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Department of Biomedical Engineering

Riphah College of Science & Technology Faculty of

Engineering & Applied Sciences Riphah International
University, Lahore.

Subject signal & system

Project title

Echocardiography signal purification & applying Fourier

transform on echo waveform

Project Members

 Hamza Hafeez (42300)

 Zafair Naveed (39082)
 Ahmad Farooq (35079)
 Aliza Ashgfaq (37874)
 Syeda Zahra (34146)
Submitted To: Engr.Sitara Khan
Table of Contents:

S. No. Contents of Topic


2. Statement of Purpose

3. Introduction

4. Principle of Working

5. What is Echocardiographic Signal Purification?

6. Fourier Transform of an Echo Waveform

7. Source code implementation at MatLab software

8. Output results

9. Conclusion

Echocardiographic Signal Purification and Applying Fourier transform on Echo waveform

Statement of Purpose:

The purpose of echocardiography is to look at heart problems by indicating how blood

moves through the heart chambers and heart valves to detect early structural valve deterioration
in biological valves to improve the timing of redo interventions.


Echocardiography is a non-invasive medical imaging technique that uses ultrasound to

visualize the heart and its surrounding structures.
It has become an essential tool in biomedical engineering due to its wide range of applications and
ability to provide detailed information about the heart's function and structure.

Principle of Working:

Echocardiography works by emitting high-frequency sound waves that bounce off the heart
and surrounding tissues. These waves are then detected by a transducer and converted into images,
which can be analyzed by a trained technician or physician. The principles behind
echocardiography involve understanding the physics of sound waves, as well as the anatomy and
physiology of the heart.

What is Echocardiographic Signal Purification?

• Echocardiographic signal purification is a process used to remove noise and artifacts

from ultrasound signals obtained during echocardiography.
• This is important because the accuracy of diagnosis depends on the quality of the signal.
By purifying the signal, clinicians can obtain a clearer image of the heart and identify any
abnormalities that may be present.
• The process of echocardiographic signal purification involves several steps, including
filtering, smoothing, and interpolation.
• Filtering removes unwanted noise from the signal, while smoothing helps to reduce any
irregularities in the signal.
• Interpolation is used to fill in any gaps in the signal that may have been caused by noise
or other factors.
Fourier Transform of an Echo Waveform

• The Fourier transform is a mathematical tool used to transform a signal from its time
domain representation to its frequency domain representation.
• In echocardiography, this means that we can analyze the various frequencies present in
the echo waveform to identify and remove unwanted noise and artifacts, resulting in a
clearer and more accurate image.
• To apply the Fourier transform in echocardiography, we first record the echo waveform
using an ultrasound machine.
• We then use software to perform the Fourier transform on the recorded signal, which
separates the signal into its individual frequency components.
• By analyzing these components, we can identify any unwanted noise or artifacts and
remove them from the signal.
• The result is a purified signal that provides a clearer and more accurate image of the

Source Code:

% Purify the echo

clear All;
% Load the audio file
Eco = 'Echocardiography.mp3'; %
[y, fs] = audioread(Eco);
% Extract the audio channel (if
stereo) if size(y, 2) > 1
y = y(:, 1); % Use only the first channel
% Echo parameters delay = 0.2; %
Echo delay in seconds attenuation =
0.6; % Echo attenuation factor %
Calculate the number of samples to
delay delaySamples = round(delay *
% Create an array for the echoed audio
waveform echoedAudio = zeros(size(y)); %
Apply echo effect
echoedAudio(delaySamples+1:end) = y(1:end-delaySamples) * attenuation;
% Subtract the echoed audio from the original
audio purifiedAudio = y - echoedAudio; %
Normalize the purified audio waveform
purifiedAudio = purifiedAudio /
max(abs(purifiedAudio)); % Plot the original and
purified audio waveforms
t = (0:length(y)-1) / fs;
subplot(2,1,1); plot(t,
purifiedAudio); xlabel('Time
(s)'); ylabel('Amplitude');
title('Original Audio
grid on; subplot(2,1,2);
plot(t, y); xlabel('Time (s)');
title('Purified Audio
Waveform'); grid on;

• In conclusion, echocardiographic signal purification and Fourier transform are crucial in

accurately diagnosing heart conditions.
• By removing noise and artifacts from the signal, we can improve the quality of the data
and make more accurate diagnoses.
• The Fourier transform allows us to analyze the signal in greater detail, providing valuable
information for tissue characterization and strain imaging.
• As medical professionals, it is important for us to stay up-to-date on the latest
advancements in diagnostic technology.
• By learning more about echocardiographic signal purification and Fourier transform, we
can better serve our patients and improve their outcomes.

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