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2023 - 2024 Academic Year


EPSU010 Course Description

Prepared by the Syllabus Unit

FLEPS – UB1 Course Description 1

2023 - 2024 Academic Year
COURSE TITLE: English Preparatory School EPSU010 Course
COURSE TYPE: Academic English Course
DURATION OF One Semester
OFFICE HOURS: To be announced in class by your instructors


 EPS UB1 aims to help you improve your reading, listening, speaking and writing skills, learning
strategies and life skills through inside and outside class activities.
 In this course which is +/- 15 weeks of regular classes you have Departmental Project (DP)
lessons, too. DP involves excursions (outside class) as well as follow up lessons in class.
Every week you have 20-24 hours of lessons in class.

In EPS UB1, course there are two modules. Each module is about 7 weeks. Upon successful
completion of this course, you will achieve the following objectives:

Writing Primary Objective: Can write a simple composition in response to a specific


Module 1: Module 2:
Writing: 230-250 words Writing: minimum 250 words

Speaking Primary Objective: Can give clear, detailed opinions, presentation and initiate,
maintain and close conversations on topics that are familiar of personal interest or related to
everyday life, expanding and supporting ideas with relevant examples.

Module 1: Module 2:

Spoken Interaction: min. 3,5 minutes Spoken Interaction: min. 3,5 minutes
Spoken Production: min. 3,5 minutes Spoken Production: min. 3,5 minutes
Oral presentation: min. 6 minutes Oral presentation: min. 6 minutes

FLEPS – UB1 Course Description 2

2023 - 2024 Academic Year


At the beginning of the semester you can collect all of your books from the EMU Deniz Shop. Your
course books are:
 Highnote 4
 Oxford Word Skills Intermediate
 Skillful 2

 Macmillan English Campus MEC

PROJECT: DP (Departmental Project Task(s)

This includes visits to your departments and excursions as well as follow-up lessons in class
Here are some characteristics of a DP

 It involves a goal that would be difficult to accomplish alone.

 The roles that you take on to solve the problem are interdependent.
 There are multiple interpretations on solving social problems.
 It includes an element of discovery and curiosity.
 It connects to a piece of literature.
 It needs to be rigorous.
 The expectations for a presentation are set higher than a project that you would solve alone
 The end product must be something more rigorous than drawing a picture and making a
 You should explore and synthesize unfamiliar sources (for example, as if preparing for a
 You should understand the content deeply enough that you’re able to present it.

Periodic check-ins: You will be given certain deadlines to complete after each task/ visit before
moving to the next task.
Exams: There are two exams, one exam in each module and they include Listening, Reading,
Writing and Speaking.

FLEPS – UB1 Course Description 3

2023 - 2024 Academic Year


Learning in &
Learning in & outside class
outside class

Proficiency Portfolio Work Portfolio Work (on-going

Stage II (on-going self & self & teachers’ assessment,
teachers’  Departmental Project Exam

fail Progress
assessment, Test Process
 Departmental  End-of-Semester
Project Process Presentation
 Writing  Writing Assignments
Assignments MEC
MEC Teacher Incentive

FLEPS – UB1 Course Description 4

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