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Methsarani Kavindi


Q5. Describe an example of an IS that you have experienced. Describe the business
processes it addresses and how the IS changed the business.
One of the best examples of an information system (IS) I have encountered is the Learning
Management System (LMS) at LNBTI University. The way that students access and interact
with their course materials and academic information has been greatly changed by this
technology, which is essential to the administration of many academic activities at the
university. I witnessed how skilfully technology was incorporated to raise the standard of
educational operations. The system provided an easy-to-use interface for organising courses,
optimising navigation, and facilitating quick access to educational materials. Completing
coursework, submitting assignments, and receiving comments became more efficient
processes. This ensured a smooth and organised experience for both teachers and students.
The learning management system essentially made clear how critical it is to improve and
modernise educational services.

Business Processes Addressed:

The LMS primarily addresses several key business processes related to education and
administration at LNBTI University:

1. Course Management: It facilitates the management of course materials, making it easier

for lecturers to upload and organize lecture notes, assignments and additional resources.
2. Progress Monitoring: Teachers can monitor students' progress using the LMS. It allowed
for the recording of participation in discussions, attendance, and assignment completion.
3. Assignment Submission: Students can submit their assignments online, which streamlines
the assignment submission process for both students and instructors.
4. Grading and Feedback: Instructors can grade assignments and provide feedback digitally,
enhancing efficiency and reducing paperwork.
5. Access to Timetables: The LMS provides students with access to their campus timetables,
ensuring they can keep track of their class schedules and any changes.
6. Communication: The LMS enables seamless communication between students and
instructors with the help of Microsoft 365, allowing students to ask questions, seek
clarification, or participate in discussion forums related to their coursework.
Impact on the University:
The implementation of the LMS at LNBTI University has led to significant changes in how the
university conducts its business:

1. Enhanced Accessibility: Students can access course materials and information from
anywhere with an internet connection, promoting flexibility and accessibility.
2. Efficiency and Convenience: The LMS streamlines various administrative tasks, such as
assignment submission, grading, and course management, making these processes more
efficient and convenient for both students and faculty.
3. Communication: The system has improved communication between students and
instructors, enabling timely responses to queries and promoting engagement in academic
4. Reduced Paperwork: The digital submission and grading of assignments have reduced the
need for physical paperwork, making the university more environmentally friendly and
reducing administrative burdens.
5. Centralized Information: All academic information and resources are centralized within the
LMS, making it easier for students to find what they need without the need to search through
physical documents or visit various offices.
6. Data Analysis: The LMS generates data that can be used for analysing student performance
and engagement, aiding in data-driven decision-making by the university administration.

In summary, the Learning Management System at LNBTI University has transformed the way
students and faculty interact with academic information and manage various aspects of
education. It has increased efficiency, accessibility, and convenience, thereby enhancing the
overall educational experience for everyone involved.

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