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junior ankles walking crutches are able to injury

pain painful weak while still Christmas Thank

goodness shame
tournament another chance diner hear heard
clouds on cloud nine
get finally own jokes funeral late for — own
funeral famous autograph
Go ahead here it is was not able to talk / will be able to take
/ will be able to go / am able to read / was not able to open
another / other / other / another / another / other listen
/ hear / heard / hear — is listening / Listen — hear / heard — listen
1. c 2. e 3. a 4. f 5. d Last week as I fell and hit my knee on the ground / i'd
like to meet johnny depp because do i think he's an amazing actor / When I went to the ice cream maker and ate my
favorite ice cream flavor
"Are you able to drive a car?" / "Yes I'm able to drive" Did your family give you a camcorder ? / Yeah, i'm
own cloud nine Which famous person would you like to have the autograph? / Taylor Swift Obvious Do
you like telling jokes? / Yes I like it very much
d. b. d. a.
When he slipped and another guy came to help and was a famous basketball player / That he found a famous
basketball player / i'd like to meet scarlet johnson because i think she's a great actress
My arm is still weak, I can't write / I'm cloud nine my new school is perfect
It's a shame you can't dance today / I heard you got a new vídeo games, is that true? Yes it

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