MTL 105 Handout

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Instructor: Anima Nagar [ Epabx - 1482, Email - ]

Teaching Assistants:

Course Description: To introduce the basic concepts of ALGEBRA.

Text Book:

Joseph A. Gallian, Contemporary Abstract Algebra, 4th Edition, Narosa.

Course Schedule (Tentative):

Week Topics to be covered

1. Some arithmetic, mathematical induction, equivalence relations, symmetries of square, dihedral
groups, definition & examples of groups.
2. Elementary properties of groups, subgroups, examples, cyclic groups, subgroups of cyclic groups.
3. Permutation groups, isomorphisms, Cayley’s theorem, properties, automorphisms.
4. Cosets, properties, Langrange’s theorem, applications.
5. External direct products, properties, some examples, normal subgroups.
6. Factors and factor groups, application, internal direct products.
7. Group homomorphisms, properties, first isomorphism theorem.
8. Fundamental theorem of finite abelian groups, isomorphism classes.
9. Rings, examples, properties, subrings.
10. Integral domains, fields, characteristics of rings, ideals.
11. Factor rings, prime ideals and maximal ideals, ring homomorphisms, field of quotients.
12. Polynomial rings, division algorithms, factorizations.

Some more topics:- Sylow theorems, symmetry groups, Cayley digraphs of a group……

Attendance: Attendance is compulsory and the attendance policy will be as per institute rules.

Problem Sheets: No separate problem sheets for each week will be distributed. All sections in the text
book have a set of problems which must be done on completion of each topic. There will be separate
office hours by teaching assistants to discuss the difficult ones. A habit of regularly solving exercises
will help in sailing through the course.

Exams & Evaluations: There will be two Minors and a Major Exam. The Minors amount to 20
marks each and the Major will be 40 marks. Make-up exams will be as per Institute rules.

The rest 20 marks will be decided by mutual consent. It could either be home-work or quiz.
The final letter Grade will depend on the total and will be as per Institute rules.

All lectures will be held virtually in a synchronous manner.

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