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A sigend Plow gragh ia a pichnsad aayrseletion of the AimaBtencor equations dineribiny 0 Aytlen . Let un Barat comaicler the Ample eppstion ; Xn = Ai x; “She variables Xj aval Xj tam be fundicons of Time , complex freqpemey 1 or omy other pouty For igual flow gr ha, Aaj dna mathematica? operator mapping x5 arte Xe and called the transmission Powrclion HPs awd Xj 0 Pawdlions of 44 Aaj SY be a tranaher function » nv signet Plow gregh the vercabley axe Aapranted by Amal Jot cabled a viode aud the transmission fundliow bn sapeserted by 4 Dine with an arrow coed 8 branch. dhe aiqvad Plow graph Pov above squclion in given se ee ee oo Drench Me i Branches ave abu uvidivedionaD. ‘The arrows thou the divedion of ign? How Ohm's Jaw alate thet VeER, vahere v in voltae, Lay ewrveat, and Rody anseilanee « he signal Pow grate Por thin eqpction in giver herve: R o—____»>—___ he value of the variable deigedted by dn gpk te the sun of oll signals tilersog the node ” xX: -Z, Aas X5 a mode he Aigoad flow gregh for the sqpction ob a bine ® dn nedangudor Cprdasnlee victim ibe SS b he volun oP the variable deigndled by * mode in thal node. jn gins transmitted on every branch Drawing, Im other words > the equation Y= Aik Xe fela;3,ce oY is agrocited by fg ee below Awe x Ask xX, Asie Xe wk Xs Xn dhe signed Flow ah Ake simultaneous —eqystions y= 3x, and Ze 4x dn given bedow » a ||| 4 Zz ® Mattipication Rule : ned branches with cteans - A aerin connection of wise fondiions RN Ae ee rater teate be aephrced by 4 single ee eee Panclion ep’ ‘te the predect of the Ayansmiaion oll ones - Xn = AY Me Ae 7 Au x fe Ace Aa Ayn Amen 0 0-0 pe = eeu x, a, x Xn x, Xe he aigead Pow graph oP the simabbveoun eguilions ye tox and Zs -R0eyY is given: ui = 20 oe x y 2 can be acdued te» ~200 Defantttena: Path: A path dn 0 covlimuows > unidlivectionad auce- easion of brancher aon which no node in proved more than once. For example, x, te X, te My Te Xy and X, te Xs and back te X i eh OR OM Soph nodes An sept He Cina ge ipeiua Tali neae with oly ovdyoing branches - For examples X, is am inpik wode . ouhpt wedes Ay outpd node 07 doh in a vols with only incoming branches. fay examples Xp oom ood node. forward pate: k forward path dna poh Prom the soph node to the outpuk node . For examph , x, te Xs te xX, te X, Xi te Xa Xy Feedback pollo» Ferdback Doop ¢ @ Path ahich ordginales and Herminater on the same mode. Fes examphr, xy te x and back te Xs Self Boop: A Alp. Soop Jo a Peed back Joop conan ‘bing of 0 Ainge branch . For example, Ay WO adhe Door Gain: She gain ap a branch jn the transmission Punclion of thal branch Pall gains The path goin 4 the product oP the branch gains encountered in Traversing & pth the pa gain of the forward pate For example, Au Ay Aw Prom xX te % te X, te Xy 44 Loop gaint ‘dhe Joop gor the product oh the branche gains of the Joop For example, the Aeop grin of the Paulback Deep Poem Xt % and back teX, in As Ans. Conitruclion of signed How r has ® From block diagram ® From Aytlen’a aimuStencour eypatsont @ Consbrudion of $F fren Meck Segre € oo Comaidey the above canondted Porm of block dhiagyawn While converting @ bBock diagram itl a signed Ptou graph, eae variable af block diagram ol code each lbfocet pecenen a becomer a branch. It re Dumny node ee cars J f E é c aH Ha ( Fagure- €) @ Conduction of SFG from Sjihen's timeflonenin construct the signal Pllow yragh Por the PoMowing aA Bh pid tomeour eprations : EA A hy = Ag Mit AyHat Ass% Ky = Ay Met Aw % An Aw AGN (Figure =D ) i Se : hes X Conitract the signal flow graph for the PoWouring di Pferentia? eppction. max yp dc sexe POD At* at axe. Kat - ™ BR dxG? , LP) om dt out “Aya Medea eo dhe general Pormula for any signal Plow gph: RAs Ale 2 Zan A where Pe = the gain of ath Porwsard path AB = \— (4am of abl Soop gas) 4 (Aum of oll geie products a} toe von touching Joop ) = (Aum of ab gain producla of three non-leuching oops) * seni Az = A evalucked with att Seopa Fouchang Pz eliminated due Joops, paths, ov a Boop and a goth are aaid to be mon touching if they have no nodes in Common A in cabled Aigaad Plow ra Uieiwewt ov chavacleritic Punction , sinus A= 0 the sytem chavaceriaticc equation. Examples —ryply Mason's andi to cigen? Plea graph oO an Paguve Ate Pind transfer Punction C/p + Re G a= I- (+GH) = 1+ GH A, = i _ Gx TT "1 GH Esme Ta GH Eramph i Apply Mason’ autle to fied transfer Puvclion of igual Blow graph sm Biyare8 Re OG, Oy P, = GG, A,= 1-071 A= lo =I A= 1 (G.QH,- GOGH, -GGGH,) + ? , 0S 14S, Pee GG G+ G,G,G, I= GGQH+G Gan, + QGaH, Example: Apply Mason’s rule te find tranefer Pawdion® of apy im Pigare- R= 0,4, A, I-o# | he G ae 1-(G.0,8,- QM. GOH. re Aye [-GGHi+ Het GaN, Ao Ge ad Gti SiGe te A = 1-G,G,Hit GH) + GA. PA t PA: A T= 1-H, GH, + GOH, Using Manon’ ant, Pind the transfer function, Sp, por ® the ayilon shown below Rk c A= fea ga,-aa-4- fe lre $4) +en-4)] A= 14GGG4+G G4 lt Gt G eee uN ay 4 RA Fp aeeeecer ee Meteo a G.A,G,4, T2% = e RtGGG+ZGat G, Using Mason's ale, Pind athe hansfer Panction Aa @ Bor the ayitim giver below . 1 G, a a a G Hs Rt GGG .G,.G, Piz GGG,G, G, Pp, = G.G.G,6,6, R= AGO, 0,6, b,= A,= Ase Aye | A = [- (Gt,+ GH. + GG. GMs + GG OGHs + GGGOH, + G,6,4,6,H,) + (GH,GH,) 7 4,4 Poot fd, +P Ay Te Sg = Oo A Apply Mesen’s aude te Piod the transfer Punchion , Yo, @ 7, Ay = I-GG,H,) = 14 GH, A= 1-[Gqp)+ Ca.) + (CH) + 6,44 45)) + [COMIC Ge) + CON) CHWs Gan.Jen 60,04) CHa] [ae gh 16H] [a GBA GH t Hy + OG GH + GGA GNM, A= + GHHa GAG Hy + GH By ee GG, G, G+ GG, C+ GAs) T= ‘Re A Ayply Mason's sath te Pind the tranafer Pardon, Wy -@ oy es 1 [Ean + CGH) + CHD # C6,4.5,85) #6, 6,4) ] + [OQHIG HS) 4 (Gt 1 Ha) + CG, G, Gis) (He) + (546,816 480)] 146, GB, + Het OG GHs + OG, Ho A= + Git GRAS + GG, Gta + 6.4.48 Ms Te as GGG, (+ Hy) + OAs Cr GH) Y, A Applucelion of Mason's tuts beleen odpt voles © and nonin moder: and mon inp She Grin Mod/y j ihere Ve ee bot tan inp, way be with an: Yous ea P; Aad pen Yeate Jot a : Zl PA s\ pen yen te Yok Find the ‘transfer function Xhy aud Lh, of the aigned @ Pow are shown below. f= G,GG.c, A,= Ino =l P= GrG, Ay © I- CGH" GH) = 4 GQHL+ GH, A = 1-[CQH,)+CGHD4 (GAL) + CO GGMy) + CHE) +(- GG,G,G,Hs 4G, GH ) + (GGA HHH, )] +L COM C Gis) + GH) OG Hs + CGR) CH) + CGH) (Gy GgHy) + CGH.) He D+ CHG ) + (+ GoGgHs He) (-Gatts)] ~ [ana 0-H) Va, Gi Gis Oy Gag + GG, (14+G, Hy +GyHs) Eig i TFG Galt) ; Z stl tft + CGH) + CG Gea) + He) + (-G6.6,065)] 4 [Cat C06 Hy) + Cat) (He) + (65H) He] A an evaluated in Ya/y, RA, A

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