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Wandering Monster Table

Dice Roll Number

Dungeon Level 1d20 Encounter appearing
1 8 Human 2
2 13 Neanderthal 7
3 13 Medusa 4
4 to 5 17 Rust Monster 1
6 to 7 18 Rust Monster 1
8 to 10 7 Giant (any*) 4
(any*) select type and modify Number appearing for the level of monster.

Human/Demi-human Human / Demi-human

Encounter roll Encounter roll

Dungeon Level 1 2 Cleric 3

Dungeon Level 2 5 2

Dungeon Level 3 2 6

Roll Creature
Custom 1d20

Monster 10 Gnoll 1
Press F9 to generate a new Encounter

Hit Hit Dice Hit points

AC Dice Modifier each Saves as Attacks
7 1 -2 1 as that class 1 Weapon
8 2 0 13 Fighter 2 1 Weapon
8 4 0 15 Fighter 4 1 snakebite/1 look
2 5 0 12 Fighter 3 1
2 5 0 36 Fighter 3 1
any any any #VALUE! any any
ppearing for the level of monster.

Reason for
Alignment roll appearing roll Male / Female roll

Looking for
Lawfull 6 an item 2 All Female 4

4 2 2

4 1 4

Hit Hit Dice Hit points

AC Saves as Attacks
Dice Modifier each

5 2 0 4 Fighter 2 1 Weapon
e a new Encounter

Special Treasure Type
Damage Damage Morale XP Type
By Weapon n/a as appropriate 10 P B
By Weapon + 1 n/a 7 20 C nil
1d6 poison/ turn to stone 8 175 V F
Nil rust metal (and magical) 7 300 nil nil
Nil rust metal (and magical) 7 300 nil nil
any any any any any any

Clothes & Equipment roll If not what they seem

Starting adventurer of that

class 2

Lair Carried
Special Rule
Damage Morale XP Treasure Treasure
Damage Book
Type Type

by weapon +1 n/a 8 20 C P Basic

Wilderness Encounters Select Terrain Type & Press F9 to gen

Choose the Terrain from drop down > Woods

Encounter Yes or No > No Encounter
Look Above
If Encounter then What>

Terrain Clear Grass Land Woods River Swamp

Type >

Animals Clear Grass Land Woods River

if Animal

Humanoid Clear Grass Land Woods River Swamp

if Humanoid
Men Clear Grass Land Woods River Swamp
if Men

Flyers Clear Grass Land Woods River Swamp

if Flyers
Swimmers River / Lake Swamp
if Swimmer

Dragons Clear Grass Land Woods River Swamp

if Dragon

Insects Clear Grass Land Woods River Swamp

if Insects

Undead Clear Grass Land Woods River Swamp

if Undead

Unusual Clear Grass Land Woods River Swamp

if Unusual
ct Terrain Type & Press F9 to generate random encounter

Barren, Mountains, Hills Desert Settled City Ocean Jungle

Barren, Mountains, Hills Desert Settled Jungle

Barren, Mountains, Hills Desert Settled City Jungle

Hills Desert Settled Ocean Jungle

Barren, Mountains, Hills Desert Settled Ocean Jungle


Barren, Mountains, Hills Desert Settled City Ocean Jungle

Barren, Mountains, Hills Desert Settled City Ocean Jungle

Barren, Mountains, Hills Desert Settled City Ocean Jungle

Barren, Mountains, Hills Desert Settled City Ocean Jungle

Prehistoric (check
above to see if

Terrain List
Clear Grass Land
Barren, Hills



Treasure Generator Select Treasure Type & Press F9 to generate new random Treasure
(if multiple treasures are found select the required types - up to 5)
Choose the Treasure Type 1 from drop down > A
Choose the Treasure Type 2 from drop down >
Choose the Treasure Type 3 from drop down >
Choose the Treasure Type 4 from drop down >
Choose the Treasure Type 5 from drop down >

Copper Silver Electrum Gold Platinum Gems Jewelry Magic Item Magic Item Magic Item Magic Item Magic Item Magic Item
Treasure 1 0 0 0 4454 0 6 0 No No No n/a n/a n/a
Treasure 2
Treasure 3
Treasure 4
Treasure 5
Total 0 0 0 4454 0 4454 Total worth in GP coins only each
Each 0 0 0 891 0 5 < Divide coins by # 891 < Weight of coins only each 891 Total worth in GP coins only each

Treasure 1 Gems

Ruby 1000gp Amber 100gp Citrine 50gp Pearl 500gp Amber 100gp Topaz 500gp

Treasure 1 Jewelry


Treasure 2 Gems

Treasure 2 Jewelry

Treasure 3 Gems

Treasure 3 Jewelry

Treasure 4 Gems

Treasure 4 Jewelry

Treasure 5 Gems

Treasure 5 Jewelry
Expert Magic Treasure Generator Select type then press F9 to generate new random magical treasure
Select Treasure Type Treasure Item
Magical Treasure 1 Type Any 5 Sword
Magical Treasure 2 Type Any sword, armor or weapon 39 Armor or Shield
Magical Treasure 3 Type Any except weapon 35 Armor or Shield
Magical Treasure 4 Type Potion 51 Potion
Magical Treasure 5 Type Scroll 80 Scroll
Magical Treasure 6 Type Any sword, armor or weapon 37 Armor or Shield
Magical Treasure 7 Type Any sword, armor or weapon 29 Other Weapon
Magical Treasure 8 Type

Sword Generator Type Intelligent Cursed If non Intelligent type Intelligence Method Powers Languages Ego Will Power Allignment

Std Sword No No Sword +1, Wishes (limited wishes - see rules)

Magical Treasure 1 Sword

Magical Treasure 2 Sword

Magical Treasure 3 Sword

Magical Treasure 4 Sword

Magical Treasure 5 Sword

Magical Treasure 6 Sword

Magical Treasure 7 Sword

Magical Treasure 8 Sword

Other Weapon Generator Type Cursed Armor or Shield Generator Type Weight (cn) Cursed
Magical Treasure 1 Magical Treasure 1
Magical Treasure 2 Magical Treasure 2 Leather Armor +1 100
Magical Treasure 3 Magical Treasure 3 Shield +2 100
Magical Treasure 4 Magical Treasure 4
Magical Treasure 5 Magical Treasure 5
Magical Treasure 6 Magical Treasure 6 Platemail Armor + 1 200
Magical Treasure 7 War Hammer +2 Magical Treasure 7
Magical Treasure 8 Magical Treasure 8

Potion Generator Type Scroll Generator Type

Magical Treasure 1 Magical Treasure 1
Magical Treasure 2 Magical Treasure 2
Magical Treasure 3 Magical Treasure 3
Magical Treasure 4 Invisibility Magical Treasure 4
Magical Treasure 5 Magical Treasure 5 Scroll of 1, 1st Level Magic User Spell
Magical Treasure 6 Magical Treasure 6
Magical Treasure 7 Magical Treasure 7
Magical Treasure 8 Magical Treasure 8

Ring Generator Type Wand, Stave or Staff Generator Type Number of charges
Magical Treasure 1 Magical Treasure 1
Magical Treasure 2 Magical Treasure 2
Magical Treasure 3 Magical Treasure 3
Magical Treasure 4 Magical Treasure 4
Magical Treasure 5 Magical Treasure 5
Magical Treasure 6 Magical Treasure 6
Magical Treasure 7 Magical Treasure 7
Magical Treasure 8 Magical Treasure 8

Miscellaneous Magic Generator Type

Magical Treasure 1
Magical Treasure 2
Magical Treasure 3
Magical Treasure 4
Magical Treasure 5
Magical Treasure 6
Magical Treasure 7
Magical Treasure 8
Companion Magic Treasure Generator Select type then press F9 to generate new random magical treasure
Select Treasure Type Treasure Item
Magical Treasure 1 Type Any 26 Scroll
Magical Treasure 2 Type Any sword, armor or weapon 67 Armor or Shield
Magical Treasure 3 Type Any except weapon 33 Scroll
Magical Treasure 4 Type Potion 6 Potion
Magical Treasure 5 Type Scroll 30 Scroll
Magical Treasure 6 Type Any sword, armor or weapon 98 Misc Weapon
Magical Treasure 7 Type Any sword, armor or weapon 67 Armor or Shield
Magical Treasure 8 Type

Sword Generator Type Intelligent Cursed Standard Powers Intelligence Method Powers Languages Ego Will Power Allignment

Magical Treasure 1 Sword

Magical Treasure 2 Sword

Magical Treasure 3 Sword

Magical Treasure 4 Sword

Magical Treasure 5 Sword

Magical Treasure 6 Sword

Magical Treasure 7 Sword

Magical Treasure 8 Sword

Other Weapon Generator Type Cursed? Armor or Shield Generator Type Cursed ?
Magical Treasure 1 Magical Treasure 1
Magical Treasure 2 Magical Treasure 2 Shield "+3" Cursed
Magical Treasure 3 Magical Treasure 3
Magical Treasure 4 Magical Treasure 4
Magical Treasure 5 Magical Treasure 5
Magical Treasure 6 Trident +1 Magical Treasure 6
Magical Treasure 7 Magical Treasure 7 Shield "+4"
Magical Treasure 8 Magical Treasure 8

Potion Generator Type Scroll Generator Type

Magical Treasure 1 Magical Treasure 1 Curse (occurs when read)
Magical Treasure 2 Magical Treasure 2
Magical Treasure 3 Magical Treasure 3 Scroll of, 3rd level Cleric Spell
Magical Treasure 4 Gaseous Form Magical Treasure 4
Magical Treasure 5 Magical Treasure 5 Communication
Magical Treasure 6 Magical Treasure 6
Magical Treasure 7 Magical Treasure 7
Magical Treasure 8 Magical Treasure 8

Ring Generator Type Wand, Stave or Staff Generator Type Number of charges
Magical Treasure 1 Magical Treasure 1
Magical Treasure 2 Magical Treasure 2
Magical Treasure 3 Magical Treasure 3
Magical Treasure 4 Magical Treasure 4
Magical Treasure 5 Magical Treasure 5
Magical Treasure 6 Magical Treasure 6
Magical Treasure 7 Magical Treasure 7
Magical Treasure 8 Magical Treasure 8

Miscellaneous Magic Generator Type Missile or Device Generator Type Cursed ?

Magical Treasure 1 Magical Treasure 1
Magical Treasure 2 Magical Treasure 2
Magical Treasure 3 Magical Treasure 3
Magical Treasure 4 Magical Treasure 4
Magical Treasure 5 Magical Treasure 5
Magical Treasure 6 Magical Treasure 6
Magical Treasure 7 Magical Treasure 7
Magical Treasure 8 Magical Treasure 8
Number Hit Dice
Monster appearing AC Hit Dice Modifier
Actaeon 1 3 11 0
Adaptor 5 9 8 0
Aerial Servant* (Haoou) 1 0 16 0

Agarat* 4 4 4 3
Air Elemental* 1 see type see type 0
Allosaurus 2 5 13 0
Amber Golem* 1 6 10 0

Amber Lotus Flower 13 9 0.5 0

Animal Heard 26 7 1 to 4 0
Ankylosaurus 2 0 7 0
Apparition 1 0 10 0

13 special
(+ front
eye 20 hp,
Aquatic Beholder 1 5 each) 0
Aranea 2 17 3 0
Archer Bush 10 7 2 0
Archion 2 -6 20 0

6 (+ 4 when
Ash Crawler 4 in ash) 3 1

Athach 2 0 14 0

Baldandar 1 3 6 0
Bandit 4 6 1 0

Banshee** 1 -3 13 0

Bargda 1 4 12 0
Basilisk 5 4 6 1
Bat 5 6 0.25 0
Beholder 1 0/2/7 11 0
Bekkah 2 4 12 0
Berserker 1 7 1 1
Bhut* 6 4 7 2
Black Bear 4 6 4 0
Black Dragon 3 2 7 0

Black Hag 1 4 11 to 20 0
Black Pudding 1 6 10 0
Black Widow Spider* 5 6 3 0
Blackball (Deadly Sphere) 1 9 None 0

Blast Spore 2 9 1 hit point 0

Blink dog 4 5 4 0
Blue Dragon 3 0 9 0
Boar 1 7 3 0
Bone Golem* 1 2 6 0

Brain Collector 1 2 10 0
Brigand 22 variable 1 0
Brontosaurus 2 6 26 0

Bronze Golem* 1 0 20 0

Brown Dragon 1 -2 11 0
Buccaneer/Pirate 1 Ships crew variable 1 0
Bugbear 4 5 3 1
Bull Shark 18 4 2 0
Caecilia 3 6 6 0
Camel 6 7 2 0
Carrion Crawler 1 7 3 1
Cave Bear 3 5 7 0
Cave Locust 2 4 2 0
Cay-Man 33 7 2 0
Centaur 4 5 4 0

Chameleon Man 4 9 2 0
Cheetah 4 5 3 0
Chimera 2 4 9 0
Cloud Giant 2 4 13 0
Cockatrice 3 6 5 0
Colddrake 2 0 5 0
Crab Spider 2 7 2 0
Crocodile 5 5 2 0

Crone of Chaos 1 7 6 0

Cryion 31 6 2 1
Crystal Dragon 3 3 6 0
Cyclops* 3 5 13 0

Dark Wing 22 5 3 0
Darkhood (Rorphyr)** 2 -2 13 0

Death Demon 2 4 7 0

Death Leech 2 7 8 0
Decapus 1 5 4 0

Demi-human 3 9 0.5 0

Dervish 66 variable 1 0

Desert Ghost - Immature 5 N/A 4 0

Desert Ghost - Mature 5 3 5 to 8 0

2 (internals
Desert Leviathan 1 5) 60 0
Devil Swine* 2 3 (9) 9 0

Devilfish* 20 6 varies 0
Dire Wolf 4 6 4 1

Displacer Beast 1 4 6 0
Djinni (lesser)* 1 5 7 1
Dog 6 7 2 0
Dolphin 4 5 3 0
Dopple Ganger 2 5 4 0
Draco Lizard 1 5 4 2
Draft Horse 1 7 3 0
Dragon Turtle 1 -2 30 0

Dragonfly - Black 2 1 3 2

Dragonfly - Blue 4 -1 4 2

Dragonfly - Green 2 0 4 0

Dragonfly - Red 2 -2 5 0

Dragonfly - White 3 2 3 0

Dragonne 1 3 8 0
Drolem* 1 -3 20 0

Druji** 1 -4 14 0
Dryad 6 5 2 0

Dusanu 4 4 9 2
Eagle 3 7 2 0
Earth Elemental* 1 see type see type 0

Earthquake Beetle 1 -6 40 0
Efreeti (lesser)* 1 3 10 0

Elder Ghoul 2 5 5 0
Electric Eel 3 9 2 0
Elemental Drake* 3 0 6 0
Elemental Ruler 2 "-11 to -15 41 to 80 0
Elephant 16 5 9 0
Elf (Aquatic) 3 5 1 or more 0

Faedorne 1 6 9 0
Faerie 5 5 1 1
Fire Beetle 1 4 1 2
Fire Elemental* 1 see type see type 0
Fire Giant 1 4 11 2
Flame Salamander* 2 2 8 0

Flitterling 207 6 0.25 0

Flying Hyrda 1 5 5 to 9 0
Fresh Water Termite 2 6 2 1
Frost Giant 1 4 10 1
Frost Salamander* 2 3 12 0
Fundamental* - Air 2 6 1 1
Fundamental* - Earth 10 3 1 1
Fundamental* - Fire 2 5 1 1
Fundamental* - Water 3 4 1 1

Fungoid 2 8 10 0
Fyrsnaca 1 5 10 0

Gakarak 2 0 16 0

Gargantua (Giant Carp) 1 4 15 0

Gargantua Carrion Crawler 1 3 25 0
Gargantua Gargoyle* 1 1 32 0
Gargantua Troll 1 4 51 0
Gargoyle 1 5 4 0

Garl 39 7 6 0
Gator Man 3 3 7 0
Gelatinous Cube 5 8 4 0

Geonid 9 -2 2 0

Ghost (Chaotic)** 1 -2 14 0

Ghost (Lawfull)** 1 -2 14 0

Ghost (Neutral)** 1 -2 14 0
Ghostly Horde Special 4 3 0
Ghoul 2 6 2 0
Giant Amoeba 1 9 10 to 15 0
Giant Ant 8 3 4 0
Giant Bass 2 7 2 0
Giant Bat 6 6 2 0
Giant Bee 3 7 0.5 0
Giant Catfish 1 4 8 3
Giant Centipede 2 9 0.5 0
Giant Crab 1 2 3 0
Giant Crocodile 2 1 15 0
Giant Electric Eel 4 6 6 0
Giant Elk 5 6 6 0
Giant Ferret 6 5 1 1
Giant Footpad Lizard 3 6 2 1
Giant Geco Lizard 1 5 3 1
Giant Hawk 2 6 3 3
Giant Hunting Spider 3 8 2 0

Giant Jellyfish - Man-O-War 2 6 9 0

Giant Jellyfish - Marauder 3 9 4 0

Giant Leech 4 7 6 0
Giant Magpie 2 6 1 1
Giant Manta Ray 1 6 10 0
Giant Octopus 1 7 8 0
Giant Owl 3 6 4 0
Giant Oyster 3 5 (-2) 10 0
Giant Piranha 5 6 3 3
Giant Plasm 2 -4 12 0

Giant Poisonous Frog 4 7 2 0

Giant Porcupine 3 4 5 0
Giant Racer Snake 2 5 1 0
Giant Rat 8 7 0.5 0
Giant Rattler Snake 5 5 4 0
Giant Raven or Crow 10 7 2 2
Giant Roc 1 0 36 0

Giant Rock Rattler Snake 2 6 8 0

Giant Rockfish 7 7 5 5

Giant Sand Spider 2 6 2 1

Giant Scorpian 3 2 4 0
Giant Serpentweed 1 6 9 per stalk 0
Giant Shrew 8 4 1 0

Giant Shroud Spider* 2 4 5 0

Giant Skunk 1 6 3 0

Giant Snail 1 -2 9 to 20 0
Giant Squid 3 7 6 0

Giant Sturgeon 1 0 10 2

Giant Toad 3 7 2 2
Giant Weasel 2 7 4 4

Giants Slug 1 8 9 to 20 0
Gnoll 2 5 2 0
Gnome 7 5 1 0
Goblin 8 6 1 -1

Gold Dragon 3 -2 11 0
Gorgon 1 2 8 0
1 per
Grab Grass n/a 9 5'square 0
Grangeri 5 5 13 0
Great Eagle 15 7 2 2
Great White Shark 2 4 8 0
Greater Djinni* (Pasha) 1 -2 15 0
Greater Efreeti* (Amir) 1 -2 20 0

Greater Phoenix*** 1 -2 18 0

Greater Piranha Bird 9 7 2 0

Greater Sea Serpent 4 3 12 to 15 0

Greater Wyrd 2 0 8 0
Green Dragon 3 1 8 0
Green Slime 5 n/a 2 0
Gremlin 6 7 1 0
Grey Ooze 1 8 3 0

Grey Philosopher 1 4 9 0

Grey Philosopher's Malice special 1 1* 0

Griffon 1 5 7 0
Grizzly Bear 6 8 5 0

Guardian Horse (see Guardian Warrior) 7 4 5 0

Guardian Warrior 4 4 5 0

Gyerian 1 3 3 0
Harpy 1 7 3 0
Hawk 3 8 0.5 0
Headsman 5 4 or better 1 to 12 0
Helion* 1 1 9 0
Hellhound 2 4 3to7 0

Hephaeston** 1 -2 25 0

Herex Adult 2 2 13 0

Herex Larva 2 3 6 to 12 0
Hill Giant 2 4 8 0
Hippogriff 6 5 3 1

Hivebrood - Broodling 73 6 2 1
Hivebrood - Broodmother 1 8 12 2

Hivebrood - Hiveleader 8 2 5 1

Hivebrood - Hivemind 2 6 6 6

Hivebrood - Std 27 3 3 1
Hobgoblin 3 6 1 1

Homunculus* - Fylgar (Lawfull) 1 0 3 0

Homunculus* - Gretch (Neutral) 1 0 3 0

Homunculus* - Ulzaq (Chaotic) 1 0 3 0

Hook Beast - Hook Horror 6 2 5 0
Hook Beast - Hulker 3 2 10 0
Horde 5 3 3 to 21 0
Horned Chameleon 6 2 5 0

Huge Black Dragon 1 -2 14 0

Huge Blue Dragon 1 -4 18 0

Huge Brown Dragon 2 -6 22 0

Huge Crystal Dragon 1 -1 12 0

Huge Gold Dragon 2 -6 22 0

Huge Green Dragon 2 -3 16 0

Huge Jade Dragon 1 -3 16 0

Huge Onyx Dragon 1 -2 14 0

Huge Red Dragon 2 -5 20 0

Huge Ruby Dragon 1 -5 20 0

Huge Sapphire Dragon 2 -4 18 0

Huge Sea Dragon 2 1 11 0

Huge White Dragon 1 -1 12 0

Huge Wood Spider 2 6 1 3

Human 2 5 1 0

Huptzeen 2 3 3 to 7 0
Hutaakan - Other 176 8 1 -1
Hutaakan - Priest 3 6 2 0
Hutaakan - Warrior 7 5 1 0

Hydra 1 5 5 to 12 0

Hydrax* 1 2 5 to 12 0

Hypnosnake 1 4 8 0

Ice Wolf 2 4 3, 4 or 5 1

Insect Swarm* 1 swarm 7 2, 3 or 4 0

Invisible Stalker 1 3 8 0

Iron Gargoyle*** 1 -1 16 0
Iron Living Statue 4 2 4 0

Jade Dragon 3 1 8 0
Jaguar 1 6 2 2
Juggernaut - Stone* 1 0 30 0

Juggernaut - Wood 1 6 25 0

Kal-Muru* (also known as Ship Bane) 23 4 2 0

Kara-Kara 6 9 (+ shield) 1 1 or 4

Killer Tree 7 5 6 0
Killer Whale 5 6 6 0
Kna 7 5 7 0
Kobolds 11 7 0.5 0

Kopru 1 3 8 4

64hd + 10
Kraken 1 0 each) 0
Kryst 2 2 9 0

Lamara* 1 4 8 0

Large Black Dragon 2 0 10 3

Large Blue Dragon 2 -2 13 3

Large Brown Dragon 3 -4 16 3

Large Crocodile 3 3 6 0

Large Crystal Dragon 3 1 9 0

Large Gold Dragon 3 -4 16 3

Large Green Dragon 3 -1 12 0

Large Jade Dragon 2 -1 12 0

Large Onyx Dragon 2 0 10 3

Large Red Dragon 3 -3 15 0

Large Roc 8 2 12 0

Large Ruby Dragon 3 -3 15 0

Large Sapphire Dragon 1 -2 13 3

Large Sea Dragon 1 1 8 0

Large White Dragon 3 1 9 0

Lava Lizard 1 3 4 0

Lava Ooze 3 5 9 0

Lesser Banshee* 1 3 5 0

Lesser Haunt 2 n/a n/a 0

Lesser Phantom 2 9 6 0

Lesser Phoenix*** 1 2 9 0

Lesser Piranha Bird 11 6 0.5 0

Lesser Sea Serpent 5 5 6 0

Leveller (Bodendrucker) 2 1 45 0
Lich* 1 0 type 0
Lion 7 6 5 0
Living Crystal Statue* 4 4 3 0

Living Statue - Jade* 4 4 3 1

Living Statue - Ooze 3 4 5 0

Living Statue - Rock 2 4 5 0
Living Statue - Silver* 6 4 1 1

Living Statue - Steel* 3 1 5 0

Lizard Man 1 5 2 1

Lupin 6 6 2 0
Lynx 1 5 2 2

Magen - Caldron 2 5 4 0
7 or Armour
Magen - Demos 9 type 3 2

Magen - Galvan 1 3 5 0
Magen - Hypnos 1 8 2 0
Magpie 1 7 1 hit point 0
Mako Shark 10 4 4 0

Malfera* 2 3 9 0
Man (Cynidiceans) 5 9 1 0
Man (Isolated) varies 9+ varies 0
Man (Primative) 29 Varies 1 0
Man (Primative) - Barbarian 6 7 1 0
Man (Primative) - Wildmen 6 8 1 0
Man (Primative)- Native 18 9 1 0
Man (Qauiks) 142 6 2 0
Man (Traidar) - Other 3 9 1 -1

Man (Traidar) - Vocal 5 9 1 0

Man (Traidar) - Warrior 5 6 1 1
Mandrake 2 0 3 0

Manscorpion 7 1 8 0
Manta Ray 2 6 4 0
Manticore 1 4 6 1

4 (internals
Marine Leviathan 1 5) 70 0
Masher 1 7 20 0
Mastadon (Prehistoric Elephant) 8 3 15 0
Medusa 4 8 4 0
Megatherrium 5 6 11 0
Mek 1 -4 11 to 16 0
Merman 2 6 1to4 0
Mesmer 1 3 7 0
Metamorph 3 5 or as form 3 1
Minotaur 3 6 6 0

Mountain Giant 3 0 12 to 20 0
Mountain Lion 7 6 3 2
Mud Golem* 1 9 8 0
Mujina 2 4 8 0
Mummy* 2 3 5 1

Mystic (Monk) 7 9 or better 1 to 16 0

Nagpa 1 3 9 0
Narwhal 1 7 12 0
Neanderthal 8 8 2 0
Nekrozon 2 7 7 0
NightCrawler*** 1 -4 25 to 30 0

Nightmare 1 -4 7 0
Nightwalker*** 1 -6 21 to 26 0
Nightwing*** 1 -8 17 to 20 0
Nixie 27 7 1 0
Noble 6 2 3 to 8 0
Nomad 17 variable 1 0
Normal Scorpion 3 8 1 hit point 0

Normal Wyrd 4 4 4 0

NPC Party 1 Party n/a 1 0

Nuckalavee 1 4 11 0
Oard special 0 7 0
Obsidien Golem* 1 3 6 0
Ochre Jelly 2 8 5 0

Odic** 1 -4 16 0
Ogre 2 5 4 1

Oil Beetle 5 3 3 1

Onyx Dragon 4 2 7 0
Orc 4 6 1 0
Owl Bear 2 5 5 0
Pachydermion 3 3 7 0
Panther 5 4 4 0

Pegasus 6 6 2 2

Pegataur 11 5 or better 5 to 14 0
Phanaton 9 7 1 -1

Phororhacos (swordbeak bird) 3 6 3 0

Phygorax 3 1 8 0

Piranah (cold water) 31 7 1 hit point 0

Pit Viper Snake 2 6 2 0
Pixie 6 3 1 0
Planar Spider 8 6 5 to 10 0
Plasm 2 0 6 0

Pocket Dragon 3 8 3 0
Polar Bear 3 6 6 0

Poltergeist** 3 -1 12 0

Polymar 1 9 10 0
Possession 1 variable 7 to 9 0
Pteranodon 3 6 5 0
Pterodactyl 7 7 1 0

Purple Worm 2 6 15 0

Rakasta 29 6 2 1

Randara* 1 0 14 0
Rat 3 9 0.8 0
Raven / Crow 12 8 1d2 0
Red Dragon 3 -1 10 0
Red Worm 2 7 2 2

Reflecter**** 4 0 see rules 3 to 9 0

Revenant** 1 -3 18 0
Revener 1 -4 10 0

Rhagodessa 3 5 4 2

Rhinoceros 6 5 6 0
Riding Horse 39 7 2 0
Robber Fly 7 6 2 0
Rock Baboon 8 6 2 0

Rock Golem* 2 -2 16 0
Rock Living Statue 2 4 5 0

Rock Man 2 1 3 0
Rock or Cave Toad 1 2 3 1
Rock Python 4 6 5 0
Rock Rattler Snake 2 7 1 0
Roper* 3 0 12 0
Ruby Dragon 2 -1 10 0
Rust Monster 7 2 5 0

Sabreclaw 14 2 72 0
Sabre-tooth Tiger 7 6 8 0

Sacrol 1 5 8 0
Salt Water Termite 6 5 4 0

Sapphire Dragon 4 0 9 0

Sasquatch 7 6 5 0

Scamille 3 5 10 0
Sea Dragon 1 5 4 0

Sea Giant 2 0 9 to 15 0
Sea Hag* 1 4 8 0

Sea Horse 9 7 2, 3 or 4 0

Sea Hydra 1 5 5 to 12 0
Sea Snake* 4 6 3 0
Shade 1 0 11 0
Shadow 2 7 2 2
Shargugh 2 7 3 0
Shark-Kin 33 5 2 or 3 0
Shrieker 5 7 3 0

Silver Golem* 2 0 12 0

Silver Warrior 3 2 (-2) 7 0

Sirenflower 2 9 5 0
Sis'thik (Desert Scourge) 5 5 or 4 3 3
Skeleton 2 7 1 0

Skunk 2 7 1 -1

Slime Worm 1 5 10 0
Small Roc 1 4 6 0
Snapper (sea) 1 5 3 0
Snow Ape 19 6 3 1
Sollux (Sun Brother) 1 0 10 to 14 0
Soul Eater* 1 0 10 0
Spectral Hound* 6 -2 5 0
Spectre* 3 2 6 0
Sperm Whale 2 6 36 0
Sphinx 1 0 12 0
Spitting Cobra 8 7 1 0
Sporacle 3 0 (4) 7 0
Spotted Lion 1 6 6 2
Sprite 17 0.5 0.5 -2

Stalwart 1 5 9 0

Steam Weevil 9 6 0.5 0

Stirge 2 7 1 0
Stone Giant 2 4 9 0
Storm Giant 1 2 15 0

1 per
Strangle Vine 4 9 1'square 0

Strangleweed (seaweed) 2 1 12 0
Surtaki 1 6 6 0
Swamp Water Termite 3 4 1 1

Tabi 3 6 5 0
Tarantella Spider 1 5 4 0
Tautara Lizard 3 4 6 0

The Great Dragon 1 (never alone) -12 40 Immortal

The Moon Dragon (Pearl) Chaotic 1 (never alone) -8 24 Immortal

The Star Dragon (Diamond) Lawfull 1 (never alone) -10 30 Immortal

The Sun Dragon (Opal) Neutral 1 (never alone) -9 27 Immortal

Thoul 4 6 3 0

16 (8 if out
Thunderhead 2 0 of storm) 0
Tiger 4 6 6 0
Tiger Beetle 1 3 3 1
Titanothere 4 5 12 0

Topi 3 6 3 0

Tortle (land) 5 3 4 0
Trader 16 5 1 0
Triceratops 1 2 11 0

Triton 51 6,5 or 4 6, 5 or 4 0
Troglodyte 4 5 2 0
Troll 7 4 6 3

Tryannosaurus Rex 2 3 20 0
Tylosaurus 3 -2 21 0
Undead Beholder** 1 varies 20 0

Undead Dragon (Dracolich) 2 5 varies 0

Undine* 1 4 8 0
Unicorn 1 2 4 0
Vamora Shark 1 4 6 0

Vampire Rose 3 7 4 0

Vampire* 1 2 7to9 0

Vapor Ghoul* 5 2 3 0

Velya 1 3 7 0

Vision 1d8 humanoids 0 12 0

War dog varies 7 2 2
War Horse 1 7 3 0
Water Elemental* 1 see type see type 0
Water Weird 1 5 3 0
Weed Eel 29 8 1 0
Werebat 12 4 3 3
Werebear* 3 2 (8) 6 0
Wereboar* 8 4 (9) 4 1
Werefox 3 6 3 2
Wererat* 3 7 (9) 3 0
Wereseal 12 5 5 2
Wereshark* 1 4 4 0
Weretiger* 7 3 (9) 5 0
Werewolf* 5 5 (9) 4 0

Stalks 5 Stalks 3+1

Whipweed 2 Base 2 Base 2 0
White Ape 4 6 4 0
White Dragon 3 3 6 0

White-Fang 2 4 6 0
Wight 3 5 3 0
Wildcat 2 5 1 0

Winged Warrior 2 5 2 0
Wolf 4 7 2 2
Wood Golem* 1 7 2 2

Wood Imp 5 6 0.75 0

Wooddrake 3 0 4 0

Woolly Rhinoceros 4 4 8 0
Wraith* 1 3 4 0
Wychglow* 2 0 6 0
Wyvern 1 3 7 0

Xytar 4 3 5 1
Yellow Mould 4 n/a 2 0
Young Black Dragon 2 2 4 0
Young Blue Dragon 2 0 6 0

Young Brown Dragon 1 -2 8 0

Young Crystal Dragon 4 3 3 0

Young Gold Dragon 4 -2 8 0

Young Green Dragon 4 1 5 0

Young Jade Dragon 3 1 5 0

Young Onyx Dragon 2 2 4 0
Young Red Dragon 3 -1 7 0
Young Ruby Dragon 2 -1 7 0

Young Sapphire Dragon 3 0 6 0

Young Sea Dragon 2 1 5 0

Young White Dragon 4 3 3 0

Yowler* 6 0 3 3
Zombie 3 8 2 0
Save As Attacks
Cleric 11 2 spears/1 antler/breath
Fighter 8 2 swords or Special
Fighter 16 1

Fighter 5 1 bites/1 bite/1 scream

see type 1 or special
Fighter 7 1 bite
Fighter 5 2 claws/1 bite

Normal Man 1 spray

Fighter 1 1 butt
Fighter 4 1 tail
Magic User 10 2 claws

Fighter 13 2 claws / 1 bite + special

Magic user 3 1 bite
Fighter 1 Thorn Spray
Cleric 20 special

Fighter 1 (special
+4 bonus when
burrowed in ash) 1 bite + special

Fighter 14 3 clubs/1 bite

Fighter 12 2 claws/1 bite + special

Thief 1 1 Weapon
Immune to all but
effecting evil 1 touch/1 gaze/wail

Fighter 12 1 club/ 1 bite + special

Fighter 6 1 bite/1 gaze
Normal Man Confusion
Magic-user 11 1 main eye & 10 eyestalks
Fighter 6 2 claws / 1 bite / special
Fighter 1 1 Weapon
Fighter 10 2 claws/1 bite +special
Fighter 2 2 claws/ 1 bite
Fighter 7 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell

Cleric of same level 2 claws or 1 spell

Fighter 5 1
Fighter 2 1 bite
see details Disintergration

Fighter 1 Spores/explosion
Fighter 4 1 bite
Fighter 9 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell
Fighter 2 1 tusk
Fighter 4 4 weapons

Fighter 10 1 bite + spells

Fighter 1 (to 4) 1 weapon
Fighter 13 1 bite / 1 tail

Fighter 10 1 fist + special

Fighter 11 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell

Fighter 1 (to 11) 1 weapon
Fighter 3 1 Weapon
Fighter 1 1 bite
Fighter 3 1 bite
Fighter 1 1 bite/1 hoof
Fighter 2 8 Tenticles
Fighter 4 2 claws/ 1 bite
Fighter 2 1 bite or 1 bump or 1 spit
Fighter 1 1 bite or Weapon
Fighter 4 2 hooves/ 1 weapon

Fighter 2 by weapon
Fighter 2 2 claws / 1 bite
Fighter 9 2 claws/3 heads + Fire breath
Fighter 12 1 weapon
Fighter 5 1 beak
Magic User 10 2 claws 1 bite
Fighter 1 1 bite
Fighter 1 1 bite

Fighter 6 2

Fighter 2 1 weapon
Fighter 6 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell
Fighter 13 1 club

Fighter 3 2 claws / 1 bite

Magic user 13 1 touch + special

Fighter 7 2 claws/1 bite

Fighter 8 1 touch
Fighter 2 9 tentacles in trees (6 if on the ground)

as that class 1 Weapon

Fighter 1 (to Cleric
10) 1 weapon

Fighter 4 by contact

Fighter 5 - 8 1 touch

Fighter 36 1 bite
Fighter 9 1 gore or Blow

Cleric as per level 1 tail/1 bite

Fighter 2 1 bite

Fighter 6 2 tentacles
Fighter 14 1 fist or whirlwind + special
Fighter 1 1 bite
Dwarf 6 1 head butt
Fighter 8 1
Fighter 3 1 bite
Fighter 2 nil
Fighter 15 2 claws, 1 bite, Breath

Fighter 3 1 bite / 1 breath

Fighter 4 1 bite / 1 breath

Fighter 4 1 bite / 1 breath

Fighter 5 1 bite / 1 breath

Fighter 3 1 bite / 1 breath

Fighter 8 2 claws/1 bite or roar every 3 rounds

Fighter 10 3 claws, 1 bite, Breath

Fighter 14 1 or 4
Elf 4 Charm

Fighter 9 2 claws + special

Fighter 1 2 claws / 1 bite
see type 1 or special

Fighter 36 4 legs / 1 bite / 1 breath

Fighter 15 1 fist

Fighter 4 2 claws/1bite/special
Fighter 1 1 bite + shock
Magic User 12 2 claws 1 bite
Fighter 36 see details
Fighter 5 2 tusks or 1 trample
Elf 1 or more 1 hand or by weapon

Elf 10 2 daggers
Elf 1 (or more) by weapon or spell
Fighter 1 1 bite
see type 1 or special
Fighter 11 1 weapon
Fighter 8 2 claws / 1 bite

Elf 1 1 small sword or song

Fighter 5 to 9 1 to 3 bites when flying, 1 to 9 on the ground

Fighter 2 Ink spray / bite ship's hull
Fighter 10 1 weapon
Fighter 12 4 claws / 1 bite
Fighter 2 1 swoop
Fighter 2 1 swoop
Fighter 2 1 swoop
Fighter 2 1 swoop

Dwarf 10 2 fists & special

Fighter 8 1 bite of 1 breath

Fighter 16 1 club + special

Fighter 7 1 tail/1bite or breath

Fighter 13 8 Tenticles
Fighter 32 2 claws/1 bite/ 1 horn
Fighter 36 2claws/1 bite
Fighter 8 2 claws/1 bite/ 1 horn

Fighter 6 1 weapon
Fighter 7 1 bite / by weapon
Fighter 2 1

Fighter 2 1 fist or by stone weapon

Immune to all but
effecting evil 1 touch/1 gaze
Immune to all but
effecting evil 1 touch/1 gaze
Immune to all but
effecting evil 1 touch/1 gaze
Fighter 3 by weapon
Fighter 2 2 claws/1 bite
Fighter 7 1 acid touch
Fighter 2 1
Fighter 1 1 bite
Fighter 1 1 bite
Fighter 1 1 sting
Fighter 4 1 bite / 4 feelers
Normal Man 1 bite
Fighter 2 2 pincers
Fighter 8 1 bite
Fighter 3 1 bite + shock
Fighter 4 1 butt
Fighter 1 1 bite
Fighter 2 1 bite
Fighter 2 1 bite
Fighter 2 1 claws
Fighter 2 1 bite

Fighter 5 1d10 of 80 Tentacles

Fighter 2 1d4 of 40 Tentacles

Fighter 3 1 bite
Fighter 1 1 bite
Fighter 5 1 tail / 1 buffet
Fighter 4 8 tentacles / 1 bite
Fighter 2 2 claws / 1 bite
Fighter 5 clamp shut
Fighter 2 1 bite
Fighter 12 2 Claws

Fighter 1 1 tongue or 1 bite

Fighter 3 1 bite / fire 6 quills per turn
Fighter 1 1 bite
Normal Man 1 bite
Fighter 2 2 bites
Fighter 1 1 bite/peck
Fighter 20 2 claws/1 bite

Fighter 4 1 bite + poison

Fighter 3 4 spines + poison

Fighter 1 1 bite

Fighter 2 2 claws / 1 sting

Fighter 9 1 bite per stalk
Fighter 1 2 bites

Fighter 5 1 bite or 1 web squirt

Fighter 2 2 bite + 1 squirt

Fighter of 1/2 hit
die 1 bite/acid spit 5@ per hit die
Fighter 3 10 tentacles / 1 bite

Fighter 5 1 bite

Fighter 1 1 bite
Fighter 3 1 bite + Blood suck
Fighter of 1/2 hit
die 1 bite/acid spit 5@ per hit die
Fighter 2 1 Weapon
Dwarf 1 1 Weapon
Normal Man 1 Weapon

Fighter 11 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell

Fighter 8 1 horn or 1 breath

Normal Man 1
Fighter 7 1 bite or trample
Fighter 1 2 claws / 1 bite
Fighter 4 1 bite
Magic User 30 2 fists/1 whirlwind
Magic User 36 2 fists

Fighter 20 2claws/1 bite

Fighter 1 1 bite

Fighter 6 1 bite or 1 squeeze

Elf 8 2 glowing spheres + special

Fighter 8 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell
Fighter 1 1
Elf 1 see special
Fighter 2 1

Cleric 9 nil

Cleric 6 1 touch
Fighter 4 2 claws/1 bite
Fighter 4 2 claws/1 bite

Fighter 5 1 bite/2 hooves

Fighter 5 1 weapon

Fighter 3 2 claws 1 peck or special sneeze

Fighter 6 2 claws/1 weapon
Normal Man 1 claws
Thief equal to level by weapon
Fighter 9 1 grasp
Fighter 3-7 1 bite or 1 breath

Fighter 25 1 weapon/1 hand or 1 weapon + special

Fighter 7 1 bite + acid / 1 sting + Special

Fighter 3 to 6 1 bite + acid

Fighter 8 1 weapon
Fighter 2 2 claws/1 bite

Fighter 3 1 bite & 2 claws or 1 bite & 1 weapon

Fighter 12 1 x 30' gas cloud

Fighter 7 1 bite & 2 claws or 1 bite & 1 weapon

Fighter 12 or better 2 claws & 1 bite

Fighter 4 1 bite & 2 claws or 1 bite & 1 weapon

Fighter 1 1 Weapon

Magic User 21 1 tail or 1 bite

Magic User 21 1 tail or 1 bite

Magic User 21 2 claws/1 bite or 1 bite

Fighter 5 2 claws & 1 bite
Fighter 10 2 claws & 1 bite
special 1 bite or special
Fighter 3 1 bite/1 horn

Fighter 36 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Tail, Breath

Fighter 36 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Tail, Breath

Fighter 36 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Tail, Breath

Fighter 36 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Tail, Breath

Fighter 36 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Tail, Breath

Fighter 36 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Tail, Breath

Fighter 36 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Tail, Breath

Fighter 36 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Tail, Breath

Fighter 36 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Tail, Breath

Fighter 36 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Tail, Breath

Fighter 36 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Tail, Breath

Fighter 11 2 bite or 1 spit 30' diam cloud

Fighter 36 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Tail, Breath

Fighter 1 1 bite

as that class 1 Weapon

Magic User 3 to 7 Spells

Normal Man 1 weapon
Cleric 2 By weapon or spell
Fighter 1 1 weapon

Fighter 5 to 12 1 to 12 bites, one per head

fighter double Hit
dice level 2 claws or special

Magic user 5 1 bite or 1 tail lash or 1 gaze

Fighter 4, 5 or 6 1 bite or 1 breath

Normal Man 1 area affect

Fighter 8 1 blow

Fighter 8 2claws/1 bite/1 horn/ 1 tail + special

Fighter 4 2

Fighter 8 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell

Fighter 2 2 claws / 1 bite / 2 rakes
Special 1 crush

Special 1 crush

Fighter 4 2 claws/ 1 bite + special

Fighter 1 or 2 1 weapon

Fighter 3 1 limbs / 1 mouth

Fighter 3 1 bite
Fighter 7 2 weapon
Normal Man 1 Weapon

Fighter 9 1 bite/1 tail or charm

Fighter 36 1d10 tentacles/1 bite

Elf 9 3 spikes

Magic user 8 1 tail / illusion

Fighter 21 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Breath

Fighter 27 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Breath

Fighter 33 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Breath

Fighter 3 1 bite

Fighter 18 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Breath

Fighter 33 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Breath

Fighter 24 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Breath

Fighter 24 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Breath

Fighter 21 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Breath

Fighter 30 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Breath

Fighter 8 2 claws/1 bite

Fighter 30 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Breath

Fighter 27 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Breath

Fighter 8 1 bite or 1 spit 20' diam cloud

Fighter 18 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Kicks, 2 wings, Breath

Fighter 4 1 bite + special

Fighter 9 3 pseudopods+ residue

Fighter 5 Special wail

Special Fear

Fighter 6 1 blow + special

Fighter 10 2claws/1 bite

Normal Man 1 flock

Fighter 3 1 bite or 1 squeeze

Fighter 36 3 trunks or 2 tusks & 1 stomp

charictor type &

level 1 touch/spell
Fighter 3 2 claws/ 1 bite
Fighter 3 2

Fighter 10 2 hands

Dwarf 5 2 squirts of grey Ooze (as per the creature @ 4hp)

Dwarf 5 2 squirts of grey Ooze (as per the creature @ 4hp)
Fighter 2 1 bite

Fighter 5 2 fists
Fighter 2 1 Weapon

Fighter 2 1 weapon
Fighter 1 2 claws / 1 bite

Fighter 4 Special

Fighter 4 by weapon or 1d8

Fighter 5 1 weapon or lightening bolt

Magic User 2 Special
Normal Man nil
Fighter 2 1 bite

Fighter 13 2 claws/1 bite + special

Fighter 1 1 weapon
varies 1 weapon
varies by weapon
Fighter 1 by weapon
Fighter 1 By weapon
Fighter 1 by weapon
Fighter 2 1 weapon
Normal Man by weapon

Fighter 1 1 weapon or special shout

Fighter 1 1 weapon
Magic User 6 2 claws 1 bite

Fighter 8 1 weapon / 1 tail

Fighter 2 1 tail
Fighter 6 2 claws/1 bite/6 tail spikes

Fighter 36 1 bite
Fighter 4 1 bite / 1 sting
Fighter 8 2 tusks or 1 trample
Fighter 4 1 snakebite/1 look
Fighter 6 2 claws
Fighter 36 2 claws + Breath
Fighter 1to4 1 weapon
Immune to spells 1 bite + special
Magic User 11 by weapon or as form
Fighter 6 1 gore/1 bite or 1 Weapon
Fighter equal to Hit
Die by weapon/boulder
Fighter 2 2 claws/1 bite
Fighter 8 1 hug
Fighter 8 2 weapon + special
Fighter 5 aura/1 touch
Fighter of equal
level by weapon or special

Magic user 9 1 bite or spell

Fighter 12 1 horn
Fighter 2 1 Weapon
Fighter 4 tail/gaze
Fighter of class 2/see details

Fighter 7 1 bite/2 burning hooves/ special

Fighter of class 2/see details
Fighter of class 2/see details
Elf 1 1 + charm
Fighter 3 to 8 1 weapon
Fighter 1 (to 8) 1 weapon
Normal Man 1 sting

Elf 4 2 glowing spheres (can be thrown)

n/a 1 Weapon
Fighter 11 2 claws / breath weapon
Dwarf 10 special
Fighter 3 1 weapon or 1 fist
Fighter 3 1

Fighter 16 1
Fighter 4 1 weapon

Fighter 2 1 bite

Fighter 7 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell

Fighter 1 1 Weapon
Fighter 3 2 claws/ 1 bite
Fighter 7 2 swords / 1 mace
Fighter 2 2 claws/ 1 bite

Fighter 2 2 hooves

Elf as hit die 2 hooves/1 weapon or 1 spell

Fighter 1 1 weapon

Fighter 2 1 bite

Fighter 12 Special

Normal Man 1 bite per shoal of 5-10 fish

Fighter 1 1bite
Elf 1 1 dagger
Fighter 5 (special) 1 bite + poison
Fighter 6 2 claws

Magic User 3 1 bite

Fighter 3 2 claws/ 1 bite
Immune to all but
effecting evil 2 missiles

Fighter 5 3 blows/hits
Cleric 9 Special
Fighter 3 1 bite/carry off
Fighter 1 1 bite

Fighter 8 1 bite/1 sting

Fighter 2 2 warclaws / 1 bite

Cleric 11 2 claws/1 bite/spells

Normal Man 1 bite per pack
Normal Man 1 bite/peck per flock of 3-6
Fighter 10 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell
Fighter 3 1 bite

Fighter 3 to 9 1 lightening bolt

Fighter 18 2 claws / 1 bite

Fighter 10 1 touch

Fighter 2 1 leg/1 bite

Fighter 3 1 butt or 1 trample

Fighter 1 2 hooves
Fighter 1 1 bite
Fighter 2 1 club/1 bite

Fighter 8 2 fists
Fighter 5 2

Dwarf 3 1 fist
Fighter 3 1 bite + special
Fighter 3 1 bite/1 squeeze
Fighter 1 1 bite + poison
Fighter 10 6 strands / 1 bite
Fighter 10 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell
Fighter 3 1

Fighter (5 per
cumulative - e.g. 5
sabreclaws saves
as fighter 25) 1 claw per sabreclaw
Fighter 4 2 claws/ 1 bite

Fighter 8 1 touch/1choke (x2)

Fighter 3 Ink spray / bite ship's hull

Fighter 9 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell

Fighter 5 2 claws or 1 boulder

Fighter 7 6 pseudopods + special

Fighter 2 10 tentacles
Fighter equal to Hit
Die by weapon/push water
Fighter 8 1 dagger/1 touch/1 gaze

Fighter 2 1 head butt

Fighter 5 to 12 1 to 12 bites, one per head

Fighter 2 1 Bite
Magic User 11 1 dagger
Fighter 2 1
Elf 6 1 bite or by weapon
Fighter 2 or 3 1 bite/2 claws or weapon
Fighter 2 shriek

Fighter 6 2 fists + 2 fists

Fighter 7 Magic Sword +1

Fighter 5 0
Fighter 2 2 claws or weapon & bite
Fighter 1 1 Weapon

Normal Man 1 bite + 1 squirt

Fighter 5 1 bite
Fighter 4 2 claws/1 bite
Fighter 3 2 claws/1 beak/ or by weapon
Fighter 3 1 club/ 1 hug
Fighter 10-14 1 weapon
Cleric 10 2 claws
Fighter 5 1
Fighter 6 Touch
Fighter 15 1 bite
Fighter 24 2 claws/1bite/1 roar/spells (-4 save)
Fighter 1 1 bite or 1 spit
special 12 tentacles/1 bite
Fighter 3 2 claws / 1 bite
Elf 1 1 spell

Fighter 9 1 weapon

Normal Man 1 bite

Fighter 2 1
Fighter 9 1 weapon
Fighter 15 1 + Special

Normal Man 1 Special

Fighter 6 1 special
Fighter 9 2 hooves / 1 bite / poison quills
Fighter 1 Ink spray / bite ship's hull

Magic User 5 2 claws

Fighter 2 1 bite
Fighter 3 2 claws/ 1 bite
Fighter 36 (see
details) Up to 10 (see details)
Fighter 36 (see
details) Up to 9 (see details)
Fighter 36 (see
details) Up to 9 (see details)
Fighter 36 (see
details) Up to 9 (see details)
Fighter 3 2 claws or 1 weapon

Fighter 8 1 lightening bolt/2 claws

Fighter 3 2 claws/ 1 bite
Fighter 2 1 bite
Fighter 6 1 butt or 1 trample

Fighter 2 2 claws

Fighter 4 2 claws/1 beak/ or by weapon

Fighter 1 1 weapon
Fighter 6 1 gore or 1 trample

Dwarf 11 1 weapon
Fighter 2 2 claws/1 bite
Fighter 6 2claws/1 bite

Fighter 10 1 bite
Fighter 21 1 bite
Magic User 20 1 bite + special

Fighter HD/2 2 claws/1 bite + special

Fighter 16 1 fist or 1 coil
Fighter 8 2 hooves/1 horn
Fighter 3 1 bite or once bitten 1 thrash

Fighter 2 1 thorn / blood drain (when hit) + special

Fighter 7to9 1 touch or special

Fighter 5 1 touch

Fighter 9 1 touch or special

Magic User 12 2-8 swords

Fighter 1 1 bite
Fighter 2 2 hooves
see type 1 or special
Fighter 6 1 special
Fighter 1 1 bite
Fighter 3 1 bite
Fighter 6 2 claws/ 1 bite
Fighter 4 1 tusk-bite
Fighter 3 1 bite/special
Fighter 3 1 bite or Weapon
Fighter 6 1 bite
Fighter 4 1 bite
Fighter 5 2 claws/ 1 bite
Fighter 4 1 bite

Fighter 4 2 Stalks
Fighter 2 2 claws
Fighter 6 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell

Fighter 6 1 bite/1 tail lash

Fighter 3 1
Normal Man 2 claws / 1 bite

Fighter 2 2 wings
Fighter 1 1 bite
Fighter 1 1 fist

Normal Man 1 bite of by weapon

Magic User 8 2 claws 1 bite

Fighter 4
Fighter 4 1 touch
Fighter 6 1 lightening bolt
Fighter 4 1 bite / 1 sting

Fighter 2 1 bite or 1 breath

Fighter 2 10 x 10 Spore cloud
Fighter 6 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell
Fighter 8 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell

Fighter 10 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell

Fighter 5 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell

Fighter 10 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell

Fighter 7 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell

Fighter 7 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell

Fighter 6 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell
Fighter 9 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell
Fighter 9 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell

Fighter 8 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell

Fighter 5 1 bite or 1 spit 15' diam cloud

Fighter 5 2 claws / 1 bite / breath weapon / spell

Magic user 11 1 bite

Fighter 1 1 claw or weapon
Damage Special Damage Morale
1d6+6/1d6+6/2d8 breath ploymorphs / summons animals 10
1d8+4/1d8+4 "+ 4 to hit/see detials 10
4d8 n/a 9

scream (range 20') save vs spell or suffer a

temporary one level energy drain (lasts 1d4
turns), Screams (1 per turn) are cumulative.
Immune to sleep, charm and hold spells and
is immune to normal weapons. Treat like
1d3/1d3/1d3/special spectres for turning. 11
see type see type 10
4d6 n/a 9
2d6/2d6/2d10 n/a 12
40' x 40' cloud of polen, save vs poison of
Special sleep for 4d4 rounds 12
1 to 8 n/a 5
2d6 n/a 6
3to8/3to8 Fear/entrance 10

eye one - blinding flash every 3 rounds, save

vs death ray or paralysis for 1d10 rounds,
eye two - charm person, eye three - hold
monster, or working together produce a full
2d4/2d4/2d10 + special sensual illusion 10
1d6 + poison casts spells as a 3rd level magic user 7
1d4 3 sprays per day 12
special special 11
if hit - lock jaws and each round 1 + 2d4 ,
special tail hit victim must roll less than
dexterity or fall into ash -4 to AC and - 4 to
2d4 Hit 10
"-4 save vs poison or be helpless for 1to6
2d12/2d12/2d12/2d10+poison turns 7

uses illusions to hide or look like other

creature, eg dragon and will be affected by
damage at -4 save vs spells, can become
invisible, fly at will and polymorph self &
1d8/1d8/1d4 + special other, magic jar and confusion once per day 9
By Weapon n/a 8

Age 4d10 years/paralysis/die Etherial web 9

save vs spell or -2 to all hits due to
appearance, bite = save vs poison or disease
slows reflexes lowers dexterity by 1 per hour
4d6/1d10 + disease (to min of 3) 8
1d10 Petrification 9
Nil Confusion 5
see Comp DM's page 28 see Comp DM's page 29 12
1d10/1d10/3d12 + special Roar - see details/Spells - see details 9
By Weapon +2 n/a 12
any creature bitten save vs paral or numbed
= loose initiative and all hit rolls -2 for 1d4
rounds. Appear human in daytime. Aurer
prevents detect evil & know alignment show
1d4/1d4/1d6 + special as lawfull. 10
1-3/1-3/1-6 7
2-5/2-5/2-20 Acid line 60' 3 times per day 8

2d4+poison/2d4+poison spells 10
3d8 n/a 12
2d6 poison 8
total disintergration n/a 12
spores save vs poison or turn into a blast
special/6d6 spore 9
1d6 Blink out of attack range 6
2-7/2-7/3-30 Lightning line 100' 3 times a day 9
2d4 n/a 9
by weapon n/a 12
one 1st to 3rd level MU spell per brain
1d10 + spells collected (max 12) 10
by Weapon n/a 8
2d6 / 3d6 n/a 8
fiery blood 2d6 damage if cut (save vs Death
3d10 + special Ray) 12
Fire Cone 90'x30' or Gas cloud 50'x40' 3
2-8/2-8/6-36 times a day or Melt, or Disease 10
by Weapon n/a 6
By Weapon + 1 n/a 9
2d4 n/a 7
1d8 hit roll of 19-20 = swallows victim whole 9
1/1d4 n/a 7
Paralysis see damage 9
2-8/2-8/2-12 n/a 9
1-2 or 1-4 n/a 5
1d4 or by Weapon (1d6) n/a 8
1-6/1-6/by weapon n/a 8
can vanish and reappear instantly upto 120
by weapon feet away 7
1to2/1to2/1d6 speed - see details 9
1-3/1-3/2-8/1-10/3-12 + 3-18 Fire Cone 50'x10' 3 times a day 9
6d6 Throw Boulders 10
1d6 Turn to stone if bitten 7
1-2/1-2/1d6+2 n/a 8
1d8 Weak Poison 7
1d8 n/a 7
Animal control and Daggers of Sorcery (see
1d6 / 1d6 rules) 8
harpoon 1d8 but can inflict double damage if
by weapon fast moving 9
1-4/1-4/2-16 Cold Cone 80'x30' 3 times a day or Crystal 8
3d10 possible Curse 9
2 can carry of a human if both make a hit roll
1d4/1d4/1d6 of 18 or more 9
can only be hit by +2 or better weapons.
Cannot leve its boundry area (crypt) but
within it can move through/hide in walls etc.
immune to sleep, charm, hold. Can be
turned like "Haunts". Victims seeing a
Darkhood must make a REVERSE
inteligence check (i.e. the more inteligent the
easier it is to be affected) or flee in terror at
30' more than thier normal speed for 1d4+2
rounds turning at random and suffering a
temporary 1d3 point reduction in constitution
per round (save vs spells) and if reaching 0
will fall unconcious. If hit by the claws then
1d4 + special the same fear affect takes place, 11
if struck by claws save vs paralysis or be
paralysed for 2d4 turns, if bitten save vs
poison at -2 or die. Can teleport 60' without
1d4/1d4/2d4+special error & cause darkness 10' radius 10

Can polymorph into any undead of vampire

or weaker, then turns into it's tenticled
ameoba type self and attacks a great speed
(120') wrapping it's self around the victim (at
AC9 plus magical bonuses only) then energy
drains per round (save vs spells for half
damage) if then attacked the victim will suffer
half of the damage on the death leech.
1d10 per round Turned as per "special" on undead table. 10
1d6 per tentacle (1d3) n/a 9
By Weapon n/a appropriate

by Weapon n/a 10

touching metal releases the elictrical charge

1d6 but also kills the young Desert Ghost n/a

Desert Ghost looses 1d4 (1d2 if save) when

it attacks, hatred of metal users (not harmed
by none metal weapons), Electricity gives the
1d8 per HD Desert Ghost the strength of and attack. 10
swallows everything in a 30' x 30' x 30'area
sv -4 vs dragon breath plus 4d12 digestive
damage per round. (immune to spells and
3d12 (special) 1/2 damage from weapons) 11
2d6 or by weapon Charm person 10

1 or 1d4 or 1d6 vamper abilities/spells 8

2d4 n/a 8
minus 2 to hit, Beast has + 2 to hit 1d6 bite if
2-8/2-8 severly hurt 8
1d8/1d6 whirlwind sweeps aside 12
1d6 n/a 8
2d4 n/a 10
1d12 n/a 8
1d10 n/a 7
Nil n/a 6
1d8, 1d8, 10d6 n/a 10
same breath weapon as dragon of that colour
1d6/3 - save vs dragon breath 8
same breath weapon as dragon of that colour
1d6/4 - save vs dragon breath 9
same breath weapon as dragon of that colour
1d6/4 - save vs dragon breath 8
same breath weapon as dragon of that colour
1d6/5 - save vs dragon breath 9
same breath weapon as dragon of that colour
1d6/3 - save vs dragon breath 8
120' diameter roar Save vs Dragon Breath or
flee for 2 rounds & if in 30' deafens (-2 to hit
1d6/1d6/4d12 or special rolls for 2d6 rounds) 8
2d6, 2d6, 3d10 (min11) n/a 12
Poison/all food potions turn to
dependant on type poison/spells/split essence 11
special absorbed into tree 6

surrounded by 5' radius circle filled with rot

spores save vs poison or 1d8 damage & for
2-4 days no cure wounds will work & must
save vs Deathray daily or erupt in spores and
turn I nto a Dusanu in 1 to 3 days. Cure
Disease spell cures if done early. Takes half
damage from crushing weapons and only
1hp damage from other non-magical
1d8/1d8 + special weapons. 10
1or2/1or2/1d4 n/a 8
see type see type 10
when burrowing to surface earthquake as
spell by 25th level cleric, once per week can
breath like black dragon - acid cone 60',
4d10/4d10/4d10/4d10/6d6 regenerates 3HP per day 9
2d8 fire form +1d8 damage, wall of fire, spells 12

Immune to sleep, charm, hold. Turned as

"wraiths". When attacked they form a sphere
af green light which expands from 5'to 25' (at
5' per round) if caught within it save vs spells
or suffer weakness (-2 from to hit & damage),
1d4+paralysis/1d4+paralysis/1d6/ Paralysis (save vs paralysis or paralyses for
special 2d4 turns) 11
1d4 + shock shock damage depended on radius 7
1-3/1-3/1d8+2 n/a 9
see details see details 11
2-8/2-8 or 4-32 n/a 8
1d4 / by weapon spells at higher levels 10
illusion (-5 to save) & Clairvoyance, Summon
1to6 Silver Worriors, Spell abilities of 12th
1d4/1d4 level magic user 12 (8)
by weapon or spell by spell 9
1d8 (2-8) n/a 7
see type see type 10
5d6 Throw Boulders 9
1d4/1d4/1d8 all within 20' take 1d8 heat damage 8
50 flitterlings can sing a "charm monster"
spell on an apponant or a "Fear" spell once
5 attackers will do 1hp of damage per day 8
1 to 3 heads can carry human sized victim off
1d10 per head when flying 11
0/1to3 ink can paralyse for 1 turn (not in water) 8
4d6 Throw Boulders 9
1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6/2d6 all within 20' take 1d8 cold damage 9
1d6 n/a 10
1d6 n/a 10
1d6 n/a 10
1d6 n/a 10
if hit save vs dragon breath or be knocked
over (takes 1 round to get up), resistant to
mind spells & plant controll spells, fire causes
double damage & cold does no damage but
2d10/2d10 & special stuns for 1d6 rounds 12
1d8 or 2d6 repeated Fire breath 5' x 50' on a 1or2 d/6 9 or 12

control plant life 360' radius, animate 6 trees

or bushes AC2, HD 5-12, Mv 60, At 2, Dm
4d12 + special 2d12/2d12, Sv Fr 3-6, Ml 12, Xp per HD 10
Swallow opponant (hit roll 20) water blast30ft
x 60ft hurls apponant 100 ft (damage at DM's
2d10/3d6 or special discesion) 11
1d4+1 each n/a 11
4to12/4to12/4to12/4d4 n/a 11
4d6/4d6/4d10 n/a 11 (9)
1d3/1d3/1d6/1d4 n/a 11

by weapon + 4 n/a 9
3d6/by weapon + 3 n/a 10
2d4 Paralysis 12
1d8 or by weapon (club or stone
axe) looks like a boulder surprizes on a 1-4 d6 8

Age 4d10 years/paralysis Etherial web 10

Age 4d10 years/paralysis Etherial web 10

Age 4d10 years/paralysis Etherial web 10

by weapon (special) multiple saves required see rules 12
1-3/1-3/1-3 Paralysis 9
2d6 tries to envelop victims / almost invisible 10
2d6 n/a 7
1d6 n/a 8
1d4 Paralysis (if vampire bat) 8
1-Mar Poison 9
2d8 / 1d4 per feeler n/a 8
0 Poison 7
2-12/2-12 n/a 7
3d8 n/a 9
3d4 + shock shock damage depended on radius 9
1d12 n/a 7
1d8 n/a 8
1d6 can be trained as mount - see details 7
1d8 n/a 7
1d6 carry off halfling or smaller 8
1d6 run in packs 7
save vs poison - Paralysis for 1d10 rounds
1d10 each tentacle + special (+4 bonus to Hit on paralysed victims) 9
save vs poison - Paralysis for 1d10 rounds
1d10 each tentacle + special (+4 bonus to Hit on paralysed victims) 8
1d6 holds on untill death 10
1d4 n/a 5
2d10 + paralysis / 3d4 save vs poison 7
1d3 x 8 / 1d6 if hit tentacles constrict - 1d3 per round 7
1d8 / 1d8 / 1d6 carry of upto 1500cn in prey 8
4d6 will not open for 1 turn n/a
1d8 no morale check if victim is bitten 7 (special)
3d6/3d6 see details 11
trapped by tongue +2 to hit & poison 2d8 per
1d4 /+ poison round 9
1d10 / 1d4 per quill n/a 8
1d6 n/a 7
1d3 disease 8
1d4 Poison 8
1d6 n/a 7
3d6/3d6/4d12 n/a 10
Rattle sound: save vs Paralysis or flee for
1d8 + save vs poison or die 2d4 rounds 9
1d4 each spine poison 8
surprise 1-4 on 1d6, save vs poison -
1d6 + poison paralysis 1d4+4 hours 7
if hit by a claw there is a +2 bonus to hit with
1d10/1d10/1d4+poison the tail / save vs poison or die 11
2d6 per bite 1d6 stalks 12
1-6/1-6 n/a 10
bite paralysis save vs poison 2d4 turns, web
paralysis save vs poison +2 when in contact
1d10 + paralysis or paralysis web with web (shoots web 30 feet) 9
Spray = save vs poison for half spee all
1d4 + special actions or helpless for 2d6+6 rounds 7
1d12/equal to snails current hit
points acid distroys equipment etc 8
1d4 x10 / 1d10 if hit tentacles constrict - 1d4 per round 7
swallow opponant (hit roll 18) 2d6 damage &
2d10 paralysis 9
can shoot out tongue 15' to drag dwarf or
smaller to be bitten (or swalowed whole on
2to5 20) 6
2d4 holds on after bite and sucks blood 8
1d12/equal to slugs current hit
points acid distroys equipment etc 8
by weapon +1 n/a 8
by weapon n/a 8 (or 10)
By Weapon n/a 7 (or 9)
Fire Cone 90'x30' or Gas cloud 50'x40' 3
2-8/2-8/6-36 times a day 10
2d6 Petrification 8

special immidiatly grabbed, 5% chance to break 12

2d6 or 3d6 n/a 7
1d6/1d6/1d10 n/a 9
2d10 n/a 7
3d10/3d10/3d12+special whirlwind kills any 5HD or less creature 11
3d10/3d10 Spells 11

2d6/2d6/4d6 20' radius heat 6d6 dammage (no protection) 10

attack as a flock - but count attacks
1d6 seperately 11
can lunge 20' out of the water to strike and
wrap around boats (30' length) to cause hull
3d6 or 2d10 squeeze damage 9

Immune to sleep, charm, hold. Turned as a

"Phantoms". If seen save vs spell or attack
at -3 To Hit and Damage. If stuck by a globe
then also save vs paralysis or be paralysed
1d10/1d10 (+5 for elves) + for 2d4 turns. Elves are immune to the
paralysis (not for elves) paralysis but suffer 1d10 + 5. 12
1-6/1-6/3-24 Chlorine gas cloud 50'x40' 3 times a day 9
Dissolve Turn to Green slime 7
see special "effect of the Gremlins" 12
2d8 acid 12
Immune to sleep, charm, hold. Cannot be
turned. Immune to non magical weapons.
Will only sit and ponder (the malices attack).
nil If killed than all Malice. 12

Immune to sleep, charm, hold. Can be turned

like spectres. Immune to non magical
weapons. Each Grey Pilosopher will have 2-
8 milices per century of undead. They will
1d6 on chaotics or 1d8 on not stray more than 100' from the Grey
neutrals or 1d10 on lawfulls Philosopher. 12
1-4/1-4/2-16 n/a 8
1-8/1-8/1-10 n/a 10

Loyalty check on alignment, edged weapons

1d4/1d6/1d6 do only 1hp of damage 12

Loyalty check on alignment, edged weapons

1d12 do only 1hp of damage 12

if sneezes 1d20 vs Dexterity or by blown over

1d4/1d4/2d4 or special for 1d4 damage (takes 1 round to get up) 8
1d4/1d4/1d6 Charm song 7
1 to 2 only attacks if trapped or injured 7
by weapon or special see details 7 or better
2d8 see details 9
1d6 1d6 breath per Hit Dice 9

immune to all fire & mind spells. If first fist

hits can throw to the ground 5d6 extra
dammage at the end of the round. Levitate
iron or steel objects, heat iron of steel to red
4d10/3d10 or 4d10 + special hot (2d6 damage if hit), wall of iron spell 11
the acid bite reduces armour effects by 2 AC
permanently (including magical)- if not
wearing armour see extra damage, Sting
1d10 + special / 1d6 + special save vs poison or Paralysis 4d8 rounds 12
the acid reduces armour effects by 2 AC
permanently (including magical) - if not
2d8 + special/1d10 extra damage wearing armour see extra damage 12
2d8 Throw Boulders 8
1-6/1-6/1-10 n/a 8

1d6/1d4/1d4 or 1d6/by weapon will join and take control of parylised victims 12
3d6 per round n/a 12
1d6+paralysis/1d4/1d4 or bite = save vs poison or paralysed for 2d8
1d6+paralysis/by weapon rounds 12
can absorb the abilities & stats of eaten
1d4/1d4/1d6+paralysis victims and pass it in to the Hive 12
1d6+paralysis/1d4/1d4 or bite = save vs poison or paralysed for 2d8
1d6+paralysis/by weapon rounds 12
By Weapon n/a 8 (or 10)
Can become invisible at will, regenerate
damage at 1 HP per round, polymorph into
Hawk or black cat at will, + 1 initiative and +4
with tail attack, can cast protection from evil
1d4 or 1d3 10" 1 per day 9

Can become invisible at will, regenerate

damage at 1 HP per round, polymorph into
raven or giant rat at will, Dexterity Drain from
1d4 + special or 1d4 tail save vs poison, can cast"slow" 1 per day 8
Can become invisible at will, regenerate
damage at 1 HP per round, polymorph into
frog or bat at will, Engergy Drain save vs
1d2/1d2/1d4 + special or 1d4 poison, can cast"confusion" 1 per day 8
1d8/1d8/3d6 n/a 8
2d6/2d6/2d8 n/a 10
varies see details 12
2-8/1-6 sticky tongue 7
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
2d10+8, 1d8+3 all others Spells 10
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
3d10+8, 1d10+3 all others Spells 10
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
6d6+8, 4d4 all others Spells, 4 breath weapons 11
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
2d8+8,1d8+2 all others Spells, 2 breath weapons 10
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
6d6+8, 4d4 all others Spells 11
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
3d8+8, 1d10+2 all others Spells 10
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
3d8+8, 1d10+2 all others Spells, 2 breath weapons 10
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
2d10+8, 1d8+3 all others Spells, 2 breath weapons 10
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
4d8+8, 1d12+2 all others Spells 11
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
4d8+8, 1d12+2 all others Spells, 2 breath weapons 11
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
3d10+8, 1d10+3 all others Spells, 2 breath weapons 10
save vs dragon breath or die. 30% chance of
talking and having 4 first level & 4 second
4d12/poison level MU spells 10
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
2d8+8,1d8+2 all others Spells 10
save vs poison, 1d8 additional damage &
sluggish for 2d4 + 2 rounds - half speed & -2
1d6 + poison reactions. (supprises on 1-4 on d6) 8
By Weapon n/a appropriate

Same number and level of spells as it's

creator per day, none-magic weapons do half
as spell damage, if HP = 0 it will explode see rules 12
By weapon n/a 6
By weapon spell as per level 8
By weapon n/a 9

1d10 per head n/a 11

1d10/1d10 or special see details 9

gaze = save vs paralysis, if fighting -4 to hit
1d8 or 1d10 or sleep (snake also gains + 2 to hit) 9
frost breath 16' range (single victim) 1d4
damage per wolf's hit die, save vs Dragon
1d10 or special Breath for half damage 10

automatically cause 2hp to armoured 4hp to

see special unarmoured (run or swat with weapon = 1hp) 11
surprise on 1-5 on 1d6 if victim cannot see
4d4 invisible 12
Breath fire every 3 rounds, 30' cone 3d10
damage 1/2 if save vs drag breth. Immune to
all spells level 3 and below and to +2
1d8/1d8/2d8/1d12/1d10 + special weapons or below. 12
1-8/1-8 special absorb metal 11
Chlorine gas cloud 50'x40' 3 times a day or
1-6/1-6/3-24 Disease 9
1to3/1to3/1d8/1d4+1/1d4+1 leap from tree - see special 7
can attack more than 1 target, save vs
10d10 dragon breath to avoid, save on 4 or better. 12
can attack more than 1 target, save vs
dragon breath to avoid, save on 5 or better
(except magic fire which it automatically
8d10 fails). 12
Cloud of "Confusion" diameter of 10" per Kal-
Muru if more than 10 (Victims with 5+ HD
1d3/1d3/1d6 save at +4) 9
By weapon some witch doctors will have cleric spells 9 or 11
hold / if held next round 3d6 per
round held n/a 12
2d10 halfling or smaller swallowed 10
By weapon + 5 n/a 10
By Weapon -1 n/a 6 (or 8)
Charm (30' range) save vs deathray or
become slave of Kopru. +2 bonus vs magic
1d4/3d6 attacks 9

1/2 hull damage or special constiction

damage to ships with 1d6 tentacles (7d6 hull 10 (leaves
points damage each per round), If victim is hit if loses 5 or
by tentacle will draw vivtims to mouth in 2d8 more
7d6 per tentacle/8d10 rounds to eat - 4 penalty to hit rolls. tentacles)
1d12/1d12/1d12 see details 9

immune to all normal weapons/charm or hold

spells, creates illusion humanoid that can
charm the opposite sex sv vs spell -2 or be
3d8 / special charmed (with total control over victim) 9
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
2d10+4, 1d6+2 all others Spells 9
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
3d10+4,1d8+2 all others Spells 9
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
6d6+4, 3d4 all others Spells, 4 breath weapons 10
2d8 n/a 7
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
2d8+4,1d6+1 all others Spells, 2 breath weapons 9
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
6d6+4, 3d4 all others Spells 10
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
3d8+4, 1d8+1 all others Spells 9
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
3d8+4, 1d8+1 all others Spells, 2 breath weapons 9
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
2d10+4, 1d6+2 all others Spells, 2 breath weapons 9
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
4d8+4, 1d10+1 all others Spells 10
1d8/1d8/2d10 n/a 9
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
4d8+4, 1d10+1 all others Spells, 2 breath weapons 10
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
3d10+4,1d8+2 all others Spells, 2 breath weapons 9
save vs dragon breath or die. 20% chance of
talking and having 3 first level & 3 second
3d12/poison level MU spells 9
Swoop attack, Hover attack, Crush attack,
2d8+4,1d6+1 all others Spells 9
if hit the victim (save vs dragaon breath) is
gripped for 1d6 more damage. Normal
weapons hitting the creature must save vs
1d6 (+ 1d6) wands or melt 12

4d6 each + 3d6 each round each n/a 12

only harmed by magic or magic weapons,
1d4 per round immune to sleep, charm and hold 12
Immune to sleep, charm, hold. Turned as a
"Haunt". Cannot behalmed or do halm but
will reside within an area untill a special task
is complete. The completer of the task then
Nil gets the XP n/a

Takes only half damage from normal

weapons. Can form any shape (appears
solid) normally a victim calling for help, often
uses areas of quicksand to lure victims to
their doom. Once a day can cast "confusion,
hallucinatory Terrain, phantasamal force" and
become invisable. VERY cowardly and will
1d4 or special flee unless trapped.

1d6/1d6/2d6 10' radius heat 3d6 dammage (no protection) 9

3 to 6 attack as a flock causing 1d4 damage
1d4 together 9
can lunge 40' out of the water to strike and
wrap around boats (80' length) to cause hull
2d6 or 1d10 squeeze damage 8

immune to all poisons & normal fire & cold. If

hit by trunk it holds victim and squeezes for
automatic damage (up to 8 victims can be
held) Trample save vs deathray or die (if
save 1d100 damage) if killed all equipment
6d8 per trunk or 6d10 per tusk & including magical is ruined. Likes to eat
1d100 (or death) Purple Worms! 11

1d10+paralysis fear/spells/summon undead 10

2-5/2-5/1-10 n/a 9
1d6/1d6 n/a 11
magic weapons confer no bonuses to an
attack, crumble into worthless powder when
1d6/1d6 distroyed 12

Ooze AC8, 4 hp, D 2d4/round Can conceal themselves by merging with

automatic + dissolve metal xp 25 rock 11
Ooze AC8, 4 hp, D 2d4/round Can conceal themselves by merging with
automatic + dissolve metal xp 25 rock 11
2d8 half damage from edged weapons 12

any normal iron or steel weapon hitting the

golum will get stuck and next round absorbed
1d8/1d8 adding 1d4 + 1 HP to the Golum (max 40) 12
By Weapon + 1 n/a 12

use silver weapons when fighting werewolves

1d8 (by weapon) (recognising them even in human form) 8
1to2/1to2/1d4 supprise 1-4 on 1d6 9
can stretch arms 20' if hit will entangle and
see special excreat an acid 1d10 per round untill freed 12

by weapon or 1d8 n/a 12

lightening bolt 60' x 5@ save vs drag breth, 3
by weapon or 3d6 lightening per day 12
obay commands Charm 1 person per round - save vs spell 12
n/a n/a 2
2d6 n/a 7
if hit by pincers next round 2d6 damage +
1d10/1d10/1d6 Breath weapon: Poison +3 11
by weapon + Str bonus n/a special
by weapon varies 4 to 12
by weapon n/a 7 to 10
by weapon +1 n/a 10
by weapon n/a 9
by weapon n/a 9
by weapon n/a 10
by weapon n/a 7
range 0-10 feet shout causes 1-2 points of
by weapon or special damage and causes -2 to AC no save. 9
by weapon +1 n/a 10
1-2/1-2/1d6 n/a 8
Poison tail sting (paralysed if saved 1d8
3d6/1d10+poison rounds) 10
1d8 + paralysis save vs poison 7
1d4/1d4/2d4/1d6 each 24 tail spikes 9

swallows everything in a 50' x 50' x 50'area

sv -4 vs dragon breath plus 4d12 digestive
damage per round. (immune to spells and
1/2 damage from weapons) can create
4d10 (special) whirlpool and sink 80+1d100 hull points ship 10
3d12 / 2d8 + poison save vs poison or die 9
2-12/2-12 or 4-32 n/a 8
1d6 poison/ turn to stone 8
2d6 / 2d6 n/a 7
6d10/6d10 + paralysing breath paralysing breath 12
by Weapon n/a 8
Turned as a "Special". Lives on the ocean
floor in a hypnotic lair that when seen from
above draws the viewer (no save) into the
spiralling tunnels that are it's lair via the
ocean floor. It can cast 2 charm monster
spells per round (range 60') save vs spell at -
6. Charictors attacked by the mesmer are no
longer affected by the Hypnotic pattern. Any
spell cast at the mesmer will be completely
reflected back at the caster and anyone
1d10 + special / 1d6 + special within 10' of the caster. 12
by weapon or as form see details 8
1-6/1-6/ or by weapon +2 n/a 12

5d10/4d12 n/a 9
1-3/1-3/1-6 n/a 8
2d6 + smothering Smother 12
1d6 or by weapon real face = run in fear 9
1d12 + desease Paralyzed with fear/desease 12

by weapon or special see details 7 or better

spells: create flames 60' radius flamable

object burst into flames, 2d6 damage per
round for 1d3 rounds. Paralysis - all Lawfull
charictors must save vs paralysis or 1d4
rounds. Corruptions - all none living items
immedieately rot/rust to nothing (magic items
save vs spell at the level of the user),
Darkness. Phantasamal force. (WILL
1d8 or special BITE - if possible) 9
2d6 n/a 8
By Weapon + 1 n/a 7
1d6+special/gaze if hit 50% chance fall over / deathray gaze 8
see details see details 12

30' radience of Paralysis to 3HD or less

creatures save vs Paralysis, Cloud of
Vapour, 20' x 20' save vs drag breth or suffer
-2 to all Hit Rolls, Damage, AC & Saves.
Can become invisible and fly at will 3 times a
1d12/1d11+1/1d11+1 day. 12
see details see details 12
see details see details 12
1d4 charmed service for 1 year 6
by Weapon n/a 8
by Weapon n/a 8
poison poison 2 to 2d6 dependant on type 10
Immune to sleep, charm, hold. Turned as a
1d6/1d6 (+3 vs elves) "Wraith". 12
By Weapon n/a appropriate
3to24 each + Death radius of fear 10
special see rules 11
2d4 n/a 12
2d6 n/a 12
Poison/all food potions turn to
poison/spells/energy drain/enhabit
1d12 + poison plant/chamed leaves 12
1d6 +2 n/a 10

2d6 oil squirt 9

2-5/2-5/2-20 Acid line 60' 3 times per day or Darkness 8

By Weapon n/a 8 (or 6)
1-8/1-8/1-8 Hug for 2-16 if both paws hit 9
1d10+3/1d10+3/1d12+6 n/a 9
1-4/1-4/1-8 n/a 8

1d6/1d6 n/a 8

Has spells as per 1st level elf for 5 HD up to

10th level for 14 HD. Can wear plate (or
1d6/1d6/by weapon lesser) 8
1d6 or by weapon "+ 2 on all saving throws 7
flightless 6' carniverous bird that runs down
1d8 prey. 8
Immune to sleep, charm, hold. Turned as a
Energy Drain only "Haunt". 11
if blood spilt all shoals in area "frenzy" see
1d4 or 3d4 (see rules) rules 11
1d4 poison 7
1d4 invisible & attack 7
2d6 + poison shift through planes (see details) 9
2d6/2d6 see details 9
save vs poison or saving throws and hit rolls
1d3 + venom are lowered by 2. 8
1-6/1-6/1-10 n/a 8

(item dependant) 1 to 18 Etherial web 11

can look like any creature or object (max

100cubic feet e.g. 10x10x1), the change is
physical not magical so can be detected by
1d6/1d6/1d6 the same ability as used to find secret doors, 10
Immune to sleep, charm, hold and other non-
physical spells. Turned as a "vampire". From
it's grey cloud form it can occupy and posess
objects (weapons and wands etc) and can
move these through the air to attack. It can
also try to move from an object to a person
when the object is touched (not in battle) see
Expert rules page 60 (it has the Will power of
3 points per HD) if it wins it will control the
victim, if it fails it will flee both in it's grey
cloud form. (if Turned in it's grey cloud form
Variable it will be disrtoyed) 12
1d12 Carry off human or smaller (if hit) 8
1d3 n/a 7

(if hit roll for bite is 4+ more than required

2d8/1d8 +poison then victim is swallowed whole 3d6 damage) 10

1d4/1d4/1d4 1d8 Sabretooth tigers will be with group 9

can polymorph at will, can use ESP at will,
can cast spells as an 11th level cleric, is not
affected by 1st - 3rd level spells, takes no
damage from normal weapons and only half
2d6/2d6/3d6 damage from magic weapons. 9
1d6 disease 5
1d6 n/a 5
1-8/1-8/4-32 Fire Cone 90'x30' 3 times a day 10
1d4 + poison save vs poison or double damage from bite 9

lightening bolt range = HD x 10 & Damage is

4 X HD save vs wands for 1/2 damage.
Nearly immune to all spells & take 1hp
3d12 damage from magic weapons +4 and above 10
Poison/all food potions turn to
2d4/2d4/1d4+2 poison/spells/summon spectres 10
loss of sense (see details) see details 11
leg hit sticks victim and next round is bitten
0 + suckers/2d8 automatically 9
Stampede in randome direction and double
2d4 / 2d8 gore attack 6
1-4/1-4 n/a 7
1d8 n/a 8
1-6/1-3 n/a 8
(Weapons of +1 enchantment must save vs
2d10/2d10 breaking 11+ on d20, +2 = 6+, +3 = 1 12
2-12/2-12 Magma 11

1d8 supprise on 1-4 on 1d6, immune to all fire 7

1d6 gaze paralysis 7
1-4/2-8 coils round victim if bite hits 8
1 + save vs poison or 1d4+1 n/a 7
the touch or a roper causes weakness
(reduce strength to half for 3 turns - no
saving throw) then the 60' strand wraps
round the victim and draws it to the mouth.
Strands can only be cut by edged magical
weapons when it inflicts 5 or more damage,
this makes the strand useless but does not
count toward the HD of the roper & it grows
back in 24 hours. Immune to all 1st, 2nd &
3rd level spells and take no damage from
cold or lightning. Can look like big rocks,
special grab/5d6 stalagmites or old tree stumps. 10
1-8/1-8/4-32 Fire Cone 90'x30' 3 times a day or Melt 10
Nil rust metal (and magical) 7

sabreclaws are created in wings of 1-20 and

only when the total number of HP in the wing
has been reached will any (and all) of them
die. Immune to 1st, 2nd & 3rd level spells.
Immune to all normal & magic poisons. +4
bonus to hit on all roles due to slight
telepathy. Can see invisible, etherial and
1d12 per sabreclaw hidden creatures/objects. 10
1-8/1-8/2-16 n/a 10

Immune to sleep, charm, hold. Turned as a

"Spectre". Can create and control undead as
per the animate dead spell (8HD of
creatures). A hit from a sacrol drains 1 level
then wraps arround the victim choking then
for 2d4 points of damage per round untill
level drain / 2d4 either is dead. 12
0/1d6 ink can paralyse for 1 turn (not in water) 11

2-7/2-7/3-30 Lightning line 100' 3 times a day or Vaporise 9

if both hands hit then hug for an extra 4d6
2d4/2d4/2d8 dammage 6

one of the pseudopods (the first only) has a

sticky effect - any victim hit must have giant
strength to pull free. If not hostile a scamille
can offer information for food. Scamille can
3d6 each + special take the form of any object (not living). 8
1d6 per tentacle n/a 9

4d10/stun see details 10

1d6/Energy Drain/special flee in fear 10
5 (8 as
1d8 n/a mount)

1d10 per head n/a 11

1 Poison 7
3d4 Fear/fall dead in horror 9
1d4 1 strength drain 12
can transport instantaniously 600 yards 5
1d4 or by weapon times a day 7
1d6/ 1d3/1d3 or by weapon +1 will have 1 tame shark for every 3 shark kin 9
Nil 1d6 (4-6) attack monster 12
very fast, fire attacks cause them to grow 1
HD for every level of spell, Cols spells cause
1d8/1d8 + 1d8/1d8 them to shrink likewise 12
can become invisible even when attacking, if
unseen -4 to hit & always wins initiative.
(ONLY FOUND ON The Shining Isles of
1d8 +1 Faedornae) 12

1d4 per round crushing and 1d10 per TURN

Special (trapped victims can fight with -4 penalty) 12
1d6/1d6/ or by weapon +2 /1d3 there will be one xytar per 2 Sis'thik 10
By Weapon n/a 12
Spray = save vs poison for half spee all
1 + special actions or helpless for 2d6+6 rounds 6
swallow prey whole on hit roll of 18 or more
2d6 (digesting pray 2d6 per round damage) 9
2to5/2to5/2d6 n/a 8
1d6/1d6/2d4 or by weapon n/a 9
1d6/2d6 n/a 7
1d8+3 natural enimies of efreeti 9
1d10/1d10 + special wisdom drain 1point save vs deathray. 12
2d6 if bitten fades to spectral dimention 12
1d8 double energy drain (lose 2 hit dice levels) 11
3d20 man or smaller sized swallowed 7
3d6/3d6/2d8 Roar - see details/Spells - see details 10
1d3 poison 7
1+paralysis each/2d10 see details 10
1d4/1d4/1d10 n/a 9
curse curse 7

will challenge parties to test of physical

Club (1d6 + strength bonus) prowess (see rules) if refused will attack 11
if caught in Swarm 4 damage per round 1/2
1d4 damage if attacking the swarm with water. 11
1d3 "+ 2 to hit on first attack 9
3d6 Throw Boulders 9
4d8 Lightning Bolt 1 per 5 rounds 10

chance of escape by pulling depends on

strength, but the stronger the charictor the
tighter the vines tighten therefore at strength
6 there is a 5% chance of breaking free, with
an additional 5% per strength below this e.g.
3 = 20%. Or 8 hp of damage distroys 1'
special (1d4 per round) square (-4 to attack if caught) 12

special see rules 12

When in melee each attacker must save ws
wands to avoid the quills - if failed the quills
inflict 1d6 damage and infect the attacker
with "rotting disease" which causes 1point of
damage per round and stops any healing
untill a cure disease spell is used. A victim
who dies of the rotting disease can only be
1d10/1d10/1d6/special recovered by a wish or raise dead fully spell. 8
0/1d4 ink can paralyse for 1 turn (not in water) 10

give of stench of rot that can be smelt 100'

away, if hit must save vs Paralysis or be
"deluded" and will attack adjacent
creatures/characters (last 2d6 turns unless
neutralise poison is used) no spells can be
used when deluded. Tabi can also (40%)
hide in shadows, move silently & pick 6 (12 in
1d4/1d4/ + special pockets. service)
1d8 + poison Spasm dance 8
1-4/1-4/2-12 n/a 6

Special - see details Special - see details 10

Special - see details Special - see details 10

Special - see details Special - see details 10

Special - see details Special - see details 10

1d3/1d3/ by weapon paralysis 10

if hit by lightening bolt the thunderhead will

then attempt to pick up the (war horse or
less) victim (hit roll of 16 or more) and carry
of into the storm to eat. If faild it will 2in6 fire
another lightening bold or 4in6 attempt
5d6/2d6/2d6 another grab. 9
1-6/1-6/2-12 n/a 9
2d6 n/a 9
12d6 or 2d12 n/a 7

Immune to sleep, charm, hold. Turned as a

"Wight". None edged weapons will not harm
a topi but will knock it over and it will take 1
round to get up. Even though they are only
2' tall they can jump 6' vertically or
horizontally. If hit by the claws save vs
1d6/1d6 + special Pioson or slow for 1d2 rounds. 12

1d4/1d4/1d6 or by weapon can hold breath underwater etc for 10 rounds 11

by Weapon n/a variable
3d6/3d6 n/a 8
can cast either MU or C spells at same level
by weapon (trident) as HD 9
1d4/1d4/1d4 oil stench save vs poison 9
regenerates after 3 rounds (3 hit poins per
round) unless fire or acid is used (affects
1d6/1d6/1d10 morale) 10 (8)
can swallow a man size victim whole on hit
6d6 roll 19-20 (2d4 damage per round) 11
7d12 hold on & automatic danage 10
2d10/special see details 12

Immune to sleep, charm, hold. Turned as a

"Haunt". Immune to normal & magical fire.
Breath weapon - cloud 20'hx40'lx40'w, save
vs dragon breath or take the creatures
current hit points in damage and become
afflicted with ROT or if saves they are only
affected by ROT - after 6 hours will lose 1
point from strength, dexterity & constitution
and every further day will lose 1d4 points
from the same. Can only be cure by a cure
disease spell from a 12th level cleric or
higher. Bite & Claw attacks cause paralysis
for 3d4 turns (save vs Paralysis). Stench
causes nausia (hit rolls at -3) unless save vs
1d8/1d8/5to8 + special poison (20' range). 12
2d8/1d10 see details 9
1d8/1d8/1d8 7
1d10 / 1d8 no save will not let go unless morale check fails 9

injects a hypnotic anaesthetic Save vs Spells

1d8 / 1d8 per round or loose will power and stand still untill dead. 12
1d10+double energy drain or gase-charm (-2 to save) can chage form to
special dire wolf, giant bat,gaseous cloud 11

Immune to sleep, charm, hold. Turned as a

"Wraith". Immune to normal weapons. If hit
save vs Paralysis or be "mind paralysed"
wich makes the victim continue the same
action for 2d4 rounds losing 1 intelligence per
hit (if reaches 0 the victim goes insane for
1d20 days). Lost intelligence returns at 1 per
1d4 + special 24 hours. 9
Immune to sleep, charm, hold. Turned as a
"vampire". See rules for special "underwater
1d8 + energy drain or special vampire" abilities 11

1d8 each sword Fear/sorrow 12

2d4 n/a 11
1-6/1-6 n/a 9
see type see type 10
victims must save vs paralysis or be trapped
and pulled into the water to drown. Trapped
victims can attack at -4 to hit but must take
1hp damage and save vs deathray every
round or become unconcious. Sharp
weapons cause only 1 point of damage.
Damage equal to it's total HP disrupts it for 2
melee rounds then it reforms (taking 2
rounds) Cold causes half movement, fire only
causes half or no damage. A Purify food &
Water spell kills the wierd, all other attacks
1 + drown do no harm. 12
poison drown through entanglement 7
1d4+Lycanthropy summon bats 7
2-8/2-8/2-16 Lycanthropy 10
2d6 Lycanthropy 9
1d6+Lycanthropy charm person 8
1d4 or by Weapon n/a 8
2d6+Lycanthropy n/a 9
2d4 lycanthropy 7
1-6/1-6/2-12 Lycanthropy 9
2d4 Lycanthropy 8
if hit save vs Death Ray or entangled 1d8
damage per round (also see special frenzy
1d8/1d8 (+ special) attack) 8
1d4/1d4 n/a 7
1-4/1-4/2-16 Cold Cone 80'x30' 3 times a day 8

Can swim, burrow through snow or move on

land. save vs Poison of blood is frozen,
causing paralysis and 1d8 damage per round
(neutralise poison stops the paralysis &
thaws the blood but does not heal the
damage). Those making the save still suffer
2d6+ poison/2d6 -2 strength & -2 dexterity for 2d6 rounds. 10
Energy drain 1 level of experience/hit die 12
1/1/1to3 n/a 7
can attack with both wings per round,
1d6/1d6 immune to sleep/hold/charm etc 11
1d6 n/a 8
1d8 n/a 12
arrows are poisoned, save at +2 1d8 extra
damage & sluggish for 2d4+2 rounds (-2
1d3 or by weapon (see special) iniative and move at half ) 7 or 9
1-2/1-2/1d8 n/a 8
Stampede in randome direction and double
2d6 /2d12 gore attack 6
1d6+energy drain drains 1 level of hit points 11
Will attack creatures in order to get metallic
objects (which it disolves to dust over 1d6
days). Lightenong bolt - save vs wands for
1/2 damage if in metal armour or full save if
in non-metal armour or normal clothes.
Immune to electrical attacks and take the
minimum damage from magical fire. Cannot
1d10 be halmed by normal weapons. 11
2d8/1d6+poison 9
cone of fire 30' long 10' wide - will always use
first then 1or2 on a 1d6 after that. Not
harmed by normal fire & always make their
1d10 or 3d6 save vs magical fire. 8
1d6 + special choke save vs death ray n/a
2-4/2-4/2-18 Acid line 60' 3 times per day 8
2-6/2-6/3-28 Lightning line 100' 3 times a day 9
Fire Cone 90'x30' or Gas cloud 50'x40' 3
2-7/2-7/6-34 times a day or Melt, or Disease 10
1-3/1-3/2-14 Cold Cone 80'x30' 3 times a day or Crystal 8
Fire Cone 90'x30' or Gas cloud 50'x40' 3
2-7/2-7/6-34 times a day 10
1-5/1-5/3-22 Chlorine gas cloud 50'x40' 3 times a day 9
Chlorine gas cloud 50'x40' 3 times a day or
1-5/1-5/3-22 Disease 9
2-4/2-4/2-18 Acid line 60' 3 times per day or Darkness 8
1-7/1-7/4-30 Fire Cone 90'x30' 3 times a day 10
1-7/1-7/4-30 Fire Cone 90'x30' 3 times a day or Melt 10

2-6/2-6/3-28 Lightning line 100' 3 times a day or Vaporise 9

save vs dragon breath or die. 10% chance of
talking and having 2 first level & 2 second
2d12/poison level MU spells 8
1-3/1-3/2-14 Cold Cone 80'x30' 3 times a day 8

can fly magically. Howls can be heard a mile

away, if within 90' then save vs spell or run in
panic (if pack is more than 5 then save is -1
per extra yowler upto -10).Can only be hit by
silver or magical weapons and then only by
2d4 the bonus +? figure) 10
1d4/as weapon n/a 12
Lair Carried
Treasure Treasure
XP Type Type Rule Book
2700 B nil Master
1200 V nil Master
3250 nil nil Companion

200 B nil Creature Catalogue

see type nil nil Expert
1350 V nil Creature Catalogue
1600 nil nil Expert

6 nil nil Creature Catalogue

10 to 75 nil nil Expert
450 nil nil Creature Catalogue
3000 N, O L Companion

5150 C nil Creature Catalogue

65 D nil Creature Catalogue
20 V nil Creature Catalogue
13175 nil nil Master

50 V nil Creature Catalogue

2500 I nil Master

1175 B nil Creature Catalogue

10 A U Basic

5150 E, N, O nil Companion

3000 D + 5000gp nil Creature Catalogue

950 F nil Expert
5 nil nil Basic
5100 L+N+O nil Companion
1250 nil nil Creature Catalogue
19 B P Basic
1500 A nil Creature Catalogue
75 U nil Basic
1250 H nil Basic

see details C nil Master

1600 1d20 gems nil Expert
50 U nil Basic
7500 nil nil Master

13 nil nil Companion

125 C nil Expert
2300 H nil Basic
35 nil nil Basic
500 nil nil Expert

1750 C nil Creature Catalogue

variable A nil Expert
3570 nil nil Creature Catalogue

4300 nil nil Expert

2700 H nil Master

variable A nil Expert
75 B P+Q Basic
25 nil nil Companion
500 B nil Expert
20 nil nil Expert
75 B nil Basic
450 V nil Basic
30 nil nil Basic
20 K nil Creature Catalogue
75 A nil Expert

25 (Q+S) E nil Creature Catalogue

50 nil nil Creature Catalogue
2300 F nil Expert
2300 E + 5000gp nil Expert
425 D nil Expert
550 E Vx2 Master
25 U nil Basic
35 nil nil Expert

500 S+U nil Creature Catalogue

35 A nil Creature Catalogue

725 H nil Master
2300 E + 5000gp nil Expert

50 B nil Creature Catalogue

2300 V nil Creature Catalogue

1250 E nil Creature Catalogue

1200 nil nil Creature Catalogue

75 C nil Creature Catalogue

10 B P Basic

variable A nil Expert

125 nil nil Creature Catalogue

no metailc 2-
425, 725, 1250, 20 gems worth
1750 10-50gp each nil Creature Catalogue

cannot digest cannot digest

35750 magical items magical items Creature Catalogue
1600 C nil Expert
A x 2 + F per
see details 20 nil Master
125 nil nil Basic

500 D nil Expert

850 nil nil Expert
20 nil nil Creature Catalogue
50 nil nil Companion
125 E nil Basic
125 U nil Basic
35 nil nil Expert
9000 H nil Companion

50 any nil Creature Catalogue

125 any nil Creature Catalogue

75 any nil Creature Catalogue

175 any nil Creature Catalogue

35 any nil Creature Catalogue

1200 E nil Creature Catalogue

7750 Special nil Companion

5150 I, O, V nil Companion

25 D nil Expert

2500 B nil Creature Catalogue

10 nil nil Creature Catalogue
see type nil nil Expert

18750 A (in stomach) nil Creature Catalogue

1600 nil nil Expert

175 B, Q, R, S nil Creature Catalogue

25 nil nil Creature Catalogue
1175 special special Master
see details see details nil Master
900 nil tusks Expert
13 ? ? Creature Catalogue

2300 G nil Creature Catalogue

19+ special special Master
15 nil nil Basic
see type nil nil Expert
1900 E + 5000gp nil Expert
1200 F nil Expert

6 nil nil Creature Catalogue

175,275, 450,
650, 900, 1102 B nil Expert
25 nil nil Expert
1600 E + 5000gp nil Expert
1900 E nil Expert
15 nil nil Creature Catalogue
15 nil nil Creature Catalogue
15 nil nil Creature Catalogue
15 nil nil Creature Catalogue

2500 nil nil Creature Catalogue

1750 M Creature Catalogue

6250 L, N + O nil Creature Catalogue

2300 nil A Creature Catalogue

6500 Bx4 nil Companion
10000 Cx4 nil Companion
29000 Dx4 nil Companion
125 C nil Basic
M (in raw
275 form) nil Creature Catalogue
450 M nil Creature Catalogue
125 V nil Basic

20 C nil Creature Catalogue

5150 E, N, O nil Companion

5150 E, N, O nil Companion

5150 E, N, O nil Companion

none nil nil Creature Catalogue
25 B nil Basic
1000 to 1650 nil nil Creature Catalogue
125 U nil Basic
20 nil nil Expert
20 nil nil Basic
6 nil nil Basic
1400 Creature Catalogue
6 nil nil Basic
35 nil nil Expert
1350 nil nil Expert
500 nil nil Creature Catalogue
650 nil nil Creature Catalogue
15 nil nil Basic
25 nil nil Creature Catalogue
50 U nil Basic
50 nil nil Creature Catalogue
20 U nil Creature Catalogue

2300 nil U Creature Catalogue

175 nil nil Creature Catalogue

275 nil nil Expert
15 Special nil Creature Catalogue
1600 V nil Companion
650 nil nil Creature Catalogue
75 V (no coins) nil Creature Catalogue
1090 n/a E Creature Catalogue
50 Creature Catalogue
1900 Special nil Companion

30 nil nil Creature Catalogue

300 nil nil Creature Catalogue
20 nil nil Basic
6 C nil Basic
125 U nil Basic
15 nil nil Creature Catalogue
6250 I nil Expert

1750 U nil Creature Catalogue

225 nil nil Expert

35 U nil Creature Catalogue

125 V nil Expert

900 per stalk D nil Creature Catalogue
13 nil nil Basic

550 C nil Creature Catalogue

50 nil nil Creature Catalogue

2301 to 5975 nil Shell Master

275 V nil Creature Catalogue

1600 nil nil Expert

25 nil nil Expert

125 V nil Companion

2300 to 5975 nil nil Master

20 C P Basic
10 C P Basic
5 C R Basic

2700 H nil Basic

1200 E nil Expert

10 nil nil Companion

1350 nil nil Creature Catalogue
125 U nil Creature Catalogue
650 nil nil Companion
4200 nil nil Companion
5450 nil nil Companion

8875 Vx2 nil Master

20 nil nil Creature Catalogue

1250 to 1650 nil nil Creature Catalogue

2300 B nil Creature Catalogue

1750 H nil Basic
5 B P+S Basic
? nil nil Companion
50 nil nil Basic

450 O nil Creature Catalogue

13 nil nil Creature Catalogue

450 E nil Expert
175 U nil Basic
Jade Tablet of
425 (1000gp) nil Creature Catalogue
Jade Tablet of
425 (1000gp) nil Creature Catalogue

35 K, O nil Creature Catalogue

50 C nil Basic
5 nil nil Creature Catalogue
see details F U+V Master
1600 Special nil Companion
65 to 1250 C nil Expert

15500 F nil Creature Catalogue

3250 nil nil Creature Catalogue

500, 850, 1200,
1600, 1750,
1900, 2125 U nil Creature Catalogue
650 E + 5000gp nil Expert
50 nil nil Expert

35 or by host N, O, U + V nil Creature Catalogue

1900 N, O, U + V nil Creature Catalogue

400 N, O, U + V nil Creature Catalogue

1175 N, O, U + V nil Creature Catalogue

100 N, O, U + V nil Creature Catalogue

15 D Q Basic

95 L nil Creature Catalogue

95 L nil Creature Catalogue

95 L nil Creature Catalogue

175 K nil Creature Catalogue
1000 G nil Creature Catalogue
varies Special nil Companion
300 U nil Basic

5150 to 6100 Hx3, Ix2 nil Companion

6600 to 8900 Hx3, Ix2 nil Companion

11750 to 18500 Hx3, Ix2 nil Master

4300 to 5100 Hx3, Ix2 nil Master

11750 to 18500 Hx3, Ix2 nil Companion

5150 to 7050 Hx3, Ix2 nil Companion

5150 to 7050 Hx3, Ix2 nil Master

5150 to 6100 Hx3, Ix2 nil Master

6600 to 10050 Hx3, Ix2 nil Companion

6600 to 10050 Hx3, Ix2 nil Master

6600 to 8900 Hx3, Ix2 nil Master

2250 2XH nil Creature Catalogue

4300 to 5100 Hx3, Ix2 nil Companion

19 U nil Creature Catalogue

10 B P Basic

1d4X50gp per
by HD 65 to 1650 hit dice nil Creature Catalogue
5 S nil Creature Catalogue
25 S nil Creature Catalogue
10 S nil Creature Catalogue
175,275, 450,
650, 900, 1100 B nil Expert

varies Special nil Companion

1200 D nil Creature Catalogue

100, 275 or 575 C nil Creature Catalogue

25,50, 125 nil nil Expert

1200 nil nil Expert

7350 nil nil Creature Catalogue

125 nil nil Basic

1750 H nil Master

125 nil nil Creature Catalogue
11250 nil M&N Creature Catalogue

7500 nil G Creature Catalogue

25 nil nil Creature Catalogue

15 R (G) nil Creature Catalogue

275 nil nil Creature Catalogue

275 nil nil Companion
450 (V) A nil Creature Catalogue
5 P J Basic

1400 I+N nil Creature Catalogue

26000 G+H nil Creature Catalogue

1600 Special nil Companion

1200 C nil Creature Catalogue

3000 to 3700 Hx2, I nil Companion

4200 to 5150 Hx2, I nil Companion

4200 to 5150 Hx2, I nil Master

275 nil nil Expert

3000 to 3700 Hx2, I nil Master

4200 to 5150 Hx2, I nil Companion

3500 to 4300 Hx2, I nil Companion

3500 to 4300 Hx2, I nil Master

3000 to 3700 Hx2, I nil Master

4200 to 5150 Hx2, I nil Companion

1100 I nil Expert

4200 to 5150 Hx2, I nil Master

4200 to 5150 Hx2, I nil Master

1750 H nil Creature Catalogue

3000 to 3700 Hx2, I nil Companion

125 nil nil Creature Catalogue

900 nil nil Master

300 C nil Creature Catalogue

100 (special) nil nil Creature Catalogue

Creature Catalogue

4400 V nil Master

5 nil nil Creature Catalogue

275 nil nil Creature Catalogue

24,500 nil nil Creature Catalogue

see details see detials see details Master

175 U nil Basic
35 nil nil Basic

100 nil nil Creature Catalogue

425 nil nil Creature Catalogue

425 nil nil Creature Catalogue
19 nil nil Creature Catalogue

425 nil nil Creature Catalogue

25 D nil Basic

20 C nil Creature Catalogue

25 nil nil Creature Catalogue

125 nil V Creature Catalogue

50 nil C Creature Catalogue

300 nil C Creature Catalogue

25 nil U Creature Catalogue
2 special nil Creature Catalogue
75 nil nil Companion

2300 E nil Companion

10 A nil Creature Catalogue
varies A nil Creature Catalogue
varies A nil Creature Catalogue
10 A nil Creature Catalogue
10 A nil Creature Catalogue
10 A nil Creature Catalogue
20 F nil Creature Catalogue
5 R nil Creature Catalogue

15 R nil Creature Catalogue

15 R nil Creature Catalogue
80 E Vx2 Master

1200 J V Companion
125 nil nil Companion
650 D nil Expert

cannot digest cannot digest

57500 magical items magical items Creature Catalogue
4175 nil nil Creature Catalogue
1350 nil tusks Expert
175 F V Basic
1100 nil nil Creature Catalogue
see details nil nil Master
10,20,35,75 A nil Expert
1650 G nil Creature Catalogue
100 variable nil Master
275 C nil Basic

see details E + 5000gp nil Master

50 U nil Basic
1200 nil nil Companion
1750 E nil Companion
575 D nil Expert

see details I,L,M,N,O V Master

2300 I nil Creature Catalogue

1100 nil Tusk Companion
20 C nil Basic
1250 C nil Master
see details Any nil Master

1650 nil nil Creature Catalogue

see details Any nil Master
see details Any nil Master
13 B nil Expert
variable Vx3 nil Expert
variable A nil Expert
6 nil nil Creature Catalogue

125 B nil Creature Catalogue

as appropriate as appropriate as appropriate Basic

3500 nil nil Master
1650 see carried special Creature Catalogue
1200 nil nil Companion
300 nil nil Basic

5150 I, O, V nil Companion

125 Sx10 + C Sx10 Basic

50 U nil Basic

1250 H nil Master

10 D P Basic
175 C nil Basic
450 A nil Creature Catalogue
75 U nil Basic

25 nil nil Expert

300 to 4500 E nil Creature Catalogue

5 nil nil Creature Catalogue

35 U nil Creature Catalogue

2850 G nil Creature Catalogue

5 nil nil Creature Catalogue

25 nil nil Basic
19 R+S nil Basic
varaies special special Master
500 Special nil Companion

50 K, L nil Creature Catalogue

275 U nil Basic

4300 E, N, O nil Companion

1750 B nil Creature Catalogue

1250,1750 or
2300 varaible nil Creature Catalogue
175 V nil Expert
10 nil nil Expert

2300 D nil Expert

M (in fine
25 trading goods) nil Creature Catalogue

6500 F (x3) nil Creature Catalogue

1 L nil Basic
50 per flock nil nil Creature Catalogue
2300 H nil Basic
35 L nil Creature Catalogue

5 magic items
+ up to
by HD 10000gp nil Creature Catalogue

6600 I, O, V nil Companion

1750 nil nil Master

125 U nil Expert

275 nil nil Creature Catalogue

20 nil nil Expert
20 U nil Basic
20 U nil Basic

5150 nil nil Creature Catalogue

300 nil nil Basic
I (heart ruby 1-
35 100gp) see details Creature Catalogue
75 V nil Companion
300 U nil Basic
13 nil nil Creature Catalogue
treasure can
be found in
the stomach of
a roper (it's
3875 L (x5) victims) Creature Catalogue
2300 H nil Master
300 nil nil Basic

425 per
sabreclaw D nil Creature Catalogue
650 V nil Basic

2300 nil nil Creature Catalogue

75 nil nil Expert

2300 H nil Master

300 nil nil Master

1750 nil nil Creature Catalogue

75 C nil Creature Catalogue

see details E + 5000gp nil Master

2300 G+M nil Master

20, 35, 75 nil nil Creature Catalogue

175,275, 450,
650, 900, 1101 B nil Expert
50 nil nil Basic
3500 nil L, N, V Companion
35 F nil Basic
50 nil nil Creature Catalogue
20 or 35 I, K, L T Creature Catalogue
35 nil nil Basic

3875 nil nil Creature Catalogue

850 nil nil Creature Catalogue

175 V nil Creature Catalogue

50 A nil Creature Catalogue
10 nil nil Basic

6 nil nil Creature Catalogue

1000 D nil Creature Catalogue

275 I nil Expert
35 nil T Creature Catalogue
50 K nil Companion
1750 to 2500 nil nil Creature Catalogue
1750 nil nil Creature Catalogue
425 nil nil Companion
725 E nil Expert
12000 nil nil Companion
5625 E nil Master
13 nil nil Basic
1650 variable nil Master
350 nil nil Creature Catalogue
6 S nil Basic
one months
service if
900 nil beaten Creature Catalogue

5 nil nil Creature Catalogue

13 L nil Basic
900 E + 5000gp nil Expert
3250 E + 5000gp nil Expert

10 per 1@
square U nil Creature Catalogue
J-N, L +2
2125 magic items nil Creature Catalogue
500 nil nil Creature Catalogue
15 nil nil Expert

nil (ancient law

300 nil or legend) Creature Catalogue
125 U nil Basic
275 V nil Basic

68000 Special nil

25250 Special nil

38750 Special nil

32000 Special nil

65 C nil Basic

4050 or 1750 nil nil Creature Catalogue

275 U nil Basic
50 U nil Basic
1250 nil nil Creature Catalogue

50 nil nil Creature Catalogue

75 V nil Creature Catalogue

variable A nil Expert
1100 nil nil Expert

550, 950 0r 2050 F, G or H nil Creature Catalogue

30 A A Basic
650 D nil Expert

2000 Vx3 nil Expert

2500 nil nil Creature Catalogue
14975 L, N, O x 2 nil Master

by hit die B nil Creature Catalogue

2300 nil nil Companion
125 nil nil Expert
500 nil nil Creature Catalogue

125 nil nil Creature Catalogue

1250/1750/2300 F nil Expert

65 N nil Creature Catalogue

1250 F nil Creature Catalogue

3500 L,N,O nil Companion

25 nil nil Creature Catalogue
35 nil nil Expert
see type nil nil Expert
50 I nil Creature Catalogue
10 J+K+L nil Creature Catalogue
75 C nil Master
500 C nil Basic
200 C nil Basic
75 C nil Master
50 C nil Basic
400 C nil Master
125 C nil Companion
300 C nil Basic
125 C nil Basic

170 U nil Creature Catalogue

75 nil nil Basic
725 H nil Basic

Pelt can sold

for up to
500gp. Head
plates can be
sold for upto
725 nil 100gp. Creature Catalogue
50 B nil Basic
10 nil nil Creature Catalogue

25 nil nil Creature Catalogue

25 nil nil Basic
35 nil nil Expert

6 S C+N Creature Catalogue

225 E Vx2 Master

650 nil nil Creature Catalogue

175 E nil Expert
725 G nil Creature Catalogue
850 E nil Expert

400 nil nil Creature Catalogue

25 nil nil Basic
625 1/2 H nil Basic
1150 1/2 H nil Basic

1350 1/2 H nil Master

375 1/2 H nil Master

1350 1/2 H nil Basic

8525 1/2 H nil Basic

8525 1/2 H nil Master

625 1/2 H nil Master
1150 1/2 H nil Basic
1150 1/2 H nil Master

1150 1/2 H nil Master

1250 1/2 H nil Creature Catalogue

375 1/2 H nil Basic

100 nil nil Creature Catalogue

20 nil nil Basic
Custom List
Fill in Custom list here

Number Hit Dice

Number Creature appearing AC Hit Dice Modifier Saves as Attacks
1 Hobgoblin 1 6 1 1 Fighter 1 1 Weapon

2 Stirge 2 7 1 0 Fighter 2 1
3 Giant Racer Snake 1 5 1 0 Fighter 1 1 bite
4 Kobolds 4 7 0.5 0 Normal Man 1 Weapon
5 Harpy 3 7 3 0 Fighter 6 2 claws/1 weapon
6 Orc 5 6 1 0 Fighter 1 1 Weapon
7 Ghoul 2 6 2 0 Fighter 2 2 claws/1 bite
8 Goblin 7 6 1 -1 Normal Man 1 Weapon
9 Bugbear 4 5 3 1 Fighter 3 1 Weapon
10 Gnoll 1 5 2 0 Fighter 2 1 Weapon
11 Giant Geco Lizard 1 5 3 1 Fighter 2 1 bite
12 Lizard Man 5 5 2 1 Fighter 2 1 Weapon
13 Skeleton 3 7 1 0 Fighter 1 1 Weapon

14 Shadow 3 7 2 2 Fighter 2 1
15 Grey Ooze 1 8 3 0 Fighter 2 1
16 Wererat 4 (9) 3 0 Fighter 3 1 bite or Weapon

17 Troglodyte 4 5 2 0 Fighter 2 2 claws/1 bite

18 Yellow Mould 5 n/a 2 0 Fighter 2 10 x 10 Spore cloud

19 Carrion Crawler 1 7 3 1 Fighter 2 8 Tenticles

20 Wight 4 5 3 0 Fighter 3 1
Lair Carried
Special Treasure Treasure Rule
Damage Damage Morale XP Type Type Book
By Weapon n/a 8 (or 10) 15 D Q Basic

"+ 2 to hit on
1d3 first attack 9 13 L nil Basic
1d6 n/a 7 20 nil nil Basic
By Weapon -1 n/a 6 (or 8) 5 P J Basic
1d4/1d4/1d6 Charm song 7 50 C nil Basic
By Weapon n/a 8 (or 6) 10 D P Basic
1-3/1-3/1-3 Paralysis 9 25 B nil Basic
By Weapon n/a 7 (or 9) 5 C R Basic
By Weapon + 1 n/a 9 75 P + Q B Basic
by weapon +1 n/a 8 20 C P Basic
1d8 n/a 7 50 U nil Basic
By Weapon + 1 n/a 12 25 D nil Basic
By Weapon n/a 12 10 nil nil Basic
1 strength
1d4 drain 12 35 F nil Basic
2d8 acid 12 50 nil nil Basic
1d4 or by Weapon n/a 8 50 C nil Basic
oil stench
save vs
1d4/1d4/1d4 poison 9 30 A A Basic
choke save
1d6 + special vs death ray n/a 25 nil nil Basic
Paralysis see damage 9 75 B nil Basic
1 level of
Energy drain it die 12 50 B nil Basic
Dungeon Level Lookups
Number Hit Dice
Level 1 Monster appearing AC Hit Dice Modifier Save As
1 Bandit 3 6 1 0 Thief 1
2 Fire Beetle 3 4 1 2 Fighter 1
3 Cave Locust 6 4 2 0 Fighter 2
4 Giant Centipede 5 9 0.5 0 Normal Man
5 Ghoul 5 6 2 0 Fighter 2
6 Goblin 1 6 1 -1 Normal Man
7 Human 2 5 1 0 as that class
8 Human 2 7 1 -2 as that class
9 Demi-human 1 9 0.5 0 as that class
10 Demi-human 1 7 1 -2 as that class
11 Kobolds 7 7 0.5 0 Normal Man
12 Giant Geco Lizard 1 5 3 1 Fighter 2
13 NPC Party 1 Party n/a 1 0 n/a
14 Orc 3 6 1 0 Fighter 1
15 Skeleton 6 7 1 0 Fighter 1
16 Giant Racer Snake 2 5 1 0 Fighter 1
17 Crab Spider 1 7 2 0 Fighter 1
18 Stirge 3 7 1 0 Fighter 2
19 Troglodyte 2 5 2 0 Fighter 2
20 Zombie 2 8 2 0 Fighter 1

Number Hit Dice

Level 2 Monster appearing AC Hit Dice Modifier Save As
1 Oil Beetle 5 3 3 1 Fighter 2
2 Carrion Crawler 1 7 3 1 Fighter 2
3 Ghoul 3 6 2 0 Fighter 2
4 Gnoll 4 5 2 0 Fighter 2
5 Goblin 5 6 1 -1 Normal Man
6 Grey Ooze 1 8 3 0 Fighter 2
7 Hobgoblin 5 6 1 1 Fighter 1
8 Human 1 5 1 0 as that class
9 Human 2 5 1 0 as that class
10 Demi-human 1 9 0.5 0 as that class
11 Draco Lizard 1 5 4 2 Fighter 3
12 Lizard Man 3 5 2 1 Fighter 2
13 Neanderthal 7 8 2 0 Fighter 2
14 NPC Party 1 Party n/a 1 0 n/a
15 Orc 2 6 1 0 Fighter 1
16 Skeleton 6 7 1 0 Fighter 1
17 Pit Viper Snake 4 6 2 0 Fighter 1
18 Black Widow Spider 5 6 3 0 Fighter 2
19 Troglodyte 4 5 2 0 Fighter 2
20 Zombie 2 8 2 0 Fighter 1

Number Hit Dice

Level 3 Monster appering AC Hit Dice Modifier Save As
1 White Ape 2 6 4 0 Fighter 2
2 Tiger Beetle 2 3 3 1 Fighter 2
3 Bugbear 5 5 3 1 Fighter 3
4 Carrion Crawler 3 7 3 1 Fighter 2
5 Dopple Ganger 3 5 4 0 Fighter 8
6 Gargoyle 2 5 4 0 Fighter 8
7 Gelatinous Cube 5 8 4 0 Fighter 2
8 Harpy 3 7 3 0 Fighter 6
9 Human 2 5 1 0 as that class
10 Demi-human 3 9 0.5 0 as that class
11 Living Crystal Statue 4 4 3 0 Fighter 3
12 Wererat 3 7 3 0 Fighter 3
13 Medusa 4 8 4 0 Fighter 4
14 NPC Party 1 Party n/a 1 0 n/a
15 Ochre Jelly 3 8 5 0 Fighter 3
16 Ogre 2 5 4 1 Fighter 4
17 Shadow 4 7 2 2 Fighter 2
18 Tarantella Spider 5 5 4 0 Fighter 2
19 Thoul 6 6 3 0 Fighter 3
20 Wight 5 5 3 0 Fighter 3

Number Hit Dice

Level 4-5 Monster appearing AC Hit Dice Modifier Save As

1 Blink Dog 3 5 4 0 Fighter 4

2 Bugbear 9 5 3 1 Fighter 3

3 Caecilia 1 6 6 0 Fighter 3
4 Cockatrice 1 6 5 0 Fighter 5

5 Displacer Beast 1 4 6 0 Fighter 6

6 Gargoyle 3 5 4 0 Fighter 8
7 Hill Giant 1 4 8 0 Fighter 8
8 Harpy 3 7 3 0 Fighter 6
9 Hell Hound (3-5HD) 2 4 3to5 0 Fighter 3-5
10 5 Headed Hydra 1 5 5 0 Fighter 5
11 Werewolf 2 5 (9) 4 0 Fighter 4
12 Medusa 1 8 4 0 Fighter 4

13 Mummy 1 3 5 1 Fighter 5
14 NPC Party 1 Party n/a 1 0 n/a
15 Ochre Jelly 1 8 5 0 Fighter 3

16 Rhagodessa 2 5 4 2 Fighter 2
17 Rust Monster 1 2 5 0 Fighter 3

18 Giant Scorpion 1 2 4 0 Fighter 2

19 Troll 1 4 6 3 Fighter 6

20 Wraith 2 3 4 0 Fighter 4
Number Hit Dice
Level 6-7 Monster appearing AC Hit Dice Modifier Save As
1 Basilisk 2 4 6 1 Fighter 6

2 Caecilia 4 6 6 0 Fighter 3
3 Cockatrice 2 6 5 0 Fighter 5
4 Hill Giant 1 4 8 0 Fighter 8
5 Stone Giant 1 4 9 0 Fighter 9
6 Hell Hound (5-7HD) 4 4 5to7 0 Fighter 5-7
7 Hydra (6-8 Heads) 1 5 6 to 8 0 Fighter 6 - 8
8 Werebear/Weretiger 3 2 (8) 6 0 Fighter 6
9 Manticore 1 4 6 1 Fighter 6
10 Minotaur 4 6 6 0 Fighter 6

11 Mummy 2 3 5 1 Fighter 5
12 NPC Party 1 Party n/a 1 0 n/a
13 Ochre Jelly 1 8 5 0 Fighter 3
14 Ogre 2 5 4 1 Fighter 4
15 Rust Monster 3 2 5 0 Fighter 3

16 Spectre 3 2 6 0 Fighter 6
17 Tarantella Spider 2 5 4 0 Fighter 2

18 Flame Salamander 1 2 8 0 Fighter 8

19 Troll 4 4 6 3 Fighter 6

20 Vampire 1 2 7to9 0 Fighter 7to9

Number Hit Dice

Level 8-10 Monster appearing AC Hit Dice Modifier Save As
1 Basilisk 5 4 6 1 Fighter 6
2 Black Pudding 1 6 10 0 Fighter 5

3 Chimera 1 4 9 0 Fighter 9
4 Devil Swine 2 3 (9) 9 0 Fighter 9
5 Dragon 1 any any any any
6 Giant (any*) 2 any any any any
7 Giant (any*) 4 any any any any
8 Golem (any*) 1 any any any any
9 Hydra (7-12 Heads) 1 5 7 to 12 0 Fighter 7 - 12
10 Living Statue (any*) 3 any any any any
11 Lycanthrope (any*) 8 any any any any
12 Lycanthrope (any*) 8 any any any any
13 NPC Party 1 Party n/a 1 0 n/a
14 Purple Worm 1 6 15 0 Fighter 8
15 Rust Monster 3 2 5 0 Fighter 3
16 Salamander (any*) 3 any any any any
17 Snake (any*) 4 any any any any

18 Spectre 3 2 6 0 Fighter 6
19 Spider (any*) 3 any any any any

20 Vampire 1 2 7to9 0 Fighter 7to9

Attacks Damage Special Damage Morale XP
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a 8 10
1 bite 1d8 (2-8) n/a 7 15
1 bite or 1 bump or 1 spit 1-2 or 1-4 n/a 5 30
1 bite 0 Poison 7 6
2 claws/1 bite 1-3/1-3/1-3 Paralysis 9 25
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a 7 (or 9) 5
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a as appropriate 10
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a as appropriate 10
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a as appropriate 10
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a as appropriate 10
1 Weapon By Weapon -1 n/a 6 (or 8) 5
1 bite 1d8 n/a 7 50
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a as appropriate as appropriate
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a 8 (or 6) 10
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a 12 10
1 bite 1d6 n/a 7 20
1 bite 1d8 Weak Poison 7 25
1 1d3 "+ 2 to hit on first attack 9 13
2 claws/1 bite 1d4/1d4/1d4 oil stench save vs poison 9 30
1 claw or weapon 1d4/as weapon 12 20

Attacks Damage Special Damage Morale XP

1 bite 2d6 oil squirt 9 50
8 Tenticles Paralysis see damage 9 75
2 claws/1 bite 1-3/1-3/1-3 Paralysis 9 25
1 Weapon by weapon +1 n/a 8 20
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a 7 (or 9) 5
1 2d8 acid 12 50
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a 8 (or 10) 15
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a as appropriate 10
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a as appropriate 10
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a as appropriate 10
1 bite 1d10 n/a 7 125
1 Weapon By Weapon + 1 n/a 12 25
1 Weapon By Weapon + 1 n/a 7 20
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a as appropriate as appropriate
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a 8 (or 6) 10
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a 12 10
1bite 1d4 poison 7 25
1 bite 2d6 poison 8 50
2 claws/1 bite 1d4/1d4/1d4 oil stench save vs poison 9 30
1 claw or weapon 1d4/as weapon n/a 12 20

Attacks Damage Special Damage Morale XP

2 claws 1d4/1d4 n/a 7 75
1 bite 2d6 n/a 9 50
1 Weapon By Weapon + 1 n/a 9 75
8 Tenticles Paralysis see damage 9 75
1 1d12 n/a 8 125
2 claws/1 bite/ 1 horn 1d3/1d3/1d6/1d4 n/a 11 125
1 2d4 Paralysis 12 125
2 claws/1 weapon 1d4/1d4/1d6 Charm song 7 50
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a as appropriate 10
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a as appropriate 10
2 1d6/1d6 n/a 11 35
1 bite or Weapon 1d4 or by Weaponn/a 8 50
1 snakebite/1 look 1d6 poison/ turn to stone 8 175
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a as appropriate as appropriate
1 2d6 n/a 12 300
1 weapon 1d6 +2 n/a 10 125
1 1d4 1 strength drain 12 35
1 bite 1d8 + poison Spasm dance 8 125
2 claws or 1 weapon 1d3/1d3/ by weap paralysis 10 65
1 Energy drain 1 level of experience/hit di 12 50

Attacks Damage Special Damage Morale XP

1 bite 1d6 Blink out of attack range 6 125

1 Weapon By Weapon + 1 n/a 9 75
hit roll of 19-20 =
1 bite 1d8 swallows victim whole 9 500
1 beak 1d6 Turn to stone if bitten 7 425
minus 2 to hit, Beast has
+ 2 to hit 1d6 bite if
2 tentacles 2-8/2-8 severly hurt 8 500
2 claws/1 bite/ 1 horn 1d3/1d3/1d6/1d4 n/a 11 125
1 weapon 2d8 Throw Boulders 8 650
2 claws/1 weapon 1d4/1d4/1d6 Charm song 7 50
1 bite or 1 breath 1d6 1d6 breath per Hit Dice 9 65 to 1250
1 to 5 bites, one per head 1d10 per head n/a 11 175,
1 bite 2d4 Lycanthropy 8 125
1 snakebite/1 look 1d6 poison/ turn to stone 8 175
Paralyzed with
aura/1 touch 1d12 + desease fear/desease 12 575
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a as appropriate as appropriate
1 2d6 n/a 12 300
leg hit sticks victim and
next round is bitten
1 leg/1 bite 0 + suckers/2d8 automatically 9 125
1 Nil rust metal (and magical) 7 300
if hit by a claw there is a
+2 bonus to hit with the
tail / save vs poison or
2 claws / 1 sting 1d10/1d10/1d4+poison
die 11 125

regenerates after 3
rounds (3 hit poins per
round) unless fire or acid
2claws/1 bite 1d6/1d6/1d10 is used (affects morale) 10 (8) 650

1 touch 1d6+energy drain drains 1 level of hit points 11 175

Attacks Damage Special Damage Morale XP
1 bite/1 gaze 1d10 Petrification 9 950
hit roll of 19-20 =
1 bite 1d8 swallows victim whole 9 500
1 beak 1d6 Turn to stone if bitten 7 425
1 weapon 2d8 Throw Boulders 8 650
1 weapon 3d6 Throw Boulders 9 900
1 bite or 1 breath 1d6 1d6 breath per Hit Dice 9 65 to 1250
1 to 8 bites, one per head 1d10 per head n/a 11 , 650, 900, 1100
2 claws/ 1 bite 2-8/2-8/2-16 Lycanthropy 10 500
2 claws/1 bite/6 tail spikes1d4/1d4/2d4/1d6 each24 tail spikes 9 650
1 gore/1 bite or 1 Weapon 1-6/1-6/ or by weapon n/a
+2 12 275
Paralyzed with
aura/1 touch 1d12 + desease fear/desease 12 575
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a as appropriate as appropriate
1 2d6 n/a 12 300
1 weapon 1d6 +2 n/a 10 125
1 Nil rust metal (and magical) 7 300
double energy drain (lose
Touch 1d8 2 hit dice levels) 11 725
1 bite 1d8 + poison Spasm dance 8 125
all within 20' take 1d8
2 claws / 1 bite 1d4/1d4/1d8 heat damage 8 1200

regenerates after 3
rounds (3 hit poins per
round) unless fire or acid
2claws/1 bite 1d6/1d6/1d10 is used (affects morale) 10 (8) 650
gase-charm (-2 to save)
can chage form to dire
wolf, giant bat,gaseous
1 touch or special
1d10+double energy drain orcloud
special 11 1250/1750/2300

Attacks Damage Special Damage Morale XP

1 bite/1 gaze 1d10 Petrification 9 950
1 3d8 n/a 12 1600
Fire Cone 50'x10' 3 times
2 claws/3 heads + Fire breath
1-3/1-3/2-8/1-10/3-12 + 3-18
a day 9 2300
1 gore or Blow 2d6 or by weapon Charm person 10 1600
any any any any any
any any any any any
any any any any any
any any any any any
1 to 8 bites, one per head 1d10 per head n/a 11 , 650, 900, 1100
any any any any any
any any any any any
any any any any any
1 Weapon By Weapon n/a as appropriate as appropriate
(if hit roll for bite is 4+
more than required then
victim is swallowed whole
1 bite/1 sting 2d8/1d8 +poison 3d6 damage) 10 2300
1 Nil rust metal (and magical) 7 300
any any any any any
any any any any any
double energy drain (lose
Touch 1d8 2 hit dice levels) 11 725
any any any any any
gase-charm (-2 to save)
can chage form to dire
wolf, giant bat,gaseous
1 touch or special
1d10+double energy drain orcloud
special 11 1250/1750/2300
Treasure Type Type
nil nil
nil nil
nil nil
B nil
U nil
as appropriate as appropriate
nil nil
nil nil
U nil
L nil
A nil
nil nil
Treasure Type Type
U nil
B nil
B nil
nil nil
U nil
D nil
C nil
as appropriate as appropriate
nil nil
nil nil
U nil
nil nil
Treasure Type Type
nil nil
U nil
B nil
E nil
C nil
nil V
C nil
nil nil
C nil
as appropriate as appropriate
nil nil
Sx10 Sx10 + C
F nil
U nil
C nil
B nil
Treasure Type Type

C nil Expert
B P+Q Basic

B nil Expert
D nil Expert

D nil Expert
C nil Basic
E + 5000gp nil Expert
C nil Basic
C nil Expert
B nil Expert
C nil Basic
F V Basic

D nil Expert
as appropriate as appropriate
nil nil Basic

U nil Expert
nil nil Basic

V nil Expert

D nil Expert

E nil Expert
Treasure Type Type
F nil Expert

B nil Expert
D nil Expert
E + 5000gp nil Expert
E + 5000gp nil Expert
C nil Expert
B nil Expert
C nil Basic
D nil Expert
C nil Basic

D nil Expert
as appropriate as appropriate
nil nil Basic
Sx10 + C Sx10 Basic
nil nil Basic

E nil Expert
U nil Basic

F nil Expert

D nil Expert

F nil Expert
Treasure Type Type
F nil Expert
1d20 gems nil Expert

F nil Expert
C nil Expert
any any
any any
any any
any any
B nil Expert
any any any
any any any
any any any
as appropriate as appropriate
D nil Expert
nil nil Basic
any any
any any

E nil Expert
any any

F nil Expert
Type of Human Alignment Reason for Appearing Sex
1 Cleric 1 Lawfull 1 Alone (& scared) 1
2 Fighter 2 Lawfull 2 Bait 2
3 Fighter 3 Lawfull 3 Escaping 3
4 Fighter 4 Neutral 4 Looking for a friend 4
5 Magic User 5 Neutral 5 Looking for an item
6 Thief 6 Chaotic 6 Not what they seem
7 Running away
8 Sole survivor/s

Type of demi-human Alignment Reason for Appearing Sex

1 Dwarf 1 Lawfull 1 Alone (& scared) 1
2 Dwarf 2 Lawfull 2 Adventuring 2
3 Elf 3 Lawfull 3 Bounty Hunting 3
4 Elf 4 Neutral 4 Looking for a friend 4
5 Halfling 5 Neutral 5 Looking for an item
6 Halfling 6 Neutral 6 Not what they seem
7 Running away
8 Sole survivor/s

Not what they seem

1 Hired mercenaries
2 Thieves
3 Looking for bandits
4 Wererats
5 Wererats
6 Werewolves
7 Werewolves
8 Wizards under polymorph
9 Dopplegangers
10 Gold Dragon
Clothes & Equipment
All Male 1 Rags
All Female 2 Std Peasants clothes
Mostly Male 3 Starting adventurer of that class
Mostly Female 4 Experienced adventurer of that class
5 Very experienced adventurer of that class
6 Finery (not suitable for adventuring)

Clothes & Equipment

All Male 1 Rags
All Female 2 Std Peasants clothes
Mostly Male 3 Starting adventurer of that class
Mostly Female 4 Experienced adventurer of that class
5 Very experienced adventurer of that class
6 Finery (not suitable for adventuring)
Chance of
encounter Clear Grass Land Woods River Swamp Barren, Hills
6 on 1d6 5-6 on 1d6 5-6 on 1d6 4,5,6 0n 1d6 5-6 on 1d6
2 4 4 4 6
No Encounter No Encounter No Encounter Encounter Encounter

Terrain Clear Grass Land Woods River Swamp Barren, Hills

1 Men Men Men Men Men
2 Flyer Flyer Flyer Flyer Flyer
3 Humanoid Humanoid Humanoid Humanoid Humanoid
4 Animal Insect Insect Swimmer Unusual
5 Animal Unusual Swimmer Undead Animal
6 Unusual Animal Swimmer Undead Humanoid
7 Dragon Animal Animal Insect Dragon
8 Insect Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon
4 Animal Insect Insect Swimmer Unusual
4 Swimmer Unusual

Animals Clear Grass Land Woods River Hills Desert
1 Animal Herd Animal Herd Animal Herd Animal Herd Animal Herd
2 Rock Baboon Boar Boar White Ape Animal Herd
3 Boar Panther Panther White Ape Camel
4 Lion Tiger Tiger Rock Baboon Camel
5 Elephant Gecko Lizard Giant Crab Cave Bear Lion
6 Giant Ferret Draco Lizard Crocodile Grizzly Bear Lion
7 Riding Horse Tuatara Lizard Large Crocodile Mountain Lion Gecko Lizard
8 Draco Lizard Viper Rock Fish Mule Tuatara Lizard
9 Mule Crab Spider Giant Leech Viper Viper
10 Viper Unicorn Giant Rat Rattler Rattler
11 Rattler Wolf Giant Shrew Wolf Black Widow Spider
12 Giant Weasel Dire Wolf Giant Toad Dire Wolf Tarantula Spider
3 Boar Panther Panther White Ape Camel

Barren, Mountains,
Humanoid Clear Grass Land Woods River Swamp Hills
1 Bugbear Bugbear Bugbear Gnoll Dwarf
2 Elf Cyclops Elf Goblin Cloud Giant
3 Hill Giant Dryad Gnoll Hobgoblin Frost Giant
4 Gnoll Elf Hobgoblin Lizard Man Hill Giant
5 Goblin Hill Giant Lizard Man Lizard Man Stone Giant
6 Halfling Gnoll Lizard Man Lizard Man Storm Giant
7 Hobgoblin Goblin Nixie Nixie Gnome
8 Ogre Hobgoblin Ogre Ogre Goblin
9 Orc Ogre Orc Orc Kobold
10 Pixie Orc Sprite Troglodyte Orc
11 Thoul Thoul Thoul Troll Troglodyte
12 Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll
Orc Ogre Orc Orc Kobold

Men Clear Grass Land Woods River Hills Desert

1 Adventurer Adventurer Adventurer Adventurers Adventurers
2 Bandit Bandit Bandit Bandit Cleric
3 Bandit Bandit Buccaneer Berserker Dervish
4 Berserker Berserker Buccaneer Berserker Dervish
5 Brigand Brigand Buccaneer Brigand Fighter
6 Cleric Brigand Brigand Brigand Magic-user
7 Fighter Brigand Cleric Caveman Merchant
8 Magic-user Cleric Fighter Caveman Noble
9 Merchant Fighter Magic-user Cleric Nomad
10 Merchant Magic-user Merchant Fighter Nomad
11 Noble Merchant Merchant Magic-user Nomad
12 Nomad NCP Party NCP Party Merchant Nomad
Nomad NCP Party NCP Party Merchant Nomad

Flyers Mountains Desert All Other

1 Giant Bee Gargoyle Giant Bee
2 Gargoyle Gargoyle Cockatrice
3 Griffon Griffon Gargoyle
4 Harpy Harpy Griffon
5 Hippogriff Insect Swarm Hippogriff
6 Insect Swarm Draco Lizard Draco Lizard
7 Manticore Manticore Pegasus
8 Pegasus Manticore Pixie
9 Robber Fly Manticore Robber Fly
10 Small Rock Small Rock Small Rock
11 Large Rock Large Rock Sprite
12 Giant Rock Giant Rock Stirge
11 11
Large Rock Large Rock Sprite

Swimmers River / Lake Ocean Swamp

1 Giant Crab Storm Giant Giant Crab
2 Crocodile Sea Hydra Crocodile
3 Large Crocodile Sea Hydra Crocodile
4 Great Bass Sea Hydra Large Crocodile
5 Sturgeon Merman Large Crocodile
6 Giant Leech Merman Giant Rock Fish
7 Giant Leech Sea Snake Giant Leech
8 Lizard Man Sea Snake Giant Leech
9 Lizard Man Sea Snake Lizard Man
10 Merman Water Termite Lizard Man
11 Nixie Water Termite Water Termite
12 Water Termite Water Termite Water Termite
4 4
4 Great Bass Sea Hydra Large Crocodile
1 Chimera
2 Small Black Dragon
3 Small Blue Dragon
4 Small Gold Dragon
5 Small Green Dragon
6 Small Red Dragon
7 Small White Dragon
8 Hydra
9 Hydra
10 Wyvern
11 Flame Salamander
12 Frost Salamander
1 1
1 Chimera

1 Giant Ant
2 Giant Bee
3 Fira Beetle
4 Oil Beetle
5 Tiger Beetle
6 Insect Swarm
7 Rhagodessa
8 Robber Fly
9 Giant Scorpion
10 Black-widow Spider
11 Crab Spider
12 Tarantella Spider
10 10
Black-widow Spider

1 Ghoul
2 Ghoul
3 Ghoul
4 Mummy
5 Skelenton
6 Skelenton
7 Spectre
8 Whight
9 Wraith
10 Vampire
11 Zombie
12 Zombie
9 9

1 Basilisk
2 Blink Dog
3 Centaur
4 Displacer Beast
5 Gorgon
6 Werebear
7 Wereboar
8 Wererat
9 Weretiger
10 Werewolf
11 Medusa
12 Treant
12 12
Mountains Desert Settled City Ocean Jungle
4,5,6 0n 1d6 5-6 on 1d6 6 on 1d6 6 on 1d6 5*-6 on 1d6 4,5,6 0n 1d6
3 3 1 5 2 6
No Encounter No Encounter No Encounter No Encounter No Encounter Encounter

Mountains Desert Settled City Ocean Jungle

Men Men Men Men Men Men
Flyer Flyer Flyer Undead Flyer Flyer
Humanoid Humanoid Humanoid Humanoid Swimmer Insect
Unusual Men Men Men Swimmer Insect
Animal Animal Men Men Swimmer Humanoid
Humanoid Dragon Insect Men Swimmer Animal
Dragon Undead Animal Men Swimmer Animal
Dragon Animal Dragon Men Dragon Dragon
Unusual Men Men Men Swimmer Insect

Settled Jungle Prehistoric

Animal Herd Animal Herd Cave Bear
Animal Herd Boar Sabretooth Tiger
Boar Panther Giant Crocodile
Tiger Draco Lizard Masto Elephant
Giant Ferret Gecko Lizard Pterodactyl
Riding Horse Horned Lizard Pteradon
Giant Rat Giant Rat Racer Snake
Giant Shrew Giant Shrew Viper
Racer Snake Viper Triceratops
Viper Python Triceratops
Tarantula Spider Spitting Cobra Tyrannosaurus
Wolf Crab Spider Dire Wolf
Boar Panther Giant Crocodile

Desert Settled & City Jungle

Fire Giant Dwarf Bugbear
Goblin Elf Cyclops
Hobgoblin Hill Giant Elf
Hobgoblin Gnome Fire Giant
Ogre Gnoll Hill Giant
Ogre Goblin Gnoll
Ogre Halfling Goblin
Orc Hobgoblin Lizard Man
Orc Ogre Ogre
Pixie Orc Orc
Sprite Pixie Troglodyte
Thoul Sprite Troll
Orc Ogre Ogre
Settled Ocean Jungle Swamp
Acolyte Adventurer Adventurer Adventurer
Adventurers Buccaneer Adventurer Adventurer
Bandit Buccaneer Bandit Bandit
Bandit Merchant Berserker Bandit
Cleric Merchant Brigand Berserker
Fighter Merchant Brigand Brigand
Magic-user Merchant Brigand Cleric
Merchant Merchant Caveman Fighter
Noble Pirate Cleric Magic-user
NCP Party Pirate Fighter Merchant
Trader Pirate Magic-user NCP Party
Veteran Pirate Merchant Trader
Veteran Pirate Merchant Trader
Prehistoric Terrain List
4,5,6 0n 1d6 Clear Grass Land
1 Woods
No Encounter River
Barren, Hills
Treasure Generator
(if multiple treasures are found select the required types - up to 5)
Choose the Treasure Type 1 from drop down > A
Choose the Treasure Type 2 from drop down > 0
Choose the Treasure Type 3 from drop down > 0
Choose the Treasure Type 4 from drop down > 0
Choose the Treasure Type 5 from drop down > 0

Copper Silver Electrum Gold Platinum Gems Jewelry Magic Item Magic Item Magic Item Magic Item Magic Item Magic Item
Treasure 1 0 0 0 4454 0 6 0 No No No n/a n/a n/a
Treasure 2
Treasure 3
Treasure 4
Treasure 5
Total 0 0 0 4454 0 4454 Total worth in GP coins only each
Each 0 0 0 891 0 5 < Divide coins by # 891 < Weight of coins only each 891 Total worth in GP coins only each

Treasure 1 Gems

Ruby 1000gp Amber 100gp Citrine 50gp Pearl 500gp Amber 100gp Topaz 500gp

Treasure 1 Jewelry


Treasure 2 Gems

Treasure 2 Jewelry

Treasure 3 Gems

Treasure 3 Jewelry

Treasure 4 Gems

Treasure 4 Jewelry

Treasure 5 Gems

Treasure 5 Jewelry
Expert Magic Treasure Generator Print Out Only
Select Treasure Type Treasure Item
Magical Treasure 1 Type Any 0 Sword
Magical Treasure 2 Type Any sword, armor or weapon 0 Armor or Shield
Magical Treasure 3 Type Any except weapon 0 Armor or Shield
Magical Treasure 4 Type Potion 0 Potion
Magical Treasure 5 Type Scroll 0 Scroll
Magical Treasure 6 Type Any sword, armor or weapon 0 Armor or Shield
Magical Treasure 7 Type Any sword, armor or weapon 0 Other Weapon
Magical Treasure 8 Type 0

Sword Generator Type Intelligent Cursed If non Intelligent type Intelligence Method Powers Languages Ego Will Power Allignment

Std Sword No No Sword +1, Wishes (limited wishes - see rules)

Magical Treasure 1 Sword

Magical Treasure 2 Sword

Magical Treasure 3 Sword

Magical Treasure 4 Sword

Magical Treasure 5 Sword

Magical Treasure 6 Sword

Magical Treasure 7 Sword

Magical Treasure 8 Sword

Other Weapon Generator Type Cursed Armor or Shield Generator Type Weight (cn) Cursed
Magical Treasure 1 Magical Treasure 1
Magical Treasure 2 Magical Treasure 2
Magical Treasure 3 Magical Treasure 3
Magical Treasure 4 Magical Treasure 4
Magical Treasure 5 Magical Treasure 5
Magical Treasure 6 Magical Treasure 6
Magical Treasure 7 War Hammer +2 Magical Treasure 7
Magical Treasure 8 Magical Treasure 8

Potion Generator Type Scroll Generator Type

Magical Treasure 1 Magical Treasure 1
Magical Treasure 2 Magical Treasure 2
Magical Treasure 3 Magical Treasure 3
Magical Treasure 4 Magical Treasure 4
Magical Treasure 5 Magical Treasure 5
Magical Treasure 6 Magical Treasure 6
Magical Treasure 7 Magical Treasure 7
Magical Treasure 8 Magical Treasure 8

Ring Generator Type Wand, Stave or Staff Generator Type Number of charges
Magical Treasure 1 Magical Treasure 1
Magical Treasure 2 Magical Treasure 2
Magical Treasure 3 Magical Treasure 3
Magical Treasure 4 Magical Treasure 4
Magical Treasure 5 Magical Treasure 5
Magical Treasure 6 Magical Treasure 6
Magical Treasure 7 Magical Treasure 7
Magical Treasure 8 Magical Treasure 8

Miscellaneous Magic Generator Type

Magical Treasure 1
Magical Treasure 2
Magical Treasure 3
Magical Treasure 4
Magical Treasure 5
Magical Treasure 6
Magical Treasure 7
Magical Treasure 8
Companion Magic Treasure Generator Select type then press F9 to generate new random magical treasure
Select Treasure Type Treasure Item
Magical Treasure 1 Type Any 3 Potion
Magical Treasure 2 Type Any sword, armor or weapon 86 Sword
Magical Treasure 3 Type Any except weapon 23 Potion
Magical Treasure 4 Type Potion 8 Potion
Magical Treasure 5 Type Scroll 31 Scroll
Magical Treasure 6 Type Any sword, armor or weapon 77 Missile or Device
Magical Treasure 7 Type Any sword, armor or weapon 88 Sword
Magical Treasure 8 Type Any sword, armor or weapon 74 Missile or Device

Sword Generator Type Intelligent Cursed Standard Powers Intelligence Method Powers Languages Ego Will Power Allignment

Magical Treasure 1 Sword

Short Sword No No +3,

Magical Treasure 2 Sword

Magical Treasure 3 Sword

Magical Treasure 4 Sword

Magical Treasure 5 Sword

Magical Treasure 6 Sword

Std Sword No No +1,

Magical Treasure 7 Sword

Magical Treasure 8 Sword

Other Weapon Generator Type Cursed? Armor or Shield Generator Type Cursed ?
Magical Treasure 1 Magical Treasure 1
Magical Treasure 2 Magical Treasure 2
Magical Treasure 3 Magical Treasure 3
Magical Treasure 4 Magical Treasure 4
Magical Treasure 5 Magical Treasure 5
Magical Treasure 6 Magical Treasure 6
Magical Treasure 7 Magical Treasure 7
Magical Treasure 8 Magical Treasure 8

Potion Generator Type Scroll Generator Type

Magical Treasure 1 Clairvoyance Magical Treasure 1
Magical Treasure 2 Magical Treasure 2
Magical Treasure 3 Antidote Magical Treasure 3
Magical Treasure 4 Swimming Magical Treasure 4
Magical Treasure 5 Magical Treasure 5 Delay
Magical Treasure 6 Magical Treasure 6
Magical Treasure 7 Magical Treasure 7
Magical Treasure 8 Magical Treasure 8

Ring Generator Type Wand, Stave or Staff Generator Type Number of charges
Magical Treasure 1 Magical Treasure 1
Magical Treasure 2 Magical Treasure 2
Magical Treasure 3 Magical Treasure 3
Magical Treasure 4 Magical Treasure 4
Magical Treasure 5 Magical Treasure 5
Magical Treasure 6 Magical Treasure 6
Magical Treasure 7 Magical Treasure 7
Magical Treasure 8 Magical Treasure 8

Miscellaneous Magic Generator Type Missile or Device Generator Type Cursed ?

Magical Treasure 1 Magical Treasure 1
Magical Treasure 2 Magical Treasure 2
Magical Treasure 3 Magical Treasure 3
Magical Treasure 4 Magical Treasure 4
Magical Treasure 5 Magical Treasure 5
Magical Treasure 6 Magical Treasure 6 Sling"+3"
Magical Treasure 7 Magical Treasure 7
Magical Treasure 8 Magical Treasure 8 9 Quarrels"+3"

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