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Welcome to your 8-week journey towards getting Marine fit. This program consists of 6 training
sessions per week. However, these aren’t all 100% effort sessions, let me explain. So, Monday –
Wednesday include some hard sessions, these should be given at the intensity they require. Thurs-
day is somewhat optional (obviously recommended). It includes more of an active recovery rowing
session followed by some mobility. These sessions are to be performed at a steady state, easy pace.
This is to allow you to recover somewhat and still be able to hit the following sessions at a good
intensity. The reason that this session is recommended, especially for those wanting to join the
military, is because you need to condition your body to the demand of working every single day!
This is the best way to do this! If there is anything on the program that you are unsure about, most
of the movement demonstrations can be found on my YouTube channel. Anything else that you
need to know please don’t hesitate to ask me via E-mail or Instagram. Let’s get started!
If you are struggling with any of the movements within this programme please go to my YouTube Channel, where every
movement is demonstrated by myself. Just go to the videos section and search for the movement you need
Hope you enjoy the program, Get stuck in!

The weeks are broken down as follows, Monday is about combining running and body-
weight movements, something that you need to be used to when you get into the military.
Tuesday is centred around leg training, with a strength piece and an endurance piece. This
is important as your legs are the foundation for everything, having strong legs is vital for
anything. Wednesday’s programming includes a tempo run and further training for the
boy-weight tests, arguably one of the more important days in the week as it is directly
focused around the tests. Thursdays, as mentioned are for active recovery or rest. Friday, I
have included more of an endurance run along with a pull strength. And finally, Saturday’s
are a longer conditioning piece utilizing the bike to get some low impact cardio in. this is
coupled with one of the bodyweight tests, as practice makes perfect.

KEY @harryshepfitness

RPE – Rate of perceived exertion

I have often used this metric throughout the program, RPE is a 1-10 system of ranking how hard you
are working in any given exercise. For example, RPE 10 would mean you are going all-out and cannot
complete another rep. RPE 8-9 are still hard efforts but you should still be leaving 1 or 2 reps in the
tank. Where I have written RPE 6 for swimming, this refers to you swimming the given distance at a
comfortable rate. (Not feeling overly strained and feeling like you could carry on).

AMRAP - (as many reps as possible)

This style of training is really valuable in order to create intensity in your workouts. I have generally
used it here as a burn out set to break down that muscle (so that it can grow back stronger). It can also
be used under timed conditions so you’d be doing a certain exercise for max reps within a given time

EMOM - (every minute on the minute)

This is where you will do a certain amount of reps, rest until the start of the next minute and go to the
next thing. This is a style of training you will see me use frequently. It is a great way to maximise your
use of time within a training session. It cuts down rest periods and can mean you can stack up some
high volume without really noticing. It also means there is no way you can lose interest between sets
and rest too long because you are straight away occupied with the next thing.
MOBILITY @harryshepfitness

The three links below are some examples of how to structure

your mobility session which is scheduled Thurday. Don’t wor-
ry if youre not flexible, just perform these to the best of your
ability. These sessions will help prevent injury which is espe-
cially important if your’e serious about joining the military.



TEST WEEK @harryshepfitness


A) Bleep Test

*Complete the 20m bleep test with preferably on concrete*

B) 1 rep max Back Squat

All-out effort on this. First session of your program! Go for it, we will re-test this in 8 weeks so
let’s get an accurate representation of where you’re at.

Push Ups

*Elbows should be tucked into side and body should be straight*

Sit Ups

*Knees remain squeezed together and feet remain anchored, fingers are to stay on your temples and
elbows to touch the knees at the top of the movement*

Pull Ups (overhand grasp)

*Full extension of the arms and chin over the bar*
*All to the bleep, links above*

Ensure you are strict with yourself, the stricter you are in practice the better prepared you will be. The
links to the relevant videos are underneath the movement. Go to complete failure on these.


1.5 Mile Run (return)

*Ensure you run 1.5 miles out as a warm-up and then time your next 1.5 miles*

Run this as hard as you can, choose a pace that is tough to keep for that distance.
WEEK 1 @harryshepfitness


A) Pull Ups
3 Sets
50% reps
*Rest 90 sec*
*perform half the amount of pull ups that you did in the test week*

B) 5 Rounds for time

400m Run
40 Air Squats
20 Hand Release push Ups
*Try to maintain a good pace on the run and try to get through the squats unbroken*

C) Sit Ups
3 rounds
Max reps in 60 Seconds
*Rest 60 Sec*

*Scaled Down Options*

Decrease the rounds or the reps in part B do this as much as needed in order to keep the intensity

Keep perfect form on the pull ups, 50% should not be too challenging for the sets so focus on good
movement! Go for it on part B lets start the week off with a bang!

A) Back Squat
4 sets 5 reps @ 65% of max
*Rest 2 min*
2 sets of 10 @55% of max
*Rest 2 min*

B) Leg Endurance
30 seconds work/ 30 seconds rest x 10 minutes
Alternate between:
Jumping Lunges and Goblet squats

C) Swimming
30 minutes Swim RPE 6-7
*This shouldn’t be a hard effort just some low
impact, aerobic conditioning*

*Scaled Down Options*

Lower the weights on the Back Squat, try to
keep the rest the same. For part B swap the
jumping lunges for regular lunges and switch WEDNESDAY
the Goblet Squat for an Air Squat.
A) Run
*Notes 4x 800m @1.5 mile pace or quicker
This can either be all in one session or if you *Rest 90 sec*
have the time, do the swim in a separate ses- 2x 400m @<1.5 mile pace
sion to part A and B. Be ready for your legs to
burn on this one. B) Push ups
Every 20 seconds x 10
10 reps

C) Core
5 minute Plank
*Every break = 5 Pull Ups
10 Sit Ups
15 Down Ups
*Plank for as long as possible, every time
you have to break, perform the above
penalty work*

*Scaled Down Options*

Increase rest/ decrease pace for part A.
Lower reps for the Push Ups. Switch the
Pull Ups for Inverted Rows on part C.

This interval session is there to improve
your 1.5 mile time! Try your best to stick
to your paces. The rest of this session is
specific to the other bodyweight tests!
Get after it!

A) Row
3 sets 1000m RPE 6
*Rest 3 min between sets*

B) Mobility (Focus on lower body)

*Scaled Down Options*

Shorten the distance on the Row eg. 800m

Ensure you don’t go too hard on the row, you shouldn’t be too
fatigued by the end of each set, keep that RPE 6. For the mobility,
Make sure it gets done, as it is imperative for injury prevention.


A) Run
30 Mins
*Start as an easy pace and increase this every 5 minutes throughout the 30

B) Bent Over Row

4 sets 8 reps RPE 7-8

C) 4 Sets
10 Pull Ups
15 Inverted Rows
*Rest 2 min between Sets*

D) Face Pulls/ Banded pull aparts

3 sets 15 reps
*Super light on these, purely in there for shoulder health focus on full, solid
range of motion. *

*Scaled Down Options*

Just run for 30 mins without the increase in pace. Lower the reps or add a
band for the pull ups.

Make sure you go out on an easy pace on the run, the last 5 minutes should
be around 85%. Part C doesn’t have to be unbroken, just try and limit the
amount of sets you have to do to complete it.

A) Max distance Bike in 25 minutes

*Every 2:30 min perform
10 V ups
10 Sit ups

B) Choose a test (Push ups, Sit ups or Pull ups)

Complete a max effort test on ONE of the bodyweight tests!

*Scaled Down Options*

Swap the V-ups for V tucks.

This kind of cardio is perfect for getting used to mixed modalities,
you’ll quickly realise how bad this kind of workout can get if you
push on the bike! Don’t expect to PR the test just yet, its just good
practice to get used to what you’re going to expect on the day.
WEEK 2 @harryshepfitness


A) Pull ups
3 Sets
55% reps
*Rest 90 sec*
*perform half the amount of pull ups that you did in the test week*

B) 4 rounds for time

600m run
30 hand release push ups
15 Dumbbell Snatch
*Try to maintain a good pace on the run and try to make the Dumbbell Snatch consist-

C) Sit ups
3 rounds
Max reps in 60 Seconds
*Rest 50 Sec*

*Scaled Down Options*

For part B shorten the run (400m) and lower reps. You could also lighten the weight
for the Snatches.

Again, perfect form should be aimed for on the Pull ups. Getting your body used to
mixing running with other movements is important for the military! Part B is perfect
for that. Try to beat your score on the sit ups this week.

A) Back Squat
4 sets 6 reps @65% of max
*Rest 2 min*
2 sets 8 reps @60% of max WEDNESDAY
*Rest 2 min*
A) Run
B) Leg Endurance 4x 1000m @1.5 mile pace
150 Jump Lunges for time *Rest 2:30 min*
*Every min on the min = 5 Burpees* 2x 500m @<1.5 mile pace

C) Swimming B) Push ups

5x 100m RPE 7 (technique focus) Every 25 seconds x 10
Into 3 sets 90 seconds treading water 12 reps
*Rest 90 seconds between all efforts, you
should be well recovered by the end of the C) Core
rest* 4 rounds
30 sec MAX Crunches
*Scaled Down Options* 30 sec MAX Leg Raises
Squat weight can be lowered. Part B you can 30 sec Plank
lower the reps to 100, workout shouldn’t take 30 sec MAX Mountain Climbers
longer than 10 minutes *Rest 60 sec*

*Notes *Scaled Down Options*

The weight on the squats has remained the Increase rest for part A, try to keep the pace.
same but the reps per set is up this week. Part Lower reps for the Push Ups (shoot for 10).
B is going to hurt no matter what! Get after Do three rounds on part C.
it. The swim is all about technique focus on
your stroke throughout the sets, use the rest *Notes
to recover and go again! Longer intervals today, this ensures that you
can maintain a quick pace over a longer dis-
tance, hugely beneficial for your 1.5 mile run.
Part C is going to help you out no end if you
struggle with sit ups.


A) Row
2 min on/ 1 min off x7 sets (RPE 6)

B) Mobility (Focus on lower body)

*Scaled Down Options*

Decrease the pace you are rowing at, try to maintain the same format.

This row is there for more of a low impact, active recovery, don’t go out too hard! This should be
a sustained effort. Try to go for a 20 min mobility at the least! There are some good videos online!

A) Run
35 mins
*every 5 minutes increase the pace*

B) Face Pulls/ Banded pull aparts

3 sets 15 reps
*Same as last week on these, make sure you are waking up all those small muscles in the

C) 100 Bent over row @40kg

Every break = 5 Burpees
D) Inverted Rows
2 sets Max Reps
*rest 3 min*

*Scaled Down Options*

Perform the reps at less frequent intervals for part A. Add a band to the Pull ups or decrease
the reps.

Working a lot on pulling strength here, be ready for a PUMP.


A) Bike 10km
*Every 2 minutes perform
10 V ups
5 Hand Release Push Ups

B) Choose a test (Push ups, Sit ups or Pull

Complete a max effort test on ONE of the
bodyweight tests! Preferably a different one
to last week!

*Scaled Down Options*

Swap the V-ups for V tucks. Perform push
ups on your knees.

Go hard on the bike try to complete it in
as little sets as possible. Pick a different test
each week and try to smash it, as it is the
best practice.
WEEK 3 @harryshepfitness


A) Pull ups
4 Sets
55% reps
*Rest 90 sec*
*perform 55% of your max set of pull ups*

B) 5 rounds for time

25 box jumps (24 inch)
10 Bar facing burpees

C) Sit Ups
3 rounds
Max reps in 60 Seconds
*Rest 45 Sec*

*Scaled Down Options*

Make the run shorter and lighten the deadlift weight for
part B. Part C is targeted sit up practice for the tests.

Added another set this week on the pull ups, lets grind
this one out. Part B is a long one, be smart on the first
few rounds that run is deceptive.

WEEK 4 Squat
A) Back
Build to a heavy 3 reps
A) *Take
Back Squat
70% of that and perform
Build to a10heavy
2 sets reps 3 reps
*Take 70%rest*
*2 min of that and perform
2 sets 10-12 reps
*2 min
B) Legrest*
21 minutes Every min on the min
B) Leg
1: 20 Jump Lunges
4 rounds
Minute(16 min)
2: 20 Jump Squats
1 minute Wall Sit
Minute 3: 45 sec Plank
1 minute Max Air Squats
1 minute Max Jumping Lunges
C) Swimming
1 minutes
5x 150mREST RPE 7 (technique focus)
Into 2 sets 2 minutes treading water
C) *Rest
Swimming 90 seconds between all efforts,
shouldefforts RPErecovered
be well 7 by the
the rest*
Into 2 sets of 2 minutes treading water
*Rest 60 seconds*
*Scaled Down Options*
Lighter weights on the squat in order
*Scaled Down
to ensure Options*
perfect form. Part B is a lot
lunges! A) Run
of reps again, don’t be ashamed to cut
6x 800m @1.5 mile pace (or below)
these reps down if needs be.
*Notes *Rest 2:30 min*
*Notes is creeping up again on the squat. Attempt to keep hitting the same amount of reps for the squats
lunges on part B. another technique B) Push ups
weight has gone up very slightly focused session with the swim! Make sure you are switching up the
strokes and practicing different Every 20 seconds x 12
on the squats. this week’s leg ones.
WEEK 10 reps
ance4piece is longer than normal as
well and I’ve included some core with
A) it.
Pull Ups C) Core
This will help with overall strength.
4 Sets 4 rounds
The swim is another technique session
60% reps 30 sec MAX Crunches
just added dome distance!
*Rest 2 min* 30 sec MAX Leg Raises
*perform 60% of your max set of pull ups* 30 sec Plank
30 sec MAX Mountain Climbers
B) 4 rounds for time *NO REST*
400m run
30 Kettlebell swings @20kg *Scaled Down Options*
20 Push ups Increase the rest on the running, try to
10 Kettlebell Goblet Squats keep the pace the same. Opt for 10 sets
on part B. Include a 30 second rest for
C) Sit Ups part C.
10 sets
Every 20 seconds perform 10 reps *Notes
Intervals getting slightly faster this week
*Scaled Down Options* getting comfortable with that pace being
Decrease the pull ups to either 50% or 55% depending on where you’re at.than yourthe
Lighten 1.5weight
mile pace. TheKettle-
on the push
bell movements accordingly. ups reps are increasing this will be a
tough one. Stay with it!

A) Row
25 min continuous (RPE 6)

B) Mobility (Focus on a more full body protocol)

*Scaled Down Options*

Row for only 15 minutes or 2 sets of 10 minutes.

Another active recovery row. Don’t worry about the pace, this
ones all about time on the rower. You should aim for the mobili-
ty to be around 15-20 minutes again.


A) Run
40 Mins
*every 4 minutes perform the following
20 Push Ups

B) Face Pulls/ Banded pull aparts

3 sets 15 reps
*Same as last week on these, make sure you are waking up all those small muscles in the

C) 4 sets
10 Pull Ups
10 Bent Over Rows
*rest 90 sec*

D) Inverted Rows
2 sets Max Reps
*rest 3 min*

*Scaled Down Options*

Perform the reps at less frequent intervals for part A. Add a band to the pull ups or de-
crease the reps.

You’ll be surprised at how much an upper body pump will affect your running. Part D is
about going all out in that first set, seeing how you recover and going again!

A) Cycling Cindy
5 rounds
1000m Bike
10 Pull ups
20 push ups
30 Air Squats

B) Choose another test to do choose the test that you haven’t done so far.

*Scaled Down Options*

Add a band for pull ups or swap them for inverted rows. Perform push ups on your

More of a Sustained Effort this week for part A, aim to pace the bike and try to stay
unbroken on the reps. Doing one of the tests following a workout will help you perform
when your are fatigued.
WEEK 4 @harryshepfitness


A) Pull Ups
4 Sets
60% reps
*Rest 2 min*
*perform 60% of your max set of pull ups*

B) 4 rounds for time

400m run
30 Kettlebell swings @20kg
20 Push ups
10 Kettlebell Goblet Squats

C) Sit Ups
10 sets
Every 25 seconds perform 10 reps

*Scaled Down Options*

Decrease the pull ups to either 50% or 55% depending on where you’re at. Lighten the
weight on the Kettlebell movements accordingly.

Ensure you warm up thoroughly for part B as there is a lot of kettlebell swings to be
done. Make sure your low back and hamstrings are suitably warm before this workout.

A) Back Squat
Build to a heavy 3 reps
*Take 70% of that and perform
2 sets 10-12 reps
*2 min rest*

B) Leg Endurance
4 rounds (16 min)
1 minute Wall Sit
1 minute Max Air Squats
1 minute Max Jumping Lunges
1 minutes REST

C) Swimming
4x5 minute efforts RPE 7
*Rest 90 seconds*
Into 2 sets of 2 minutes treading water
*Rest 60 seconds*
*Scaled Down Options*
Lower the weight on the Back Squat so that A) Run
you can keep perfect form. Swap Jumping 4x 400m @1.5 mile pace
Lunges for regular lunges! 200m easy
200m @below 1.5 mile pace (HARD)
*Notes *Rest 2:30 min*
Weight is creeping up again on the squat.
Attempt to keep hitting the same amount B) Push ups
of reps for the squats and lunges on part B. Every 25 seconds x 12
another technique focused session with the 12 reps
swim! Make sure you are switching up the
strokes and practicing different ones. C) Core
4 rounds (8 MIN ABS)
30 sec MAX Crunches
30 sec MAX Leg Raises
30 sec Plank
30 sec MAX Mountain Climbers

*Scaled Down Options*

Go slightly slower on the 400m’s this will
allow you to pick up the correct pace for the
200m’s. scale the reps for part B down to 10
again. Include a rest between sets on part C.

Do your best to hold your paces until that
last 200m and send it on that! One of my
favourite speed sessions. Your core will be
killer after these 8 min abs workouts in part
C. Sit ups will be no problem!

A) Row RPE 6-7

10 sets (30 min)
90 seconds WORK/ 90 seconds REST

B) Mobility (Focus on a more full body protocol)

*Scaled Down Options*

Decrease the amount of sets you have to do on the rower!
Decrease the pace on the working sets!

30 minutes on the rower today. Should be a good sweat! For
mobility, focus on your shoulders, hips and hamstrings.


A) Run
40 Mins
*increase pace every 5 minutes*

B) Face Pulls/ Banded pull aparts

3 sets 15 reps
*these are important to warm up the shoulders and prevent injury*

C) Weighted Pull Ups

5 sets 5 reps
*Take 5 sets to build to a decent weight*

D) 4 sets
6 Bent over rows
8 Inverted rows
12 Dumbbell rows
*Rest 90 seconds*

*Scaled Down Options*

Either keep the pace nice and slow on the run or run the first half slower and the second half faster.
Just do strict pull ups, no weight.

These runs are valuable, teaching your body to get used to finishing strong during a workout. Weight-
ed pull ups are a great way to overload the system and make bodyweight pull ups light work!

A) Workout: For Time

2km Bike
5 rounds
5 Pull ups
15 Push ups
30 Sit ups
2km Bike

B) Go back to the test you did during the first week and repeat that!

*Scaled Down Options*

Add a band for pull ups or swap them for inverted rows. Perform
push ups on your knees. Alternatively, you can keep the movements
the same and you can lower the reps.

The bike at the start and end of the workout is there to shoot the
heart rate up and see if you can string together those reps at a high
heart rate and then carry it on into another aerobic effort! Hopefully
you can PR the test you are taking this week.
WEEK 5 @harryshepfitness


A) Pull Ups
4 Sets
60% reps
*Rest 90 sec*
*perform 60% of your max set of pull ups*

B) 4 rounds for time

50 Air Squats
25 Hand Release Push Ups
500m Run

C) Sit Ups
10 Minutes every minute on the minute
15 Sit Ups
5 Strict Toes to Bar

*Scaled Down Options*

Increase the rest on the pull ups, do this or decrease the reps. Take the volume down on part B EG. 30
squats, 15 push ups 300m run. Swap toes to bar for hanging knee raises.

Reps are the same this week for part A, however the rest is shorter. Try to hold a good pace on those
squats, better to move slightly slower and not take as many breaks.

A) Back Squat
Build to a heavy 2 reps
*Take 70% of that and perform
2 sets 8 reps
*2 min rest*

B) Leg Endurance
10 minutes every minute on the minute
8 Kettlebell Lunges
16 Jumping Lunges (NO WEIGHT)
*Work is performed In the same min-

C) Swimming
4x 300m RPE 7
*Rest 90 seconds*
Into 2 sets of 2 minutes treading water
*Rest 60 seconds*
*Scaled Down Options*
Adjust the squat as needed to keep prop-
A) Run
er form. Cut the reps down or simplify
5x 5 minute efforts @Below 1.5 Mile pace
the movements on part B, maintain
*Rest 3 min*
doing the work within the same minute.
Decrease the distance or change up the
B) Push ups
stroke to make it more comfortable for
Every 30 seconds x 10
15 reps
C) Core
Building up more on the squat again this
4 rounds
week. Part B is shorter in duration than
5 Strict Toes to Bar
the previous weeks, however the inten-
10 V ups
sity has risen. this swimming session
15 Sit ups
is going to be a slightly longer distance
30 Second Plank
than before also. This week we build.
*Rest 60 sec*

*Scaled Down Options*

Shorten the running time or do four sets. De-
crease the reps of the push ups if needed. Strict
the toes to bar for knees to chest and switch the
V ups for V tucks.

These runs are a good test, if you can remain
at or below your 1.5 mile pace, then you’ll be in
a good place to be able to PR your run by huge
margins. Part C is going to improve your core
strength and get you used to toes to bar which
are huge in training.

A) Every 5 minutes x 4 sets

50 Cal Row + 5 Devils Press
*Use 20kg Dumbbells for RX*

B) Mobility (Focus on a more of a low body protocol)

*Scaled Down Options*

Decrease the weight on the devils press. Or decrease the cals to ensure you are
getting around 90 seconds rest.

This workout is another favourite of mine give it some on the rower and hold
on to those devils presses!


A) Run
45 Mins
*increase pace every 5 minutes*

B) Face Pulls/ Banded pull aparts

4 sets 12 reps
*Added another set to these, not to be overlooked*

C) Weighted Pull Ups

5 sets 5 reps
*take the top weight last week, use that for all sets*

D) 10 sets
10 Push ups
10 Inverted Rows
*Rest 15-30 seconds*

*Scaled Down Options*

Again, increase the run pace less frequently, still trying to get faster as you go. Take the
weight out of the pull ups and just go strict. You could cut the sets down for part D.

Getting quicker at more frequent intervals here. Don’t be too fast out of the gate. These
heavy weighted pull ups are going to help you with your rope climbs when you get to

A) 20 minutes every minute on the minute

Minute 1: 1 Round of Cindy
5 pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Air Squats
Minute 2: 45 Seconds ALL OUT Bike!

B) Again, do one of the tests that you haven’t done twice yet.

*Scaled Down Options*

Banded pull ups or do jumping pull ups. Do push ups on
your knees.

This one will get real fast. The round of Cindy should take
you 45-50 seconds, if it is taking any longer, alter the reps to
comply with that. Hopefully you can do better on this test
again this week!
WEEK 6 @harryshepfitness


A) Pull ups
4 Sets
65% reps
*Rest 2 min*
*perform 60% of your max set of pull ups*

B) 5 rounds for time

400m run
20 Jump Squats
20 Push ups

C) Sit Ups
Tabata – 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest
X8 sets

*Scaled Down Options*

Decrease the reps on the pull ups, alternatively, do 3 sets rather than 4. Swap the
jump squats for normal squats on part B. Push ups can also be scaled and performed
on your knees.

Pull ups have gone up again. This workout in part B is all about the run, make sure
you send it on the run. Work hard through the reps. C includes pretty much 4 mins
of sit ups. Score is total reps.

A) Back Squat
Build to a heavy 2 reps
*Take 70% of that and perform
2 sets 8-10 reps
*2 min rest*

B) Leg Endurance
10 rounds
30 seconds MAX Jumping lunges
*15 seconds rest*
30 seconds MAX Dumbbell Front Squat
*15 seconds rest*

C) Swimming
10x 50m (RPE 8)
*Rest 30 seconds*
Into 2 sets of 2 minutes treading water WEDNESDAY
*Rest 60 seconds*
A) Run
*Scaled Down Options* 8-6-4-2 minutes of Running @ or below 1.5
The squats can be adjusted according to where Mile pace
you’re at, either lower the weight or lengthen the *Rest 2 min between each, preferably get
rest. Do regular lunges and lighter front squats faster each set*
for part B.
B) Push ups
*Notes 20 reps every 45 seconds
Another heavy two, hopefully the weight is start- *Keep going until you cannot complete 20
ing to creep up. Another max reps style workout push ups unbroken*
for part B this one isn’t easy, that rest goes by
FAST. More of a sprint style swim this week, let’s C) Core
see how fast we can go. 12 min Emom
Minute 1: 6 Strict toes to be
Minute 2: 16 Single Leg V ups
Minute 3: 20 Sit ups

*Scaled Down Options*

Take the pace on the runs down. Cut the
reps on the push ups. You should be able to
do at least 6-7 sets. If you can’t, then alter
the reps accordingly. Toes to bar can be
switched for knees to chest, the V ups can
be swapped out for a bicycle crunch.

Longer sets holding that pace this week
again, valuable for improving your run
performance! This push ups workout gets
tough quick! Don’t be afraid to scale the
reps. Hold on for as long as possible. This is
an advanced core piece! See how you get on!

A) 10 rounds
10 Calorie Row
10 Burpees over the machine
*Rest 60 seconds*
B) Mobility (Focus on a more of a full body protocol)

*Scaled Down Options*

You can swap the burpees for down ups. Try to keep everything else the

Each round is to be completed as an all-out sprint here! Get these reps
done as fast as possible! Try to focus on your hips, chest and shoulders
for the mobility you’ve done a lot of push ups this week!


A) Run
45 mins
*start slow, every mile you complete, increase the pace*

B) Face Pulls/ Banded pull aparts

3 sets 20 reps
*Added another set to these, not to be overlooked*

C) Weighted Pull Ups

5 sets 5 reps
*try to slightly increase the weight on this, even if it is just for the last set*

D) 4 sets
12 Bent over Rows
12 Dumbbell pull over
*Rest 90 sec*

E) 2 rounds
Max reps Inverted Rows
*Rest 3 minutes*

*Scaled Down Options*

Increase the run pace every 2 miles or not at all. Keep the weight the same as last week on the
pull ups. Play with weights in part D to see what you are comfortable with!

Different on the run this time, try to measure how much you increase your pace each mile, we
will re-test this soon. All of this pulling strength is going to help you no end with rope climbs
and pull ups in training.

A) 30 minutes max distance bike

*every 3 min perform –
15 sit ups
10 box jump overs
5 pull ups*

B) Time for another test here.

*Scaled Down Options*

Swap for box step overs and use a band to aid the pull ups, or perform jumping ones.

You should aim to get the work done as fast as you can each round, your score will be the dis-
tance on the bike at the end of 30 minutes. Part B covers the last test of this second cycle.


A) Pull ups
3 Sets
70% reps
*Rest 90 sec*
*perform 70% of your max set of pull ups*

B) For time
21-15-9 reps
Front Squat @40kg
Bar facing Burpees
*Run 400m between each set*

C) Sit Ups
2 rounds
60 seconds – 45 seconds – 30 seconds – 15 seconds
*Rest as long as you work each set*

*Scaled Down Options*

Bring the reps down or lengthen the rest on the pull ups! For part B, drop the reps to 15-12-9
scheme or lower the weight on the front squat.

Pull up reps are getting high now! Try and keep good form for this one! This workout is a blow-
out! Choose a weight that allows you to go unbroken for the sets!

A) Back Squat (15 min EMOM)

Minutes 0-5 – 3 reps @75%
Minutes 5-10 – 2 reps @85%
Minutes 10-15 – 1 rep @90%

B) Leg Endurance
4 rounds (20 minutes) WEDNESDAY
1 minute MAX Calorie Row
1 minute MAX Air Squats A) Run
1 minute MAX Dumbbell Lunge 3 x 8 minute efforts *Rest 4 min*
2 minute Rest *this is to be performed around your 5km
C) Swimming
5-4-3-2-1 lengths (25m pool) *Resting 30 sec be- B) Push ups
tween* 25 reps on the minute every minute x 8
*Rest 2 min* sets
1-2-3-4-5 lengths *Resting 30 sec between*
Into 3 minutes treading water C) Core
*Scaled Down Options* 5 sets
Again adjust the squat percentage to keep with 30 seconds MAX Crunches
where you’re at. Go pretty hard on part B that rest 30 seconds MAX Leg raises
should be long enough for you to recover pretty 30 seconds Plank
well. 30 seconds MAX Mountain climbers
The bulk of this session is part B, make sure you hit *Scaled Down Options*
your squat percentages and give it your all in the Try and cut the time on the run and
workout. It’s only 20 minutes. WORK HARD maintain the pace, if you do this, think
about adding a set to catch up with over-
all running time. Cut the reps on part B
to suit your ability. Add a rest in for part

A) Every 2 minutes x 10 sets (20 minutes) *Notes

Alternate between the following The running is going to be hard, stay at or
Minutes 0-2: 20 Calorie Row below your 5km pace. Push it. The other
Minutes 2-4: 10 Push Press @50kg + 10 Alt V ups two parts of this are specific to the tests.
Don’t worry if you don’t go unbroken
B) Mobility (Focus on a more of a upper body pro- on the push ups just try and get the reps
tocol) done in the minute.

*Scaled Down Options*

Lower the calories on the rowing or make the push
press lighter.

You should be getting around 1 min of rest per
round here. Push the row get it done as fast as pos-

A) Run
50 Mins
*start slightly faster than last week and increase the pace every 5 minutes*

B) Face Pulls/ Banded pull aparts

3 sets 20 reps
*look after those shoulders*

C) Weighted Pull Ups

5 sets 3 reps
*you should be able to get heavier on these than last week, build in weight until set 5

D) 3 sets
10 Dumbbell/cable Pull Over
10 Bent Over Rows
Amrap Inverted Rows
*Rest 3 minutes*

*Scaled Down Options*

Start at the same pace as last week or choose to increase the pace less frequently. Stick with the
same weight in the weighted pull ups.

This is the longest run of the program. Still try to make sure you are getting faster throughout.
Into the last few weeks now should be feeling good!


A) 3 rounds
2 sets
1km Bike
15 Russian Kettlebell swing @32kg
15 Bar facing burpees
*Rest for the time it takes*

B) Choose the test you are worst at here

*Scaled Down Options*

Scale the weight on the swings. Or drop the reps to 10 and
10. This is a long one! Stick with it.

Part A, the format makes it tough. You will complete the
work 2x through, rest for as long as it takes, and repeat that
for 3 total rounds.


A) Pull Ups
4 Sets
70% reps
*Rest 2 min sec*
*perform 70% of your max set of pull ups*

B) 25 minute AMRAP
800m Run
40 Sit ups
20 Push ups

C) Sit Ups
100 reps for time
*every min on the min perform 5 Burpees*

*Scaled Down Options*

Cut the sets again on the pull ups. On part B decrease either the total time in the workout or
decrease the the running distance. Cut the reps on the sit ups to 75/50.

Last week to improve your pull ups, stay strict with yourself, these are always for quality. Don’t
push the first run too hard, this workout is long! Pace it well. The sit ups section should be com-
pleted in under 8 minutes, if it isn’t adjust the reps.

A) Back Squat 15 min Emom

Minutes 0-5 – 3 reps @75% WEDNESDAY
Minutes 5-10 – 2 reps @85%
Minutes 10-15 – 1 rep @90% A) Run
2 x 10 minutes @ 5km pace
B) Leg endurance *Rest 4 min*
5 rounds 2 x 5 minutes @ 1.5 mile pace
600m Bike *Rest 2 min*
30 ‘A’ Squats
*Rest 90 seconds* B) Push ups
30 reps on the minute every minute x 7 sets
C) Swimming
10 x 100m C) Core
*Rest 60 sec* 3 rounds
3 min Treading Water 5 Strict toes to bar
10 *Heavy* Russian Twists
*Scaled Down Options* 15 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32kg
Change the ‘a’ squat for a regular squat.
Cut the distance on the swim if you’ll *Scaled Down Options*
struggle to comfortably complete the Decrease the run time. Eg 8 min, 4 min. decrease
100m. the reps and increase sets. Eg 10 sets of 20 reps.
Switch the toes to bar for knees to chest.
Make sure you go and see what the ‘A’ *Notes
squat is execute it to the best of your Work hard on the run, these tempo pieces are re-
ability. Sprint the bike on this, the sets ally important for improving your 1.5 mile return
are short so go hard! run and bleep test. If you can smash out these
push ups with good form then you’re a beast. This
is a tough one. Go Give it some!


A) Every 2 minutes x 10 sets (20 minutes)

200m Row
10 burpees over the rower

B) Mobility (Focus on the upper body)

*Scaled Down Options*

Adjust the distance and reps to where you can complete a round in 80-90 seconds.

You’ll have to push either one take into consideration your strength. I.e if you’re good on the rower, use
that to drive your round times down.

A) Run
55 minute run
*every mile increase the pace*

B) Face Pulls/ Banded pull aparts

3 sets 20 reps
*look after those shoulders*

C) Weighted Pull Ups

5 sets 3 reps
*take the weight that you finished on last week for all sets, rest as needed*#

D) 4 sets
12-10-8-6 reps of dumbbell prone row
6 Bent over row
*Rest 2 min*

*Scaled Down Options*

Scale the run back, if you struggle with this then don’t be afraid to increase the pace less
frequently. The pull up weight can be scaled as well. Drop the weight on part D if needed.
Make sure it’s still challenging.

This is another version of the running workout a few weeks ago. Lets try and beat the
distance that we got the other week. Part D is a bit of pull redundancy you have to manage
your fatigue here.


A) 3 minutes work/ 3 minutes rest x 5 sets

1000m Bike into MAX reps Air Squats in the remaining time.

B) Use this as a time to do some mobility

*Scaled Down Options*

Scale the distance on the bike so that you get at least a minute of air squats.

This one is a leg burner for sure. Quality workout! This is all we’ve got for
today! Let’s smash it! Last session before the final test week!
TEST WEEK @harryshepfitness


A) Bleep Test
*Complete the 20m bleep test with preferably on concrete*

B) 1 rep max Back Squat

Let’s get some PRs this week, put all that hard work to use. Put the effort in. This week will be
the same tests as the first week.

Push Ups

*Elbows should be tucked into side and body should be straight*

Sit Ups

*Knees remain together and feet remain anchored, fingers are to stay on your temples and elbows to
touch the knees at the top of the movement*

Pull Ups (overhand grasp)

*Full extension of the arms and chin over the bar*
*All to the bleep, links below*

All the strength and endurance work you have been putting in will be put to the test here! These body-
weight tests are no joke as you know. But you should be fully ready to attack them.


1.5 Mile Run (return)

*Ensure you run 1.5 miles out as a warm-up and then time your next 1.5 miles*

Last session of the program. This is an all-out effort! you will know exactly what
you need to hit for your chosen service so get after it!
REVIEWS @harryshepfitness

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leave a review by emailing Any feedback is welcome.

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