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By Ruffian with Clubbers

“Winas Tirith –
A Year of Gondor”

A Tournament Review Using Armies From Gondor

“The Beacons of Minas Tirith! The Beacons are lit! Gondor

calls for aid.”

By Ruffian with Clubbers

Contents – Page 2

Introduction – Page 2

Tournament 1 – Page 3

Tournament 2 – Page 8

Tournament 3 – Page 13


Welcome admirable Hobbits to what is essentially a blog of my 2019 Strategy

Battle Game (SBG) tournament adventures with that most amazing of

Minas Tirith has always been my favourite force to use in SBG and has earned
me the joking title of “King of Men”. Well the joke is on them now as the new
Middle Earth SBG edition has given Gondor the ability to be great again!

So I was determined to get more use out of my large Gondor collection and try
out all the amazing new profiles and army lists. Primarily I would be doing this
by ensuring that every Southern League event I attended was with an army
from Gondor. (If you haven’t heard about the Southern League yet then check
out our Facebook group here: ).

This was perfect for me as every year in the Southern League I pick a theme
and stick with it for all the fun, amazing events I attend in it (2017 was an All
Mounted theme, 2018 was a Monster theme…). I would also bring Gondor
armies to other events (such as GBHL ones) I attend as often as possible,
although I will take other armies from time to time to keep things varied.

By Ruffian with Clubbers

These articles will show the lists I used, the thoughts behind them and a write
up of how the tournament went using them. Hopefully this gives you guys
some ideas and help on how to win with Minas Tirith (Winas Tirith, get it?).

Anyway without further ado let’s get started!

Tournament 1
Location: Ibuywargames gaming shop in Woking

Format: This tournament was 4 Games set (in a random order) as Storm the
Camp, Heirlooms of Ages Past, Capture & Control and Reconnoitre.

There were 22 players and players had to bring a single 500 point army (with
no restrictions).

Army List:


- [Army Leader] Aragorn, King Elessar (Armoured Horse)

- 7 Warriors of Minas Tirith (Shields)

- 6 Rangers of Gondor (Spears)

- 1 Citadel Guard

- 4 Knights of Minas Tirith (3 Shields)

By Ruffian with Clubbers


- Beregond (Horse)

- 3 Warriors of Minas Tirith (Shields)

- 2 Rangers of Gondor (Spears)

- 1 Citadel Guard

Army List Key Points: 26 Models, 4 Might + 1 Free Per Turn, 9 Bows, Cavalry
for Speed, Fight 4, Defence 6/7 Frontline, Good Courage, 6 Inch Banner Re-
Roll from Aragorn, can Heroic March for Free Every Turn.

Army List Discussion: So, with my first list I decided to try out Aragorn, the
mighty king of men himself! One of my main decisions behind this was that
the scenarios being used in the tournament were revealed beforehand (see
Format above) and most of these scenarios require mobility which Aragorn
provides with a free Heroic March every turn. Also, there was an hour and a
half time limit for each game so the speed of this Heroic Marching would help
me get to where I need to be to win games before the clock can run down.

The Games:

Game 1 – My first game was up against Ben, someone who I had known for
quite a while but never had the opportunity to play. Ben has a solid Uruk-Hai
list featuring Vrasku (as general), Ugluk, Sharku a load of Uruk-Hai (including
1/3 with crossbows) and a couple of cheeky warg riders.

The scenario was Storm the Camp. With Ben’s Uruk-Hai outnumbering me I
decided to utilise Aragorn’s pace to Heroic March my army right up to Ben’s
camp and push him back. Ben early on sent Sharku and the 2 warg riders on a
long journey to capture my camp. With the terrain that was in the way and
with Ben outnumbering me I knew there was no point leaving any models
behind to defend my camp. My plan was simple: Storm Ben’s camp and break
him and / or kill his general in the process.

The game started off to plan as I met the Uruk’s near their camp and utilised
terrain to avoid the crossbows. With Aragorns help and without his crossbows
or Sharku and the wargs I quickly destroyed his line, breaking him in the

By Ruffian with Clubbers

process. Seizing his chance Aragorn charged through the gap after Vrasku
with his men following behind. The game looked to be in my hands until
disaster struck! Aragorn for two turns in a row fluffed his dice against Vrasku
and was struck down!!! Meanwhile I lost priority for the last few turns meaning
that my men were pinned back by the desperate Uruk-Hai from storming
Ben’s camp.

As time was called I lost 9-3, not the best of starts for the King of Men.

Game 2 – The second game saw me face off against Callum. If there is a word
that describes a friend combined with a rival, then that’s Callum. We have had
some cracking games over the years and I was looking forward to a close
game as Callum is one of the best players around and has even played for
England in the ETC.

Callum had a Haradrim army consisting of Suladan (his general), the betrayer
and a mixture of Harad Warriors, Raiders, Serpent Guard and Abrakhan
Merchant Guard with 50% of his army bow armed. The scenario was Capture
& Control.

Callum picked board edges and then deployed his first warband right up on
the centre line. Deciding I did not want to sit back and concede ground /
objectives to Callum I matched him, deploying Aragorn’s warband right in
front of his with Aragorn tucked safely away behind my lines but able to
charge around the flank right away. Callum’s other warband went on his right
flank so I deployed Beregond’s warband on my left.

Looking back deploying further back could have been an option for me as
Aragorn’s free might point coupled with my higher defence troops could have
led to me (theoretically) winning the shooting war. But I digress….

We got stuck in and Callum relied on his betrayer to keep trying to transfix
Aragorn out the game whilst he sent several his models off to capture the
further away objectives. This worked for me as without them I outnumbered
Callum and my troops were higher defence meaning I slowly managed to
chew through weak points in his line until I had a clear route to his betrayer
and Suladan. This caused Callum to fall back from the centre and allowed me
to mop up there, capturing the objectives, whilst Aragorn set off to reclaim the
other objectives. With Callum broken he wanted the game to end right away
By Ruffian with Clubbers

to win but that wasn’t the case and the game went on for another couple of
turns during which I managed to capture enough objectives to swing the game
from a 5-6 win to Callum to a 11-0 win to me.

Success for the Kingdom of Gondor! Man although magic is no way near as
powerful as it used to be it can still frustrate big heroes like Aragorn as he was
really shut down during the game.

Game 3 - Next up saw me face off against Damian, a well-known member of

the community and tournament champion. Damian had brought Thranduril’s
Halls with Legolas (on horse with Orcrist), Tauriel and a load of Mirkwood
Elves including some Rangers and Knights. The scenario was Heirlooms of
Ages past and our 6 objectives were spread over the board in roughly a circle
going round the edges.

The scenario uses Maelstrom Deployment and I had to roll for my warbands
first. Beregond went first rolling a 3 so Damian picked a point right near a
corner of the board. I rolled Aragorn second so I could use his free might if
needed to ensure he came on together near Beregond. As is usually the way
with tactics like this I rolled a 6 anyway so it made no difference haha! Aragorn
came on next to Beregond. Damian then rolled for Tauriel and rolled a 2
resulting in me putting that warband right near a corner of the board, Legolas
then came on next to Tauriel’s warband.

What then followed was our armies circling round each other racing to the
objectives, with Aragorn calling a free Heroic March every turn to speed my
army along. I quickly tried digging up 2 objectives to no success and had 2
more lined up in my favour. Damian dug up one to no success and then dug up
the other one near his army to no success. This meant the artefact was no
mine to take, which I did with Aragorn. Realising he had to get to Aragorn
Damian threw his Elves into my lines and my men heroically held them back
from their leader. Aragorn used this distraction to escape to safety from the
advancing Legolas (who had atrocious luck at trying to kill Aragorn’s horse!)
and Tauriel.

With the artefact safely in hand I realised that if the game ended I would win
so determined to get my self down to 25% to end the game. Damian catching
on to this started shielding to prevent him from killing my army too quickly

By Ruffian with Clubbers

which resulted in the discovery of an interesting tactic. My men all had lower
fight than the elves and were armed with swords so I could utilise the Stab
special rule to ensure that my army would still take damage even if Damian
shields. A devious tactic for sure but we both found it very funny as my men
started falling on their own swords (we think I killed more of my own models
than the elves did!).

Whilst this had been going on Legolas had been desperately trying to chase
down Aragorn. Realising that it was a bit un-Aragorn like to run away I decided
to turn around and go for Legolas (not the most tactical decision if you want to
win). The game ended with Legolas splattered on Aragorn’s sword and King
Elessar still in possession of the artefact resulting in an 8 – 4 victory to me.

Game 4 – Despite my loss at the start of the day I found myself on table 3
going into the final game against a very good friend of mine, Tom.

Tom had brought Goblin Town with the Goblin King himself, the Scribe,
Gollum, 2 Captains and over 50 Goblins. Yikes!

The scenario was Reconnoitre and I didn’t have much hope going in to the
game as I was outnumbered over 2 to 1!

The game started with us rushing up the board. Aragorn and the Knights raced
ahead of my line and a few favourable priority rolls allowed me to see what
Tom’s gribbly Goblins were up to and use Aragorn’s terrifying presence to hold
the majority of them back. My shooting began to inflict casualties on the
Goblins but with so many advancing all across the board I committed Aragorn
and 2 knights on the left flank and Beregond with the other 2 on the right
whilst my troops held the centre, slowly pulling back from the Goblins.

A few heroic combats from Aragorn had wrought devastation on Tom’s right
flank, killing the Goblin Scribe in the process and allowing Aragorn plus the 2
knights to escape off the board. These kills had also broken the Goblins who
were only a few moves way from getting off the board… it was very touch and
go as my men threw themselves into Goblins to stem the tide. Fortunately I
had played it just right and enough of the Goblins failed courage checks to end
the game and stop them getting off the board. One more turn and I would
have lost the game!

By Ruffian with Clubbers

We were both broken so I won the game 8-1.

Results and Lessons Learned: So with 3 wins under my belt (and apparently a
Most Sporting vote) I ended up in 2nd place! Which is bad because now you
are going to expect me to do well at every event I write about now haha!

Joking aside the list was perfect in my opinion. It had just the right amount of
numbers, bows and stats to do the job. Aragorn really is a utility tool for the

However I would warn you not to rely overly on Aragorn or take him too far
away from the army. This lost me the first game I think. Also be careful around
magic, being transfixed is more annoying than harmful in the new rules but if
your opponent combines transfixing Aragorn with attacking him using a
monster or hero that can heroic strike Aragorn could be dealt with very
quickly. Onto the next tournament!

Tournament 2
Location: Incom Gaming & Pub in Cheltenham

Format: 4 set Games from the 12 scenarios in the rulebook revealed on the
day. 28 players each with a single 600 point army list (4 models minimum).

Army List:


By Ruffian with Clubbers

- [Army Leader] Boromir, Captain of Gondor (Shield, The Banner of Minas


- 6 Warriors of Minas Tirith (Shields)

- 5 Rangers of Gondor (Spears)

- 2 Citadel Guard

- 2 Knights of Minas Tirith (2 Shields)


- Madril

- 5 Warriors of Minas Tirith (Shields)

- 4 Rangers of Gondor (Spears)

- 1 Citadel Guard

- 2 Knights of Minas Tirith (2 Shields)


- Damrod

- 2 Warriors of Minas Tirith (Shields)

- 1 Rangers of Gondor (Spears)

- 1 Guard of the Fountain Court

- 2 Knights of Minas Tirith (Shields)

Army List Key Points: 36 Models, 10 Might, 12 Bows, Cavalry for Speed,
Defence 6/7 Frontline, Good Courage, The Banner of Minas Tirith will make
the majority of the army Fight 5 as well as giving them a 6 inch re-roll and VPs
for having a banner in certain scenarios.

Army List Discussion: Having tried Aragorn I thought it was time to try out
Minas Tirith’s other mighty son. There is a strong divide over those who think
Aragorn is the better choice and those who say Boromir is. I can see the
arguments for both but personally I prefer Boromir as I don’t think the buff he

By Ruffian with Clubbers

provides to your army can be underestimated (also my good mate Dewi had
just done a lovely freehand tree of Gondor on the banner for me so I had to try
him out). I also had Madril, who gives my army access to Heroic March and
Heroic Accuracy (2 very useful Heroic Actions). The army had 36 models (a
very healthy number) and a good amount of shooting as well as Knights of
Minas Tirith for grabbing objectives in games that require speed. With
Boromir’s Banner of Minas Tirith making them Fight 4 they can be brutal on
the charge too!.
To me this army is so well balanced that I generally can see it doing well
against all opposition. In fact, I am sure I will be using it again in the future!

The Games:

Game 1 – First up was Ben, a local to the Cheltenham area who is always fun
to play against. Ben had the dark lord Sauron himself with a host of orcs
around him! Thankfully for me the scenario wasn’t Contest of Champions it
was Capture & Control and I vastly out numbered Ben….
Whilst my men whittled down the Orcs and grabbed the objectives Ben
directed Sauron straight at Boromir. If you want the maximum win in this
scenario the smart thing to do would be to keep your general and as many
guys as possible out of range of Sauron’s destructive power. Of course that
would be an incredibly boring game so Boromir and as many brave men as I
could encourage to charge in took on the Dark Lord!
Boromir, Captain of the White Tower with The Banner of Minas Tirith is a base
Fight Skill 7 and has 6 Might with which to Heroic Strike so with some Knights
of Minas Tirith and a host of men at my call this fight was in the bag….or so I
What followed was Boromir rolled a string of 1’s and 2’s on his Heroic Strikes
(Ben had wisely chose to keep Sauron’s Might to modify any 1’s on his The
One Ring rolls). In 4 fights I only won 2 of them and depressingly despite
rolling well over 60 dice to wound Sauron (with +1s on the lances and re-rolling
1’s on the swords) I only caused a single wound on the Dark Lord (where’s
Narsil when you need it?!).
Meanwhile Sauron smashed Boromir down to 1 Wound no Fate in the first
fight Ben won then proceeded to use Sauron’s Mace to deadly effect, killing
Boromir and a load of my warriors!

By Ruffian with Clubbers

Thankfully the game ended before Sauron could completely destroy my army
and as the objectives were still mostly mine I took a 9 – 2 win. Whew.

Game 2 – The second game was Fog of War against Mike who I had not
played before. Mike had Durbaz and Groblog leading a host of Goblins
alongside a Cave Troll, a Cave Drake and a Batswarm.
I had picked Mike’s Cave Drake to kill as I (correctly) figured he would lead
with it from the front and the Fight 7 Boromir should deal with the beast easily
enough. Mean while I picked Madril to keep alive (as Damrod can die too easily
to a lucky strike) and a tree out on the right flank to capture.
Mike’s army rushed forward into my waiting bows….which did exactly 0
wounds over three turns and with that our lines engaged!
With Mike’s army tied up one of my knights rushed over to grab my terrain
piece whilst the other 5 flanked around the Goblins to pin Mike in place.
Meanwhile Boromir had strolled right up to the Cave Drake and proceeded to
finish it off with ease whilst the rest of my men cut through the goblins. It also
became clear what terrain piece Mike was after and so I was able to keep him
from claiming it.
Sadly the tournament only had 1.5 hour games and it was dice down when
time was called which left me frustratingly 1 Goblin off Breaking my opponent.
Oh well. Mike had managed to protect his hero well and so the game ended
with a solid 9 – 3 win to Gondor!

Game 3 – 2 wins saw me reaching the top tables and playing Jasmine, a
member of the infamous “Team Notts” and a certified tournament winner.
Jasmine was also using Minas Tirith and had Aragorn the King on Armoured
Horse, Hurin the Tall on Armoured Horse and around 30 warriors which were a
mixture of Warriors of Minas Tirith and Guard of the Fountain Court.
The scenario was Heirlooms of Ages past.
My Madril and Boromir warbands came on relatively close together to secure
2 objectives. Damrod came on the opposite side of the board so one of his
Knights could dismount to dig up the objective there (it was not the relic).
Meanwhile Jasmine’s warbands had come on the opposite side of the board to

In a risky gamble to deny the objectives near to Jasmine my Knights rushed

over to them to dig them up and hoping they turned out to not be the relic.

By Ruffian with Clubbers

Thankfully my low dice rolling came in handy for once as neither of them
rolled a 6.
There was now 2 objectives left. One in the centre of the board that Boromir
was rapidly bearing down on and the other back behind Boromir protected by
Madril’s warband. Jasmine had been using Aragorn’s free might point to
Heroic March her army rapidly up the board and in a desperate gamble to hold
Aragorn up I charged him (and Hurin) with my last 2 Knights.
Hurin and Aragorn both called a Heroic Combat to reach the centre and whilst
Hurin succeeded in his combat Aragorn with half a dozen men aiding him
could only roll a 5 highest to win the fight (Aragorn himself rolled a 2 highest)
whilst my p-Lucky Knight rolled a 6!!!
This hold up to Jasmine’s army was enough for me to dig up the central
objective (again it was a dud) meaning the objective marker in my area of the
board was the relic which Boromir rushed over to pick up. With Boromir
holding the objective (and a banner as well as being my army leader) there
was nothing for Jasmine to do as my men bravely threw themselves at their
Gondorian counterparts in order to protect their leader.
The game ended with a 8 – 2 victory to me.

Game 4 – The final game saw me play Sean, a mate who I regularly play
against round his house. Sean only picked up the game mid-way through last
year and has since become a decent player with his Rohan.
Sean had Theoden, Gamling (with Banner), Eomer and a load of Riders of
Rohan and Royal Guard / Outriders to go with his mounted heroes. The
scenario was Domination.
The objectives were quite evenly spread out around the board and so I
deployed centrally with my models. Sean split his army with Theoden’s
warband on his right and Eomer with Gamling on the right.
Boromir rushed straight at Theodens warband whilst on the other flank Madril
and my rangers engaged in a shooting war with the rest of Sean’s army.
Frustratingly I was thoroughly outshot by Sean’s Rohan and perhaps buoyed
on by that confidence he sat back to keep pinging arrows at me.
With his horde of might points Boromir finally managed to get into Theoden
and over a couple of turns of combat cut him down.

In the other half of the board Sean finally committed to charging my men and
proceeded to cut through them in a bloody battle for both sides.
By Ruffian with Clubbers

The time was called and I had managed to claim 3 objectives as well as getting
Sean’s leader and breaking him. Sean held the other 2 objectives and so I
came out with a 8 – 4 win.

Results and Lessons Learned: I finished in 2nd Place (there was another player
who had won all their games and he had won his games with more VPs) so it
was another great result for the armies of Gondor!
I really loved using Boromir with the Banner. He provides such a buff to the
army and the points saved on him compared to Aragorn and a Banner allow
you to get much better numbers. This tournament has definitely highlighted
to me why he is my number 1 choice for Minas Tirith armies.
Also Madril is such a great addition to Minas Tirith armies, his cheap 3 might,
vital Heroic Actions (March and Accuracy) and amazing deployment special
rule are just too good not to use in your army.

Tournament 3
Location: Firestorm Games in Cardiff

Format: 7 Games randomly drawn from the 12 in the rulebook. 52 players

each who either had a single 450 point army OR a 450 point Good and Evil
army (no army building restrictions).

Army List:


- [Army Leader] Ingold

By Ruffian with Clubbers

- 5 Warriors of Minas Tirith (Shields)

- 4 Rangers of Gondor (Spears)

- 1 Warrior of Minas Tirith (Shield, Spear, Banner)

- 2 Knights of Minas Tirith (2 Shields)


- Madril

- 5 Warriors of Minas Tirith (Shields)

- 4 Rangers of Gondor (Spears)

- 1 Citadel Guard

- 2 Knights of Minas Tirith (2 Shields)


- Beregond (Horse)

- 2 Warriors of Minas Tirith (Shields)

- 2 Rangers of Gondor (Spears)

- 1 Guard of the Fountain Court

Army List Key Points: 32 Models, 7 Might, 12 Bows, Cavalry for Speed,
Defence 6/7 Frontline, Good Courage.

Army List Discussion: In my eyes this army was as solid as they come. It had
great numbers for the points level, and enough speed and shooting to make it
very well balanced. Ingold would give me a leader who is hard to wound / kill
(as his Shieldwall rule will make him Defence 8 and he can call a Heroic
Defence) plus he can Heroic Strike if needed.

The Games:

N.B As mentioned above players had the option to bring 2 armies to

guarantee they always play Good vs Evil games. As I am a fan of Good vs Evil

By Ruffian with Clubbers

as it better represents Tolkien’s works (in my opinion) I decided to bring 2

My other army was a Mordor army but as this is a blog about Gondor, I will
gloss over those games here. For those interested the Mordor list was The
Mouth of Sauron (on Armoured Horse), a Ringwraith (2 Might, 8 Will, 2 Fate),
13 Black Numenorians, 2 Morgul Knights and 12 Moranon Orcs (Shields,
Spears and a Banner).

Game 1 – First up was Will who had the Balrog, a Gundabad Shaman and a
Batswarm (this meant I used my Good army as Will only had an Evil army with
him). Will regularly wins GBHL tournaments but had come to the event just to
enjoy himself. That being said his army (aka the Balrog) could still cause me
problems in certain scenarios. Thankfully the scenario rolled for was Capture &
My troops were quickly able to grab all the objectives and take down the
Shaman and the Batswarm. At this point I was fully prepared to throw my men
at the Balrog in order to hold him up. Unfortunately the game ended right
away when we rolled for it and so I earned myself a 11-0 win as I had got all 5
objectives and broken Will’s army.
As we had time on our hands we played on for fun and the Balrog ripped
Ingold apart before my men dragged the Balrog down over the course of 4
turns (Poor Will couldn’t roll a 6 to win any of the fights!)

Game 2 – Game 2 was using my Mordor army. I won 9 – 0.

Game 3 – Game 3 was using my Mordor army. I lost 9-0.

Game 4 – The final game was against a good mate of mine who also has the
great name of David. Dave had also brought a Good and Evil army with him so
we rolled off and I ended up using my Gondor army against Dave’s amazingly
themed and incredibly painted Uruk Hai Scouts.
Dave had Lurtz, Ugluk and a Scout Captain with about 30 Uruk-Hai Scouts
(including 8 with bows).
The scenario was A Clash By Moonlight.

By Ruffian with Clubbers

The board we were playing on had a horrible choke point in the middle

consisting of a group of buildings and walls.

Dave picked the better board edge and proceeded up to the choke point,
getting behind the walls. In the shooting Lurtz and the Uruks with bows
managed to outshoot my Rangers. Worst they had even gone through some in
the ways to kill Madril! Thankfully Madril had used a Might point to shoot
down the Uruk Hair Captain before he went down.
With my army in danger of being shot to death and with no way of beating
Dave’s carefully placed Uruk’s in combat behind their barriers in the choke
point I pulled back. Sensing blood (or more likely seeing my poor dice rolls) the
Uruks advanced on my army. Genuinely the game was in Dave’s hands now
and the frown on my face at my dice probably wasn’t the most sporting thing
to do (sorry again Dave mate!) but what happened next was nothing short of
an SBG miracle as my dice decided that trying to roll zeroes was boring and
tried to roll sevens instead. In a few turns of combat Dave’s army was Broken
whilst mine was still a few models off giving me a very undeserved 6-1 win.

Game 5 – The first game of the second day I played with my Evil army and
won 9 – 0.

Game 6 – Game 6 pitted my Minas Tirith army against (another) David and his
Harad army which consisted of Suladan (with Bow on Armoured Horse), a
Chieftain (with Bow and Warspear on a Horse), 4 Serpent Riders and an
assortment of Abhrakan Merchant Guard, Watchers of Karna and Haradrim
Warriors (half with bows) totalling 32 models.
Dave is a very good player who has won numerous GBHL tournaments before
and usually I come away from playing him with a bloody nose (well my models
do anyway!).
The scenario was seize the prize. Our board had one edge with a clear route to
the prize and another with a large building blocking the way. Winning the roll
off I picked the board edge with the clear rout. I won priority turn 1 and Madril
called a Heroic March. Across the board Suladan called a Heroic March also.
My cavalry rushed forward to form a screen around the prize whilst one of
them dismounted and luckily managed to dig up the prize on the first attempt.

By Ruffian with Clubbers

Dave’s Harad rushed up the board to meet my army but I had left some
archers behind who shot down Suladan’s horse.

The second turn saw Dave win the Heroic move roll off and his cavalry
desperately charged in to try and pin my dismounted knight who had the
prize. Unfortunately for him I was able to get Madril and Ingold onto his raider
who had charged my model with the prize. Madril called a Heroic Combat and
Ingold called a Heroic Strike (to guarantee me the higher Fight Skill) which
allowed me to pass the prize onto Ingold and slingshot him away from Dave’s
approaching warriors. Because of how a few 50 / 50 dice rolls can cause
situations like this in Seize the Prize I have never been a fan of the scenario (it
has cost me a tournament win before) and I did feel bad for my opponent.
However this was a top table game with the winner being in with a shout of
coming in the top 3 and I know not only that Dave would have played it the
same way against me and I don’t think either of us would want anything
different in a competitive match up.
Ingold carrying the prize off the board gave me a 7-0 win.

Game 7 – The last game of the tournament saw me using my Mordor army
against the same opponent I played in Game 3. Suffice to say Glorfindel, Cirion
and High Elves are the antithesis of my Mordor army and I lost 12-0….

Results and Lessons Learned: Well with 5 wins out of 7 I finished a

respectable 12th place out of 52 players (a win in the final game would have got
me 3rd place). But more importantly for this blog my Minas Tirith army was
undefeated in its 3 games!
Ingold is a great hero that is tough to kill and brings you a great army leader at
low level points. I was originally considering Denethor for my list to give me
more numbers but I think now that Ingold was the much better choice and
probably is always at low points I would say. Madril had once again proved
himself a must have for any Minas Tirith army.
Overall now I had played 11 tournament games with Minas Tirith and had only
lost 1 game out of those 11! Minas Tirith really have become great, their army
bonus combined with their wide variety of heroes that suit all sizes and
multitude of warrior choices make them competitive at any points level.

By Ruffian with Clubbers

Well that is it for now, I will update the article when I’ve been to a few more
tournaments and Gondor at War is out now which will make things even more


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