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1.) How many times has the Philippine Government changed the country's constitution?

As of last update in January 2022, the Philippines has had several attempts to change
its constitution, but the 1987 Constitution, which was ratified after the People Power Revolution,
remains in effect. The Philippines has had a total of six constitutions since the Proclamation of
Independence on June 12, 1898.

2.) Arrange PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION TIMELINE in ascending order

A. Malolos Constitution (1899): The first constitution of the Philippines, enacted during the
First Philippine Republic.
B. 1935 Constitution (1935): Enacted during the Commonwealth period, which granted the
Philippines a large degree of autonomy from the United States.
C. 1973 Constitution (1973): Enacted during martial law under President Ferdinand Marcos,
establishing a parliamentary form of government.
D. 1986 Freedom Constitution (1986)*: Proclaimed after the People Power Revolution,
temporarily serving as the fundamental law until the ratification of the 1987 Constitution.
E. 1987 Constitution (1987): The current constitution of the Philippines, ratified after the
ousting of President Marcos, establishing the present system of government.


A constitution is a fundamental set of principles or established precedents according to

which a state or other organization is governed. It serves as the supreme law of the land,
outlining the organization of government, defining the scope and limitations of its powers, and
protecting the rights and freedoms of the citizens. Constitutions can be written or unwritten, and
they form the foundation for the legal and political framework of a country.

4.) Define Political Science

Political science is the systematic study of politics, government systems, political

behavior, and political activities. It explores the theory and practice of politics at various levels,
from local communities to the global stage. Political scientists analyze political processes,
institutions, and behavior to understand how societies make decisions and allocate resources.
They examine the roles and functions of governments, political parties, and international
organizations, studying how they impact public policies and citizenry.

Political science encompasses diverse subfields, including comparative politics, which involves
comparing political systems and institutions across different countries. International relations
focus on interactions between nations, studying diplomacy, conflict, and cooperation on the
global scale. Political theory delves into the ideas and concepts that underpin political systems,
exploring topics such as justice, liberty, and democracy.
Additionally, political scientists study public administration, examining how government agencies
operate and implement policies. They analyze political behavior, which includes voting patterns,
public opinion, and political participation, to understand citizen engagement in political
processes. Political science utilizes various methodologies, including qualitative and quantitative
research, to analyze political phenomena and develop theories about political behavior and
institutions. Overall, political science provides valuable insights into the functioning of political
systems and the complexities of governance in societies around the world.


David Easton was a prominent political scientist whose contributions significantly

impacted the field of political science. He is renowned for his development of the systems
theory, which revolutionized the understanding of political processes. Easton emphasized the
importance of analyzing political systems as complex, interconnected entities, studying how
various components interact and adapt to maintain stability.

His work provided a framework for studying political phenomena, helping scholars comprehend
the intricate relationships between different elements of a political system, such as institutions,
behaviors, and policies. Easton's systems theory laid the groundwork for comparative politics
and encouraged scholars to explore political systems across different cultures and contexts,
fostering a more comprehensive understanding of global politics.

Furthermore, Easton's emphasis on feedback mechanisms and adaptation processes

highlighted the dynamic nature of political systems. His ideas have been instrumental in shaping
research methodologies, guiding scholars in their empirical studies, and promoting
interdisciplinary approaches within political science.

Easton's influence extended beyond academia, as his theories were utilized by policymakers
and analysts to comprehend political developments and design effective governance strategies.
By emphasizing the complexity and adaptability of political systems, Easton's work continues to
be relevant in addressing contemporary challenges, such as political instability, globalization,
and governance reforms.

In summary, David Easton's contributions to political science have been pivotal, providing
scholars and policymakers with valuable tools to analyze and understand the intricacies of
political systems, both in theory and in practice. His work has had a lasting impact, shaping the
field and enhancing our comprehension of the complexities inherent in political processes

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