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Speaking Test 1 (Up to Teams of 4)

Court Case Example:

A: Clerk : Silence in Court. Please switch off all communication devices
especially mobile phones and be advised cameras are not allowed in
the courtroom as photography is forbidden
All rise for the Honorable Judge…Ms. Park……. Superior magistrate for
the District of Din Daeng, UTCC Division
B: Judge: Thank you, you may all be seated

C: The defendant …Mr. John Quick…….. has been charged with

…Stealing apples form Old McDonalds Farm… at ……6:30 am…………….
On …………August 1st, 2022……………. In ……McDonalds Apple
Orchard…………. He did not commit this crime.

Now is the time for closing arguments from both, the prosecutor and
the defense counsel.
Starting with the prosecutor, please begin Mr/Ms. ……Crab Apple……..

D: Prosecutor: Your honor, the defendant Mr.Ms. …John Quick……. Has

been charged with the crime of …Stealing apples at McDonolds
On … August 1st, 2022………………. At ……6:30 am ………. He / she…Stole a
bushel of Apples…………………………………………

The evidence is clear

There are witnesses who saw and heard …Him………….
There is blood / DNA / fingerprints / camera footage / evidence found on
the defendant’s person namely a knife, the stolen wallet / a letter /
confession / signed confession
To conclude my lord. All the evidence combined proves beyond
reasonable doubt that the defendant Mr./Ms. … Quick ……… is guilty of
the crime of …Stealing Apples from McDonalds Apple Orchard ….. and I
would ask your lordship to convict him and sentence him to a fine of
…1000 baht
B: Judge Park: Now is the turn of the Defense Counsel. Please present
your defense Mr./Ms. Alex Slippery
C: Defense Counsel: Your honor the evidence produced against my
client the defendant has fallen woefully short of beyond reasonable
doubt. My client is accused of …Stealing Apples………… however as was
proved in court he is innocent of this crime
The witness who saw and heard my client committing the offence is
legally blind and deaf and the lights were not on which put the room in
darkness. Furthermore, the witness was 500 m away so could see
nothing at that distance
The camera shows a man of the same size as my client but his face is
not shown so it could be anyone
The knife was planted by the police and my client has no knowledge of
the knife at all and in fact my client’s fingerprints were not found on the
Yes there is a signed confession signed by my client admitting that he
committed the Crime.but my client was forced to sign the confession
after being Held for 3 hours in the police station.
My client asked for a lawyer 10 times but the police officers wouldn’t
telephone a lawyer for him.
My client is innocent and was framed up by the police because he
wouldn’t pay them money to let him go
The police officer who arrested the defendant has had 50 complaints of
brutality against him in the last 5 years
We have a witness to say he was with the defendant in a bar 2
kilometers away at the time of the offence so he couldn’t have
committed the offence.
The witnesses were sleeping at home so cannot be held reliable
To conclude your honor the evidence against my client the defendant
does not amount to beyond reasonable doubt so I ask you to acquit
him without a stain on his character

B: Judge: Members of the Jury I now instruct you to retire and consider
your verdict

A: Clerk : Members of the jury do you find the defendant in this case ,
Mr./Ms. …John Quick………. Guilty or not guilty of the crime of …Stealing
Apples at McDonalds orchard………?
A: Clerk: In case number …1059…. In the division of UTCC , Criminal
Court district of the District of Din Daeng, do, on the ………1st…. Day of
August…. In the year 2022…… we the jury find the defendant Mr./Ms.
…John Quick……… having been charged with the crime of ………Stealing
apples at McDonalds Orchard ……….. guilty / not guilty.

B: Judge : Mr./ Ms. …John Quick…… you have been found not guilty of
the charge brought against you and you are free to leave this court an
innocent man without a stain on your character.

Mr. …………….. you have been found guilty of the offence of ………………….
And I sentence you to ……………… years in jail./ a fine of …………………….
Take him down

A: Clerk: The case against Mr./Ms.…John Quick……… is now concluded,

everyone may now leave the court.


A: Clerk
B: Judge
C: Defense
D: Prosecutor

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