Weatherwars 01

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July 28th 2005

Atmospheric scalar and gravity waves and other manufactured cloud geometry.

23 July
2005 2216Z The Grand Canyon 23 July 2005 2130Z West Texas

An established circle with what looks like a Peace sign developing within the circle's
boundary; the chances of this happening naturally over the terrain of northern Arizona,
Zero. A much larger formation growing over west Texas where at the periphery of the
circle the storms are fed enough energy to form but still within small squares that seem to
be the injection or withdrawal point for thunderstorm development.
23 July 2005 2115Z East Central Missouri A large storm complex growing itself by
threading another series of boxes, squares/cubes, out to the southeast the direction of
propagation. Two anchoring holes are arrowed to the west where the next in the series of
thunderstorms will be spun-up. Inflow to the eastern edge of the storm is accentuated by
the rippling as noted by the eastern most arrow.
23 July 2005 2045Z Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma

Thirty minutes earlier than the image illustrated above. This pair of storm complex's will
eventually develop a squall line between themselves. Notice all the small pairs of holes
that will guide the development and movement of the storms through this day.

03 July 2005 2003Z The Carolinas Large and unmistakable holes punctuate the skies
over the Carolinas this Sunday afternoon. Where these holes form, their intensity and the
associated weather they bring are of intense interest of the contrail marker planes. You
can hear them flying overhead during the storms keeping tabs on the intensity of the
23 July 2005 New Mexico

Just as the scalar technology began its deployment by the Soviets in the early to mid
1960's the first weather satellites came on line providing our first ;low resolution views of
our daily weather from orbit. This has left a span of very little time to examine 'natural
weather' via satellite imagery prior to contamination by this scalar weapons platform.
What is interesting is that many of the images that are still up for public consumption
show patterns, shapes, textures that are every bit as unusual as what we see today. But
still very much different that what is seen today.
07 May 2005 2315Z West Central Indiana A row of struggling thunderstorms with the
waffle pattern of developing cubes across the top of the clouds. Spin-up holes are
arrowed and obvious along the western flank. Larger holes are stacked N/S with the
bottom one between the two rows of storms.
24 July 2005 New Mexico Is this just obvious to me; or is it that a whole community of
scientists are so caught-up in their own projects and views of how they think weather
works, that examining the big picture is lost? The manipulation remains hidden in plane
sight. I ask what weather event will have to happen to make the sleeping masses question
the health of our climate and weather machinery?
23 July 2005 1332Z Minnesota and eastern Dakotas Three severe thunderstorm
warnings are in effect at the time of this image as evidenced by the white boxes and the
valid times listed. I count four and possible five sets of holes with the attendant rippling
radiating out from the severe cells. This rippling is then bounded by radial sets of lines of
which a few are arrowed.
23 July 2005 1845Z Off the Carolina Coast

A portion of the a western feeder band of Tropical Storm Franklin displaying some funky
geometry while over the open Atlantic waters.

23 July 2005 2145Z The Florida Peninsula, The Bahamas...

... and Tropical Storm Franklin located just off to the east. The contrail marker program
has taken many planes from the States and Canada and redeployed them to work the
tropics during this record breaking start to the tropical storm season. Notice the numerous
contrail/chemtrail lines marked in the upper right portion of the image. Starkly different
imprints in the clouds over the Bahamas with the northern one rounded and arrowed,
while the southern one is a nice square formation. Other oddities are arrowed across
Florida... Note the symmetry with a cloud hole and a matched round cloud arrowed in the
upper center of the image.
24 July 2005 1815Z West Virginia Holes punched though the cloud cover litter the
24 July 2005 1945Z Louisiana More holes anchor square thunderstorm development in
the humid summertime tropical environment of the Deep South.
24 July 2005 2233Z An impressive rectangular opening across Lake Erie, Ohio and parts
of northwestern Pennsylvania.

There simply is no natural weather left!

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