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Ethics, Medicine and Public Health 27 (2023) 100880

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A comparative study of surrogacy rights in

Iran and European countries, a review
F. Ghodrati ∗

Department of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law, Hazrat-e-Masoumeh University, Qom, Iran

Received 14 October 2022; accepted 27 February 2023

Available online 22 March 2023

Comparative law; Background. — Surrogacy is a type of medically assisted reproduction (MAP) and is a solution to
European Countries; help infertile couples that requires legislation and detailed legal discussions. To comparatively
Infertility; investigate the surrogacy rights in Iran and European countries in a review article.
Iran; Methodology. — This review article was conducted from April to August 2021 to compara-
Surrogacy; tively investigate the rights of surrogacy in Iran and European countries. Studies published by
Surrogate Mother researchers between 1970-2021 were searched for in PubMed, Science Direct, Google scholar,
Magiran, SID, Iranmedex and other jurisprudential texts using the key words of ‘‘surrogacy, Iran,
European countries, and infertility’’.
Results. — This article analyzed the legal perspective and types of legislation in thirteen
European countries, twelve in the European Union (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece,
Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Lithuania, Czech Republic and Portugal) and three out of it
(Britain, Ukraine and Russia). Among Islamic countries, pregnancy and commercial surrogacy
are carried out in Iran with the permission of Shia authorities, while no legal mechanism is
passed in the civil law.
Conclusion. — It is possible to support surrogate mothers when there are comprehensive laws
approved by the legislators and jurists. Also, the conditions and effects of these agreements
are clearly defined to guarantee women’s dignity and destiny and children’s rights and health
after birth.
© 2023 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

∗ Correspondence. Al-Ghadir Boulevard - in front of Yadegar Imam Stadium - Hazrat—e-Masoumeh University, Qom, Iran.
E-mail address: fatimaarta22@chmail.ir

2352-5525/© 2023 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
F. Ghodrati

Introduction parents. If the intended father’s sperm is used in insem-

ination, the resulting child is genetically related to the
Infertility as an individual and social problem affects the intended father and the surrogate [11]. According to
couple’s life and family functioning, leading to mental jurisprudence, artificial insemination is either homol-
stress and various mental disorders in couples. Infertility ogous or heterologous. Regarding the jurisprudential
can affect work relationships and sexual skills of couples, examination of homologous artificial insemination (the
and as a serious medical problem, it can have devastating husband’s sperm is inseminated into his wife using assisted
effects on quality of life. Evidence shows that infertility is a reproduction techniques), some Shia jurists did not con-
painful experience and causes anger, poor economic status, sider this practice permissible [12], but the majority of
divorce and general isolation, loss of social status, priva- jurists consider it permissible. The reason for the per-
tion, despair, and violence [1—3]. According to the reports missibility of this type of fertilization is that the zygote
of the World Health Organization, the highest rate of infer- is made of the couple’s sperm and egg, only an unusual
tility is in some regions of Central Africa, where it may reach method of fertilization [13—15]. Jurisprudential exam-
50%, while it is 20% in the Eastern Mediterranean region and ination of heterologous artificial insemination (enough
11% in developed countries [4]. Since the birth of a baby in sperm of another man is obtained through a permissi-
Iran has a great social, cultural and religious importance, ble method and transferred to the woman’s uterus after
infertility seems to be a bigger problem and it raises the washing and discarding the excess) suggested that the use
need for more investigations in different provinces of the of this method has few supporters (Ayatollah Khamenei
country [5]. A meta-analysis study on the causes of infertil- and Seyyed Mohammad Mousavi Bojnordi) [16] and many
ity among patients referred to different infertility clinics in opposers [17—20]. Traditional surrogate has a very long
Iran showed that 34% of infertility problems are caused by history, it was done around 2000 years before Christ,
male factors, 43.5% by female factors, 17% by both female which is mentioned in the Holy Quran of Muslims and
and male causes, and 1.8% has no specific cause [6]. Medi- the holy book of Christians where Sarah was the wife of
cally assisted reproduction (MAP) is deeply rooted in modern prophet Abraham and was sterile and unable to have chil-
society and is constantly growing. A wide range of methods dren. Hajar was a servant of Sarah who wanted to bear a
are available to help infertile couples, including in vitro fer- child for Abraham [21].
tilization (IVF), assisted reproductive technology (ART), and
embryo transfer (ET) [7,8]. Surrogate uterus is one of the The types of surrogacies include commercial surrogacy
new methods of fertility assistance and its use is an optional (or compensation contracts for agreed amounts of money),
solution to have a child, which has attracted the interest of humanitarian or altruistic (mostly friends and relatives), or
many infertile couples. an unpaid contract. Surrogate pregnancy is currently the
The contract revolves around three axes, the surrogate subject of many disputes and even in some European coun-
mother carrying the pregnancy and the owner of the womb, tries its use has some legal prohibitions [22]. Many issues
the infertile couple (Commissioning couple, legal parents) regarding surrogacy remain unresolved, with considerable
and the Surrogate contract. It can be done in several differ- disagreement within the medical profession, the medical
ent ways. ethics community, state legislatures, courts, and the general
• Host or full gestational surrogacy: the embryo of an public. There are those who believe that surrogacy should
infertile couple is fertilized using in vitro fertilization be allowed because it benefits all parties; that its prohi-
(IVF) and then transferred to a surrogate mother. In this bition limits the independence of infertile couples. On the
situation, there is no genetic and developmental depen- other hand, there are those who instead believe that its
dence through the egg or the surrogate mother (the egg risks outweigh the benefits [23]. The supporters of surrogacy
and sperm are taken from a registered couple). mostly argue based on the freedom of contracts, protection
• Partial gestational surrogacy: in this method, the sperm of children’s rights, and diversity of sexual freedom. The
belongs to the infertile couple, but the egg belongs to the opposers want to stop the exploitation of women and the
surrogate mother, and after fertilization in the laboratory, violation of the dignity of women and children. Supporters
the produced embryo is transferred to the womb of the of women’s rights criticize this method and consider it a
surrogate mother. In this situation, the surrogate mother form of exploitation of women. Commercial surrogacy has
is called the biological/genetic mother. Gestational surro- become a highly controversial issue that has led to heated
gacy can have several modes. The embryo is created using debates in the feminist literature, especially when surro-
the father’s sperm and the mother’s egg, or the father’s gacy is performed in developing countries and when it is
sperm and a donor’s egg, or the mother’s egg and a donor’s performed by local women for wealthy international indi-
sperm. Sometimes a donor embryo is transferred to a sur- viduals. Statistics show that most women willing to do so
rogate mother. Such embryos may be available when other are in financial need (there are few cases where this is
women are undergoing IVF and have leftover embryos to done based on humanitarian motives) [24,25]. In Islamic
donate to others. The born child is not genetically related jurisprudence, there are also differences between Shia and
to the intended parents [9,10]. Sunni Islamic scholars in this field. The famous contem-
• Traditional surrogacy (also known as partial, natural or porary jurists of Imamiya, including Ayatollah Khamenei,
direct surrogacy) is where the surrogate’s egg is fertilized Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, and Ayatollah Khoei, issued sim-
by the father’s or donor’s sperm. Alternative fertilization ilar rulings on the performance of surrogacy contracts and
can be through sexual intercourse (natural insemination) they do not differ much. Only a few jurists, including Aya-
or artificial insemination. Using donor sperm results in tollah Tabrizi and Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani, have ruled
a child that is not genetically related to the intended against it. According to Sunni jurists, renting the uterus

Ethics, Medicine and Public Health 27 (2023) 100880

of another woman is one of the western innovations and The first group: legality of surrogacy in all its
is against moral standards. The Ahl al-Sunna Islamic Fiqh forms (gestational, commercial and
Council has made it haram or prohibited [26]. According to international surrogacies) according to the
Sunni scholars, the Islamic Jurisprudence Assembly of the
Organization of the Islamic Cooperation in its sixth meet-
conditions of each country
ing in 1410 AH, as well as the Assembly of International
The countries in this group are Russia, Ukraine, Greece, UK
Islamic Fiqh Academy in Mecca in 1404 AH, prohibited all
and Iran.
methods of artificial insemination with the intervention of a
third person, including surrogacy (without marriage with the
man). Therefore, Iranian Sunni scholars also do not consider Russia
this method permissible [27]. Examining the current legal The first surrogacy program in Russia was successfully
situation regarding surrogacy, there is no codified legal reg- implemented in 1995 in one of the country’s IVF centers.
ulation in many advanced democracies, which puts the rights Gestational and commercial surrogacy are legal in Russia
of future children and parents at risk. This study examined and available to all adults who wish to become parents and
the laws that currently exist in fourteen European coun- have medical problems or repeated IVF failure despite high-
tries in the EU (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, the quality embryos [28]. Even on August 5, 2009, a court in St.
Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Lithuania, the Republic of Petersburg registered a single mother as the mother of her
Czech Republic and Portugal) and out of it (UK, Ukraine and surrogate son. Also, on August 4, 2010, the Moscow court
Russia), and compared their legal frameworks with that of allowed a single man who applied for surrogacy (using a
Iran. donated egg) to be registered as the only parent of his son,
the name of the surrogate mother was not mentioned in
the birth certificate. The father was listed as the only par-
Method ent [29]. On March 19, 2021, a draft law was presented that
would restrict the surrogacy industry with a special emphasis
This review article was conducted from April to August 1401
on outlawing their use by foreigners and same-sex couples.
to investigate the comparative law of surrogacy in Iran and
Due to relatively low cost of surrogacy procedure, Russian
European countries. In this review article, the studies pub-
surrogacy is in high demand worldwide. According to the
lished by researchers from 1970 to 2021 in the databases
Economist, ‘‘nine months of pregnancy plus delivery can be
of Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, Google scholar, Magi-
bought for about $20,000’’ [30]. Liberal laws make the coun-
ran, SID, and Iranmedex, as well as other jurisprudential
try attractive to ‘‘reproductive tourists’’ who seek surrogacy
texts were searched using the key words of ‘‘surrogacy,
techniques not available in their home countries. Of course,
Iran, and European countries’’. This review study examined
there is always the concern that the surrogate may keep the
31 articles extracted from 49 articles about infertility and
baby, but there are some countries (e.g. Armenia, Belarus,
surrogacy in Iran and European countries (Fig. 1). For data
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, and Russia) in which there
collection, at first the articles that had one of the above
is no such problem anymore, because surrogate’s consent is
keywords alone or in combination in the title or text were
not necessary to register the parents in the baby’s file. If
selected. Based on the inclusion criteria, abstracts of the
the birth takes place in a surrogacy program in Russia, the
articles published in Persian and English were studied. After
ordering parents will receive a Russian birth certificate with
excluding articles that did not meet the inclusion criteria,
both parents’ names, as if the intended mother had given
the full text of all eligible articles was studied. Then, their
birth herself. The surrogate mother’s name is never men-
results were extracted according to the investigated factor
tioned. The genetic relationship to the child (if donated)
and provided to another researcher to review and correct.
is not important, there is no requirement that the child be
Overall, out of 46 articles, 31 articles were selected and
genetically related to at least one of the ordering parents.
No adoption required. To transfer a child to their country,
the intended parents need to know whether their country
Findings has signed the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961 or not.
It is obvious that surrogacy has made a lot of progress com- Therefore, it is necessary to consult with a lawyer special-
pared to before the end of the 20th century and today it izing in reproductive and family law so that parents do not
is progressing rapidly with a combination of different meth- have any problems in obtaining national documents for their
ods. The various types of surrogacies available also help to children at the consulate [31].
complete the family and parents who intend to have chil-
dren. More codified laws are being developed for surrogate Ukraine
women who change the lives of others forever. The legality Surrogacy in Ukraine is legal in all its forms. Surrogacy is
of surrogacy varies around the world. Many countries do not officially regulated by Article 123 of the Law. The order
have laws that specifically address surrogacy. Some coun- of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine regarding ‘‘Request
tries ban surrogacy entirely, while others ban commercial for Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Ukraine’’ was
surrogacy but allow reproductive surrogacy (where the sur- approved on September 9, 2013 with number 787 [32].
rogate is not financially compensated). Some countries allow Ukraine is fast becoming a ‘‘promised land’’ of commercial
commercial surrogacy with few restrictions. Some jurisdic- surrogacy, while other countries have banned or severely
tions have extended the ban on surrogacy to international restricted the practice. Ukrainian law allows the intended
surrogacy. parents to carry out the surrogacy program and their names

F. Ghodrati

Figure 1. Process of literature review Surrogate uterus.

are registered on the birth certificate from the very begin- The optimal way is for all countries to accept that ART
ning. The child is considered legally ‘‘belonging’’ to the technology is a treatment method. European countries, in
future parents from the moment of conception. The sur- cases where surrogate mother is prohibited, should freely
rogate’s name is never mentioned in the birth certificate, recognize the rights of the parents of people who use the
and the surrogate cannot keep the child after the birth, surrogate mother method in other countries and the rights
even if there is a donation program and no biological rela- of their babies to obtain the citizenship of their parents [33].
tionship between the child and the intended mother, their
name will be in the birth certificate (paragraph 3, Article
123 of the Family Law of Ukraine). Ukraine has the freest Republic of Greece
law in Europe and many foreigners turn to Ukraine to use Surrogacy was legalized in the Hellenic Republic in 2002
surrogacy because of prohibitions in their domestic laws, and is regulated by the Greek Civil Code and the Assisted
but subsequently some face legal problems when crossing Reproductive Law. Under Law 3305-2005 (‘‘Medical assisted
the border with the baby. In addition, there are several dif- reproduction’’), surrogacy is legal in Greece, and it is one
ficulties in obtaining citizenship for a child in the country of the few countries in the world that provides legal pro-
of his parents, and it may lead to the initiation of crimi- tection to the intended parents. In 2014, foreigners also
nal proceedings in Ukraine and other countries. Therefore, gained the right to use surrogacy in Athens and other Greek
the existing legal basis in Ukraine is not sufficient in this cities. There is a law for heterosexual or unmarried parents
regard, and mainly due to the lack of unified rules on inter- who must prove their inability to get pregnant medically
national legal relations, it may create problems for genetic and not be more than 50 years old. The surrogate mother
parents. must also be tested for medical and psychological fitness.

Ethics, Medicine and Public Health 27 (2023) 100880

Greek laws have created conditions for using a surrogate: biological parents only pay the ongoing expenses of the sur-
(i) Relatives and friends of genetic parents cannot donate rogate mother, which is estimated at approximately $50,000
eggs/sperm; (ii) Parents do not have the opportunity to including prescriptions. There are no restrictions for UK citi-
choose the sex of the embryo; (iii) The law prohibits discard- zens. Couples in any family status including legal marriage or
ing unused embryos. They are stored for a certain period, partnership can participate in the fertility program using a
after which they are used for research purposes or trans- surrogate. The only strict requirement is British citizenship.
ferred to patients who need them; (iv) Also, for the legal Foreigners cannot benefit from private surrogacy in the UK
surrogacy, permission from the court is required, confirm- [37,39]. A surrogate mother has the legal right to keep the
ing that the person or the couple requesting can have the child for herself after birth, even if they are not genetically
child. On the contrary, in UK, the permission of the court related. Unless a parental order or an adoption order has
is required to provide the conditions before the operation been issued to the parents, otherwise the surrogate mother
of surrogacy, and the agreement of the parties is impor- remains the legal mother of the child [40]. This is because
tant, and the delivery of the baby to the applicant after under section 33 of the Human Fertilization and Embryology
birth is with the permission of the court [34]. Greece intro- Act 2008 (HFEA 2008), a ‘mother’ refers to a woman who
duced laws 3089/2002 and 3305/2005 within just two years has carried a child. Furthermore, if the surrogate is married,
and regulated the issues related to medically assisted repro- under section 42 of the HFEA 2008, their partner becomes
duction. The first law, 3089/2002, resolved the fundamental the other legal parent, unless it is proven that he did not
questions about ‘‘medically assisted procreation’’ and reg- consent to the insemination of his wife’s surrogate [41].
ulated the resulting consequences for the institutions of
kinship and inheritance. The second law 3305/2005 pro-
vided solutions for the issues related to the preconditions for
the use of medical assisted reproductive methods, insurance Surrogacy (pregnancy, commercial, and altruistic) is legal
coverage, and the establishment and operation of medically and common in Iran, and the agreed money that the
assisted fertility clinics and cryopreservation banks. Finally, surrogate mother receives has been allowed by religious
Law 3305/2005 not only provides for the establishment of an authorities, and many couples from the Middle East use sur-
independent national administrative authority with jurisdic- rogacy in Iran because of legal ease [42,43].
tion over biological law, but also provides for criminal and Of course, there is no specific law regarding surrogacy
administrative penalties in case of violation of its provisions in Iran, but in 2003, a law regarding embryo donation was
[35,36]. approved in the Islamic Council of Iran, and it was confirmed
by the Guardian Council in 2003 which can be used for sur-
rogacy, too. Regarding surrogacy contracts, they are made
United Kingdom based on Articles 10 and 512 of the Civil Code, in the form of
The foundation of the current surrogacy law in the UK was a lease contract or otherwise stipulating that private con-
laid in 1985, then completed and implemented by the Fer- tracts for those who have concluded them, in case of no
tility and Embryology Act 1990 and 2008 [23,37]. In October explicit opposition to the law, are viable and enforceable.
2019, the Law Commission of England and Wales and the Currently, there are about 70 infertility clinics across the
Law Commission of Scotland set up an independent body to country that perform surrogacy. Meanwhile, two infertility
review the surrogacy and pregnancy laws. Then, discussed research and treatment centers in Tehran are among the
the final review report and their proposals in a bill to be con- centers that, in addition to IVF embryo implantation of cou-
sidered in the parliament in 2021 [38]. Altruistic surrogacy is ples to surrogate mothers, provide other services including
legal in the UK. However, commercial surrogacy (according legal advice and medical and psychological screening for
to Article 2 of the 1985 law) has been banned. But with the surrogates. Out of every 100 applicants introduced to the
amendment of the law in 2008, non-profit and private cen- center, 10 to 15 people are rejected after the examination.
ters were allowed to advertise surrogacy at a reasonable Annually, about 2000 babies are born in Tehran alone through
cost. Carrying out surrogate operation with the mother’s surrogacy. The only treatment method that is not used in this
or carrier’s or non-parent’s egg is completely allowed, and center is sperm donation, which has special conditions. In
health regulations must be followed before the operation, addition, this center has an international department, which
and a court order is required to transfer the baby to the does not prohibit providing infertility services to foreign
applicant parents. Individual applicants, subject to condi- couples. Iranian nationals abroad can also have surrogacy
tions, including genetic relationship with the child, singles contracts in this country [43].
and most homosexuals seeking parenthood, provided they )There is a difference of opinion among religious scholars
are resident in the UK, can also use it [38]. The surrogate regarding the use of donated sperm. Some (e.g. Ayatollah
mother cannot receive any fees other than compensation for Khamenei) consider it permissible to use sperm donated
expenses incurred during pregnancy. According to Article 1A by a man other than a woman’s husband for fertility, but
of the 1990 Law, ‘‘the surrogacy agreement is not valid for or most scholars do not consider it permissible. It is obvious
against any of the parties. This means that if the surrogate that in jurisprudence the woman’s husband will not be the
mother does not deliver the baby to the couple according father of the baby. According to Islamic jurisprudence, the
to the agreement or the couple does not pay the agreed legal father of the child (sperm donor) is responsible for
fee, none can seek legal action in this regard. Surrogate all father’s duties such as providing expenses, caring, edu-
pregnancy is performed under the above conditions, while cation, and love for the child and should not fail to fulfill
commercial surrogacy is prohibited. The law allows surro- these duties. Therefore, people should act according to the
gates to provide services on a non-profit basis. The child’s fatwa of their Marja’(.

F. Ghodrati

The second group: the legality of altruistic void’’. The surrogacy raises many ethical questions, espe-
surrogacy, but ban of commercial and cially regarding the commodification of the human body.
Since 1994, any commercial or altruistic surrogacy practices
international surrogacy (taking into account
have been illegal. Agreements related to reproduction or
the conditions in each country) pregnancy by third parties are a criminal offense (accord-
ing to Article 227-12) [50]. Articles 227-12 and 227-13 of the
Countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Czech
Penal Code punish various types of surrogacies with penalties
Republic are in this group.
ranging from 6 months in prison and a fine of 7,500 Euros to
6 years in prison and a fine of 45,000 Euros. However, these
Netherlands provisions do not apply when surrogacy is performed abroad
Altruistic surrogacy is legal in this country, while commer- in a country that allows this procedure [51].
cial surrogacy is prohibited. However, few hospitals provide Due to the legal prohibition in France, the majority of
related services. Services in the country are carried out with French children born from surrogacy are the result of cross-
strict rules and couples travel abroad to seek surrogacy [44]. border practices. Currently, the most important problem is
protecting children born to French parents abroad through
surrogacy after the family returns to their own country [52].
No official law explicitly prohibits altruistic surrogacy,
although it is also hard to access it. Commercial surrogacy
is illegal. There is currently no targeted law [45]. All surrogacy practices (both commercial and altruistic)
are illegal. In 1991, the Fetus Protection Act was passed,
Denmark severely restricting reproductive medicine in Germany. This
law prohibits any medical procedures on German soil that
In 2007, the ‘‘New Artificial Insemination Law’’ was passed, involve illegal actions with the life of newborn human
allowing funding of IVF programs for everyone, regardless beings. According to German civil law, the legal mother is
of orientation and marital status. Despite the liberaliza- always the woman who gave birth to the child. IVF is allowed
tion of laws in the field of reproductive technologies, the in Germany, but only with the applicant’s own eggs. Such
commercial format of surrogacy is prohibited in Denmark. A restrictions in the field of reproductive medicine force Ger-
surrogate mother is only allowed if the surrogate mother is mans to turn to neighboring countries to solve infertility
willing to give her child to a childless couple without finan- problems, where surrogacy and egg donation are allowed
cial compensation. Only a few people can decide to take [53,54].
this step. Because of this, it is almost impossible to find a
surrogate mother in Denmark, so Danes often go to the US,
Mexico or Ukraine in search of a surrogate mother. When Spain
altruistic surrogacy is performed and assisted reproductive According to the law approved on May 26, 2006, all sur-
techniques are not used, the surrogate mother must use her rogacy contracts are void and illegal. Strong debates have
eggs (traditional surrogacy) [46,47]. been raised about the ethical and legal aspects of surrogacy.
There is a common concern about the risks of exploita-
Czech Republic tion of women in relation to commercial surrogacy. At the
same time, it is possible for people who are unable to con-
Currently, there is no law. Surrogacy in its altruistic form ceive to have permission for altruistic surrogacy to become
is considered legal. Commercial surrogacy is considered fathers/mothers. To defend this proposal, they drew an
a crime. But the practice is reported to be on the rise, analogy between altruistic organ donation and altruistic
although legal experts warn that any contract or agreement surrogacy in a way that a couple can gain the ability to con-
in this regard is unenforceable [48]. ceive. Other authors commented that, first, there is no real
analogy between organ donation and altruistic surrogacy.
The third group: includes countries where any Second, if we think seriously about possible regulations for
surrogacy practices that are commercial or altruistic surrogacy, we will find many problems with difficult
altruistic are illegal or impossible solutions [55].

It includes countries such as France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Italy

Portugal, Lithuania and Ireland.
Thirteen years after the adoption of Law No. 40, on February
19, 2004, several judgments were issued by the European
France Court of Human Rights (ECHR), the Italian Constitutional
The first decision on surrogacy is the famous Alma Mater Court, as well as by local courts. Any sale of gametes or
ruling on December 13, 1989, which invalidated potential embryos, as well as surrogacy, is prohibited, and in case of
surrogate mothers, as well as the process of surrogacy. Sur- action, it is accompanied by a prison sentence of between
rogacy was banned again by the Bioethics Act of 1994. By three months and two years. This ban has been confirmed
adding Article 7-16 to the Civil Law (Law No. 653-94), ends by the ruling of the Italian Constitutional Court (No. 272
the surrogate mother problem and confirms the existing of 2017), which states that ‘‘the practice of surrogacy
judicial procedure [49]. ‘‘Any agreement related to repro- unbearably violates the dignity of women and profoundly
duction or pregnancy on behalf of another person is null and undermines human relations’’. However, surrogacy is still

Ethics, Medicine and Public Health 27 (2023) 100880

illegal in France, Spain, and Germany [56,57]. Even in Italy, [66]. Gracias believes Irish surrogacy exists in a legal vacuum
Law n. 40 has imposed several restrictions that are stricter and is governed by weak statutory regulations. However, Ire-
than other European countries [58]. Besides, Zaami et al. land is free to draft laws in line with modern societal views
(2022) stated that when residents of countries where sur- on reproduction. Altruistic arrangements can be a boon to
rogacy is prohibited travel abroad and hire a surrogate, Irish society if mothers and children are supported by pub-
significant legal barriers may also arise. Because some coun- lic education and appropriate legal frameworks [65]. On the
tries recognize the surrogate as the legal parent, others other hand, although the Medical Council of Ireland does
attribute the parentage to the ordering parent. This contra- not approve surrogacy in its current practice guidelines, and
diction can lead to ‘‘conflict of laws’’ and probably family there is currently no specific law regarding surrogacy in Ire-
and citizenship problems will occur for children [59]. On the land. But a contract-based model for surrogacy has been
other hand, in Italy, homosexual couples travel abroad to developed to adjudicate any potential disputes arising from
access surrogacy, in order to have a child. Due to the lack surrogacy arrangements [67].
of genetic connection with the children, the joint sessions
of the Italian Supreme Court have ruled that such children
cannot be legally registered in Italy, because the birth cer- Discussion
tificate issued abroad does not show any genetic connection
between the children and homosexual couples [60]. Surrogacy creates a complex and extensive reproductive
unit - the ‘‘surrogacy triad’’ consisting of the surrogate
Portugal mother, the child, and the intended parents. These compo-
nents are linked by reliable mutual obligations. Among the
Since 2006 (Law No. 32/2006), surrogacy, in any of its forms, countries under review, Ukraine, Russia, and Greece have
has been prohibited in Portuguese law and even criminalized the most liberal laws in the world, which legally allowed
in some cases. However, as of August 22, 2016, surrogacy was commercial, altruistic surrogacy, including for foreigners.
allowed under certain restrictive conditions, provided that Some jurisdictions specifically prohibit only commercial, not
several regulations were met prior to surrogacy. Finally, on altruistic, surrogacy. If a surrogacy contract is prohibited or
August 1, 2017, the regulations entered into force. The Por- invalid in a country, in cases that one of the parties to the
tuguese law on surrogacy does not provide any regulation on contract changes their mind, there will be no recourse. That
the content of the surrogacy contract. However, the clauses is, if the surrogate changes her mind and decides to keep the
in the surrogacy contract are subject to judicial review to child, the intended mother has no claim to the child, even
prevent abuse, and the law is still required to establish some if it is her genetic child. Also, the couple cannot get back
basic rules and restrictions for the parties to comply with. any money they may have paid to the surrogate. If the par-
Otherwise, it is likely that one side will end up dominat- ents change their mind and ultimately do not want the child,
ing the other [61,62]. Currently, the authors believe that the surrogate cannot receive money to compensate for the
the interpretation of this law of surrogacy is very uncer- expenses or the promise of payment, and the legal custody
tain. Although the legal agreement represents an important of the child is given to the surrogate’s mother. Although both
attempt to exercise the right of families who could not have types of surrogacy arrangements are currently carried out
children on their own [63]. in the UK, there is also this notion, that because genetic
surrogacy has the potential to be more psychologically com-
Lithuania plex, it appears that genetic surrogates are more likely to
Surrogacy is illegal in Lithuania and any agreement will be change their minds about giving up the baby to the intended
unenforceable. The Republic of Lithuania (September 14, parents [68,69]. However, surrogates have been reported in
2016, No. XII-2608) declared all surrogacy contracts null and Britain mainly tend to help childless couples with altruistic
void. In addition, the Lithuanian Parliament (Simas) recently motivations [70,71].
issued a resolution condemning surrogacy [64]. In Iran, commercial surrogacy is done according to the
permission of legal and religious authorities, but due to
the lack of codified law and lack of adequate and accurate
Ireland monitoring and supervision of the performance of medical
Surrogacy is relatively new and largely illegal in Ireland centers, it has caused problems and many lawsuits have
[65]. However, on March 10, 2022, he published an impor- been filed in recent years. The surrogate mother in Iran
tant bill on human health and assisted reproduction. In only has the role of growing and developing the fetus, and
this bill, important measures are proposed in surrogacy. after giving birth, all the rights and custody of the child are
Among them, 1. Create a specific legal framework for of the applying parents. This issue has been happening in
the provision of Assisted Human Reproduction (AHR) treat- Iranian law for more than a decade and is generally done
ment and related research; 2. Authorize the establishment under the supervision of specialized infertility clinics, by
of the Assisted Human Reproduction Regulatory Authority concluding a contract between the applicant or candidate
(AHRRA); 3. Establish criteria for the provision of AHR treat- for surrogacy and the couples who want a child. Unfortu-
ments including assisted human reproduction after Death nately, this fertility method in Iran has problems such as the
and genetic diagnosis before implantation; 4. Conditions for uncertain financial cost of the surrogate mother, which is
allowing surrogacy in Ireland; 5. Any child born through sur- due to the lack of accurate and efficient monitoring. After
rogacy must be genetically related to at least one parent; the birth of the baby, the relationship between the parties
6. According to this bill, any surrogacy contract It must also ends and the surrogate mother does not have the right to
be non-commercial (altruistic) and pre-approved by AHRRA take care of the baby. No claim will be heard after the birth

F. Ghodrati

of the child. The noteworthy point is that this contract is one Human and animal rights
of the permissible contracts and none of the parties have
the right to cancel or not fulfill their obligations. Accord- The authors declare that the work described has not involved
ing to the jurisprudence rule in Iran, a formal contract is experimentation on humans or animals.
necessary because any claim for the fetus by the surro-
gate mother will be rejected. Also, Iranian Civil Registration
Office will issue the birth certificate of the baby if the offi- Informed consent and patient details
cial contract of surrogacy has already been registered that
office. The authors declare that the work described does not involve
One of the advantages of surrogacy is that it helps a cou- patients or volunteers.
ple to solve the problem of not having children and have a
better quality of life. However, most of the countries that
have a legal prohibition consider drawbacks for this method, Funding
including the fact that medical ethics and commercial meth-
ods are considered contrary to the surrogate mother’s rights, This work did not receive any grant from funding agencies
because in addition to her body, her emotions and feelings in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
may be involved in the pregnancy, willingly or unwillingly.
they consider that these conditions cannot be traded with
money and it is an instrumental use of women, and they Author contributions
reject the commercial model of surrogacy [72]. However,
cases of psycho-emotional problems have been observed, All authors attest that they meet the current International
especially immediately after the delivery of the baby to the Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) criteria for
applicant couple, although in most cases these problems Authorship.
were not acute, it is important to pay attention to them
[70,73]. Some researchers believe that surrogate women are
exposed to high risk if surrogacy is done for money, espe- Acknowledgement
cially if the financial and educational levels of the parties
are at different levels [74]. The issue may even go further, I would like to thank Dr. Zahra Yazdanpanahi who specializes
some women do not give in to pregnancy due to busy work or in reproductive health in Iran, for her guidance in writing
fear of pregnancy complications, and the sanctity of preg- the article. Likewise, from all the authors who published
nancy is reduced and the child is commodified [75]. In case articles, a comparison platform was provided for the author.
of appropriate raise of social awareness by planners with the
motive of helping a couple, who cannot have children, sur-
rogacy like other charitable actions (organ donation) will be Disclosure of interest
a valuable and humane action, moving from a commercial
to an altruistic practice [76]. The author declares that she has no competing interest.

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