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Your task is to identify four distinct segments in the videogaming market - two segments based

on anticipated benefits and two segments based on consumer lifestyle - and describe the type of
videogames that Activision Blizzard would sell to each of these segments.
Anticipated benefit
• Role playing
• Simulations and sports.
Consumer lifestyles
• Real time strategy
• Sandbox
Identify two (2) consumer lifestyles relevant for the videogaming market.
• Gambling
• Competition
Then describe two distinct market segments (one for each of the lifestyles) that the videogame
company could target.
Gambling; the videogame industries could focus on competitions where users can be able to bet
on their favorite player who is playing the video game.
Competition; the video game industries could organize a competition similar too world cup
where individuals can compete for prizes.
Describe some of the key product attributes that customers in each of these two market segments
are likely to seek. (15%)
• Rewards.
• Leaderboards.
• Coupons and vouchers.

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