Environment

The next in our priority has to do with economic flow. If we suffer rain water blockage,
our business community today unfortunately is also suffering blockage of another kind. This
problem is with reference to the frustrating process of seeking the approval of building and
business permits in the city the business landscape

In my view, the role of regulatory institutions is primarily to check: Is this business legal
or not? Yes, we have to be vigilant in subjecting businesses to regulatory requirements.
According to our laws, the regulatory requirements must be met within 15 maximum days.

New legislation must be passed to streamline this process so that the government does
not block the flow of good business in our city. Iligan city and Cagayan city have already taken
the lead in setting up digital systems. We should begin allowing the electronic submission of
applications. In the case of submissions in hard copy, there should be schedule for businesses
to drop by the relevant offices at designated times, to get clear steps in meeting the
requirements, and to set a punctual timeline for their processing.

In the current check list of requirements, there is a very frustrating section with that
vague requirement called “Others.” That frustrating section can easily block the process and
artificially, the applicant for a permit now has to grease it up. That form of corruption is going to
be anathema in this new administration.

To cite more examples of what can be done through legislation: The Office of Building
Official must hold fast to the timeline of 45 calendar days for processing the building permit with
complete and accurate requirements. Businesses should be given a cycle of two years for
renewing their permits.

There must be a long-term solution to our traffic woes. The immediate step, however, is
to put up a new traffic system. Could the council please allocate a budget for this need? New
traffic lights are an urgent need. We also need to put in place a new digital traffic system, and
this is very important to train our people to ensure the smooth operation of this new system.
Yesterday morning, it broke my heart to see piles of trash along our streets. I saw a
woman walking to the corner, who was already dressed for work. She was covering her mouth
and carefully walking around the garbage. I will appeal to the council to pass a supplemental
budget to address the trash problem. We do not need to buy more equipment. Promptly we
must set up a transparent bidding for the right people to whom we can outsource the collection
and disposal of garbage.

Full Payment of the SRP Loan

The budget is constantly on our minds. And the public must be impatient to know if we
possess the resources for this. The immediate answer is Yes of course, we do. We even have
the funds to complete, as soon as possible, the payment of the loan for the SRP.
It may assure the council to recall that apart from having the funds, we have already secured
clearance from the monetary board of the Central Bank. We have ample space to exercise
results-oriented action once the city is debt-free and liquid. We can begin to direct funds, for
example, to our important projects especially projects related to mitigating the suffering of the
poor in our city.

Marawi City Medical Center (APMC)

The next three items in our list of short-term solutions pertain the questions of suffering.
The completion of the Amai Pakpak Medical Center APMC is real cause for concern, as you all
know there are posts online where they pointed out their concern in APMC, The emergency unit
has no proper lighting imagine a trauma doctor unable to see a bleeding wood, what a strategy.
Our city has already burned through a billion pesos to purchase steel for its construction. But its
available units are still far from serviceable. An urgent task then is to hold a special audit. The
city engineer must make an assessment and submit a report on the causes of the delay. While
that audit is ongoing, we should pass an initial legislation intervention, so that the unceasing
construction of the hospital can continue. We should have functional units as soon as possible.
The sooner the hospital can start its operations, the sooner the Office of the President can direct
the funds of the Malasakit program to our city through the Amai Pakpak Medical Center.

Uniforms and compulsory feeding. We need to allocate funds for alleviating poverty in our
public schools. President Rodgrigo Duterte recently signed a law that makes breakfast feeding
compulsory among public school children. It is a extremely useful law. In education, there is a
well-known Latin phrase, Mens sana in corpore sano. It means “a healthy mind in a healthy
body,” and it is often used to encourage physical exercise. But how can poor children exercise
their bodies and minds, if they do not have good nutrition for their brain development? The
compulsory feeding law is a direct answer to this problem. If we want to feed and shape our
children’s minds, we must also nourish and strengthen their bodies. And in the spirit of caring for
their bodies, I urge the council also to set a budget that provides our students free uniforms
including shoes, and free school supplies like notebooks and pens.
a. Peace and Order This administration must reaffirm its strong support of the police. In
that direction, we need to allocate a budget for the renovation of the Police Stations in
Carbon and Pardo. But there are other key nodes in our city where the police should be
visible. Although partnership with the private sector in this renovation project is certainly
welcome, it is wholly apt for the city to direct the necessary resources for it. The goal
here is to evoke respect for our laws, to project the dignity of the law not just among our
people but also among the lawmen themselves. On a practical level, we also need good
police stations so that our lawmen can operate in efficient work spaces. Related to the
matter of efficiency, we should also establish a technologically advanced alarm system
to facilitate quick response by the police and other agencies when there is a calamity or
security threat. The city needs what security experts call a unified communication and
alert response system. This new technology allows to generate simultaneous
notifications and to act swiftly and simultaneously in responding to an emergency.

Completion of Carbon Market Phase 2

Finally, I wish to end this to-do list, this set of immediate steps in results-oriented action,
with the call to finish Phase 2 of Carbon Market. Earlier we talked about ease in doing
business in Marawi. But the economic flows also occur at the level of smaller
entrepreneurship. Let’s jumpstart this project and minimize the interference of the economic
activities in Carbon, a node of our city’s get-go attitude, a landmark whose importance we
have long ignored. We have much to do, ladies and gentlemen. I won’t delay any further by
prolonging my talk. You have always heard me say: In matters of style, we can be flexible,
but in matters of substance and principle, we should be as hard as a rock. Best of luck to all
of us, and may the hand of God always move through us, so that we can do our best with
the gift of time we have been given.

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