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Lesson 82: The Caterpillar (Ear Training)

Instructions: Read the Mother Goose poem, 'The Caterpillar.' The instructor
pronounces the dashed words phonetically and asks children to call out the

Brown and f-u-rr-y

Caterpillar in a h-u-rr-y;

Take your walk

To the shady l-ea-f, or stalk.

May no toad s-p-y you,

May the little birds p-a-ss by you;

S-p-i-n and die,

T-o live again a butterfly.

1. Say, "Point at something r-e-d," speaking the letter sounds of last word
very slowly (phonetically).

Say, "Touch your h-ea-d."

Say, "C-l-a-p your hands."

Say, "Raise your a-r-m-s."

Say, "J-u-m-p on one foot."

Say, "H-o-p like a bunny."

Say, "Do five jumping j-a-ck-s."

2.Say, "Point at something l-i-tt-le," speaking the last word very slowly

Say, "Pretend to pick up some s-t-i-ck-s."

Say, "Touch your ch-i-n."

Say, "Make a h-u-ff."

3.Say, "Point u-p," speaking the last word very slowly (phonetically).

Say, "Pretend to climb a steep h-i-ll."

Say, "Pretend to put a l-i-d on a pot."

4. Say, "M-a-ke a funny face," speaking the last word very slowly

Say, "G-o to the left."

Say, "B-l-ow a kiss."

Say, "G-o to the right."

Say, "Pretend to eat some c-o-r-n on the cob."

Say, "Pretend to touch something h-o-t."

Say, "Puff like the w-i-n-d."

I have a little sister;

they c-a-ll her P-ee-p, Peep.

She wades in the w-a-t-er

d-ee-p, deep, deep;

She climbs the mountains,

high, high, high—

Poor little thing!

She h-a-s b-u-t one eye.

Note: The poem is a riddle and the answer is 'a star.'

Say, "Hop like a f-r-o-g," speaking the last word very slowly


Say, "Pretend to turn on a l-a-m-p."

Say, "Mime opening a b-o-x."

Say, "Cluck and peck like a h-e-n."

Say, "Pretend to sit on some eggs in a n-e-s-t."

Say, "Quack like a d-u-ck," speaking the last word very slowly (phonetically).

Say, "Pretend to glide like a s-w-a-n."

Say, "Tweet like a b-i-r-d."

Say, "Crawl like an a-n-t."

Say, "Buzz like a b-ee," speaking the last word very slowly (phonetically).

Say, "Pretend to cook some eggs in a p-a-n."

Say, "Pretend to drive a v-a-n."

Say, "Roar like a l-i-o-n."

Say, "Wave one h-a-n-d."

Say, "S-p-i-n in a circle," speaking the last word very slowly (phonetically).

Say, "Nod your h-ea-d."

Say, "Pretend to c-u-t a big piece of cake."

Say, "Shake your head n-o."

Say, "Pretend to b-i-te like a shark."

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