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Inquiry Project – Reflection #1

Over the course of the semester, you will be getting to know your buddy, observing their strengths and
weaknesses, and interacting with them. You will be responsible for reflecting on your visit with your buddy
from time to time, which will also help you with your inquiry project.

Your reflection must be in paragraph format and a minimum of 1.5 pages double spaced. Once you are
finished each reflection, you will post it to your blog. Your reflection will need to be broken up into several
smaller paragraphs with explanations and reasoning behind your answers.

Reflection #1 –Minecraft and Paper Plate Leaf Wreath. You need to include the following in your
• Introduce your buddy – name, personality, strengths, and interests.
• Briefly summarize what you did on each of your visits.
o What did you while playing Minecraft?
o What did you do for the paper plate leaf wreath craft?
• Comment on the interactions you had between you and your buddy.
o How much help did they need during the activities?
o How well did your buddy follow instructions?
o Was your buddy reluctant to work or were they eager?
o Was there any “glitches” or “hiccups” you encountered during your visits? How did you deal
with them?
• Comment on how your observations of your buddy relates back to your inquiry question.
• Include any final thoughts or comments about your buddy and/or your visits with them.

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