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I used a combination of the information below and the information from my notes to complete

the Google slide presentation.

Between 1766 and 1791, the British West Indies produced over a million tons of sugar. Growing
sugar was hard, labor-intensive work.
Sugar was produced in the following way:
● The ground had to be dug, hoed, weeded, planted, and then fertilized with manure, all
under the hot West Indian sun. Slave gangs consisting of men, women, and children
worked under white overseers. They were whipped for not working hard enough.
Enslaved people worked from dawn until dusk.
● At harvest time, sugar cane was cut with machetes and loaded onto carts. This was
back-breaking work.
● The harvested cane was taken to the sugar mill where it was crushed and boiled to extract
a brown, sticky juice. Operating the machinery was very dangerous - people working
there could be maimed or even killed. The sugar-boiling houses were unbearably hot and
difficult to work in during the summer. At harvest time it was common for enslaved
people to work 18-hour days, while some people were forced to work for as long as 48
hours without a break.
● The sugar juice was left in barrels until a brown syrup called molasses could be drawn
off. This was used to make another of the Caribbean exports - rum. The clearer sugar was
left behind, which would then be packed into barrels and shipped to Europe.
● The juice taken from crushed sugar cane would sour and spoil within 24 hours. Enslaved
people had to process it in the cane mills as soon as it was produced.

Group Members:
Jorja Burke
(I have TRIED and TRIED and TRIED grouping with people for this project, but time and time
again when I went to ask people to join their group they said it was full. I am TIRED of having
to BEG people to join a group when work like this is given. I have expressed my problem to the
form teacher and nothing has changed so I don’t know what to do anymore)

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