Final 2023 CSEC Registration Form .XLSX - Google Sheets

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Registration for the June 2022 CSEC Examinations

Name: Jorja Becca Tobechi Burke Class: 4S3 D.O. B: 02/11/2005


Bemis Number: 1970389664 Nationality: Jamaican

Subject Proficiency Select Yes or No SBA, Practical, Cost per Subject Teacher's Name
for subjects Subject
to be taken Oral or Resit $
Biology General Yes SBA $42.00
Caribbean History General No SBA $0.00
Chemistry General Yes SBA $42.00
EDP&M General No SBA $0.00
English A General Yes SBA $42.00
English B General No SBA $0.00
Human & Social Biology General Yes None $42.00
Information Technology General Yes SBA $42.00
Mathematics General Yes SBA $42.00
Music General No SBA and Practical $0.00
Office Administration General No SBA $0.00
Physical Education & Sports General No SBA and Practical $0.00
Physics General No SBA $0.00
Principles of Accounts General No SBA $0.00
Principles of Business General No SBA $0.00
Social Studies General No SBA $0.00
Spanish General No Oral $0.00
Visual Arts General No SBA $0.00
TOTAL ($42.00 x number of subjects sitting) $252.00
Fees Enter specific fees for registered subjects
Entry Fee (one time charge) $41.50 $41.50
Local Fee (one time charge $15.00 $15.00
Subject Fee (TOTAL of all $42.00 $252.00
subjects registered )
Oral Fee (one time charge) $15.00 $0.00
SBA Fee (one time charge) $15.00 $15.00
Practical Fee (per subject) $30.00 Enter practical fee manually
Grand Total $323.50

NB: If you are taking ONLY three (3) subjects including Math and English A, then you will not be making any payments.
If you are taking more than three (3) subjects then you will pay the difference of what the CSEC Grant is paying.

Grand Total : $323.50

Grant includes Entry Fee, Subject Fee, Local Fee and SBA fee for three (3) subjects including English A and Mathematics)
Please calculate and enter figure.
CSEC Grant to be paid by GOB: (Enter $197.50 here)

Balance to be paid by student: $323.50 (Grand total minus CSEC Grant)

Date: ______________

Parent/Guardian's Name: ______________ Parent Contact #: 602-8106

Vice Principal's Approval: _________________

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