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P OCK E T I N F ORMAN T™ 2 005

Rev 5 - April 2006

©2000 - 2006
Pocket Informant™ 2005

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OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................................................... 6
WHAT’S NEW OR IMPROVED IN POCKET INFORMANT™ 2005? .................................................................... 6
WINDOWS MOBILE™ 5 INFORMATION..........................................................................................................6
USER INTERFACE........................................................................................................................................... 7
General tips............................................................................................................................................. 8
Tools Menu .............................................................................................................................................. 9
About ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Settings ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Display Preview for this Tab ............................................................................................................................... 9
Color Schemes................................................................................................................................................... 10
Full Screen Mode............................................................................................................................................... 10
Manage Lists...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Receive Beam…................................................................................................................................................ 12
Make Default PIM............................................................................................................................................. 13
Registration........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Close .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Icons ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
Property Icons.................................................................................................................................................... 14
Interface Icons ....................................................................................................................................................14
Date Picker............................................................................................................................................15
Date Picker toolbar............................................................................................................................................ 15
How to view the Date Picker............................................................................................................................. 15
Time Bar................................................................................................................................................ 16
Location Editor ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Time Editing.......................................................................................................................................... 16
Choosing Start and End times ............................................................................................................................16
Duration Editing................................................................................................................................................ 16
Time format (AM/PM or 24 hr)......................................................................................................................... 17
Shared New Button................................................................................................................................ 17
Toolbars................................................................................................................................................. 18
New Bar............................................................................................................................................................. 18
Search Bar.......................................................................................................................................................... 18
ABC Tab Bar (Contacts Only)........................................................................................................................... 19
Preview window.................................................................................................................................... 19
Summary Window ..................................................................................................................................20
One handed operation ........................................................................................................................................ 20
THE VIEWS..................................................................................................................................................21
Calendar (CAV)..................................................................................................................................... 21
Creating and Editing Appointments...................................................................................................................21
Agenda View (AV)............................................................................................................................................. 22
Day View (DV).................................................................................................................................................. 23
Week View (WV) ...............................................................................................................................................24
Month View (MV)............................................................................................................................................. 26
Timeline View (TLV)......................................................................................................................................... 28
Breaking Recurring Series ................................................................................................................................. 30
Special Calendar View interface items.............................................................................................................. 30
Viewing Tasks with Calendar Items .................................................................................................................. 32
Calendar Views Options Menu .......................................................................................................................... 32
Contacts View (CV)............................................................................................................................... 35
The Contact List ................................................................................................................................................ 35
Viewing a Contact’s Details ...............................................................................................................................36
Creating a New Contact..................................................................................................................................... 36
Editing Contacts ................................................................................................................................................ 36
The Edit Contacts Window ................................................................................................................................ 37
Business Card/This is Me.................................................................................................................................. 39
Contact Pictures ................................................................................................................................................. 40
Contacts View Options Menu ............................................................................................................................ 41
Tasks View (TV)..................................................................................................................................... 41
Creating Tasks ....................................................................................................................................................41
Editing Tasks ..................................................................................................................................................... 42
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Viewing Tasks with Calendar Items .................................................................................................................. 42

Regenerating Tasks ............................................................................................................................................ 43
Priority Management......................................................................................................................................... 43
Hierarchical Tasks (HT)..................................................................................................................................... 44
Direct Property Editing ...................................................................................................................................... 45
Task Alarms and Sync Monitor.......................................................................................................................... 45
Group By............................................................................................................................................................46
Tasks View Options Menu ................................................................................................................................. 47
Search View (SV)................................................................................................................................... 49
Wildcards ........................................................................................................................................................... 49
MultiSelect......................................................................................................................................................... 49
Search View Options Menu (Search Parameters).............................................................................................. 50
Notes View (NV).................................................................................................................................... 51
Editing Notes..................................................................................................................................................... 51
Default Notes Folder.......................................................................................................................................... 51
Hiding Folders ................................................................................................................................................... 52
Naming of Notes................................................................................................................................................ 52
Sorting Notes..................................................................................................................................................... 52
Voice Notes ........................................................................................................................................................ 52
Voice Note Alarms ............................................................................................................................................. 52
PhatNotes™ / PhatPad™ (PhatWare ® Corp.) Integration .............................................................................. 52
Drag and Drop Moving/Conversion.................................................................................................................. 53
Notes View Options Menu ................................................................................................................................ 53
Custom Views........................................................................................................................................ 54
Creating a Custom View .................................................................................................................................... 54
Changing between Custom Views ..................................................................................................................... 54
Custom View Manager.......................................................................................................................................54
Custom Views: Journal / Calendar / Notes Lists .................................................................................. 54
Custom View Shortcuts ..................................................................................................................................... 55
PREFERENCES WINDOW.............................................................................................................................. 55
Settings .................................................................................................................................................. 55
General Settings................................................................................................................................................. 55
Calendar General Settings ................................................................................................................................. 56
Week View Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 57
Month and Timeline View Settings....................................................................................................................58
Tasks View Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 58
Contacts View Settings...................................................................................................................................... 59
Phone/Dialing Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 59
Notes and Notes View Settings.......................................................................................................................... 60
Journaling Settings ............................................................................................................................................ 61
Special Date Format Settings ............................................................................................................................ 61
Advanced Settings............................................................................................................................................. 61
Interface................................................................................................................................................ 62
General Interface Settings.................................................................................................................................. 62
Calendar General Interface Settings .................................................................................................................. 63
Agenda View Interface Settings ........................................................................................................................ 64
Day View Interface Settings .............................................................................................................................. 65
Week View Interface Settings............................................................................................................................ 66
Month and Timeline View Interface Settings .................................................................................................... 67
Tasks View Interface Settings............................................................................................................................ 68
Contacts View Interface Settings .......................................................................................................................69
Notes and Notes View Interface Settings .......................................................................................................... 71
Search View Interface Settings.......................................................................................................................... 72
Warnings Interface Settings............................................................................................................................... 72
Advanced Interface Settings.............................................................................................................................. 73
Colors.................................................................................................................................................... 74
SPECIAL FEATURES......................................................................................................................................74
Journal.................................................................................................................................................. 74
Create a Journal Entry Associated with an Item................................................................................................ 74
Viewing Journal entries associated with an item................................................................................................75
Creating a Journal Entry .................................................................................................................................... 75
Viewing all Journal Entries ................................................................................................................................75
Adding new Types of Journal Entries................................................................................................................ 75
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Links ...................................................................................................................................................... 76
Concept.............................................................................................................................................................. 76
Linking Behavior............................................................................................................................................... 76
Smart Macros ........................................................................................................................................ 78
Contact Smart Macro ......................................................................................................................................... 79
Templates............................................................................................................................................... 79
Creating Templates............................................................................................................................................ 79
Using Smart Macros with Templates: Active Templates .................................................................................. 80
Applying Templates Directly in the Views ........................................................................................................ 80
The Template Editor...........................................................................................................................................81
Filtering ................................................................................................................................................ 81
Filter Button .......................................................................................................................................................82
Filter Menu........................................................................................................................................................ 82
Birthdays/Anniversaries........................................................................................................................ 82
Contact Based .................................................................................................................................................... 82
Calendar Event Based........................................................................................................................................ 83
Anniversary/Birthday/Holiday Category names ................................................................................................83
The Human Day.................................................................................................................................... 83
Category Editor..................................................................................................................................... 84
Adding a New Category.................................................................................................................................... 84
Deleting a New Category ...................................................................................................................................84
Modifying a Category........................................................................................................................................ 84
Category Groups................................................................................................................................... 85
Assigning categories to multiple items at once..................................................................................... 85
ADVANCED CONCEPTS................................................................................................................................ 85
High DPI and Landscape Mode Support.............................................................................................. 85
High DPI devices............................................................................................................................................... 85
Landscape Mode................................................................................................................................................ 86
Preferences File..................................................................................................................................... 86
Custom Icons......................................................................................................................................... 86
Today Icon ......................................................................................................................................................... 86
Custom Category Icons...................................................................................................................................... 86
Backup/Restore of Journal/Links/Hierarchical Tasks........................................................................... 87
Known Issues/Compatibility/Limitations .............................................................................................. 87
Informing attendees of Meeting changes ...........................................................................................................87
Hierarchical Tasks.............................................................................................................................................. 88
Using Location Editor........................................................................................................................................ 88
Resolving Duplicate Birthdays/Anniversaries ...................................................................................................88
Using Contact Pictures with Outlook 2003 ....................................................................................................... 89
Pocket Informant™ Features not supported in Outlook.................................................................................... 89
HOW DO I..................................................................................................................................................... 90
INSTALL POCKET INFORMANT..................................................................................................................... 90
TASKS......................................................................................................................................................... 90
Create and Edit Tasks............................................................................................................................90
Prioritize my tasks................................................................................................................................. 90
Change the priority label names ........................................................................................................... 90
View my tasks and appointments together ............................................................................................ 90
Switch between calendar sub-views...................................................................................................... 90
Create and Edit Appointments.............................................................................................................. 90
Day View: Enter Appointments directly................................................................................................ 90
Day View: Show different time detail.................................................................................................... 90
Week View: See more detail of a specific day........................................................................................ 90
Week View: Turn on scroll bars for each day in the week view............................................................ 91
Week View: Make the first displayed day window larger...................................................................... 91
Month View: Change between Rolling and Traditional month displays............................................... 91
Month View: Zoom into a selected rectangle of days............................................................................91
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View a Year-View ................................................................................................................................... 91

View Tasks with your Appointments ...................................................................................................... 91
Change Workday Start/End Times ........................................................................................................ 91
CONTACTS................................................................................................................................................... 91
Create a Contact ................................................................................................................................... 91
Edit a contact........................................................................................................................................ 91
Dial a Contact ....................................................................................................................................... 91
Set a default business card.................................................................................................................... 91
Beam the default business card ............................................................................................................. 91
Assign a picture to a Contact ................................................................................................................ 91
Change the number that appears next to the contact............................................................................92
NOTES......................................................................................................................................................... 92
Edit Notes.............................................................................................................................................. 92
SEARCHING................................................................................................................................................. 92
Change the search parameters ..............................................................................................................92
Change the sort order of displayed search results................................................................................ 92
Search inside item notes........................................................................................................................ 92
CHANGE THE COLOR SCHEMES....................................................................................................................92
SHOW A PREVIEW OF THE CURRENTLY SELECTED ITEM............................................................................... 92
ASSIGN POCKET INFORMANT™ TO SHORTCUT BUTTONS............................................................................ 92
QUICK CALENDAR BUTTON........................................................................................................................ 93
HOW TO BACKUP YOUR DATA AND SETTINGS............................................................................................. 93
TROUBLESHOOTING.................................................................................................................................... 93
All my appointments are gone............................................................................................................... 93
I can’t link notes to my Appointment..................................................................................................... 93
My Task Hierarchy has disappeared..................................................................................................... 93
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What’s New or improved in Pocket Informant™ 2005?
You can find a comprehensive list of changes here at

Windows Mobile™ 5 Information

Every Pocket PC comes with a Windows Mobile™ operating system. Pocket Informant™ has
always supported Windows Mobile™ 2002/2003/SE operating systems and starting with Revision
3 of Pocket Informant™ 2005, we now support the brand new Windows Mobile™ 5 operating
system from Microsoft™. Windows Mobile™ 5 is a major step forward in the capabilities of
personal digital assistants and brings about major underlying changes from previous operatings
systems. Almost every part of Pocket Informant™ had to be rewritten or reworked to some
degree to support Windows Mobile™ 5 properly. As such there are some minor differences in the
way Pocket Informant™ works on a Windows Mobile™ 2002/2003/SE based device and a
Windows Mobile™ 5 based device. We will note those differences via the logo next to the

Finally, we only support ActiveSync 4.1 and above with Windows Mobile™ 5.

Getting Familiar with Pocket Informant

Pocket Informant™ is a very powerful application built specifically to be easy to use for first
time users. It has many options and commands which can empower you more than any other
application on the Windows Mobile™ Device (previously known as Pocket PC) or the desktop.
Although we will try to cover the features here, there is much to Pocket Informant™ that can’t be
put into a written document. In essence we can cover the mechanics here, but not necessarily the

We recommend that you visit our forums and go through our User Hints section or ask other
users how they implement the tools that Pocket Informant™ provides in their lives. You’ll find
lawyers and doctors, salespeople and executives, mothers and fathers that all use the Pocket
Informant™ toolset in different ways to empower their daily lives.

We hope the community as well as this manual will provide the foundation for learning the feature
set of Pocket Informant™.
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User Interface
At its heart, Pocket Informant™ uses a tabbed interface, with
each component (or View) on a separate tab shown along the
bottom of the screen, above the toolbar.

These are the 5 main components of Pocket Informant:

• Calendar
• Contacts
• Tasks
• Notes
• Search with Journal
In addition, Calendar has 5 views; Agenda View, Day View, Week
View, Month View and the new Timeline View.

Pocket Informant™ has a user interface that is easy to get to grips with after just a short time, but
an explanation of the logic might help speed up the process.

Pocket Informant™ supports QVGA, VGA, Square Screen, and

Landscape video modes. Some of the screenshots will be in the
different modes so your screen may look different than the
screenshots in our manual.

Please note that some views contain fewer or more buttons, as

appropriate, but the same logic applies in ALL views. Also note
that starting with Revision 5 you have the choice to hide,
combine, or display any of the tabs at the bottom of the screen
and so your screen may look different than the screenshots in our

Windows Mobile™ 5 uses soft keys instead of menu-bars like previous operating systems.
The screenshot above shows Pocket Informant™ running on a Windows Mobile™ 5 device. The
left soft key is user configurable in the settings. The right soft key shows all the menu items in text
that would normally be an icon in the Pocket PC 2002/2003 menu-bar. As a Windows Mobile™ 5
user, you can also change your settings to not use the soft keys but the classic menu bars
instead by going to Menu > Tools & Settings > Settings. If you are in Simple Settings mode just
go to the top of the list and change your preferences. The menu bar preferences are applied only
on startup so you will have to apply, quit, and then restart Pocket Informant for the change to take
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Starting from left:

1. Windows Mobile™ New button (on Windows Mobile

2002-2003SE only)

2. Tools Menu: This contains items that are not View

specific, such as registration and options. The menu
is therefore the same regardless of the view you are
in. Learn more about the Tools Menu here.

3. Go to today button: Tapping on this button causes

the view to change to today’s date. This button
appears only in the Calendar views. Other views have
their own specialist buttons, such as the ‘Group by’
button in the Tasks view.

4. Toolbar button: The Toolbar button allows for different shortcuts of viewing/searching or
editing the information in the current view. This appears in all views except the Search
View. Learn more about the Toolbars here

5. Custom views button: This button enables access to a menu where you can save your
current view’s setup, with any special filtering, grouping, and sorting you’ve set up. The
Custom Views menu also allows access to the three built-in views, Journal List, Calendar
List, and Notes List. Learn More about Custom Views here.

6. Options Menu button: This button allows you to get directly to the options you are likely
to want to change frequently, such as whether you want to show tasks along with your
appointments, or show only out-of-office items. If you want to change anything, take a
look in these menus first.

7. Filter-by-categories menu (Filter Menu for short): This has two components. The filter
icon itself is the button that takes you to the full filtering dialog where you can select
multiple filters. Just to the right is a small upwards-pointing-triangle which gives you quick
access to previously-chosen filter groups.

General tips
As you’ll see later on, many options and commands are contained in contextual tap-and-hold
menus to avoid cluttering up the rest of the user interface. If you want to do anything with an item
in Pocket Informant, try tap-and-hold first, and see what choices you have! 9 times out of 10 you
will be able to do what you want with a tap-and-hold.

Pocket Informant™ is very configurable. You will find as time goes on Pocket Informant™ will
become unique to you, but try using the default settings for a while first - they have been selected
to enable most of Pocket Informant’s power, without making things too complex. When and if you
are brave enough, take a look at the Options section of this manual.
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Tools Menu
The tools menu contains a set of functions and utilities to help you work with your data and get
the most out of Pocket Informant™. From the top:

This brings up the About screen, which tells you about the specific version and build of Pocket
Informant™ you are running. This information is important if you wish to log a call with WebIS

When you start Pocket Informant™ for the first time it asks if
you want to setup a few common settings. The picture at the
right shows what the “Simple” view looks like and is what you
would see on that first run.

You can also switch to the “Complete” view of settings to show

all several hundred settings grouped at the top level by
Options, Interface, and Colors. The top level groups are the
three icons at the top left of the screen. Tap on the arrow for
these top levels to get the subgroups of settings. The
“Complete’ view is shown below.

You can access the Settings at any time by simply tapping on the
Tools menu and then Settings.

Pocket Informant’s settings are extensive and completely based

on user requests. Some of the settings may require you to restart
Pocket Informant™ before they become active. Finally, make
sure that you Quit Pocket Informant™ by using CTRL-Q or the
Close menu as for performance reasons, Pocket Informant™
does not save settings to disk until it is quit or when it is in the
background and idle.

Display Preview for this Tab

This option enables/disables the Preview window for the specific view you are displaying.

Read more about the Preview Window here

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Color Schemes
Color Schemes are saved sets of colors and fonts for the entire Pocket Informant™ application.
To learn more about changing and saving color schemes, tap here.

Full Screen Mode

Full screen mode was designed to give you more screen real-
estate to manage your information. While it is useful for all
users and for all views, it is especially useful for Square
Screen devices such as the Treo 700w in the Month View or
TimeLine View.

To enable Full Screen mode, simply go to the Tools Menu or

Menu Soft key and choose “Full Screen”. You can exit full
screen mode by pressing a soft key or hardware button on
your device. Full screen mode is a temporary mode in that the
next time you start Pocket Informant it will not be used.


Recreate Alarms
Sometimes the Windows Mobile™ alarms will not sound correctly or will not sound at all. This
occurs because the Windows Mobile™ OS may lose track of its alarms and it needs a little push.
This function will run an internal Windows Mobile™ command to recreate its alarms and may fix
some alarm issues.

Note: If you have a Windows Mobile™ 2003 device, you may have problems with your alarms
that this option will not solve, as they are Operating System related.

Cleanup PI Databases
Use this option only if you wish to synchronize with Intellisync! The Intellisync Compatibility
section of this manual explains more regarding this option.

This option is not needed for Windows Mobile™ 5 devices and as such will not show up in
the menus.

Delete Completed Tasks

Choosing this option will delete all the Tasks in the Tasks database that have been marked as

Please note:

• There is no way to reverse this action on your PDA

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• This will cause the associated tasks in Outlook to be moved to the “Deleted Items” folder
at the next Synchronization.

Delete All (Tasks, Contacts, Appointments, Journal Entries, Links).

Choosing this option will instruct Pocket Informant™ to delete all the items of the selected type.

Please note:

• There is no way to reverse this action on your PDA

• This will also cause the associated items in Outlook to be moved to the “Deleted Items”
folder at the next Synchronization.

Backup PI Databases
All Pocket Informant™ Links and Hierarchical task structures will be lost if you have to hard reset
or move your data to a new PDA. This is because ActiveSync changes the item ID’s used to
identify these items.
This option allows you to create a backup of these Pocket Informant™ databases in such cases
allowing you to recreate the links.

Restore PI Databases
This option allows you to restore backed-up Pocket Informant™ Links and Hierarchical Task
structures after moving data to a new PDA, or a hard reset.
Please note that restoring a PI Database over existing links will create duplicates.

Sometimes it is necessary to send an image of your Pocket Informant™ screen for support
When choosing this option. A dialog box will appear informing you that a screenshot will appear
five seconds after tapping the OK button.
When the screenshot is taken, the system will beep, and a bitmap (.bmp) file will be saved in the
My Documents directory of your PDA. The file name will start with “PIScreenshot”.

Tip: Remember that these files take up space on your PDA and should be deleted if not being
used anymore.
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Manage Lists

Edit Categories
Choosing this option will open the Category Editor

Edit Custom Views

Choosing this option will open the Custom View Manager.

The Custom View Manager is a dialog that allows you to delete

and rename custom views. It can also be accessed from the
Custom Views menu in any Pocket Informant™ view.

Edit Templates
Choosing this option will open the Template Editor

Edit Locations
Choosing this option will open the Location Editor

Edit My Text
When creating new tasks or appointments, certain words or phrases tend to be used often. The
“My Text” menu allows you to define frequently-used phrases or macros that can be inserted with
only a few taps.

Saving time
As an example, you can enter “Status Meeting” as a “My Text” entry, and use it when setting
up status meetings. This allows you to enter the text in two taps of the stylus, rather than having
to enter the full text again.

Smart Macros
The “My Text” feature also allows you to enter simple macro information, like the current time/
date. Entering “Meeting regarding events of %sd%” will display the text with the “%sd%”
replaced with today’s short date

You can find more information about the smart macro functionality of Pocket Informant™ by
downloading the Reference file from the Pocket Informant™ Web Site

View All Journal Entries

This option will display all journal entries in list format in the Search View. This performs the same
function as choosing the Journal List under the Custom Views menu.

Receive Beam…
This will prepare your PDA to receive an item or file by infrared.
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Make Default PIM

This option will set start menu Calendar, Task and Contacts shortcuts, as well as those on the
Today Screen, to point to Pocket Informant™ instead of the built-in applications. This setting may
require a soft reset before it becomes effective.

On Windows Mobile™ 5 devices, the Calendar soft key on the Today screen may not honor
this setting due to some devices having hardcoded links to the Pocket Outlook Calendar. There
are some free utilities on the net that can get around this.

This option will allow you to enter the Registration Information window. If you have already
registered Pocket Informant™, your registration number will be displayed in this window.

This item will only appear if the appropriate setting is activated in advanced options or at the
bottom of the simple options. Tap this to close Pocket Informant™.
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Property Icons
Property icons appear next to individual items (tasks, appointments etc), and indicate a specific
property of that item. Each of these items can be hidden on a per-view basis in the Options
Control Panel.

This is a recurring item.

Item contains a note. You may tap on this icon to edit the note directly.

This item has an alarm.

This item is a meeting and is visible when you have added attendees to an appointment.

This item is private.

This item has journal entries associated with it. Tap on the icon to view the journal entries
of this item.

This item has links associated with it. Tap on the icon to view the associated links.

7 Regenerating task.

Interface Icons
These are icons that appear on tabs and in other places within
Pocket Informant™. They either activate a menu, or perform a
specific function, or give access to a particular type of

 Notes tab - here you can enter free text or ink notes.

 Attendees - this tab is used to enter the attendees for a


 This is the category tab, used to assign categories to the


 This is the links tab, used to display and create/edit


 Journal tab. Displays journal entries associated with an item.

 OK/Check button - used to confirm and save information you’ve entered.

 Cancel button.
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Other icons exist, and are explained elsewhere in this manual, as they are specific to one or other

Date Picker
The Date Picker is a special dialog window in Pocket Informant™ that can display either 2, 6 or
12 months at a time, and also supports category coloring.

Date Picker toolbar

The first icon on the left (a calendar icon), allows you to turn the
category coloring feature on or off, and to select either a single
category, or no category filter.

The next three icons are shortcuts for

 Pick Today’s Date

 Pick Tomorrow’s Date

 Pick Next Monday’s Date

How to view the Date Picker

The Date Picker is available in the following areas

• Accessible as a “Year Planner View” directly from any

of the Calendar Views (Agenda View, Day View, Week
View, Month View, and Timeline View) when tapping
on the calendar icon on the top right (next to the Go
To Today icon). Tapping a date in the Date Picker will
allow you to jump directly to any other date in the
current calendar sub view.

• When editing tapping on any date in a Pocket

Informant™ edit window (Appointment date, Birthday,

• You can also access the date picker by pressing and holding the calendar hardware
button, if you have it assigned to PICalendar. Please note that this may not work if you
are using software or a device that adds its own Press-and-Hold functionality to the
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Time Bar
Available on the Agenda View and Day View

This bar shows you the current day’s appointments in a 24-hour time bar. You can tap anywhere
on the bar to quickly go to that part of the day. Furthermore, you have two small triangles that
show you the part of the day you are viewing. Finally, 3 bars - one for the Work Start time, second
for noon, and the third for the Work End time help orient your day. You can also scroll in the Day
View using the arrows on the sub view tab as well as an option to turn on the scroll bars.

Location Editor
Available when creating or editing an appointment.
The normal Pocket Outlook calendar stores recent locations you’ve entered and displays it in a
combo box. Pocket Informant™ allows you to use these same locations, plus edit the locations,
sort them, and keep them consistent.
To add a location, tap the down arrow next to the location field in the appointment window, and
choose ‘…Edit Locations…’. The Location window will display, where you can add and delete
locations. They are automatically sorted alphabetically.

Time Editing
Pocket Informant™ uses a fast and easy time picker for time entry and editing. It will appear
automatically whenever you need to enter a time. Adjusting any element (Start, End or Duration)
will update the others as you go.

Tip: The yellow buttons indicate your working day as set in the Calendar View

Choosing Start and End times

Select the Start or End buttons and pick:

• Hours by tapping on the grey/yellow boxes.

• Minutes by tapping on the white boxes (5 minute


• Days, Hours and Minutes can be adjusted up or

down in 1 unit steps using the up and down arrows.

Once you have finished, tap OK or the green check button.

The cross (cancel) will close the picker without entering a time.

Duration Editing
Select the duration button and pick:

• Hours by tapping on the yellow boxes.

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• Minutes by tapping on the white boxes (5 minute intervals.)

• Days, Hours and Minutes can be adjusted up or down in 1 unit steps using the up and
down arrows.

Tapping on the date in the time picker will take you directly to the date picker.

Time format (AM/PM or 24 hr)

If your regional settings are set to a 24 hour time, Pocket Informant™ automatically displays the
time picker as per your regional settings.

Shared New Button

Windows Mobile™5 does not have a Shared New Button. However if you use the Classic
Menu-bar option Pocket Informant™ will create a New button/menu that looks like the Windows
Mobile™ 2002/2003/SE shared menu bar.

Windows Mobile™ supports a type of New button called the Shared New. This is a ‘New’ button
with a small arrow next to it. This Shared New button allows you to create Pocket Informant™
types from any application that supports Shared New - such as the Today screen, Word, and

To turn on the Shared New, you must go into the Settings window of your PDA, choose Menus,
tap on the second tab and enable “Turn on New button menu”.

When you have Shared New feature on, you can tap on the arrow to the right of the ‘New’ button
and get a list of all data types available for creation - including the Pocket Informant™ types.
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Tip: You can also just click on the ‘New’ button while in any
view and it will create a new item based on the view you are in.


New Bar
The new bar is available in all views from the menu, and lets you quickly enter basic contacts,
tasks, alarm notes, or appointments, ready for later editing, by typing text in the bar, and tapping
return or tapping the green arrow.

For the Calendar view, it takes the currently selected date, or if you are in the Day View, the
currently selected time slot.

In the Tasks View, there are two buttons. The leftmost blue button is used to create a new child
under the current task for Hierarchical Tasks. The rightmost green button is used to create a
normal new task.

Search Bar
The search bar allows you to search for items within any view. There are three buttons and one
text field on the toolbar. The text field remembers your last few searches and provides a quick
way to re-search a previous filter. The search begins after a configurable idle time so that you can
type in a search without a continuous drain.

The two buttons on the far left represent search types. Begins-With or Contains. A Begins-With
search finds all matches that begin with the text you’ve typed in. The Contains search finds all
the matches that contain the text you type in.

Entering ‘Will’ in the search field will find ‘William Brown’, ‘Update Will’ and ‘Meeting with William’’
if Contains is selected, while only ‘William Brown’ will be found if you use a Begins-With search.

If you have a Pocket PC device with a keyboard attached or built-in and if you start to type Pocket
Informant™ will automatically bring up the Search Bar and move the focus to it to start a search.
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In this way you can bring up the Contacts View, for example, start to type and find a contact

ABC Tab Bar (Contacts Only)

The Contacts view has an ABC tab that allows you to quickly find contacts by starting letter. Just
tap on the letter for it to be used a letter filter. The currently selected letter is capitalized on the
Tab bar, which lets you know which letter is used as the filter. Tap on a tab multiple times for it to
rotate through the letters. You can also use the joy pad’s left/right buttons to scroll through the
letters and this will work even if the ABC Bar is not displayed as long as there is nothing in the
Search Bar. The filtering is done in a language-neutral way, meaning that the letter ‘E’ will find
contacts starting with ‘E’, ‘È’, ‘Æ’, and any other language variant.

Note: Choosing the “#” option will reset the listing to include all contacts.

Preview window
The preview window at the bottom of all views allows you to see a formatted detail of the item
you’ve selected. For example, you may want to quickly see the contact data without having to
open the contact.

If the item has a note, this will appear in plain text

format below the preview data, and an icon will
appear to take you directly to the full note.
Tap once on an item to display its detail in the
preview window.
Tap once on the preview window itself to open the
editor for that item or tap and hold on the preview
window to access a context menu for that preview

Note: This option is not available in the Calendar or Search Views,

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Summary Window
The summary window displays the item in a full screen window.

If a note exists, you can tap on the Notes icon to show or hide the
note in the bottom half of the window.

Under Windows Mobile 2002-2003SE or Windows Mobile 5 with

Classic Menu Bars, links will display if the links icon is tapped.
The icon to the right invokes the ‘state’ menu. This allows you to
have the note hidden on opening the summary, shown on
opening the summary, or have Pocket Informant™ remember the
last setting used.

If you are using Soft Keys under Windows Mobile™5 then you

will see a menubar with Edit on the left and a Menu button on
the right. Menu on the right will provide the contextual menu of
the item plus Notes, Zoom Mode, or Links.

One handed operation

The summary window supports full one handed operation with the D-Pad and/or on Phone
Edition devices the green Talk button.

Scroll up and down to select a phone number for dialing (in Contacts), and left right to display the
note and links. On a Phone Edition device you can also press the green Talk button to dial a
number. There is a known issue where if you have one phone number you may not be able to
select the number with the D-Pad.
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The Views

Calendar (CAV)
The Calendar component of Pocket Informant™ uses the same information and displays it in
different ways.

Any filter or date change that you set in one view, say, the Agenda View, will affect the way the
data is displayed in all the other Calendar sub views. This provides consistency and improves
performance. However each sub view can show a different portion of this data set as well as have
different options guiding how that data is shown.

By default, Pocket Informant™ loads in 3 months’ worth of data in its cache for optimum
performance on both light and extremely heavy calendar databases. You can tune this option in
the Advanced section within the Pocket Informant™ Options Control Panel using the ‘Calendar
Cache size’ option.

Creating and Editing Appointments

Creating Appointments
To get to the dialog to create a new appointment, you can do one of the following:

• Tap on the New button in Calendar View

• Tap on the up arrow next to the New button in any other view or application that supports
the shared New menu, or on the New button on the Today screen, and choose the kind of
item you want to create. Pocket Informant™ does not have to be running for this to work.

• Tap and hold on the date (and time in Day View) you want, and select ‘New Appointment’.
The correct date (and time in Day View) will be pre-entered for you.

• Tap and hold on a contact in Contacts View, and choose ‘Create Appt With…’ The new
appointment will be linked automatically to the contact, and the contacts name will be
entered into the subject field.

• Tap and hold on a task in Task View, and choose Tools > To Appt. You will be asked if you
want to keep or delete the task, and will then be taken to the editor with the task subject
entered into the appointment subject field.

• Select some text in either an Alarm Note or in a note from any other item (such as a
contact), tap Edit, and select ‘Create Appointment from Selection’. The selected text will
be copied to the subject field.
Editing Appointments
To edit an appointment, do one of the following:

• Tap on the appointment, and then tap on ‘Edit Mode’.

• Tap and hold on the appointment, choose ‘Edit’, and then the information type you want
to edit. You will be taken directly to the appropriate tab in the edit dialog.

• Tap on the quick edit icon next to the appointment. This will either take you directly to the
editor, or will allow you to re-name the appointment, depending on how you have it set in
options. If you have the quick edit action set to “rename”, the subject will be highlighted
ready for you to change. Tap enter to save the changes.

There is no difference between the dialog you see when creating a new appointment, and the one
you see when you edit an existing one.

Editing Tips:

• The small icon under the subject allows you to select a template to apply.

• Repeated taps on the alarm button will toggle between alarm in minutes before the event
start time, alarm on a specific date and time, and no alarm.

• Tapping on the tools icon will bring up a menu that allows you to attach an icon to this
event, in addition to any category icons that might exist.

Agenda View (AV)

With the Agenda View you get your agenda and possibly tasks
displayed in a list format. Each line word wraps for long
appointments, provides the Busy status in the color bar on the
left, the duration and the location.

The Agenda View also supports a one-line mode which forces

each line to only show up as one line display. Tap on a line to
expand it (if it has more info). Tap on it again to open it.

Moving Appointments
All items in the Agenda View can be dragged to a new day by
tapping on the item and dragging it immediately down.

You can also change the time of an appointment by tapping on its time in the Agenda view, which
will take you directly to the time picker. Once there, tapping on the date in the time picker will take
you to the date picker.
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Day View (DV)

The Day view is a graphical representation
of a certain day, similar to a ‘day per view’
paper diary.

View Options
The Day View allows the time-viewing
precision to be set to 1 hour, 30 Minutes, 15
Minutes, 10 Minutes, or 5 Minutes as well
as displaying 1-3 days at once depending
on the orientation of your screen.

Changing the day count shown in Day

You can change the days shown by going
to the View Options Menu -> Days and then
choosing 1-3 days for either Landscape or
Portrait (square screen devices do not
show Landscape/Portrait options)

Changing the time increments in Day

You can change the time increment on-the-fly by:

• Pressing the Action button on your device

• Double-tapping on the Day-View icon.

• Choosing a different option from the Calendar View Menu.

Entering Appointments directly in Day View

It is possible to enter appointments directly from the Day View. Drag and select multiple rows in
the Day View. Then tap and hold on the selection to bring up the contextual menu. If you have
any Appointment Templates they will show up here under ‘Apply Template’. Select an
Appointment template and it will be applied to this selection.

If you prefer you can tap the New button, which will bring up the new appointment dialog with the
selected times pre-set.

Alternatively drag and select multiple rows in the Day View. Then double tap the selection and
start typing to create a new appointment there.
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Moving Appointments
All items in the Day View can be dragged to a new time by tapping into the status handle (the
colored bar area to the left of every appointment floater) and dragging it immediately down.

Work Start/End Times

Pocket Informant™ supports work day times for each day separately. So for example you can
have a work day of 9-5 Monday thru Thursday and 9-4 on Friday.

Changing the Work Start/End Times

To set a work day, just drag-select the day times you want in the Day View and then tap/hold on
the selection.

Choose ‘Set Work Day’.

You can also turn off the work day by choosing ‘Turn off work day’ in that contextual menu.

Week View (WV)

Week View shows one week at a time, much like a paper
‘week per view’ diary.

Moving Appointments
To drag and drop in the Week View, just tap on an item and
start dragging diagonally immediately. You’ll get immediate
feedback from a draggable representation of the item plus a
tool tip at the top left corner of the screen.

You can drag an appointment to a new day AND time. To

change the time, just drag within the ‘target’ day. Dragging
vertically within the day changes the minutes in 15 minute
steps, dragging horizontally changes the hour.

You can also tap on the appointment time to access the time picker directly.

Day Count and Orientation

The week view can be setup to display 3, 5 or 7 days of data. The more days, the smaller the
amount of data each day displays.

The 7 day Split option combines the last two days of the week into a half split, allowing more of
the rest of the week to be displayed.

The size of the display for the first day can be customized.

Work Week
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If you have the Week View in a 5 day configuration with the First Day set to Monday, moving one
week forward and one week backwards always stays on Monday - so you’ll always see the work

Horizontal Orientation
The days are displayed in left-to-right sequence, starting at the top-left, moving to the right, for
each line (typewriter-style), until the bottom right of the screen is reached

Vertical Orientation
The days are displayed in top-to-bottom sequence, starting at the top-left, moving down to the
bottom, then continuing on the top right and down again, until ending at the bottom right of the

Graphical Week View

Double-tap the Week View icon on the bottom to execute a
shortcut which applies the current Week View settings (number
of days) to the Month View providing a graphical week view
representation. If your Week View has 3 or 5 days, you’ll also
see number ticks showing hours. The start date of the Month
View is used here.

To return to the normal view, double-tap the Week View icon at

the bottom again.

Zooming into/out of a specific day in Week

Tap on the black triangular maximize button on the top right of
a day header to maximize the day.

To return to the normal week view, tap on the minimize icon on the top left, next to the day

Turning on scroll bars for each day for more information

You can turn on scroll bars for the individual days in week view if you want to. Enable this setting
on the View Options > Week Days > Enable Scroll Bars menu
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Month View (MV)

Month View shows 35 days of appointments in a graphical
format, much like a traditional calendar.

Traditional and Rolling Display

The traditional mode forces the view to always anchor the
beginning of the month at the top of the screen. This is the
traditional calendar view that most people are used to using. It
has many advantages such as a consistent display, easy
orientation of dates, and a quick visual representation of the
month as it progresses. However, it also has some
disadvantages in that when it’s the end of the month the
display shows mostly historical information and becomes less
useful for seeing your schedule in the future.

The rolling display allows you to always see what your schedule looks like going forward.
Today’s date is always displayed on the first row and all the future dates display below that.

You can change which mode you are using by going to Tools > Settings > Interface >
Month and TimeLine views.

Zooming provides the ability to change the Month View from a
7 (Monday to Sunday) by 5 grid display to any X by Y display.
For example, you can zoom to view only one week from
Monday to Friday or view all Mondays of a month. This means
that the days grow larger to fill the available space (a 5 by 1
grid will have much more space per box than a 7 by 5 grid)
thereby displaying much more detailed detail bars.\

How to Zoom the Month View to display selected days

To zoom, tap and select a rectangular set of days in the Month
grid. When you let go Pocket Informant™ will zoom into that
selected area.

To restore the Month View, just tap on the restore icon on the bottom right of the screen.

Month View Detail Window

Tapping on a day will display that day’s appointments in a Preview Window. There are three ways
in the Settings to display these Preview Windows (Anchored, Popup, and Inline).
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Popup Window
The popup detail method allows you to have a detail window
that floats over the main Pocket Informant™ screen, taking up
the entire width of the screen when need be. This is useful if
you have a lot of appointments with very long subjects and
want to see them easily. The downside is to choose a different
date, you have to first close the window.

Popup mode displays over the Month view like a popup

window. It is not movable, but it is capable of using up the
entire screen which is useful for those with very large and long
appointment lists.

Many users favor the Bottom Anchored Detail because it
provides an all at once glance to the Month View without
covering it up, yet provides the full width of the screen, though
not the height. The downside is that the month view gets
‘squished’ based on the number of rows you have. The detail
window is dynamically sized depending on how many rows of
the month you are displaying - either the full amount or
zoomed in.

Inline Detail is a unique method of navigating the days of the
Month View. It is the most powerful when combined with
zooming as described above. Inline Detail causes the day you
select for detail display to expand and display the contents
inline to the Month display. All other days get pushed out of the
way - yet are still available displaying their time bars and
letting you quickly navigate through your month. Pocket
Informant™ is designed to fully take advantage of this powerful
and unique tool.

Inline mode displays the details of the day while still allowing
time bars and dates to be visible. This mode is especially
powerful when used with the Zooming feature.
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Coloring Specific Days

Pocket Informant™ allows you to color a specific day in the Month View regardless of category,
events, or appointments so that you can easily mark a date for easy visual identification. Just tap/
hold on a day within the Month View and choose “Color this Day”.

Timeline View (TLV)

The new Time Line View has been developed to allow several
categories to be seen side by side, each on its own time line. It
is intended to be used out of the box by some, and with a little
setup by others, and is deliberately not limited to use for
project management, although as planned features are added
it will become a very powerful tool for that purpose.

Simply tap on the main screen to choose the categories you

wish to display. Each Project Screen can have properties that
you can define such as description and date restrictions which
then affect the count and time statistics. Each separate
category can also have its own description and date

Furthermore, performing the tap/hold operation on any category column will let you organize the
categories to however you wish. Use the Custom Views to save the list of categories.

The Timeline View has many many uses, which can loosely be split into “comparing schedules”,
and “project management”:

Comparing Schedules
Time line view can be used to compare many different kinds of
schedule. Simply by assigning appropriate categories to each
schedule, or diary, they can be viewed alongside each other.
Uses depend only on your imagination, but it’s very powerful
whenever you have two distinct set of commitments that may
need to be compared. Some examples are:

• Compare the fixture list of several sports teams.

• Look at your kids’ after school activities, and see if

there are any clashes.

• View your work commitments compared with your

personal ones.

• Compare your diary with your partner’s.

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• See your own tasks on a timeline, compared with tasks assigned to others. Include
appointments in there too if you want to.

Project Management
Time Line View is the basis of a powerful project management
tool, which will grow over the next few point releases. Project
management is not of course limited to just traditional work-
related projects, but can be used to describe any related set of
events, tasks and more, such as Scouts, a club, or church
activity. If your work involves managing several projects at one
time, it can be extremely helpful to see how your resources are
committed to each as time goes by, allowing you to identify
bottlenecks easily.

In order to manage projects inside Time Line View, a category

must be created for each separate project. The growing list of
categories that this may produce can be managed using the
category grouping feature of Pocket Informant™ (for example, put all projects categories into a
group called “Projects”, and as a project is completed, move it to a group called “Old Projects”, if
you want to keep a record. Using a category to identify each project has several advantages:

• Because categories synchronize to Outlook, you can create and see items relating to
each project on the desktop, and apply filters to separate each project out.

• If you already use categories to separate various parts of your life, as many people do
(for example, “Scouts” and “Football”, or “Church” and “Family”), you are able to use Time
Line View “out of the box”, with no setup other than selecting the categories you want to

• Because many Microsoft Project pocket PC companion applications, such as Pocket

Plan, allow projects to be exported to Outlook and be given categories that represent the
project, tasks and events can be taken directly from those programs and viewed using
Time Line View. This adds a whole new dimension to your ability to plan projects on the
pocket PC.

• Because items like tasks and appointments can be in more than one category, you can
continue to use categories as you always did, and still add each item to one or several

• Using TLV alongside the Month View and using categories allows the power of Pocket
Informants filters to be applied to projects. For example, you might want to see, on one
line in Month View, all items that relate to “Scouts” AND “Guides”, excluding anything
that only relates to one or the other while showing a separate comparison between the
two in the Time Line View.
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• If a project is defined by a category, Pocket Informant’s filters can be used to view it, or
parts of it, in any of the other views, such as Day View, Task View, Search View, or Year
View, etc.

However, it can sometimes be difficult to visualize categories as “projects”. This may be because
you will have got used to using categories in a certain way, which does not immediately seem
compatible with “being projects”. But if you remember that a project can be defined as a related
set of tasks, events and other items, all brought together to achieve a particular goal, it becomes
clearer that a category can be used to “hold those items together” just as effectively as a separate
“project” can.

Breaking Recurring Series

You can tap/hold on a recurring series appointment and choose the “Break Series” command.
This will split the Series in half at that date.

Switching between Calendar Views

There are three ways to switch between calendar sub views:

• Tap on the one of the five calendar buttons on the bottom left of the screen

• Press the calendar hardware button repeatedly - if assigned to the PICalendar

function - to cycle through them

• Tap and hold on any day, and choose the sub view you want to switch to.

Special Calendar View interface items

Calendar Scroll Arrows

The left and right arrows on the top toolbar allow you to move from one day/week/month/agenda
period to the next, and a scroll bar allows you to scroll up and down in day view and agenda view.

The left/right arrows do not move from one selected day to the next in month or week view, as it is
assumed the stylus will be in use if you are navigating using these arrows.

Double tapping on the left/right arrows while in day view will move you forward or back one full
week instead of a single day.

Using the D-Pad

Pocket Informant™ allows you to use the D-Pad for stylus-free navigation. If no day is selected, it
will behave exactly as the scroll arrows. However, in month view you can select a day by pressing
the action button, and the scroll behavior will then change, so that you can scroll from day to day
up and down, left and right, using the D-Pad. To go back to scrolling from month to month, press
the D-Pad again.
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Detail modes
The detail mode icon appears in the Day, Week, Month, and Timeline Views.

You can select the mode you want from the menu that appears when you tap on the Detail Mode
button on the tool bar. This option can be set independently in zoomed and un-zoomed modes,
so that for example you can have status bars when zoomed out, but mini text when zoomed in.

Category Color Bars

Displays all your appointments colored in their assigned category color, as bars that span the
hours of the day, one bar for a.m., one for p.m. If you are displaying Category colors and there is
no color assigned to a category or the appointment has no category assigned, the detail then
displays the status color.

Available in Day View, Week View, Month View and Timeline View

Status Color Bars

Displays all your appointments in the color of their assigned status (e.g., busy, free, out-of-office,
tentative), as bars that span the hours of the day, one bar for a.m., and one for p.m.

Available in Day View, Week View, Month View and Timeline View

Category Color and Status Color Work Hour Bars

These styles are similar to their namesakes except instead of showing the full 24 hour day in two
bars, they show a single bar for your work hours.

Available in Month View and Timeline View

Displays appointment category icons. Icon mode also will display the ‘Meeting’ icon in a Month
View window when a meeting on that day exists that is not assigned to any category. A meeting is
defined as an appointment with attendees. Icons that do not fit in the window are not displayed.

Available in Day View, Week View, Month View and Timeline View

Mini-Text Detail
Displays brief detail of each appointment, one per line.

Available in Month View and Timeline View

Mini-Text Detail Wrapped

Similar to the Mini-Text Detail setting, word-wraps the text, to display as much as will fit in the
space available.

Available in Month View and Timeline View

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Viewing Tasks with Calendar Items

Tasks can be displayed after appointments on each day. Just tap on the Calendar View
preferences menu, Tasks, and then Agenda View. You can quickly toggle tasks on and off by tap
and holding on the Agenda View button on the top bar, and selecting tasks from the menu.

Tasks can be displayed at the bottom of the view. Just tap on the Calendar View preferences
menu, Tasks, and then Day view. You can quickly toggle tasks on and off by tap and holding on
the day view button on the top bar, and selecting tasks from the menu.

Tasks can also be quickly converted to appointments in day view by dragging them from the task
window to the calendar window. If you select a time range beforehand, the new appointment will
occupy that time slot. If you don’t, it will be placed close to the current time.

Calendar Views Options Menu

Agenda Days
This option allows you to set the number of days that the Agenda View will display at a time. If
there is more information than can be displayed on-screen at one time, the rest of the information
can be seen by using the scroll bars that will appear.

Tapping the forward/backward buttons on the top toolbar will move the date onward/backward by
the same amount of days as set here.

1 Day
Shows one day at a time.

3 Days
Shows three days at a time.

5 Days
Shows five days at a time.

7 Days
Shows seven days at a time

A small dialog box will appear allowing a user-defined number of days to be set.

Day View’s Precision

Allows the time-viewing precision to be set in the Day View to 1 hour, 30 Minutes, 15 Minutes, 10
Minutes, or 5 Minutes. This can also be changed by using the D-Pad up/down buttons.
Week Days
This option allows you to set the number of days that the Week View will display at a time.

3 Day
Displays 3 days at a time, with the first day allowed the largest portion of the screen

5 Days
Displays 5 days at a time, with the first day allowed the largest portion of the screen

7 Days
Displays 7 days at a time, with the first day allowed the largest portion of the screen

7 Day Split
Displays 7 days at a time, with the last two days sharing one day’s space.

Enable Scroll Bars

Turns on optional scroll bars for each day on which the day’s appointments do not fit.

Appointments Filter
Various pre-set filters can be accessed from the Calendar Options Menu.

All Appointments
This filter displays appointments in the normal fashion. Your date selections are used.

Only Birthdays
This filter displays all birthdays by filtering for the word ‘birthday’ and the Birth Day Category
registry entry in both the subject and category of the appointment. Date restrictions are ignored
and all birthdays found are displayed. Recurrences are ignored - i.e. you will only see the original
entry of a birthday.

Only Anniversaries
This filter displays all anniversaries by filtering for the word ‘anniversary’ and the Anniversary
Category registry entry in both the subject and category of the appointment. Date restrictions are
ignored and all anniversaries found are displayed. Recurrences are ignored - i.e. you will only see
the original entry of an anniversary.

Only Holidays
This filter finds all holidays in the ‘Holiday’ category as defined by Outlook on the desktop. Date
restrictions are ignored.

Only Recurring
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This filter finds items that are recurring. Only the first recurrence is found - not exceptions or
single occurrences. Date restrictions are ignored and all recurring appointments found are

Journal Display
Enables displaying of Journal entries to be set for the Agenda View, Week View, Month View, or
Timeline View

Tasks Display
Enables displaying of Tasks to be set for any of the Calendar views.

You can also set whether these Calendar views will also display Completed and/or Undated
tasks, and whether the current day will display all tasks in progress.

Task Sort By/Tasks Then By

Allows you to set the sort order of tasks that appear in the calendar views. This menu item is only
enabled if you have enabled Tasks to be displayed.

Busy Filter Status

Allows you to filter the displayed appointments by their status, Busy, Free, Out of Office,
Tentative, or All.

Privacy Filter
Allows you to set whether Pocket Informant™ will display or ignore items marked Private or Not

Customize this View…

This menu item is a shortcut to the Interface settings window for the current active calendar view
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Contacts View (CV)

The Pocket Informant™ Contacts view combines standard contact information from Pocket
Outlook with enhanced Notes and Category management features and also adds the powerful
Journal and Links functionality for exceptional contact management

The Contact List

Ordering the Contact List

By default, the Contacts View displays a list of the contacts in your Windows Mobile™ database
sorted by the default File As order. Pocket Informant™ supports displaying the contacts in
several orders, such as by

• First Name/Last Name

• Last Name/First Name

• File As

• Picture List (which displays the assigned picture of

each contact, in addition to the other contact details)

• By Company

• By Department

• By City

• By State

• By Country

• By Category

Note: It’s important to remember that this setting will affect how a search performs in Contacts
View. For example, although a ‘begins with’ search for ‘Bob’ would find ‘Bob Smith’ in First/Last
mode, it would not find him in Last/First mode.

Contact Data Preference

In the list of contacts, there is only room to display one phone number or other piece of
information (e.g. email address). You can select the data that is shown on a per-contact basis.

Tap on the blue icon to the right of the current data (phone number/email address), and choose
which data field you want to display for that contact from the popup window that appears. In
Picture list view, just tap on the displayed data.
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Viewing a Contact’s Details

By default, tapping on, or pressing the Action button of your PDA on a contact will open a window
displaying the contact’s details and picture in the top portion of the screen, and any additional
information below it.

If the contact has any associated notes, these will also be displayed at the same time.

Tip: By tapping on any of the contact methods supported by your device (email, phone number)
Pocket Informant™ will attempt to initiate contact using the details provided (send an email, dial a
number, or open a web page)

Creating a New Contact

To get to the dialog to create a new contact you can do one of the following:

• Tap on the New button in Contacts View

• Tap on the up arrow next to the New button in any other view or application that supports
the shared New menu, or on the New button on the Today screen, and choose the kind of
item you want to create. Pocket Informant™ does not have to be running for this to work

• Tap and hold on an existing contact, and choose ‘duplicate’. This will create an identical
contact, which can be edited to create your new one

• Select some text in either an Alarm Note or in a note from any other item (such as a
contact), tap Edit, and select ‘Create Contact from Selection’. The selected text will be
copied to the name field.

Editing Contacts
Do one of the following to edit a contact:

• Tap on the contact, and then tap on ‘Edit Mode’

• Tap on the quick edit icon next to the contact. This will take you directly to the editor
(there is no rename option for contacts)

• Tap and hold on the contact, choose ‘Edit’, and then the information type you want to edit.
You will be taken directly to the appropriate tab in the edit dialog.

• Tap on the contact’s preview window.

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The Edit Contacts Window

The majority of the dialog is self explanatory; however there
are several aspects of the editor which bear some explanation.

First, we have created an editor which only shows the fields

that you want to see and use, or those that are in use already.
As you can see from the picture to the right, we’re only
showing a small fraction of the fields there. Each field can be
removed or added at any time.

You can also set certain

fields to always show on
creation/editing of a contact.
To access the Remove/
Show Always/Copy menu just
tap and hold on the Field Name.

TIP: If you prefer to always see certain fields for editing so that
you don’t have to add them each time, simply go to the Add
Field to Editor dialog, add all the fields you always wish to see and add them. Then simply tap/
hold on the Field Name and choose “Always Display”. That way your custom set of displayed
fields will always display.

You can also add fields to the editor by tapping on the “Add
Field to Editor” hot-link at the top, by tapping on the double
arrow at the top, or by pressing the item+ button next to certain
fields. If you tap on the “Add Field to Editor” hot-link then a
dialog displaying all the available fields will show up. You can
select one and press OK or use the CTRL key to select
multiple non-contiguous fields or the bounding box to select
multiple contiguous fields.
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If you tap on the double arrow a context menu appears letting

you pick a single field instantly.

And if you tap on the item+ buttons next to certain fields, their
complementary fields will be instantly added. For example,
tapping on the item+ button next to Email 1 will add Email 2.

The only two fields that must be shown at all times are the
Name and File As fields.

Windows Mobile™ 5 provides about 14 more fields than

Windows Mobile™ 2002/2003 do. Pocket Informant™ fully
supports all these extra fields including the Ring Tone field.

Pocket Informant™ allows you to dial a number in your contact
list using one of several methods

Dialing Methods Supported

DTMF Dialing
The Touch Tone dialer works by synthesizing DTMF tones and will work in most analog phone
systems. It will not work in digital phone systems such as a PCS Cell phone or PBX.

Bluetooth Dialing
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If you have Bluetooth hardware, you must pair with the phone you wish to use first. See your
Bluetooth hardware instructions for details of this process, and also for details of the correct
Bluetooth COM port to select in Pocket Informant’s Dialing Modes.

Windows Mobile™ 5 Dell Axim’s and iPaqs do not currently work with our Bluetooth Dialing.

Bluetooth dialing and Bluetooth headsets

Whether or not you will be able to use a Bluetooth headset or hands-free kit at the same time as
Pocket Informant™ Bluetooth dialing depends on your phone manufacturer and model. For
example, most Sony Ericsson phones only establish the connection between the phone and the
headset after you have dialed, which allows Pocket Informant™ to do the dialing for you. Nokia
phones, on the other hand, hold a continuous connection with the headset, which prevents
Pocket Informant™ from connecting to dial.

Phone Edition Dialing

If you have a Pocket PC 2002/WM 2003 Phone Edition device, Pocket Informant™ can make a
call using the phone. Just press the green Talk button on any contact’s number or line in the
contacts list.

Infrared Dialing
If you have a phone with an IR port, you may be able to dial the phone using Pocket Informant™.
This feature only works on phones that support the standard calling commands. For example, the
Nokia 3360 does not support this feature.

Serial Port Dialing

If you are connected to a phone via a serial port connection cable, this option may dial the phone
if it supports the standard calling commands.

How to Dial a contact

Using a Stylus
Tap and hold on any contact and choose the number you want to call from the Dial menu that
appears, or

Tap on the phone handset icon on the right of the contact and then select the number.

Stylus-Free dialing
To dial ‘stylus free’, open the summary dialog for the contact (scroll to the contact you want, and
then press the action hardware button), scroll to the number required, and then press the action
button again or the green Talk button if you have a Phone Edition device.

Business Card/This is Me
Any single contact can be selected as “Me”
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This contact can then be beamed to another device as a business card via a shortcut. It may be a
good idea to create a contact record specifically for this purpose.

Setting a contact to “This is Me”

To set a contact as “This is Me”, tap and hold on the selected contact, and choose “This is Me”
from the context menu.

If the context menu does not contain the “This is Me” option, you must first enable the option
under the Contacts View Interface Settings

How to beam the “This is Me” contact

Any time you wish to beam this contact to someone, just press and hold the button associated
with ‘PIContacts’ (usually the hardware button for Contacts) until it starts to beam. Pocket
Informant™ does not have to be running when you begin the press and hold.

Contact Pictures
Pocket Informant™ allows you to assign pictures to all contacts. These pictures will then appear
when previewing or opening a contact entry, or in the Picture List View.

How to Assign a Picture to a Contact

To assign a picture to a contact, tap on a contact and choose Edit Mode.

In the contact editor dialog, tapping on the picture place holder, or on an existing picture, will take
you to a dialog where you can select a picture to assign to this contact. Any size pictures can be
used, but best performance will be achieved if they are kept to either 64 x 64 or 48 x 48 pixels.

Please note the Limitation on using Pictures with Outlook 2003+

Assigning Many pictures at a time

If you have many pictures to assign (for example when first setting up the feature), it may be
quicker to save the pictures in the My Documents/WebIS/ContactPics folder on the PDA,
giving them a file name that exactly matches the contacts file as name (e.g. ‘Smith,

Under Windows Mobile™ 5, Pocket Informant™ saves the contact picture as an actual field
with the contact so that it’s fully integrated with the Windows Mobile™ 5 PIM system. As such, the
My Documents/WebIS/ContactPics support is only meant for legacy use.

Company Logos
Company logos can also be assigned. To do this, name a copy of the logo to the company name
(exactly as you have entered the name when creating the contact). Any contact from that
company who does not have a contact picture will display the company logo instead.
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Contacts View Options Menu

Dial Mode
This option tells Pocket Informant™ which method of dialing to use when you tap on a contact
phone number. The available options depend on what your device’s hardware supports. Thanks
to Gary Dezern for his communications code.

Customize this View…

This menu item is a shortcut to the Interface: Contacts View settings window for the contacts view

Tasks View (TV)

The Task View is one of the most powerful views within Pocket
Informant™. You can use the powerful filters to manage tasks
that number well into the thousands by showing only the ones
that you need to see immediately.

Using the Grouping, Sorting, Filtering, Category Filtering, and

Priority capability together with Custom Views will increase
your productivity greatly. The amount of power you wield from
using these tools depends on some forethought about
organization and usage patterns. We recommend that you
manage your tasks within Pocket Informant™ even when at
your desk to increase your proficiency with this tool.

The basic Task view shows the

check-mark for marking tasks completed, the subject, date,

and priority sections. As with all views in Pocket Informant, this
is highly customizable.

Creating Tasks
To create a task, use one of the following methods:

•Tap on the New button in Task View

•Tap on the up arrow next to the New button in any other view
or application that supports the shared New menu, or on the
New button on the Today screen, and choose the kind of item
you want to create. Pocket Informant™ does not have to be
running for this to work.

• Tap and hold on a date in any Calendar View, and select ‘New Task’. The correct due
date will be pre-entered for you.
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• Tap and hold on a contact in Contacts View, and choose ‘Create Task With…’. The new
task will be linked automatically to the contact, and the contacts name will be entered into
the subject field

• Tap and hold on an appointment in Calendar View, and choose Tools > …To Task. You
will be asked if you want to keep or delete the appointment, and will then be taken to the
editor with the appointment subject entered into the task subject field

• Select some text in either an Alarm Note or in a note from any other item (such as a
contact), tap Edit, and select ‘Create Task from Selection’. The selected text will be
copied to the subject field

• In many of the ‘Group By’ modes, tap and hold on the group header, and select New
Task. The new task created will be assigned to that group.

Editing Tasks
To edit a task, do one of the following:

• Tap on the task, and then tap on ‘Edit Mode’

• Tap on the quick edit icon next to the task (if enabled).
This will either take you directly to the editor, or will
allow you to re-name the task, depending on how you
have it set in options,

• Tap and hold on the task, choose ‘Edit’, and then the
information type you want to edit. You will be taken
directly to the appropriate tab in the edit dialog.

There is no difference between the dialog you see when

creating a new task, and the one you see when you edit an existing one.


• The small icon under the subject allows you to select a template to apply.

• Repeated taps on the alarm button will toggle between alarm on a specific date and time,
and no alarm.

• Tapping on the tools icon will bring up a menu that allows you to attach an icon to this
task, in addition to any category icons that might exist.

Viewing Tasks with Calendar Items

See Viewing Tasks with Calendar Items
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Regenerating Tasks
Pocket Informant™ allows you to set up tasks that regenerate themselves, but only after marking
them complete.

For example, you can set up a task to go to gym (and mark it to regenerate in two days). Only
once you mark the task complete, will it regenerate itself.

By selecting a time period under “Regenerate in”, a task can be created that will re-appear
(regenerate) the selected number of days after it is marked complete.

Normal recurring tasks (on the PDA) will re-appear the selected number of days after their due
date, regardless of the date they were completed.

Note that due to the limitations of Activesync, regenerating task information is not used outside
Pocket Informant, apart from the Today Plug-ins PocketBreeze and PIToday.

Priority Management

A-Z/1-99 Priorities
A-Z/1-99 priorities are a powerful method of organizing your tasks into main tasks/sub-tasks or
into a project’s stages. They are only limited by your own methods.

The priority system can be used in conjunction with Franklin-Covey methods and techniques or
you can create your own. For example, some of our users use the first letter as a second type of
category such as ‘G’ for Groceries.

A priority of ‘0 (zero)’ is supported as an non-prioritized letter priority. For example, ‘A0’ would
mean that you have prioritized it as an ‘A’ priority, but not any sub-priority yet.

You can set the priority when you first create a task, or can adjust it later on. If you have the
priority shown in the task view, tapping on either the letter or the number will display a menu that
allows you to change it.

If you multi-select several tasks, you can then tap and hold to bring up a menu that includes an
option to change the priority letter.

Task Priority Manager

The Task Priority Manager (TPM) is an extremely
powerful and intuitive way to organize using the A-Z/
1-99 priority system.

In the normal Group By Priority mode, you will see

your tasks in priority groups, and you can drag/drop
the tasks manually to renumber or deal with your
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However, although the Group By Priority mode is useful for

working through your tasks, the Task Priority Manager mode,
selected from the group by menu, has some distinct benefits.
When you enter this mode it shows you all 26 letters or
headers. You can then drag the tasks throughout the list and
the tasks will be assigned numbers just like in the Group By
Priority mode. However, when you exit the Group By Priority
Manager to any other mode it will ask you if you want to resort
your tasks. This will renumber all your tasks starting from 0 to
99 in order. The manager can be filtered, so that renumbering
can be applied to just a subset of tasks.

TPM is meant to be used for reordering and re-prioritizing your

tasks. In TPM mode, simple things like marking off tasks is
visually disabled. While in TPM mode no changes are actually made until you exit out of the
mode. It is a virtual mode so if you soft reset the device while in this mode, none of your changes
will have been committed. Pocket Informant™ is smart enough to ask you to commit your
changes when you change modes.

Priority Header Labeling

When working with Group By Priority or Group By Priority Manager, you can assign labels to the
A-Z priorities. To do this, tap and hold on the header you want to edit. Select the ‘Edit Group
Headings’ menu item, type in your text, and press OK. From then on, you will see these labels
used in the A-Z contextual menus (though not the Task Editor itself due to space and typing
issues) as well as the Group By modes.

In the screenshot above, you will see that A, B, and C have been labeled as “Marketing”,
“Development”, and “Business”.

Hierarchical Tasks (HT)

Hierarchical tasks allow you to create parent-child relationships within your task list. Pocket
Informant™ makes it easy to create your hierarchy as well as maintain it.

Note that hierarchical tasks do not work in conjunction with the various Group By modes.

Enabling Hierarchical Tasks

To turn Hierarchical Tasks on, tap on the Group By menu, and choose Hierarchical Tasks.

Any previously-created hierarchies will re-appear.

Creating a hierarchy
You have two ways to create a list:
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Drag and Drop

The easiest way is to drag a task on top of another task to create a relationship. Because the
display supports selecting, multiple selection (up/down stylus movement), tap/hold, and drag -
dragging requires that you drag quickly diagonally. Then just drop the child task on top of its new
parent task.

Create as Child
There are two ways to create a new task immediately as a child of another task.

• Tap and hold on the prospective parent, choose ‘Child Tasks’ and tap ‘New Child’

• Select a task either by tapping or using the joy pad. Make sure you have the New Entry
bar on (selected using the  button on the toolbar).
Enter the subject of the new task.
Tap on the New Child icon to the left of the new task, and a new task will be created as a
child of your selection.

Forced Tasks
In some cases, you may need a parent task to display even if it normally would not. For example,
if you have a parent that is not overdue, but a child is overdue and you have selected the
‘Overdue’ filter - Pocket Informant™ will ‘force’ this parent task to display. Its color by default will
be grey to denote that it is a ‘forced’ task.

Direct Property Editing

Some tasks elements can be edited directly from the task view, without going into the editor:

• Tapping on the blank space at the far end of a task subject provides a contextual menu
that lets you change the importance of the task.

• Tapping on the displayed icon of a task will display the Category editor for that task.

• Tapping on the dots or the letters/numbers in the priority column lets you edit the A-Z/
1-99 priorities from a popup menu.

• Tapping on the dots or the dates within the brackets [ ] takes you to the date picker,
allowing you to change the start or due date of the task.

Task Alarms and Sync Monitor

The Windows Mobile™ 2000/2002/2003 operating system and ActiveSync do not allow task
alarm times to be synced correctly in all circumstances. Pocket Informant™ therefore includes a
tool called the Sync Monitor, which monitors the times of alarms for tasks, and corrects as many
of the inconsistencies imposed by ActiveSync as possible.
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Windows Mobile™ 5 does support Task alarm times natively. No Sync Monitor is needed
and no limitations exist.

Remember that, unlike Outlook on the desktop, a task on Windows Mobile™ requires a due date
in order to set an alarm at all.

Group By
You can set the Task View to group your tasks by category, importance, priority, progress,
completion or date by tapping on the  icon on the toolbar. Each of these groups allows you
to drag and drop the tasks into a new group. For example, the Importance grouping will let you
change the importance of a task by dragging it from, for example, low to high.

In Group by Category mode, you can either append an additional category to a task, or move it to
a new category through drag and drop. As you drag the task from one group to another, it will
show you what you are doing - appending or moving. The left side of the screen is used for
appending and the right side for moving.
Tasks View Options Menu

Various pre-set filters can be accessed from the Tasks Preferences Menu. If any filter other than
All Dates is selected, the Task View Options Menu will stay highlighted for identification.

All Dates
No filtering by date.

In Progress
Displays all Tasks that start today, are due today, are overdue, have no start and end date, or
start before today and end after today.

This filter offers you the ability to only show tasks that are overdue and about to come by the
number of days you choose.

Start/End Today
All uncompleted tasks that start today or are due today or have no start and end date are

Start/End Today/Tomorrow
All tasks that start today or tomorrow or are due today or tomorrow or have no start and end date
are displayed.

Only overdue tasks are displayed.

Only tasks with no start/due date are displayed.

Shows only completed tasks.

Start/Due on Date…
Display tasks that are uncompleted and start or are due on a user-specified date.

Importance Filter
Setting any option other than No Filter will tell Pocket Informant™ to only display tasks with the
selected Importance.
Privacy Filter
Setting any option other than Either will tell Pocket Informant™ to only display tasks with the
selected Privacy setting.

Allows Pocket Informant™ to include Completed or Undated tasks in the display

Sort By
Instructs Pocket Informant™ to sort the displayed tasks primarily by this property

Then By
Used in conjunction with Sort By, this will secondary-sort tasks by this property.

Customize this View…

This menu item is a shortcut to the Interface: Tasks View settings window for the Tasks view
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Search View (SV)

The Search View is an extremely comprehensive search tool
for all your PIM data. It provides wild-card support, extensive
field-by-field searching, date spans, field filtering, and full notes
search - all user-controllable.

The easiest way to search is to just type some text into the
search text field. Then tap on the green ‘Search’ button. The
results will start to stream in with a header detailing the
number of items found.

You can tap on one of the icons in the header to jump to the
beginning of that item type in the list (e.g. if you tap on the
tasks icon in the header, you will be taken to the beginning of
the list of tasks found).

Below the search text are four buttons detailing the data types being searched - Calendar, Tasks,
Contacts, Notes, and Journal. You can select any combination of these.

Note that the search does NOT trim spaces from your search text. There is a difference between
‘Test Ed’ and ‘Tested’.

The search is not case sensitive.

There are two wildcards that can be used: ‘*’ (asterisk) and ‘?’ (question mark).

The asterisk searches any number of characters.

The question mark searches for one wildcard character.

For example,
‘Tes*’ will find ‘Tess’, ‘Test’, or ‘Testing Overview’.
‘Tes?’ will find ‘Tess’ or ‘Test’.

The Search view’s list supports selecting multiple rows of different kinds of data.

If you select different kinds of data, you get the option to delete the data or send it via infrared. If
your selection includes Journal items, only the Delete option is enabled. Multiple selections of
tasks or contacts offers their full selection of actions.
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Search View Options Menu (Search Parameters)

Pocket Informant™ supports many different search parameters including what fields to search,
dates, privacy, and the ability to search Note contents.

Sort By
Sorts the search results by the selected property.

By enabling the Descending option, the sort order will be reversed.

Apply Search Text Only To

Tells Pocket Informant™ to only search in the selected field.

Filters the results by the Privacy setting of each item.

Displays items that are marked complete, incomplete, or both.

Use Soundex in Contacts

Soundex is a ‘sounds like’ technology that allows you to find contacts even if you are not sure of
the spelling, so for example ‘Smith’ will also find ‘Smyth’.

It is important to realize that Soundex will find different results from a conventional search.

To be sure of finding what you are looking for, it is good practice to try a search without Soundex
first, and then if that doesn’t turn up what you want, try again with Soundex on. Very few items will
remain hidden if you follow this approach.

Search Note Contents

Enables search in each item’s Notes. This option is not selected by default as it can slow down
searches in some cases.

Date Options
Set date limits to search on. The date limits set in this dialog box apply only to appointments,
tasks, contact anniversaries, contact birthdays, and journals.

A quick-list is also available for often-used date ranges.

Customize this View…

This menu item is a shortcut to the Interface: Search View settings window for the Tasks view
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Notes View (NV)

The Notes View is a single view that displays Outlook Notes in
any folder within My Documents in main memory, storage
cards, or Flash ROM storage, including PhatWare’s ©
PhatNotes™ and PhatPad™ notes and WAV sound files.

Outlook Notes are shown in a hierarchical format depicting

their location in the file system and PhatNotes™ show up in a
tree of their respective databases. This wide choice of note
types allows Pocket Informant™ to truly be the one and only
place to use Notes.

Pocket Informant™ further improves upon Outlook Notes by

offering the ability to categorize the note and to set an alarm
on the note to display at a future time.

Editing Notes
The note editor in Pocket Informant™ is one of the most
advanced on the Windows Mobile. You can set font styles and
styles, like Bold, Italics, Underline, Strikethrough, and even
justify the text to left/right/center. Also supported is bulleted
and indenting to the left and right so that you can have
hierarchically bulleted lists.

When editing Notes for PIM items like appointments, tasks, or

contacts your note may be limited in size. By default the limit
will be about 64 kilobytes which is a database size limitation
imposed by Pocket Outlook. For recurring appointments due to
the way the database stores those notes, your limit will vary
and may be as low as 1k in size depending on how many
occurrences of the appointment have their own notes. Notes in the Notes View have no limitation
in size except for memory.

The format of the note also affects the note size. If you use just plain text then you’ll be able to
store a lot more in the note. If you use any rich text features the size of the data increases quite a
bit more quickly. Using ink or sound uses up note space even more quickly. In fact sounds
embedded within PIM notes are not supported.

Default Notes Folder

You can set a default folder for new notes by performing a tap/hold operation on a folder in the
Notes View and choosing: ‘Set Default Folder’.
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Hiding Folders
By default, Pocket Informant™ shows all the My Documents folders and subfolders. Not all of
these folders will be used for notes, and so it is possible to hide these folders in the Notes View.

To hide a folder, tap-and-hold on the folder, and select Hide Folder.

Naming of Notes
Typed (rich text) notes are automatically named using the first line of text from the note.

Ink and voice notes are named with the creation date and time.

You can choose your own name for new Notes by using the ‘New Entry’ bar in the Note tab. Just
type in a name for the note and press return or tap on the green arrow. The new note dialog will
then open so that you can create the Note itself.

You can rename a Note by tapping and holding on it in the list and choosing ‘Rename’ to open an
edit field.

Sorting Notes
To sort, tap on the Notes option icon at the bottom of the display and choose a sort.

Voice Notes
At the bottom of the Notes View is a button to create WAV files. Just tap on this icon and a
floating toolbar will display allowing you to record a new sound file. These sound files are typically
used for voice notes and are recorded using the WAV format.

Voice Note Alarms

You can assign alarm times for a WAV file. Just tap/hold on a WAV file in the Notes View and
choose the date and time for it to play. It will automatically wake up your device and play your
WAV file. You can also set an option in the Options window that will automatically bring up the
alarm dialog when a new WAV file is created.

PhatNotes™ / PhatPad™ (PhatWare ® Corp.) Integration

If you own a copy of PhatNotes™, you will see your databases and notes automatically in Pocket
Informant™. The databases all show closed by default. You can open each database and display
that database’s notes without having to close another database. The notes will show up in the
Preview window and you can edit the notes directly within Pocket Informant, including the
categories for that note. Furthermore, you can create, delete, rename and duplicate PhatNotes™
notes directly within Pocket Informant™ without ever opening the PhatNotes™ application.
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Of course, if you need to access some of the more advanced properties of the note such as
priority or color, or you wish to use some of the many advanced features offered in the
PhatNotes™ application, just tap and hold on a note and choose ‘Edit in PhatNotes™’.

PhatPad™ notes also show up within Pocket Informant, but you cannot view a preview or edit
them directly within Pocket Informant™. Any operation on a PhatPad™ document opens up the
PhatPad™ application.

Note: Category filtering also works for PhatNotes™-specific categories, but this feature requires
that the PhatNotes™ database in the Notes view be expanded.

Drag and Drop Moving/Conversion

You can move notes and sound files from folder to folder by dragging and dropping the note
name to the new location.

You can also drag a PhatNote™ between databases or into the folder hierarchy and Pocket
Informant™ will convert it into an Outlook Note and vice versa. In this manner you can quickly
convert many Outlook Notes into the more powerful PhatNotes™ format and thus sync its
multiple databases with the desktop.

Notes View Options Menu

Sort By
Sets the sorting order of displayed Notes.

By enabling the Descending option, the sort order will be reversed.

Privacy Filter
Filters notes based on the Privacy setting

Show Hidden Folders

Enables the Search View to display folders marked as Hidden. These folders will be displayed in
italics by default.

Force Single Line

Forces the Notes display to only display the first line of a Note’s name.

Customize this View

This menu item is a shortcut to the Interface: Notes View settings window for the Tasks view
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Custom Views
Custom Views allow you to save the current search, category filter, toolbar settings and many
other options, in any view, into a custom view that can be recalled at any time, no matter what
changes you make afterwards. Its usefulness is limited only by your imagination.

A favorite use of this is to create a calendar or task list for Personal and Business information.
That way you can save your own ‘personal diary’ view, or an ‘important work tasks’ view, or

The Custom Views menu is structured in exactly the same way in all views, but you will only see
the custom views you have saved for the view you are in. So, you won’t see your ‘personal diary’
view when you are in Tasks View, for example.

If you use Custom Views a lot, we suggest creating a ‘Default’ view for you to go back to when
you’re done with more specialized views.

Creating a Custom View

To create a custom view, simply set up the view as you want, and then tap on ‘Save Current View
Setup’ from the custom views menu (star icon on the toolbar). You’ll be asked to name the view,
or select an existing custom view to overwrite, and that’s it.

Changing between Custom Views

To apply the Custom View, tap on the Custom View menu icon, and select a view. The settings
will apply themselves and you can carry on working.

Remember that any view changes you make while within a Custom View are lost unless you save
the custom view again.

Custom View Manager

The Custom View manager allows you to see the full list of Custom Views, for all the views, and
delete any if necessary.

Each custom View is preceded by an icon indicating which type of view this is.

Custom Views: Journal / Calendar / Notes Lists

There are three custom views built-in to Pocket Informant, namely the Calendar List, Journal
List, and Notes List.

Choosing any of these views will display the search view with a full list of Calendar, Journal, or
Notes Items on your device
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Custom View Shortcuts

Custom views can be assigned to a Windows Mobile™ shortcut. Just select the custom view in
the Custom View Manager and then tap on the Shortcut button. Name and save your shortcut.
You can then use this shortcut from any other application or from the File Explorer. To make your
shortcut appear in the Programs list simply save to \WINDOWS\Start Menu\Programs

Preferences Window
The Preferences window is the main area where you can personalize Pocket Informant™ to your
tastes. To make it easier to find the setting you are looking for, the Preferences window is broken
up into three sections; Settings, Interface, and Colors.

The Settings window can be accessed in two ways

• Within Pocket Informant, tap on the Tools Menu > Settings…

• Within Pocket Informant, tap on the Options Menu > Customize this View...

This section contains general Pocket Informant™ settings. This list is not exhaustive and explains
some of the options we get the most questions on.

General Settings

Quick Edit Tap Action for Task and Calendar

This option sets the action when tapping on the quick edit icon (if enabled in Interface: Calendar
General).You can also set its action to allow renaming of the item in situ (i.e. without opening the
editor), or to go directly to the editor bypassing the summary dialog.

Menu Bar Preferences

There are two options here for choosing the style of menu bar under Windows Mobile™ 5. The
Soft Key menus provide one handed support and native look and feel for Windows Mobile™ 5
devices while the classic menu bars provide faster stylus access to all functions.

Require Password for Private items

Enabling this option will require the user to enter the device password if the item is marked
Private and the password option is turned on in the device Settings.

Use currently filtered categories for New

With this option enabled, any New items will automatically be categorized with the currently
selected categories.
Use Peacemaker for Beaming
If you have Conduit’s Peacemaker™ installed, setting this option to ‘yes’ will use that for beaming
in place of the native Windows Mobile™ system.

Calendar General Settings

Day Work Hours

This option allows you to change the hours of each day that Pocket Informant™ considers as
“Working Hours”

Tasks: Force High Priority Tasks to Display

Enabling this option will cause High Priority Tasks to appear in the Calendar Views.

Tasks: ‘Today’ Shows “In Progress” Tasks

Setting this option will cause Tasks in progress to appear under the current date in the Calendar

Tasks: Display ABC/123 Priority Info

Setting this option will enable displaying of the ABC/123 Priority information of any displayed

Tasks: Display Importance Icon

Setting this option will allow the Importance icon (High, Low) to be displayed next to the Tasks

Tasks: Display Due Date

Setting this option will enable displaying of each Task’s Due date

Use Month First Day on all Date Selectors

If set to ‘yes’, applies your selection for the Month View starting day to all date pickers.

Apply Contact Birthday/Anniversaries

If you save anniversary and birthday information with your contact data, this option can read and
enter the events into your calendar for you. However, because Outlook will do the same, it is
recommended that you leave the option turned off if you synchronize with Outlook, in order to
avoid duplicates or performance issues.

Default Reminder Time

Specify here the reminder time (in minutes/hours/days ahead of the appointment start time) to be
applied to all new events by default. The alarm time can still be changed in the editor for specific
appointments if required
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Birthday Category Name

You can use this option to set the name of the category that Pocket Informant™ will use to
recognize that an item is a birthday.

Anniversary Category Name

You can use this option to set the name of the category that Pocket Informant™ will use to
recognize that an item is an anniversary

Holiday Category Name

You can use this option to set the name of the category that Pocket Informant™ will use to
recognize that an item is a holiday.

Holiday Identifier Text

You can use this option to set the text string that Pocket Informant™ will use to recognize that an
item is a holiday.

Calendar General Interface

Enable ISO Week Numbers

If enabled, this option will display the week number in the calendar views AND in the date pickers.

Week Number Offset

If you have enabled ISO week numbers, this option allows you to specify an offset to be applied
to the system. So for example, if your financial year starts 3 weeks into the standard ISO year,
you may want to specify an offset of ‘3’, so that the third week of the year is numbered ‘1’.

Appt. Display considers day to end at

This option will set the threshold of what Pocket Informant™ considers an appointment running
into the next day to be part of the previous day. Read more about the Human Day Feature.

All Day Appointment default to Free Status

Enabling this option will cause All Day appointments’ status to be set to “Free” by default.

Week View Settings

Start Day
This option tells Pocket Informant™ which day to use as the first day in the Week view
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Month and Timeline View Settings

MV Start Day
This option tells Pocket Informant™ which day to start with when displaying the Month View

Mini-Text Show Tasks

This option will enable the Month View to display tasks along with appointments when the Mini-
Text display option is selected.

Show Task Count

This setting will let the current task count for the day to be reflected on the Month View detail

Show Task Category Icon.

This option will add the day’s tasks category icons to the display.

Tasks View Settings

Tasks Alarm Monitor Active on Sync

This option enables the Task Alarm Monitor as described in Task Alarm and Sync Monitor

Task Priority Manager Assigns 1-99 Priorities

With this option set to ‘yes’, the task priority manager will number tasks within letter groups in the
order to which you drag them. Without it, it will apply the letter to which you drag the task, but will
not further order tasks which all have the same letter.

Priorities Limited to A-D and 1-4 in menus

This option allows you to limit the available selections in the priority menus, if your system of task
prioritization does not require the full range of letters or numbers.

Undated Task sort

In all versions of Pocket Informant prior to Revision 3 undated tasks when tasks were sorted by
date were sorted at the top. In Revision 3 and going forward we changed this due to user
feedback to show up at the bottom by default. This option lets you control which way you want it
to work.

Default Reminder Time on Task Due Date

Specify here the due date reminder time to be applied to all new tasks by default. The alarm time
can still be changed in the editor if required.
Display Days to Due
This option will show you in brackets the days until this task is due.

Turn on Task Priority Padding

If you synchronize with Outlook, and then sort by subject (to replicate a list in Pocket Informant™
priority order), Outlook will list ‘A10’ before ‘A2’. Enabling this option will add a leading ‘zero’ to
single-digit priorities, so that Outlook can correctly list ‘A02’ before ‘A10’ etc.

Strip Priority on Convert to Appointment

If enabled, this option will cause Tasks that are converted to Appointments (via the context menu)
to be stripped of their priority.

Strip Regenerating Task Priority on Complete

Enabling this option will cause a regenerated task to be stripped of its priority when marked as
complete. This will not affect the next regenerated task, however.

Tasks force Start Date if Due Date is Set

This option will add a start date as soon as a due date is set. By default the start date will be the
same as the due date, but can be edited afterwards. The option can be especially useful if you
frequently add tasks from the tap and hold menu on a date in the calendar.

Contacts View Settings

Use Euro Address Format

If set to ‘yes’, postal codes will be displayed before the post town, as is standard in most
European countries. Set to ‘no’, the postal code will be displayed after the post town.

Company Search Behavior

Use this item to specify which items you want to be searched when you perform a search in
company view.

Phone/Dialing Settings

Dialing Modes
This affects how Pocket Informant™ sends the phone number string to your phone via IR or

• ‘Unmodified’ means that the string is sent exactly as it is in the phone number field.

• ‘Numbers only’ means that any any characters are skipped and only send numbers since some
phones do not like having the parentheses or dashes sent.
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• ‘Parsed for my area code’ means that the area code is extracted from the number which is
useful when dialing via DTMF.

Force Area Codes

If you want area codes to always show up in a phone dial, select this option.

Dial Prefix
If you need to enter a dial prefix such as 71*, you can enter that here.

Long Distance Prefix

You can enter here the code needed for dialing long distance. It is usually ‘1’ in the United States,
for example.

International Dialing Number

If you have a number you have to dial first when calling internationally such as a passcode, enter
that number here.

Country Codes
Enter your country codes here.

Area Codes
Enter your area codes here. If you have multiple codes such as in Houston, enter them with a
comma separating them and no spaces.

Turn Dialing On
If you want to turn dialing off, uncheck this option.

Notes and Notes View Settings

Alarm Note Volume

Set the alarm note volume independently of the main Windows Mobile™ volume setting.

Notes View Note Mode

This mode is used to determine which tools are enabled when you open an existing note while in
the Notes View. If you are in writing mode, the SIP is displayed and you can type. If you are in
drawing mode, the SIP is not displayed and the drawing tools are checked.

PIM Note View Mode

This mode is used to determine which tools are enabled when you open an existing note to view
in a Pocket Informant™ item. If you are in writing mode, the SIP is displayed and you can type. If
you are in drawing mode, the SIP is not displayed and the drawing tools are checked.
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PIM Note New Mode

This mode is used to determine which tools are enabled when you create a new note for a Pocket
Informant™ item. If you are in writing mode the SIP is displayed and you can type. If you are in
drawing mode, the SIP is not displayed and the drawing tools are checked.

Bring up Alarm Dialog after recording WAV

Enabling this setting will cause an Alarm dialog to pop up after recording a new WAV file with the
Alarm Note shortcut button.

Journaling Settings
The journaling section of options allows you to decide which events will be recorded in your
journal automatically, and which will not.

Special Date Format Settings

The Special Date Format Settings section allows you to specify the date format you wish your
short dates to appear as. While Pocket Informant uses your regional settings for most date
formatting there are certain date formats which are not provided by the operating system.

Advanced Settings
This section contains options for advanced users only.

Contacts View is Threaded

If set to ‘no’, can slightly increase the speed of the contacts view, but only for those with very
large numbers (several thousands) of contacts and very slow processors. This means that the
main thread executes the contacts reading code which provides full CPU time to the code without
also executing the interface code at the same time.

Calendar View is Threaded

If set to ‘no’, can slightly increase the speed of the view, but only for those with very large
numbers (several thousands) of appointments and very slow processors. This means that the
main thread executes the Appointment reading code which provides full CPU time to the code
without also executing the interface code at the same time.

Calendar Cache size (in days)

Allows you to specify how many days worth of calendar data Pocket Informant™ should load into
memory at startup. Larger numbers can speed up scrolling to later dates, but can also slow down
Intellisync Compatible
Prevents Pocket Informant™ from creating the additional data that it adds to the categories
database, and the ‘Attach Icons’ action, which Intellisync cannot interpret correctly, causing
crashes. More information about this can be found under Intellisync compatibility.

All Day TimeZone Method (Ask Support)

Please contact WebIS support if you need to use this option.

This section contains settings that directly affect the Pocket Informant™ interface.

General Interface Settings

Detail/Preview Windows Anchor

This option tells Pocket Informant™ where to ‘anchor’ the display the Detail/Preview windows.

Category Most Recently Used Menu Maximum

This option sets the limit of how many previously used Category combinations the Filter menu

Search Timer Delay

The Search Bar is a real-time search tool, which starts to search a short time after the last
character is entered. You can adjust that delay here if you find that you are not given enough time
to enter your text. This setting does not affect the Search View.

Smart Minimize Action

Set to ‘Hides’ to retain the standard Windows Mobile™ behavior of minimizing Pocket
Informant™ when you tap on the cross on the menu bar. Set to ‘Closes’ to fully exit Pocket

View Tab Bar Size (set on startup)

This option sets the size of the Views shortcut icons. Changes to this option only take place when
Pocket Informant™ is restarted.

This option turns the use of Microsoft’s ClearType™ technology on or off.

Current Links Typeface Size

This option sets the typeface size for links displayed in the Links window.
Group Header Styles
This setting enables you to set the display style for group headers such as Day separators in the
Agenda View and Category groups.

Enable Journal in Context Menu

This option will enable the Journal entry under the Tap+Hold > Edit menu.

Enable Tools in Context Menu

This option will enable the Tools entry under the Tap+Hold menu in the Calendar and Tasks

Enable Delete in Context Menu

This option will enable the Delete option under the Tap+Hold menu.

Enable Attach Icon… in Context Menu

This option will enable the Attach Icon… entry under the Tap+Hold menu.

Enable Save As Template… in Context Menu

This option will enable the Save As… Template entry under the Tap+Hold menu.

Enable Encrypt/Decrypt Menu

This option will enable the Encrypt/Decrypt entry under the Tap+Hold > Tools menu in the
Calendar and Tasks Views. When choosing to Encrypt an item, Pocket Informant™ will prompt
you for a passphrase, and encrypt the item.

Enable Beam… Menu

This option will enable the Beam… entry under the Tap+Hold menu.

Calendar General Interface Settings

Enable Complete in Context Menu

This option will let you mark an appointment as Completed.

Top Bar Date Buttons use

This option allows you to set whether the date bar at the top of the Calendar Views use separate
drop-down menus for Year, Month, and Day, or to use the Pocket Informant™ Date Picker.

Past Appointment Style

This setting tells Pocket Informant™ how to display appointments that have passed.
Category Colors Applied To
This setting tells Pocket Informant™ to apply category colors to either the item text or text

Time Editing Combo Box Interval

Allows you to specify the increments available in the drop down list in the editor, if you specify
that as your method for entering times.

Time Editing
Allows you to set your preferred method of editing time.

Use Summary Dialogs

Setting this option to ‘yes’ will display the summary dialog rather than the editor when you tap on
an appointment in a calendar view.

Enable Quick Edit

This setting enables the quick edit icon for each of the appropriate views.

Scale Icons (excluding DV, MV)

This option allows you to set which icons Pocket Informant™ will scale when resizing.

Calendar Overdue Task Style

This option sets the style in which the Calendar View will display Overdue tasks.

Calendar Completed Task Style

This option sets the style in which the Calendar View will display tasks marked as Complete.

Enable Icon
This setting sets which icons associated with items the Calendar view will display.

Calendar Typeface
This setting allows you to set the typeface (font name) that the Calendar View will use.

Agenda View Interface Settings

Show Empty Days

Choose whether or not to display empty days. Remember that you will not be able to drag
appointments to a day that has no other items if you do not select this option.
Appointment Bar
You can choose to turn on the Agenda View Time Bar (Appointment Bar). This shows a graphical
representation of the day in one hour segments, with status colored blocks to indicate where you
have appointments.

Force Single Line Display

Force Single Line will make sure any item takes up just one line, so you can see as much on one
screen as possible.

Expand Single Lines on Selection

Expand selection will display the second line when an item is tapped, if single line mode has been
selected. A second tap will open the item.

Display Duration
Choose how many days you want displayed in Agenda View.

Display Location Always

Sets whether to display each appointment’s location.

This setting turns the Agenda View scroll bar on or off. If off, the Agenda View can still be scrolled
using the Joypad (D-Pad).

Joypad Paging
This setting changes how using the Joypad (D-Pad) will scroll the Agenda View; Line-by-Line,
Page-by-Page, or Scroll by selection.

Bold Agenda Appointments

Enables appointments in the Agenda View to be shown in Bold .

Typeface Size
Sets the Typeface Size (Font Size) for Agenda View items.

Day View Interface Settings

Appointment Bar
You can choose to turn on the Day View Time Bar (Appointment Bar). This shows a graphical
representation of the day in one hour segments, with status colored blocks to indicate where you
have appointments.
Compact All Day Events
This menu allows you to turn ‘Compact All Day Events’ on or off. With this off, each all day event
will appear as separate bar across the top of the day view. However, if you have many all day
events, this can take a lot of room, so turning this option on will display all day events several to
one row. In Compact all day event mode, you cannot tap and hold on an all day event to modify it.
Instead, tap on the event to open it, and then edit it.

Display Location
Sets whether each appointment’s location is displayed.

Start Position
Sets at which point in time the Day View will start its display.

Joypad Paging
This setting changes how using the Joypad (D-Pad) will scroll the Agenda View; Line-by-Line,
Page-by-Page, or Scroll by selection.

Bold Day Appointments

Enables appointments in the Day View to be shown in Bold.

Typeface Size
Sets the Typeface Size (Font Size) for Day View items.

Week View Interface Settings

Choose between Horizontal and Vertical Orientation.

Enable Status Bars

Sets whether the an appointment’s colored status bar is displayed to the left of each appointment.

Appointment Bar
You can choose to turn on the Week View Time Bar (Appointment Bar). This shows a graphical
representation of the day in one hour segments, with status colored blocks to indicate where you
have appointments.

Display Location
Sets whether each appointment’s location is displayed.
Word Wrap
Choose whether or not your Week View word wraps or is forced on a single line. Word wrapping
will allow you to see your subject titles and their icons.

Day Top Box Size

First Box Size alters the size of the box that displays the first day, in all modes except for 7 day

Detail View Joypad Paging

This setting changes how using the Joypad (D-Pad) will scroll the Week View Detail View
(expanded day); Line-by-Line, Page-by-Page, or Scroll by selection.

Bold Week Appointment

Enables appointments in the Week View to be shown in Bold.

Typeface Size
Sets the Typeface Size (Font Size) for Week View items.

Day 1 Typeface Size

Enables you set the Typeface size for Day 1 separately.

Month and Timeline View Interface Settings

MV Display
Here you can set the display to Rolling Month View or Traditional Month View.

MV Detail Window
When you tap on a day in Month View, you will see a small box containing the details of that day’s
appointments (Detail Window). There are three options for how your detail box gets displayed;
Inline detail expands the current day, and contracts the remainder to fit around it. If this mode is
turned off, you will see a separate detail window, floating above the calendar. Finally if you select
‘Anchor Detail to Bottom’, the detail window will appear below the calendar view, which in turn will
contract to make room.

Detail Display Location

Sets whether the Detail Window display appointment locations.

Separator Lines
Sets whether the Month and Timeline View draws lines separating different months.
Always show both AM and PM Bars on days with appointments
Forces both AM and PM bars to be displayed when the (Category or Status) Color Bars are

Word Wrap
Sets the Detail Display window to wrap item text that is longer than the window.

Bold Month Detail Appointments

Enables appointments in the Month and Timeline View detail window to be shown in Bold.

Enable Meeting Icon

Enables the Meeting Icon to be displayed for days with appointments in the Month and Timeline
View, if the Icon detail display is selected.

Mini-Text Typeface Size

Sets the size of the Mini-Text typeface.

Detail Typeface Size

Sets the Typeface size for the Detail Window.

Day Number Typeface Size

Sets the size of the Day of the Month in the Month and Timeline View.

Tasks View Interface Settings

Checkbox orientation
Sets the Task checkboxes to be left-aligned, right-aligned, or off.

Category Colors Applied To

This setting tells Pocket Informant™ to apply category colors to either the item text or text

Display Start Date

Forces the Task start date to be displayed.

Display Due Date

Forces the Task End date to be displayed.

Display Priorities
Forces the Task Priority to be displayed.
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Display Importance Icon.

Forces the Task Importance Icon to be displayed.

Display Category on second line

Displays each Task’s Category below the task, on the second line. If the Display Format is set to
Compact, the Category will only be displayed if the task is tapped on, and Expand Selection when
in Compact/Single Line Mode is enabled.

Display Completion Date

Forces Completed Tasks’ completion date to be displayed.

Display Format
Sets the Task Display to display tasks in a Compact or Two-line format.

Force Single Line Mode when in Compact Format

Forces each task to only be displayed on one line. Any information that does not fit in the display
window is cut off.

Expand Selection when in Compact/Single Line Mode

If the Display Format is set to Compact, this option will allow the task information to be fully
displayed when Tapped on.

Contacts View Interface Settings

List Display Format

Sets the Contacts view to display all contact information in Compact (One-line) or Standard
format (Contact Takes up as many lines as needed).

Picture Display format

Sets the Picture Display format option to display just the contact Name, Company, and Phone
number, or a One-line Address as well.

Display Names Only

This setting sets the Contact List to display Contact Name only.

Category Colors Applied To

This setting tells Pocket Informant™ to apply category colors to either the item text or text
(Grouped) Show Names under Parent on Search
With this option set to ‘yes’, when you search in a grouped view (such as company view), each
group which matches your search will be expanded so that you can see the individual names.
With the option set to ‘no’ the groups found will remain collapsed.

(Grouped) Move Expanded Parents to Top

If set, this option will scroll automatically so that expanded groups are moved to the top of the

Name Format in Grouped Modes

Sets the name display format when in Group By modes.

Enable Horizontal Grid Lines

Enables displaying of horizontal lines separating each contact.

Switch to Search Bar on Start-up

If you want the search bar to be displayed by default when you start Pocket Informant, regardless
of which other toolbar you had previously selected, set this option to ‘yes’. Setting it to ‘no’ will
allow Pocket Informant™ to remember your most recently used setting.

Auto-format phone numbers when editing

Use this if you wish for the phone numbers to format into a US style (xxx) xxx-xxxx format after
you leave the field.

Use Summary Dialogs

Setting this option to ‘yes’ will display the summary dialog rather than the editor when you tap on
a contact, as long as you do not also have the preview window enabled.

Joypad Paging Action

This setting changes how using the Joypad (D-Pad) will scroll the Contacts View; Line-by-Line,
Page-by-Page, or Scroll by selection.

Enable Quick Edit

This setting enables the quick edit icon for each of the appropriate views.

Scale Icons
This option allows you to set which icons Pocket Informant™ will scale when resizing.

Enable Icons
This setting sets which icons are associated with items the Calendar view will display.
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Contacts ABC Typeface Size

Sets the typeface size for the ABC toolbar.

Bold Contacts in FileAs mode

Enables Contacts in to be Bolded in FileAs mode.

Typeface Size
Sets the Typeface size for Contacts.

Sets the Typeface to be used for Contacts.

Notes and Notes View Interface Settings

Scale Icons
This option allows you to set which icons Pocket Informant™ will scale when resizing.

Category Colors Applied To

This setting tells Pocket Informant™ to apply category colors to either the item text or text

Default Zoom Level

Sets the default Zoom level for viewing or editing notes.

Notes View Wrapping Mode

Sets whether displayed Notes are wrapped to the size of page settings, or to the PDA window.

Joypad Paging Action

This setting changes how using the Joypad (D-Pad) will scroll the Notes View; Line-by-Line,
Page-by-Page, or Scroll by selection.

Bold Notes
Enables Notes in to be Bolded.

Typeface Size
Sets the Typeface size for Notes.

Sets the Typeface to be used for Notes.
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Search View Interface Settings

Search Typeface Size

Sets the Typeface size for Search results.

Search Typeface
Sets the Typeface to be used for search results.

Joypad Paging Action

This setting changes how using the Joypad (D-Pad) will scroll the Search View; Line-by-Line,
Page-by-Page, or Scroll by selection.

Enable Quick Edit

This setting enables the quick edit icon for the Search View results.

Scale Icons
This option allows you to set which icons Pocket Informant™ will scale when resizing.

Enable Icons
This setting sets which icons associated with items the Calendar view will display.

Warnings Interface Settings

By default Pocket Informant™ will display a warning box when you perform various critical and
irretrievable actions, such as deletion. However, this section allows you to modify that behavior.
For each action, there are three alternative settings;

Message Box. Displays the message box every time so that you can make a decision there and

Always No. Does not display the warning, and behaves as if you had answered ‘no’ to the

Always Yes. Does not display the warning, and behaves as if you had answered ‘yes’ to the

Note that checking the ‘Do not ask again’ box in the message box and then selecting ‘yes’ or ‘no’
will also change the appropriate item in this section. However, if you press a cancel button, where
a message box has one, no change will be made even if you check the ‘Do not ask again’ box
Advanced Interface Settings

Enable More Items Tooltip in Week View

Adds a small icon to the top right of any day in week view that has more items than will fit into the
available space.

Enable System Tray Icon

Puts a small Pocket Informant™ icon in the system tray (bottom right of the today screen)
whenever Pocket Informant™ is running but minimized.

Date Picker keeps months in a static position

If set to ‘yes’, this keeps the date picker in traditional blocks of 2, 6 or 12 months, starting at
January. When first invoked the picker will show the block that contains the current month. If set
to ‘no’, it allows the date picker to display in a ‘rolling’ format, where the current month is shown at
the top left.

Use PI Date Picker in Appt/Task Editors

This option allows you to use the original Windows Mobile™ (one month at a time) date picker
instead of the Pocket Informant™ Date Picker when you tap on the date in the header bar of any
Appointment/Task editors. This is not supported on Windows Mobile™ 2003 SE devices.

Use PI Date Picker in Calendar View

This option allows you to use the original Windows Mobile™ (one month at a time) date picker
instead of the Pocket Informant™ Date Picker when you tap on the date in the header bar of any
calendar view. This is not supported on Windows Mobile™ 2003 SE devices.

Options Font Size

Allows you to set the size of the fonts in the Preferences Window (this window).

Add Close menu

Turning this option on will add a Close menu to the Pocket Informant™ Tools menu. Please note
that changing this option dose not take effect until Pocket Informant™ is restarted.
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Here you can change the colors settings for the many
elements of Pocket Informant™. Once you have changed the
colors, you can save your color scheme from the Pocket
Informant™ Tools > Color Schemes menu.

Color schemes hold all the colors for the entire application.
Because we change color preferences on occasion from one
release to another (to provide more options), sometimes old
color schemes may not look
as good as newer color

To set your colors just choose the Settings or Customize this

View... menu and go to the Colors button in the Settings
window. Find the view and color you need to change, tap on it.
You have three ways to change the color. One is to use the
three sliders. The second is to type in an HTML color. And the
third is the Choose Color button which brings up the Microsoft
Color Scheme.

Special Features

Pocket Informant™ provides a powerful journaling feature for
your appointments, tasks, or contacts. When viewing any of
these items, a Journal Tab is available to view or enter any
related journal entries.

Various events can be automatically entered into your Journal.

See the Journaling section for details.

To synchronize the Pocket Informant™ Journal with Desktop

Outlook, see Synchronizing Journal Entries

Create a Journal Entry Associated with an

To create a Journal entry associated with an item, tap and hold on the item and choose Edit >
New Journal Entry.
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The Parent Field will reflect the associated Item.

You can now enter Journal information, such as the Subject, Type, Date (auto-filled), Duration,
Notes, and Categories.

The Duration of the journal is auto-timed for you unless you enter your own info.

If you wish to associate this Journal Entry with another item, tap on the Parent field.

Viewing Journal entries associated with an item

You can view an item’s associated Journal entries by one of the following methods.

Tap on the Journal icon next to the item. Tapping on a Journal entry will open it for editing.

Tap and hold on the item and choose Edit >Journal

Open the item and go to the Journal tab

Creating a Journal Entry

To create a Journal entry that is NOT associated with an item
(‘ad-hoc’), tap on the up arrow next to the New Button while in
Pocket Informant, and select Journal.

The Duration of the journal is auto-timed for you unless you

enter your own info.

If you wish to associate this Journal Entry with another item,

tap on the Parent field.

Viewing all Journal Entries

To view all Journal entries, open the Custom Views menu in
any view (except notes), and select ‘Journal List’.

Adding new Types of Journal Entries

To change the ‘Types’ available to you in the Journal window, edit the file ‘\My Documents
\WebIS\JournalTypes.reg’ in a text editor.
Linking is one of the coolest features of Pocket Informant™. The idea behind linking is that an
appointment/task/contact may have supporting documents or items associated with it that need to
be accessible quickly. You may have as many links as you need. You can link with files or other
Pocket Outlook data.

To provide a better understanding of what can be done with linking, this section will describe
some common scenarios and how to accomplish them. You can mix and match everything in the
scenarios for your real world use.

Scenario 1: Appointment preparation tasks and supporting documents

A business user creates an appointment for a business presentation on a budget for his project.
He has created the appointment and created multiple tasks required to prepare for this
presentation. Using Pocket Informant, he links the tasks to the appointment. He uses these links
to keep himself informed of the tasks he has. As he finishes each task, he marks them completed
and links the finished documents to his appointment. This business user is now ready for his
presentation. He has created an Excel spreadsheet containing the final numbers and a Word
document describing the different areas of the budget. As he had linked the tasks to create the
supporting documentation, he also links the finished Excel and Word documents

Scenario 2: Appointment with supporting documentation

When the time comes for the presentation, he opens the Pocket Informant™ Agenda view, taps
and holds on the current appointment and selects ‘Edit > Links’. He is taken to the screen
displaying both the Word and Excel documents. He can now click either document and have it
open instantly for his presentation.

Linking Behavior
Linking is a two way process. When you link an appointment to a task, by the very nature of that
link, you have also linked the task to the appointment. When you view the links for a task, you will
see that appointment in the link tab. When an item has a link associated with it you will see the
links icon attached to this item. Tapping on this icon by default opens the full editor for that PIM
item and defaulting to the Links Editor page. However you can change this behavior by going into
the Settings of Pocket Informant™ in the Settings: General section and changing this to open the
Links Window instead.

Opening Linked Items

To open a linked item from the links tab, simply tap on it.
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Creating Links

Drag and Drop Links Window

Within almost any Pocket Informant™ view you can tap/hold on a PIM item, which brings up the
context menu, and select the “Show Links Window” menu. Choose this and a window displaying
all the existing links for that item comes up. Just drag another PIM item to the window to create a

Linking with Contacts/Tasks/Appointments

The links tab allows you to link to contacts, appointments,

tasks or files. It works in a similar manner to the search view -
select the item types you want to link to, and enter text in the
search box. When you have found the item/s you want to link
to, tap on them in the list, and they will be added to the list of
current links in the top part of the window

Linking with Files

If you tap on the file icon in the links tab, you will be taken to a
standard dialog where you can browse for the file you want to
link to.

Deleting Links
To delete links, either press the X at the bottom of the screen and uncheck the links you want to
delete, or tap and hold on the link and choose ‘Remove Link’. If you want to delete the actual
item, rather than just the link to it, tap and hold and choose ‘Context’. This will then display the
normal context menu for that item type.
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Smart Macros
Smart Macros are an innovative feature of Pocket Informant™ and are available in the
Appointment, Task, Note, and Journal editors. Smart Macros consist of two new menus within
Pocket Informant: ‘Contact Info’ menu and the ‘My Text’ menu. The ‘Contact Info’ menu lets you
choose a contact and enter its information quickly with a couple of taps of the menu. The ‘My
Text’ menu holds your custom phrases or macros. Just tap on the ‘Edit My Text’ menu to add
your phrases. At this time phrases cannot be named, but this is an area we hope to improve
upon in the future. An example phrase would be ‘%ts% - %sd%’ to show a time stamp with a
short date. Or you can have macros access contact info such as %mobile% or %first%. When
you access a ‘MyText’ phrase which contains a contact macro it will automatically ask you to
choose a contact.

%ts% current time with seconds
%tm% current time with no seconds
%ld% current long date
%sd% current short date
%dy% current day of year
%wk% current week number


%fileas% File As %Wstate% Work State

%title% Title %Wpostal% Work Postal
%first% First %Wcountry% Work Country
%middle% Middle %Oaddress% Other Address
%last% Last %Ocity% Other City
%suffix% Suffix %Ostate% Other State
%company% Company %Opostal% Other Postal
%jobtitle% Job Title %Ocountry% Other Country
%department% Job Department %Htel1% Home Telephone 1
%office% Office Location %Htel2% Home Telephone 2
%assistant% Assistant %Hfax% Home Fax
%assistanttel% Assistant Telephone %Wtel1% Work Telephone 1
%spouse% Spouse Name %Wtel2% Work Telephone 2
%children% Children names %Wfax% Work Fax
%anniversary% Anniversary Date %radiotel% Radio Telephone
%birthday% Birthday Date %mobile% Mobile phone
%Haddress% Home Address %pager% Pager
%Hcity% Home City %carmobile% Car Mobile
%Hstate% Home State %email1% Email 1
%Hpostal% Home Postal %email2% Email 2
%Hcountry% Home Country %email3% Email 3
%Waddress% Work Address %web% Web Site
%Wcity% Work City \r To insert a line break
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Contact Smart Macro

In many of Pocket Informant™ Editors, you will find the
Contact Smart Macro button/menu which links a contact to that
item and brings up its information for instant inserting. In the
screenshot to the right you can see the menu that comes up.
In this case the contact was already linked by the Parent item
of the Journal.

An example of this would be if you are creating a new

appointment and press the Contact Smart Macro button/menu.
If no contact is already linked say by creating the appointment
from a contact, then a contact picker comes up. You select a
contact and the menu comes up with the relevant info such as
Work, Home, Other and such. Just select any of the info for it
to be instantly inserted into the current text.

All of this info can be also inserted using the Smart Macros via Templates.

The templates feature in Pocket Informant™ allows you to set up task, appointment and company
templates that can be applied to new or (for appointments and tasks) existing items, saving a lot
of repetitive data entry.

Creating Templates
To create a new template from an existing item, tap and hold to bring up the contextual menu,
then either ‘Save Company Template’ in Contacts View, or ‘Tools’ and then ‘Save As Template’ in
Calendar and Task Views.

Please note that recurring appointments are not supported as templates.

To create a template from the Template Editor, tap on New.

For both methods, you will get a dialog box asking you to name your template.

If you need to, go to the Template Editor, select the new template, and tap on Edit. You can now
enter data into the template in the same way as for a standard new item.
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Using Smart Macros with Templates: Active

Pocket Informant™ provides a very powerful new feature
called Smart Macros. You can put any Smart Macro into a
template and when that template is applied it will process the
macro immediately including any contact based macros. This
turns an ordinary template into an ‘active template’ because
its contents are dynamic. Any ‘active template’ with contact
based Smart Macros embedded in them will automatically
bring up the contact picker. You can put Smart Macros into
the subjects, locations, or notes of the template. When
entering the macro into a template, be sure not to use the
Active Macro menus as this will process the macros
immediately instead of when the template is applied.

Furthermore, templates in Pocket Informant™ support a substitution macro that allows for
existing text to be put into the new template text. Normally if you apply a template to an existing
item, or enter text in the subject field before applying the template, the text will be replaced by the
template’s subject when it is applied.

However, if you enter ‘%s’ (without the quote marks) into the subject or location fields of the
template, any text that already exists in the subject or location fields of a new or existing item will
be retained, and inserted into the template text at that point. In fact, you can even layer the
templates. For example:

Lets say that you have 5 templates:

Meet with %s, Breakfast with %s, Lunch with %s, Dinner with %s, Home at %s

So you start by creating an appointment from a contact - and

you get ‘Bob Rice’. Apply ‘Lunch with %s’, and you end up
with ‘Lunch with Bob Rice’. Then apply ‘Home at %s’ and you
get ‘Home at Lunch with Bob Rice’.

If you have templates with no subject, but categories, status

etc, it can be very useful to simply enter ‘%s’ in the subject
field. That way, if you find yourself typing the subject in to a
new item before you remember to apply a template, the
subject will not be lost.

Applying Templates Directly in the Views

You can also apply a template to an existing appointment or
task via the contextual menus OR create a new appointment
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based on a template in the Day View:

On any appointment or task, tap and hold and select ‘Apply Template’. The
time/date and subject of the template is
not applied.

In the Day View, select a time range for

the new appointment. Tap and hold and
then select ‘Apply Template’, choosing the
template you want. That’s it.

The Template Editor

The Template editor is a dialog that allows you to create, edit, rename and
delete your task, appointment and company templates.

Editing Templates

Select the template you want to edit, and tap on Edit. You will be taken to the standard editor for
the item type in question.

Renaming Templates

Templates can be given a name that is not the same as the subject. Select the template in the
Template Editor, and tap on Rename. If the template had any text in the subject field, it will be left

Deleting Templates

To delete a template, select it in the Template Editor, and tap Delete.

Pocket Informant™ has a very powerful category filtering engine. The filter is accessible on the
menu bar of all the Pocket Informant™ Views, and consists of two parts: the filter Button, and the
Filter Menu
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Filter Button
The button next to the menu is the command center for
filtering. Tap on the button to open the New Filter dialog. To
choose a single category to filter, just tap on the blue arrow on
the right hand side. The dialog will close immediately and the
filter will be applied. To choose multiple categories to filter, tap
on the checkboxes on the left hand side and then press OK.
You can also choose to clear the filter or filter only those items
with no categories assigned on the menu bar. Each of these
commands will close the filter dialog box immediately. The top
bar of the filter provides the settings for the filters such as the
ability to hide chosen categories in the filter or make the filter
an ‘Any of (OR)’ or ‘All (AND)’ filter. And finally the gear menu
at the bottom lets you choose basic preferences for how the
dialog displays filters. As you can see, the dialog is very powerful, yet almost every command is
accessible with one tap.

Filter Menu
The menu provides the ‘No Filter’ command which clears all
category filters and the last most recently used filters. For
example, you may have a menu item that looks like ‘[&]
Business, Client 1’ which means that your last filter
represented “Display all items with Business AND Client 1
assigned to them” or “Business, Client 1” which represents “Display all items with
Business OR Client 1 assigned to them”. These entries in the menu are created every time you
make a new filter. The number of remembered filters in the menu is set via the Options.


Contact Based
If you have this option turned on, Pocket Informant™ will peek at your Contacts list to get all the
Birthdays and Anniversaries you have setup. It will then add the events to your Calendar View.
First, it calculates the age of the event and then sets special colors and icons. For performance
reasons, this list is NOT updated in real time when you change a contact’s information. So even if
you change the birthday of a contact it will not be updated in the CAV. For the CAV to update tap
the Go to Today button.

Please note that you should not use this option if synchronizing with Outlook, as Outlook does
this already.

Information on Resolving Duplicate Birthdays/Anniversaries if you synchronize with Outlook.

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Calendar Event Based

Sometimes you want to have a birthday or anniversary in the look and feel of the contact-based
event, but don’t want to have a contact setup for each person. For example, sometimes you want
to see the birthdays of the children of a friend, but don’t want to setup a separate contact for each
person when their information is the same. This feature does not require the Contact Birthday and
Anniversary option to be turned on.

Pocket Informant™ will interpret an item as a birthday or anniversary based on specific criteria
listed below or if the subject of the appointment has the words ‘Birthday’ or ‘Anniversary’ in them
(words changeable in the registry).

For the appointment to be recognized as a Birthday or Anniversary, three specific properties that
need to be set:

•Yearly Recurring

•All Day

•In the category ‘Birthdays’ or ‘Anniversaries’

Anniversary/Birthday/Holiday Category names

The Anniversary/Birthday/Holiday filters as well as Anniversary/Birthday/Holiday special
appointments use the ‘Anniversaries’ and ‘Birthdays’ categories to determine what belongs. You
can change this in the Pocket Informant™ Settings: General Calendar window

The Human Day

You can be attending a baseball game from 7pm to 2am, but you don’t want that baseball game
showing up in the next day’s agenda or month view icons because it gives the impression the
game is on both days. This is the human day: a day that is expressed at the time you go to sleep
or finish your activities and not by computer-imposed time frames.

Pocket Informant™ provides a starting point for the human day. The feature is very simple and is
accessed from the Tools > Setting > Settings: Calendar General. You simply tell Pocket
Informant™ what time of the day you want multi-day appointments to not display for the next day.
So for example if you set it to 2am then any multi-day appointment (such as the baseball game
example above) which ends at 2am or before will not show up on that last day. By default, this
feature is set to consider 12am as the end-of-day.

Categories are used in Windows Mobile™ to organize your information. In Pocket Informant™
you can use Categories in the following ways:

• Colorizing your data through user defined category colors for background or text
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• Iconizing your data through user defined category icons

• Filter your data on one or more categories at any one time, including displaying non-
categorized items, hiding currently selected items, etc…

Category Editor
The Category Editor allows you to add and delete categories,
and to assign icons and colors to them, or rename them.

You can access the category editor by tapping on Tools >

Manage Lists > Category Editor

Adding a New Category

To add a category, type its name on the top line, and then tap

Deleting a New Category

To delete a category, select it in the list, and then tap ‘Delete’.

Modifying a Category

Adding an Icon to a category

Selecting a category and then tapping on ‘Icon...’ will bring a dialog that allows you to find an icon
for that category. You can browse to any folder on the PPC to locate the icon you want, but the
Pocket Informant™ icon pack is installed in My Documents/WebIS/IconStore. You can find
out more about customizing your icons here.

Assigning a category
Selecting a category and
tapping on ‘Color’ will
display a color picker which
lets you assign a color to
the category. The color will
be applied to either the text
or background of items with
that category, depending on
the settings made in
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Renaming a category
To rename a category, double tap on its name in the list and type the new name.

Category Groups
If you have many categories, you can use the Category Groups feature to group your categories
together for easier identification

Assigning categories to multiple items at once

Pocket Informant™ allows you to select multiple items and apply/remove/leave alone categories
across the selected items. This is available in Contacts, Tasks, and Search Views. You can select
multiple items from different types and then tap/hold on the selection. Choose “Categories”. A
new dialog will come up displaying the used categories as checks, unused categories as blanks,
and those categories that are used by some of the selected items as “mid checks” or single lines
in the check.

You can uncheck or check any category to universally apply or remove the categories. If you tap
on a mid-check, it will turn into a check. Tap on it again to uncheck it. Tap on it a third time to
bring it back to a mid-check. Mid-checked categories are not removed or applied to any selected

Advanced Concepts

Pocket Informant™ provides basic printing of notes via the HP Mobile Printing package that is
free to all Pocket PC owners. Just tap/hold on a note in the Notes View and choose Print. We are
working on adding far more printing capability in the future. Please note - as of November 2005,
HP no longer ships or supports the HP Mobile Printing package.

High DPI and Landscape Mode Support

Pocket Informant™ provides best of class support for Windows Mobile™ 2003 SE and onward
which includes High DPI VGA and Landscape support.

High DPI devices

For High DPI mode (480x640 resolution) you will mainly see higher resolution icons and the
ability to show smaller and clearer text. So for example, you can view your contacts clearly at a
much lower point size than on Low DPI (240x320 resolution) devices. All screenshots in this
manual were made with a High DPI device. QVGA devices will see similar icons and graphics.

Pocket Informant™ on High DPI devices defaults to 1-2 smaller point sizes for the View fonts
than Low DPI devices, but this only occurs on a default configuration. If you have moved your
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Settings.txt file from a Low DPI device to a High DPI device you may need to change your
settings manually to show smaller text.

Landscape Mode
Landscape mode in Pocket Informant™ is fully
supported. Many of our dialogs re-layout for
landscape and others provide a scroll bar to get to
the data. Some of the more usable areas of Pocket
Informant™ in landscape mode are the Tasks View
and Month View with Mini-Text. Also, if you have a
lot of contacts with long names, landscape mode
allows you to display the contacts without much
word wrapping. If you plan to use landscape a lot,
we recommend that you assign a hardware button to
the <ROTATE SCREEN> command in the Buttons Settings app. for the Windows Mobile™
operating system.

Preferences File
All Pocket Informant™ settings are stored in the \My Documents\WebIS\Settings.txt file.
You may move this file across devices as well as save it for backup. The only settings not stored
in this file are your registration key and any Most Recently Used list.

Custom Icons

Today Icon
If a start or due date is ‘Today’, it will be shown with a today icon. This icon is completely user
configurable by replacing the \My Documents\WebIS\Icons\~duetoday.bmp or
~starttoday.bmp with your own - including a bitmap of words. Look at the Icon Display section
for information about creating Pocket Informant™ icons.

Custom Category Icons

Recommended specifications for custom category icons:

• Size: Icons of a height of 12 pixels (for QVGA mode) or 24 pixels (for High DPI mode) are
highly recommended. Any width you want is fine. Technically, any size icon is allowed.

• Transparency Color: Green 0,255,0

• Format: Bitmap (.bmp extension)

“No Category” Icon

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Although there is no automatic way of adding the ‘No Category’ icon, you can copy a bitmap to
the ‘\My Documents\WebIS\Icons’ folder and name it ‘~NoCategory.bmp’. Restart Pocket
Informant™ and it will show that icon when no categories were applied to an item.

Backup/Restore of Journal/Links/Hierarchical Tasks

The Hierarchical Tasks, Links, and Journal databases of Pocket Informant™ are typically not
synched to the desktop (see Limitations for more information about Journal synching) and
furthermore are tied to the database ID of the PIM item on the device. If you have to backup/
restore the device, move devices, or resynchronize, the IDs of all PIM items are reset and all links
to the HT/Links/Journal will be gone.

You can back up these databases in the following ways:

• The Tools > Utilities > Backup PI Databases menu item in Pocket
Informant™ allows you to backup information that allows Pocket Informant™ to resurrect
the links in the event of a restore, device move, or resynchronization. These backups
may take some time if you have a large amount of items to link to.

• Set the option Backup on Quit under Tools > Settings > Interface:
Warnings to Always Yes. Pocket Informant™ will always make a backup of the
databases on shutdown. If you do not setup an automatic backup at first, but find the
need to so later you can change this option.

Known Issues/Compatibility/Limitations

Informing attendees of Meeting changes

If you are using a Pocket PC 2002 or Windows Mobile™ 2003/2003SE system, informing
attendees of meeting creation/changes/cancellations by email may NOT always work. This is a
known bug in the Microsoft OS for third party applications integration.

Once IntelliSync is provided for Windows Mobile™ 5 this option will not be needed.

If you are using Intellisync to sync your device you must use the Pocket Informant™ Options
Control Panel to choose ‘Intellisync Compatible’ in the Advanced section. Then start Pocket
Informant™ and go to the Tools menu (Pocket Informant™ icon) and choose Data Management >
Cleanup Pocket Informant™ Extras.

This will remove extra fields such as attached icons or extra category info that Pocket Informant™
uses, but which causes Intellisync to not work.
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Hierarchical Tasks
Hierarchical Tasks currently employ no rules engine. Checking off a parent task while all children
are not checked off is allowed, and will not change the status of the children tasks. HT also is not
smart about removing a forced task when there is no reason for it to be displayed anymore.
These are improvements we have planned for a future release.

Using Location Editor

If you use Pocket Outlook Calendar to add an appointment and type in a new location in the
location bar, it may overwrite one of your presets.

Resolving Duplicate Birthdays/Anniversaries

If you have Outlook on the desktop and the Contact based Birthdays turned on, you will get
duplicate birthdays within Pocket Informant™. This is caused by Outlook creating recurring All
Day events for these birthdays in addition to Pocket Informant™ creating virtual events. Of
course, the Pocket Informant™ version looks nicer and has age information.

To resolve this, turn off the Birthday and Anniversary option. Then in Outlook find all your
Birthdays with a Find command or with the recurring view. Globally assign them all to the
‘Birthdays’ category and Pocket Informant™ will then treat them as Calendar events as described
Using Contact Pictures with Outlook 2003
Contact pictures can be synched directly with Outlook 2003 if you have ActiveSync 4.1.

If you have Outlook 2003, contact pictures cannot be synced directly, but you can assign contact
pictures from the WebIS/ContactPics folder in your synced files folder, so that you only have one
store of pictures to maintain.

Pocket Informant™ Features not supported in Outlook

Some features of Pocket Informant™ are not supported on the desktop, due to varying reasons

Regenerating Tasks
Desktop Outlook does not support Regenerating tasks (only recurring tasks). If you mark a
regenerating task complete in Outlook, the task will not regenerate.

Hierarchical Tasks
Desktop Outlook does not support HT, and so will not display the tasks hierarchically. Editing
tasks on Outlook will not affect the Hierarchy on Pocket Informant, though.

Task Priorities
Task priorities are only handled as such within Pocket Informant™. The priorities do sync to the
desktop by appending the priority info to a subject name like this: ‘A01: This is a test
Subject’. While neither Pocket Outlook nor Desktop Outlook understand these priorities and
will not sort on them directly, sorting by subject will arrange your tasks into priority order.

Marking an Appointment Complete

Outlook does not directly support marking an appointment as complete, and will not display it as
such. If you mark an appointment as compete in Pocket Informant, the item will appear in
Desktop Outlook with angle brackets surrounding it. For example “Do Chores” will change to
“<>Do Chores</>”. This does not affect Outlook in any way.

Notes Categorization and Alarms

ActiveSync does not synchronize Note categories, so these will not be transferred to Desktop

Desktop Outlook also does not support Note Alarms

Synchronizing Journal Items

ActiveSync does not synchronize the Pocket Informant™ Journal with Desktop Outlook.
WebIS does have an ActiveSync Add-on that allows Journal synchronization. Visit our website
for more information about synching the Pocket Informant™ and desktop Outlook Journals.
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How Do I
Install Pocket Informant
To install Pocket Informant, simply run the downloaded setup program on your desktop, and
follow the instructions given. Note that it is not recommended to install Pocket Informant™ to a
storage card, because of issues with the way Windows Mobile™ initializes cards, which can
‘clash’ with the normal usage pattern of a PIM.

If you have downloaded a .cab file version, copy this to your PDA, and then tap on it in File
Explorer. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. Once completed, the .cab
file will be deleted from your PDA automatically, so make sure you keep a copy elsewhere.


Create and Edit Tasks

See Creating and Editing Tasks

Prioritize my tasks
See Priority Management

Change the priority label names

See Priority Labeling

View my tasks and appointments together

See Viewing Tasks with your appointments


Switch between calendar sub-views

See Switching between Calendar Views

Create and Edit Appointments

See Creating and Editing Appointments

Day View: Enter Appointments directly

See Entering Appointments directly in Day View

Day View: Show different time detail

See Changing the increments in Day View

Week View: See more detail of a specific day

See Zooming into/out of a specific day in Week View
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Week View: Turn on scroll bars for each day in the week view
See Turning on scroll bars for each day for more information

Week View: Make the first displayed day window larger

Change the First Day box size setting in Tools > Settings > Interface: Task View

Month View: Change between Rolling and Traditional month displays

Change the Month and Timeline View setting in Tools > Settings > Interface: Month
and Timeline View

Month View: Zoom into a selected rectangle of days

See How to zoom the month view to display selected days

View a Year-View
See How to view the Date Picker

View Tasks with your Appointments

See Viewing Tasks with Calendar Items

Change Workday Start/End Times

See Changing the Work Start/End Times


Create a Contact
See Creating Contacts

Edit a contact
See Editing Contacts

Dial a Contact
See How to Dial a Contact

Set a default business card

See Setting a contact to “This is Me”

Beam the default business card

See How to bean the “This is Me” contact

Assign a picture to a Contact

See How to Assign a Picture to a Contact
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Change the number that appears next to the contact

See Contact Data Preference


Edit Notes
See Editing Notes


Change the search parameters

See Search View options menu in the Options menu

Change the sort order of displayed search results

See Sort by in the Options >Sort By menu

Search inside item notes

Enable the option to search inside notes in the Options > Search Note Contents menu

Change the color schemes

To create or modify a Scheme, open the Pocket Informant™ Settings Control Panel, and change
the colors to your liking. Press Finish to go back to Pocket Informant™. Go to the Color Scheme
menu and choose ‘Save Current’. Give the scheme a name and save it. You may save over a
scheme and replace it.

If a Scheme does not have all the available colors or fonts defined, it will apply the default ones.

Color Schemes are files stored in the \My Documents\WebIS\ColorSchemes folder. You can
send them to your friends, share them, edit them in a text editor (they are pretty simple), or delete
them as normal text files.

Show a preview of the currently selected item

Click on Tools, and select Display Preview for this Tab.

Note: This option is not available in the Calendar or Search Views,

More about the Preview Window

Assign Pocket Informant™ to shortcut buttons

Pocket Informant™ installs shortcuts to all its views in the start menu. To set any of your PDA’s
hardware buttons to be a shortcut to a Pocket Informant™ view, go to Start > Settings >
Buttons, and assign the applicable shortcut to the button of your choice. The Pocket
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Informant™ shortcuts are easily identifiable as their names start with PI, as in PISearch,
PIAgenda, and PITimeline.

Quick Calendar Button

If you have a hardware button assigned to ‘PICalendar’ then you can use Quick Calendar. While
in Pocket Informant™ or any other application (in other words - anytime and anywhere) just press
and hold the hardware button assigned to ‘PICalendar’ until you get the Quick Calendar dialog.
Tapping on a date will then take you to that date in one of the Pocket Informant™ calendar views.

How to Backup Your Data and Settings

Pocket Informant™ uses the built in Pocket Outlook databases for its primary PIM information,
but this does not account for things like settings, category icons, color schemes, Hierarchical
Tasks, Journal, and Links.

The last three items - Hierarchical Tasks, Journal, and Links are stored in databases and the rest
are stored as files in the \My Documents\WebIS directory. By default Pocket Informant™ is
setup to automatically backup the special databases into files every time you quit Pocket
Informant™ so that all Pocket Informant™ information ends up into the \My Documents\WebIS

What this lets you do is backup just the \My Documents\WebIS folder for all Pocket
Informant™ specific data and use ActiveSync's sync to Outlook for your core PIM data. The other
recommendation is to use Sprite Software's Sprite Backup to backup your PIM databases and the
WebIS folder in one shot for easy restore in the future.


All my appointments are gone

Check whether you have a filter selected. This will cause all items not assigned to that category
to be hidden.

I can’t link notes to my Appointment

To link notes to an item, you need to do the linking from the Note’s side.

My Task Hierarchy has disappeared

Make sure that you have enabled Hierarchical Tasks in the Group By settings. Note that
Hierarchical Tasks do not work in conjunction with the various Group By Modes

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