CMP4 G6 VP SE ACE With-Answers FT2023

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With Answers & Problem Correlations

Investigation 1

Note: Problem options listed below are a collection from which to choose. It is always a good
idea to do the problems yourself first, so you know what is involved in each one. Especially
with this unit, each problem may have several parts, and some require students to make tables
and graphs or write descriptions. These types of questions take lots of time so you will need to
assign accordingly.

Applications Connections Extensions Total

1.1 2 3 1 6
1.2 2 1 1 4
1.3 3 2 2 7
1.4 3 1 2 6
Total 10 7 7 23

Applications Investigation 1
Problem Exercise and Answer CMP4
# Problem #
1 1.1

CMP4 Field Test Unit Grade 6 Unit 6: Variables and Patterns June 2023
© 2022 Connected Mathematics Project at Michigan State University
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a. Describe the pattern of change in the number of bags of popcorn sold during
the day.
Answers will vary. This is assigned after the first problem of the year so be
lenient with what you accept. Sharing a quality description from a student the
next day is helpful.
Example: Sales increase rather steadily throughout the day, with somewhat
greater sales between 11 A.M. and 1 P.M. (the lunch hour), and somewhat
slower sales for the following two hours. Students may mention that no popcorn
was sold between 1 P.M. and 2 P.M. Early in the unit some students will tend to
describe every interval, and some will be too general, stating only that the
number of bags of popcorn increased.
b. During which hour did the store sell the most popcorn? During which hour did
it sell the least popcorn?
Greatest sale (15 bags) was in the sixth hour (11 A.M. to 12 P.M.); least sales (0
bags) in the eighth hour (1 P.M. to 2 P.M.)
2 1.1
Below is a chart of the water depth in a harbor during a typical 24-hour day. The
water level rises and falls with the tides.

a. At what time is the water the deepest? Find the depth at that time.
6 hours after midnight, or 6:00AM; 16.2 meters

b. At what time is the water the shallowest? Find the depth at that time.
Twelve hours after midnight, or Noon; 10.0 meters

c. During what time interval does the depth change most rapidly?
Water depth changes most rapidly (by 1.7 meters per hour) between two hours
and three hours after midnight, or 2AM and 3AM; between 8 hours and 9 hours
after midnight, or 8AM and 9AM; and between 14 hours and 15 hours after
midnight, or 2PM and 3PM. (This pattern shows the physical property of tides
that they move most swiftly at points halfway between high and low tides which
occur roughly every six hours.)
3 The Ocean Bike Tours partners went on a test ride. The (time, distance) data for 1.2
their ride are shown in the table below.

CMP4 Field Test Unit Grade 6 Unit 6: Variables and Patterns June 2023
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a. Plot these data on a coordinate graph with scales and labels.


b. At what time(s) in the ride were the four business partners riding fastest? How
is that information shown in the table and on the graph?
Fastest riding was in the first half-hour and the half-hour between 3.5 and 4.0
hours. In those time intervals, the riders covered 10 miles for an average speed
of 20 miles per hour. By comparing adjacent entries in the data table, you can
find the greatest increase in a half-hour. The greatest increases are shown on
the graph by the largest jumps upward from one point to the next. Students may
also talk about the line between points being “steeper” where there is a greater
increase. They may notice the distance between the two points being longer in
these situations as well.

c. At what time(s) in the ride were they riding slowest? How is that information
shown in the table and on the graph?
Slowest riding was in the half-hour between 2.5 and 3.0 hours (when the riders
were backtracking on their trip). In that time interval, the riders covered 3 miles
for an average speed of 6 miles per hour. By comparing adjacent entries in the
data table, you can find the least increase in a half-hour. The least increases are
shown on the graph by the smallest jumps upward from one point to the next. In
this case, the jump is down, but the absolute value of the distance is 3. Students
may talk about the line between these points being “less steep” or there being a
shorter distance between points.

d. How would you describe the overall pattern in cyclist speed throughout the
test run?
The overall pattern in the data (excepting the backtrack interval) shows gradual
slowing over the first half of the trip and again over the second half of the trip.
This pattern is more apparent in the table than the graph. Note: There is a
missing data point at time 4.5 hours. Students may say the graph shows a pretty
steady increase for the first half and then slows down in the middle of the trip.
They may describe the last part of the trip as having a steady increase as the
dots appear to stay at the same “steepness.”
CMP4 Field Test Unit Grade 6 Unit 6: Variables and Patterns June 2023
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e. What might explain the dip in the distance data between 2.5 and 3.5 hours?
The dip might be caused by a wrong turn that required backtracking or by
something dropped and only realized later down the road, requiring backtracking
to pick up the lost item.

4 Three students made graphs of the population of a town called Huntsville. The 1.2
break in the y-axis is Graphs A and C indicates that there are values missing
between 0 and 8.

a. Describe the relationship between time and population as shown in each of

the graphs.
Each graph shows a steady growth in the Huntsville population from about
10,000 in 1996 to about 14,000 in 2004.
CMP4 Field Test Unit Grade 6 Unit 6: Variables and Patterns June 2023
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b. Is it possible that all three graphs correctly represent the population growth in
Huntsville? Explain.
The graphs show the same data values. The different choices of scales cause
the different appearances of the graphs. However, by making irregular y-axis
scales, Graphs A and B give impressions that are misleading.
5 The graph below shows the numbers of cans of juice purchased each hour from 1.3
a school’s vending machines in one day. On the x-axis of the graph, 8 means the
time from 7:00 to 8:99, and so on.

a. What might explain the high and low sale time periods shown by the graph?
High sales probably occur just before school starts. Between 8 and 9AM 80 cans
were sold. This probably occurred because students were arriving at school and
having breakfast before school started. High sales also occurred from 11 to 1PM
probably because of lunch, and again between 4 and 5PM right after school
when students may stay after for practice or other activities. Low sales, like
between 10 and 11AM and 3 and 4PM, probably occur while most students are
in class.

b. Does it make sense to connect the points on this graph? Why or why not?
It does make sense to connect the points because sales are likely occurring
throughout the hour-long interval period.

6 Students have a contest to see how many sit-ups they can complete in 10 1.3
minutes. Andrea and Ken plot their results. Their graphs are shown below.

CMP4 Field Test Unit Grade 6 Unit 6: Variables and Patterns June 2023
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a. Ken claims that he did better because the points on his graph are higher than
the points on Andrea’s graph. Is Ken correct? Explain.
No, Ken is not correct. His graph only seems to go higher because he has
chosen a different scale on the y-axis. Both Andrea and Ken completed 90 sit-
ups. The last point on both graphs sits at (10, 90).

b. In what ways do the results of the sit-up test show a pattern of endurance in
physical activity that is similar to the results of the test ride by the Ocean Bike
Tours partners?
These data show a gradual slowing of the rate of sit-ups, like what you would
see (and expect) in the ride. Students may describe both graphs as increasing at
a certain “steepness” and that “steepness” decreases as we read the graph from
left to right. From 7-10 minutes that invisible line between points appears to get
less and less “steep.”

c. Which person had the greatest average number of sit-ups per minute?
Overall, both Andrea and Ken had the same average number of sit-ups.
Andrea’s pace = 90 sit-ups/10 minutes = 9 sit-ups per minute. Ken’s pace = 90
sit-ups/10 minutes = 9 sit-ups per minute.

d. Compare Ken’s pace in the first two minutes to his pace in the last two
Ken’s pace in the first two seconds (approximately) = 39 sit-ups/2 minutes = 19
sit-ups per minute. Ken’s pace in the last two seconds (approximately) = 10 sit-
ups/2minutes = 5 sit-ups per minute. This is the first unit of the year so some
kids may not find the unit rate. They will see that he did about 38 sit-ups in the
first two minutes and ten in the last two, but may not scale to how many per one
minute at this early stage of the game.
CMP4 Field Test Unit Grade 6 Unit 6: Variables and Patterns June 2023
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7 Celia uses (time, distance) data from one part of the bike tour test run to draw 1.3
the following graph relating time and speed. Celia forgot to include scales on the
axes of the graph.

a. What does this graph show?

The graph shows something moving at a constant speed over a period of time.
As time passes, the speed remains the same.

b. Is the graph most likely a picture of speed for a cyclist, the tour van, or the
wind over a part of one day’s trip? Explain your reasoning about each possibility.
The graph is not reasonable for a cyclist or for the wind under normal conditions.
A rider’s speed can be affected by fatigue or environmental factors such as
temperature, wind speed or direction, and terrain. A van could travel close to a
constant speed on a flat surface. The wind usually comes in gusts. It does not
seem that it would remain constant over a long period of time.

Note: Some students might answer that they do not know what the scale is, so if
a small amount of space on the y-axis means million sand millions, then this
graph is possible for the cyclist, the van, or the wind because their small amount
of speeding up and slowing down would not show up on the graph.
8 Katrina’s parents kept a record of her growth in height from birth until her 18th 1.4
birthday. Their data is shown in the table below.

CMP4 Field Test Unit Grade 6 Unit 6: Variables and Patterns June 2023
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a. Make a coordinate graph of Katrina’s height data.


b. During which time interval(s) did Katrina have her greatest “growth spurt”?
Between birth and age 1 (9 inches).

c. During which time interval(s) did Katrina’s height change the least?
From age 14 to 16 and from age 17 to 18, when Katrina did not grow at all.

d. Would it make sense to connect the points on the graph? Why or why not?
It makes sense to connect the points because growth occurs between birthdays.
Note: The question of how these points should be connected, by line segments
or a curve, is another point of discussion.
CMP4 Field Test Unit Grade 6 Unit 6: Variables and Patterns June 2023
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e. Is it easier to use the table or graph to answer parts (b) and (c)? Explain.
Answers will vary. The exact change in height is easier to read from the table.
However, students may argue that the graph provides a better overall picture.

9 Here is a graph of temperature data collected on the Ocean Bike Tours test trip 1.4
from Atlantic City to Lewes.

a. Make a table of (time, temperature) data from this graph.


Time (h) 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

60 50 55 60 70 80 70 65 70 80 85

b. What is the difference between the day’s lowest and highest temperatures?
The difference between the highest and lowest temperatures is about 35°𝐹 (from
50°𝐹 to 85°𝐹).

c. During which time interval(s) did the temperature rise the fastest? During
which time interval did it fall the fastest?
The temperature rose at a rate of about 20 degrees per hour (10 degrees per
half-hour) between 1.5 and 2.0 hours, between 2.0 and 2.5 hours, and again
between 4.0 and 4.5 hours. The temperature fell at a rate of about 20 degrees
per hour (10 degrees per half-hour) in the first half-hour and again between 2.5
and 3.0 hours.

D. Do you prefer using the table or the graph to answer questions like those in
parts (b) and (c)? Explain your reasoning.
Answers will vary. Some students will express some preference for having
numerical data on a talbe to calculate answers to questions like those in parts (b)
and (c). Other students will prefer to “see” the pattern of change on graphs, as
they tend to give overall pictures that are easier to remember in a global sense.
Accept all opinions from students, as the question asked what they “prefer.”

e. What information is shown by the lines connecting the points?

CMP4 Field Test Unit Grade 6 Unit 6: Variables and Patterns June 2023
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Connecting the points shows the temperature changing at a steady rate between
half-hour marks. It makes sense to connect the points because time is a
continuous variable, so there will be temperatures after 15 minutes, after 37
minutes, and so on. The information may not be completely accurate because
the temperature may not have changed at a constant rate. However, it is useful
for making estimates.

10 Make a table and graph of (time, temperature) data that fit the following 1.4
information about a day on the road with the Ocean Bike Tours cyclists:

Answers will vary, but the table and graph should show that it was warm at 8AM
(at time = 0 hours). Then, the temperature decreased rapidly to 63°𝐹 by
midmorning and stayed constant for about an hour. After this, the temperature
increased at a fairly steady rate until it reached 89°𝐹 at 4PM. Students may think
that “steady” means the temperature increased by the exact same number of
degrees each hour. A conversation about accepting between 4-6 degrees per
hour as “steady” may need to occur.

Possible answer:

Time (h) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Temperature (°F) 80 80 63 63 70 75 80 85 89

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Connections Investigation 1
Exercise and Answer Problem #
For Exercises 11-13, order the given numbers from least to greatest. Then,
for each ordered list, describe a pattern relating each number to the next
11 1.75, 0.25, 0.5, 1.5, 2.0, 0.75, 1.25, 1.00 1.1

0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0; add 0.25 each time
12 3 1 7 3 1 1 5 1.1
, 1, , , , , ,
8 4 8 4 2 8 8

1 1 3 1 5 3 7 1
, , , , , , ,
8 4 8 2 8 4 8
1; add 8 each time

13 2 4 1 1 4 8 32 1.1
, , , , , ,
3 3 3 6 6 3 6

1 1 4 2 4 8 32 16
, ,
6 3 6
= 3, 3, 3 ,
= 3
; multiply by 2 each time

14 Consider the pattern above. 1.2

a. Draw the next shape in the geometric pattern.


CMP4 Field Test Unit Grade 6 Unit 6: Variables and Patterns June 2023
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b. Make a table of (number of squares in bottom row, total number of
squares) data for the first ten shapes in the pattern.

Number of
Squares 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
in Bottom Row

Total Number of
1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55

c. Describe the pattern of increase in total number of squares as length of the

bottom row increases.
There are several ways to describe the pattern of increase in total number of
squares. Students may describe the pattern they see as the total number of
square increasing by 2, then 3, then 4 as the number of squares in the bottom
row increases by one.

Teacher note: Students probably will not come in to sixth grade with many
experiences writing formal rules/formulas. A formal rule for this would be as the
number of squares in the bottom row increases from n to n+1, the total number of
squares increases by n+1. One formula for the total number of squares on a base
𝑛(𝑛+1) 𝑛2 𝑛
of length n is 𝑇 = 2
or 𝑇 = 2 + 2 .
It is NOT expected that students come up with this formal rule. This is the first unit
of the year and the first formal algebra unit. This is for your information.

15 Make a table to show how the total number of cubes in these pyramids changes 1.3
as the width of the base changes from 3 to 5 to 7. Then use the pattern in those
numbers to predict the number of cubes for pyramids with base width of 9, 11, 13,
and 15.

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Width of Base 3 5 7 9 11 13 15

Total Number
10 35 84 165 286 455 680
of Cubes

As the width of the base increases from 3 to 5, the total number of cubes
increases by 25 (5x5). From 5 to 7, the total number of cubes increases by 49
(7x7). If this pattern continues, the increase from 7 to 9 should be 81 (9x9) and so

16 The partners in Ocean Bike Tours want to compare their plans with other bicycle 1.3
tour companies. The bike tour they are planning takes three days, and they
wonder if this might be too short. Malcolm called 18 different companies and
asked, “How many days is your most popular bike trip?” Here are the answers he

a. Make a line plot of the data.


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b. Based on part (a), should Ocean Bike Tours change the length of the three-day
trip? Explain.
Answers will vary. Some students may note that the 3-day tour is the most
preferred length and surmise that a 3-day trip is the best option. However, other
students may observe that half of the most popular tours are shorter than 5 days,
and half are longer than 5 days, so a 5-day tour is the average length and would
be a popular option. Accept all reasonable answers from students.

17 The graph below shows the results of a survey of people over age 25 who had 1.4
completed different levels of education. The graph shows the average salary for
people with each level of education.

a. Make a table that shows the information in the graph.

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

$12,5 $14,0 $16,5 $17,5 $28,0 $30,5 $34,0 $36,0 $49,0
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Data relating approximate annual salary to level of schooling completed will look
like that in the following table.

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b. After how many years of education do salaries take a big jump? Why do you
think this happens?
The greatest increases occur after 12 and 16 years of education. This is probably
because a diploma qualifies a person for higher-paying jobs. (You may want to
point out to students that these are not starting salaries. Some of these people
have been in their field for years. The participants of this study are people over

c. Do you find it easier to answer part (b) by looking at the graph or at your table?
Answers will vary. It is often easier to see changes, or jumps, in a graph, but it is
easier to use a table to find the exact amount of those changes.

Extensions Investigation 1
Exercise and Answer Problem #
18 Think of something in your life that varies with time. Make a graph to show the 1.1
pattern of change.
Answers will vary. Samples: Student’s height or weight over time, number of
friends over time, amount of spending money over time. The key is getting
students to explain how their tables and graphs tell a story about change over
time of some quantity that interests them. Check students’ graphs.

19 Some students did a jumping jack experiment. They reported data on the student 1.2
who could do the most jumping jacks in a certain amount of time.

a. According to the graph, how many jumping jacks did the jumper make by the
end of 10 seconds? By the end of 20 seconds? By the end of 60 seconds?
After 10 seconds, 10 jumping jacks; after 20 seconds, 20 jumping jacks; after 60
seconds, 40 jumping jacks

b. Give the elapsed time and number of jumping jacks for two other points on the
Other points show 5 jumping jacks after 5 seconds, 15 after 15 seconds, 25 after
25 seconds, 30 after 35 seconds, 35 after 45 seconds
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c. What estimate would make sense for the number of jumping jacks in 30
seconds? The number in 40 seconds? The number in 50 seconds?
Students may find the middle of the number of jumping jacks at 25 and 35
seconds, 25 and 30. They might estimate 27 or 28 jacks at 30 seconds. Using the
graph, they may locate a point that looks “in between” the two points and assign it
an appropriate number of jacks
d. What does the overall pattern in the graph show about the rate at which the
test jumper completed jumping jacks?
The rate of jumping jacks decreases as time passes. In the last 15 seconds (45-
60) he jumped only 5 times.

e. Suppose you connected the first and last data points with a straight line. Would
this line show the overall pattern? Explain.
Connecting the first and last points of the graph with a straight-line segment
would suggest a constant rate of jumping jacks, a pattern that is quite different
from that shown by the actual data plot. The graph shows an increase over time,
but not at a steady rate as it would be to connect the first and last data points.
20 The number of hours of day light in a day changes throughout the year. We say 1.3
that the days are “shorter” in winter and “longer” in summer. The table shows the
number of daylight hours in Chicago, Illinois, on a typical day during each month
of the year (January is Month 1, and so on).

a. Describe any relationship you see between the two variables.

The hours of daylight increase from a minimum of 10 in January to a maximum of
15 in June (midsummer) and then symmetrically decreases to the winter minimum
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of 10 in December. Since the winter solstice occurs in the latter part of December
and the summer solstice in the latter part of June, these patterns make sense.

b. On a grid, sketch a coordinate graph of the data. Put months on the x-axis and
daylight hours on the y-axis. What patterns do you see?
A graph of the (month, daylight hours) data illustrates the pattern described in part

21 The seasons in the Southern Hemisphere are the opposite of the seasons in the 1.3
Northern Hemisphere. When it is summer in North America, it is winter in
Australia. Chicago is about the same distance north of the equator as Melbourne,
Australia, is south of the equator.

a. Sketch a graph showing the relationship you would expect to find between the
month and the hours of daylight in Melbourne.

b. Put the (month, daylight) values from your graph in part (a) into a table.

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ht 14.5 13.8 12.5 11.0 10.5 10.0 10.0 10.2 11.7 13.1 14.3 15.0

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22 a. A school club sells sweatshirts to raise money. Which, if any, of the graphs 1.4
below describes the relationship you would expect between the price charged for
each sweatshirt and the profit? Explain your choice, or draw a new graph that you
think better describes this relationship.

Answers will vary. Students might make a reasonable argument for any of the
graphs. Yet, some graphs seem to be better than others. The following arguments
assume that the intersection of the x- and y-axes is point (0, 0) on all graphs.
Unlike Graph I, Graphs II, III, and IV show that there is a price that results in the
maximum profit. Graph IV is a better representation because Graph III shows the
unlikely event of making a profit at a very low price for each shirt. Students might
draw a more detailed graph that shows a negative profit (loss) when the price is
too low.

b. What variables might affect the club’s profits?

Answers will vary. Possible answers: selling price, price the club must pay for the
sweatshirts, the location and times the club chooses for selling sweatshirts, and
customer demand (which might depend on other variables such as income and

23 In parts A-E below, how does the value of one variable changes as the value of 1.4
the other changes? Estimate pairs of values that show the pattern of change you
would expect and record your estimates in a table with at least five data points.

Sample: hours of television you watch in a week and your school grade-point

Answer: As television time increases, I expect my grade-point average to

decrease. See the table below.

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a. distance from school to your home and time it takes to walk home
You would expect that the greater the distance from school to your home, the
longer it will take to walk home from school. For example:
Distance (mi) Time (min)



1 20

1 1/2 30

b. price of popcorn at a theater and number of bags sold

You would expect the number of bags of popcorn sold at a theater to decrease as
the price increases. For example:
Price of Popcorn Number of
at Theater Bags Sold
$2 50

$4 40

$6 30

$8 20

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$10 10

c. speed of an airplane and time it takes the plane to complete a 500-mile trip
You would expect the time it takes a plane to complete a 500-mile trip to
decrease as the speed increases. For example:
Speed (mi/h) Time (h)

100 5
125 4

150 3.33

175 2.86
200 2.5

d. streaming TV bill and number of movies rented

You would expect a movie bill to increase as the number of movies rented
increases. For example:
Number of Cost of
movies Bill
1 $6

2 $12

3 $18

4 $24
5 $30

e. points earned for reaching a new level of a game and number of levels
You would expect the points to increase as the success in levels increases. For
Levels Points
1 30

5 150

10 300

15 450
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20 600

Investigation 2

Applications Connections Extensions Total

2.1 4 2 1 7
2.2 3 3 1 7
2.3 3 3 1 7
Total 10 8 3 21

Applications Investigation 2

Exercise and Answer Problem #
1 2.1

The following table shows typical weights for young tiger cubs from birth to 11
weeks. Use the data to answer parts (a)-(e).

a. At what age do tiger cubs typically weigh 7 kilograms?

Between 7 and 8 weeks

b. Plot the (age, weight) data on a coordinate grid with appropriate scales. Explain
why it does or does not make sense to connect the points on that graph.

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It makes sense to connect points on a coordinate graph, because growth occurs
all throughout each week. See Figure 1:

c. How would you describe the pattern relating tiger cub age and weight?
The tiger cubs’ weight increases fairly steadily at a rate of about 0.75 kg per
week. Students may have a hard time understanding that a “steady” rate may not
be exact. The cub growing 0.7 kg one week and 0.8 the next, and so on, would
be considered “steady” even if the cub did not grow the exact same amount each

d. How is the pattern shown in the data table?

The rate of change is seen in the successive differences of weights from one
week to the next in the table.

e. How is the pattern shown in the coordinate graph?

The relatively steady growth rate shows up in the graph as a linear increasing
pattern of data points. Students may say that the line goes up at the same level of
“steepness” throughout the weeks.

2 Desi is planning a go-kart party. Kartland gives him a table of group rates. 2.1
Thunder Alley gives him a graph. The table and graph are shown below.

Kartland Price Packages

Number 10 20 30 40 50 60
of Laps
Cost $25 $45 $65 $85 $105 $125

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a. Find the cost at both locations for 50 laps
50 laps will cost $105 at Kartland and about $95 at Thunder Alley.

b. Find the cost at both locations for 20 laps.

20 laps will cost $45 at Kartland and about $50 at Thunder Alley.

c. Find the cost at both locations for 35 laps.

35 laps will cost $75 at Kartland and about $70 at Thunder Alley.

d. Look for patterns in the relationships between number of laps and cost at
Kartland. How is the pattern shown in the table?
It looks as if the pricing plan at Kartland is $5 for the group and then $2.00 per
lap. The table shows an increase in cost of $20 for each 10 laps ($2 per lap), but
the first 10 laps cost $25 (suggesting the $5 group fee).

e. Look for patterns in the relationships between number of laps and cost at
Thunder Alley. How is the pattern shown in the graph?
At Thunder Ally it looks like you pay $20 for the group and then about $1.50 per
lap. You can see this on the graph because the first point is (0, 20) or 0 laps but
you’ve had to pay $20. It then increase at a steady rate after that. A steady slope
of over 10 and up 15 (suggesting the per-lap charge of $1.50). The slope is
clearest for the points (0, 20) and (40, 80), which shows that for 40 lsaps the
increase in cost is $60.

f. Which location seems to offer the best deal?

Answers will vary. The location with the better deal depends on how many laps.
Kartland is cheaper than Thunder Ally if Desi and his friends want to go less than
30 laps (both charge $65 for 30 laps). Over 30 laps, the cost is cheaper at
Thunder Ally.

3 The following table shows the fees charged for campsites at one of the 2.1
campgrounds on the Ocean Bike Tours route.

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a. Make a coordinate graph of the data.

b. Does it make sense to connect the points on the graph? Explain.

It doesn’t make sense to connect the points because campers come in whole
numbers only.

c. Using the table, describe the pattern of change in the total campground fee as
the number of camp sites increases.
The camping fee appears to be $12.50 per campsite.

d. How is the pattern you described in part c shown in your graph?

The fee rule is shown in the steady (linear) upward trend of points on the graph –
increase one camper leads to rise of $12.50 in total cost. It is not likely that
students will describe the graph like this though. Students will notice that the line
increases at the same “steepness.” The distance between each of the points
remains the same as well.

4 A camping-supply store rents camping gear for $25 per person for a week. 2.1

a. Make a table of the total rental charges for 0, 5, 10,…, 40 campers.


Number of
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Charge ($) 0 125 250 375 500 625 750 875 1,000

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b. Make a coordinate graph using the data in your table.

c. Compare the pattern in your table and graph with patterns you found in the
campground fee data in Applications #3. Describe the similarities and differences
between the two sets of data.
The pattern of change in the table and the graph is very similar to that of #3. As
the number of campers renting gear or the number of campsites (x-axis)
increases, so does the cost (y-axis) and at a steady rate. The only difference is
that the rate of change in camping gear cost is double the rate of change for
campsite usage.

5 Some class officers want to sell T-shirts to raise funds for a class trip. They ask 2.2
the students in their class how much they would pay for a shirt and recorded the
data in a table.

Price per $5 $10 $15 $20 $25

Number 50 40 30 20 10
of Shirt

a. Describe the relationship between the price per shirt and the expected number
of shirt sales. Is this the sort of pattern you would expect?
It looks as if each increase of $5 in the price will lead to a loss of 10 shirt sales.
As price increases, fewer people will be willing to pay for the shirts, so yes, this
pattern is expected.

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b. Copy and complete this table to show the relationship between price per shirt
and the expected total value of the shirt sales.

Price per Shirt $5 $10 $15 $20 $25
Number of Shirt
50 40 30 20 10

Value of Shirt Sales $250 $400 $450 $400 $250

c. How would you describe the relationship between price per shirt and expected
total value of shirt sales? Is this the sort of pattern you would expect?
As price increases, the income increases to a maximum of $450 at a price of $15
per shirt; however, the projected income then begins to decrease because the
loss of customers overcomes the gain from higher prices. Students might find this
at first surprising, but not unbelievable.

d. Make coordinate graphs of the data like the ones started below.


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e. Explain how your answers to parts (a) and (c) are shown in the graphs.
The first graph shows steady decline in sales as price increase; the second graph
shows increase to a maximum and then decrease of income as price increases.

6 The bike tour partners need to rent a truck to transport camping gear, clothes, 2.2
and bicycle repair equipment. They check prices at two truck-rental companies.

a. East Coast Trucks charges $4 for each mile driven. Make a table of the
charges for 0, 100, 200, …, 800 miles.

East Cost Trucks Answer:

Miles 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Charge ($) 0 400 800 1,200 1,600 2,000 2,400 2,800 3,200

b. Philadelphia Truck Rental charges $40 per day and an additional $3.00 for
each mile driven. Make a table of the charges for renting a truck for five
days and driving it 0, 100, 200, …, 800 miles.

Philadelphia Truck Rental Answer:

Miles 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Charge ($) 200 500 800 1,100 1,400 1,700 2,000 2,300 2,600

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c. On one coordinate graph, plot the charges for both rental companies. Use
different colors to mark points representing the two companies’ plans.

East Coast graph starts at (0, 0). Answer:

d. Based on your work in parts (a)-(c), which company offers the better deal?
The tables and graph show equal charges for 200 miles, with East Coast Trucks
cheaper for fewer miles and Philadelphia Truck Rental cheaper thereafter.

7 The table below shows fees for using a campsite at a state park for 1 day up to 2.2
the park limit of 10 days.

a. Make a coordinate graph representing data in the table.


b. Does it make sense to connect the points on your graph? Explain.

Since camping fees appear to be charged by the whole day, it does not make
sense to connect the dots in this graph.
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c. Describe the pattern relating the variables days of use and campsite fee.
It appears that there is a $10 registration fee, then $10 per day for the first six
days and $5 per day thereafter.

Suppose a motion detector tracks the time and the distance traveled as you
walk 40 feet in 8 seconds. The results are shown in the graphs below. Use
them to answer Exercises 8-9.
8 Match one of the (time, distance) graphs above with the story that describes each 2.3

a. You walk at a steady pace of 5 feet per second.

Graph 3

b. You walk slowly at first, and then steadily increase your walking speed.
Graph 4

c. You walk rapidly at first, pause for several seconds, and then walk at an
increasing rate for the rest of the trip.
Graph 1

d. You walk at a steady rate for 3 seconds, pause for 2 seconds, and then
walk at a steady rate for the rest of the trip.
Graph 5

e. You walk rapidly at first, but gradually slow down as you reach the end of
the walk.
Graph 2

9 For each walk in the graphs above, complete a (time, distance) table like the one 2.3
begun below. Use numbers that will match the pattern shown in the graph.

Time(Seconds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Distance (Feet) 40

Answers will vary.

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a. Graph 3
Time (seconds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Distance (feet) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

b. Graph 4
Time (seconds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Distance (feet) 1 3 6 11 17 24 31 40

c. Graph 1
Time (seconds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Distance (feet) 8 14 18 20 22 26 32 40

d. Graph 5
Time (seconds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Distance (feet) 20 20 20 40

e. Graph 2
Time (seconds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Distance (feet) 9 16 23 29 34 37 39 40

10 The graphs below show five patterns for the daily sales of a new video game as 2.3
time passed after its release. Match each (time, sales) graph with the “story” it

a. The daily sales rose rapidly, then leveled off, and then declined rapidly.
Graph 1

b. The daily sales rose at a steady rate.

Graph 4

c. The daily sales dropped rapidly at first and then at a slower rate.
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Graph 3

Connections Investigation 2
Exercise and Answer Problem #
11 The graph below shows how the temperature changed during an all-day hike by 2.1
students in the Terrapin Middle School science club.

a. What was the maximum temperature and when did it occur?

Maximum temperature of 30 °C occurred at points 2, 2.5, and 3.5 hours into the

b. When was the temperature rising most rapidly?

Temperature seems to be rising most rapidly between 1 and 1.5 hours into the
hike. It looks like the temperature rose from about 21 degrees to about 27
degrees within that half hour.

c. When was the temperature falling most rapidly?

Temperature seems to be falling most rapidly between 3.5 and 4.0 hours into the
hike. It appears to have decreased from 30 degrees to 18 degrees within that half

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d. When was the temperature about 24°C?

Temperature was about 24°C at points about 1.25 and 3.75 hours into the hike.

e. The hikers encountered a thunderstorm with rain. When do you think this

The thunderstorm (and likely cooling of the temperature) probably occurred about
3.5 hours into the hike and lasted about half an hour.

12 Jacy works at an amusement park on the weekends. The graph shows parking 2.1
costs at the parking lot that Jacy uses while he is at work.

A. Multiple Choice How much will Jacy spend to park for less than half an
hour? H

F. $0.50
G. $0.75
H. $1.00
J. $1.50

B. Multiple Choice How much will Jacy spend to park for 4 hours and 15
minutes? C

A. $6.00
B. $6.50
C. $6.75
D. $7.00

13 The area of a rectangle is the product of its length and its width. 2.2

a. Find all whole-number pairs of length and width values that give an area of
24 square meters. Copy and extend the table here to record the pairs.

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Length …

Width …

Length 1 2 3 4 6 8 12 24

Width 24 12 8 6 4 3 2 1

b. Make a coordinate graph of the (length, width) data from part (a).

c. Connect the points on your graph if it makes sense to do so. Explain your
It makes sense to connect the points because rectangles can have any length
and width with product 24 (e.g., 1.5 and 16).

d. Describe the relationship between length and width for rectangles of area 24
square meters.
As length increases, the corresponding width decreases rapidly at first and then
more slowly to keep the constant product of 24. This is an example of an inverse
variation relationship that students will encounter in future CMP units. Such
relationships have the algebraic for xy = k or y = k/x. This is helpful information for
you as the teacher, but not something to expect students to make sense of at this

14 The perimeter of any rectangle is the sum of its side lengths. 2.2

a. Make a table of all possible whole-number pairs of length and width values
for a rectangle with a perimeter of 18 meters.
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Length 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Width 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

b. Make a coordinate graph of the (length, width) data from part (a).

c. Connect the points on your graph if it makes sense to do so. Explain your

It makes sense to connect the points on the graph because lengths and widths
can be any parts of a meter (e.g., 3.5 and 5.5).

d. Describe the relationship between length and width for rectangles of

perimeter 18 meters. Explain how that relationship is shown in the table
and graph.

As length increases at a constant rate (add one), the corresponding widths

decrease at a constant rate (subtract one). This is shown by the downward slope
of the graph from left or right and by the patterns of change in the rows of the

15 Students plan to hold a car wash to raise money. The students ask some adults 2.2
how much they would pay for a carwash. The table below shows the results of the

a. Make a coordinate graph of the (price, customers) data. Connect the

points of it makes sense to do so.

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It makes some sense to connect the data points, since fractional dollar prices ar
possible. In fact, psychologically, a price of $5.99 might seem much lower than
$6.00 to some people.

b. Describe the pattern relating the price to the number of customers. Explain
how the table and the graph show the pattern.
As price increases at a constant rate, the number of customers decreases at a
constant rate of about 7.5 customers per dollar increase in price.

c. Based on the pattern, what number of customers would you predict if the
price were $16? If the price were $20? If the price were $2?
Based on the pattern, you would predict 30 customers if the price were $16, 0
customers if the price were $20, and 135 customers if the price were $2.

16 The table below shows the winning countries and the winning times for the 2.3
women’s Olympic 400-meter dash since 1964.

a. Make a coordinate graph of the (year, time) information. Choose a scale

that allows you to see the differences between the winning times.

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As time passes from 1964 to 1980, the times for the 400-meter dash decreased
quickly. Between 1980 and 1992 the times stayed about the same. After a large
decrease between 1992 and 1996 the time increased by a large amount at first,
then just gradually until 2012. Overall, the times appear to be falling. 1996 was
the year when the best time was earned (48.25 seconds).

17 Here are the box-office earnings for a move during each of the first eight weeks 2.3
following its release.

a. Make a coordinate graph showing the data from the table.


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b. Explain how the weekly earnings changed as time passed. How is this
pattern of change shown in the table and the graph? Why might this
change have occurred?

After a fairly successful opening week, interest in the movie peaked in the second
week and then began to decline (probably as the potential customers all saw the
film). The decline is a bit more rapid in weeks 3-6. In the table, you see the
weekly earnings decreasing after the peak in week 2. In the graph, you see the
points going down to the right after week 2.

c. What were the total earnings of the movie in the eighth week?

Total earnings in the eight weeks for which data are given were $83 million.
Students may miss that the weekly earnings will have to be totaled over time.

d. Make a coordinate graph showing the total earnings after each week.

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e. Explain how the movie’s total earnings changed over time. How is this
pattern of change shown in the table and the graph? Why might this
change have occurred?

The cumulative earnings increase rapidly at first, and then more slowly as the
film’s audience is tapped out. This pattern is shown by the rapid rise of the data
points at first and then a slower rise from week to week for the later point.

18 Two students were thinking about the relationship between price and number of 2.3
T-shirt sales in a school fundraiser. They had different ideas about independent
and dependent variables.

Shane argued that changing the price would change the number sold, so price is
the independent variable. Victoria argued that the goal for number sold would
dictate the price to be charged, so number of sales is the independent variable.

What do you think of these two ideas? Does it always matter which variable is
considered independent and which dependent?

In fact, the choice of variable to be labeled independent and that to be labeled

dependent is often (but not always in applications) arbitrary. It depends on the
way the person framing the problem views the variables. Both of these arguments
are reasonable.

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Extensions Investigation 2
Exercise and Answer Problem #
19 Use what you know about decimals to find coordinates of five points that lie on 2.1
the line segment between the labeled points on each of these graphs:

(1, 0.5), (2, 1), (3, 1.5), (4, 2), (5, 2.5)

(0.1, 0.05), (0.2, 0.1), (0.33, 0.15), (0.4, 0.2), (0.5, 0.25)

20 Each of the graphs below shows a relationship between independent (x-axis) and 2.2
dependent (y-axis) variables. However, the scales on the coordinate axes are not
the same for all the graphs.

a. For each graph complete this statement:

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The graph shows that y increases by _ for every increase of 1 in x.

Graph 1 shows that y increases by 2 for every increase of 1 in x.

Graph 2 shows that y increases by 1.5 for every increase of 1 in x.

Graph 3 shows that y increases by about 0.75 for every increase of 1 in x.

Graph 4 shows that y increases by 1 for every increase of 1 in x.

b. Which graph shows the dependent variable increasing most rapidly as the
independent variable increase?

Graph 1 shows the greatest rate of increase in the dependent variable (2 up for
each 1 over). While Graph 4 looks equally steep, the dependent variable
increases only from 0 to 5 over the interval shown.

c. Which graph shows the dependent variable increasing most slowly as the
independent variable increases?

While Graphs 2 and 3 seem to have the same slope, the scales on the y-axis are
different. So, Graph 3 shows a pattern of slower increase in the dependent
variable over the interval shown. Graph 2 shows that y increases by 1.5 for every
increase of 1 in x. Graph 3 shows that y increases by about 0.75 for every
increase of 1 in x.

21 2.3
a. Copy and complete the following table relating car wash price to projected

Car Wash Price $4 $6 $8 $10 $12 $14
Number of Customers 120 105 90 75 60 45
Projected Income $480 $630 $720 $750 $720 $630

b. Make a coordinate graph of the (price, income) data.


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c. Explain why it makes sense to consider price the independent variable and
income the dependent variable.
It makes sense to consider price to be the independent variable because that is
the quantity that the car wash operators can manipulate as they choose in this
situation. The number of customers will be determined by how the price is set.

d. Does it make sense to connect the points on the coordinate graph data plot?
Why or why not?

In this graph it does make sense to connect the points because any dollar prices
are quite feasible.

e. Describe the way projected car wash income changes as the price increases.
Explain how this pattern is shown in the graph.
As the price increases from a low value, the income increases to a maximum
value of $750 at the $10 price, and the income decreases as the price increases
further. This happens because a higher price reduces the number of customers.

f. Suppose the students must pay $1.50 per car for water and cleaning
supplies. How can you use this factor to find the profit from the car wash for
various prices?
To calculate profit when the $1.50 cost per car is considered one has to deduct
that number from the price per customer before multiplying to get a total. For
instance, a per-car price of $4 would yield 120 customers and income of $480.
However, only $2.50 of that price would be profit, so the projected profit at a price
of $4 per car would actually be $2.50 x 120, or $300.
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Investigation 3

Applications Connections Extensions Total

3.1 5 3 2 10
3.2 3 2 4 9
3.3 1 2 4 7
Total 9 7 10 26

Applications Investigation 3

Exercise and Answer Problem #
1 3.1
a. Natasha charges $12 per hour for babysitting in her neighborhood. What
equation relates her pay for a job to the number of hours she works?

P = 12h, where p is Natasha’s pay and h is the number of hours she works.

b. A gasoline service station offers 20 cents off the regular price per gallon
every Tuesday. What equation relates the discounted price to the regular
price on that day?

d = r – 0.20, where d is the discounted price per gallon and r is the regular price
per gallon.

2 A middle school wants to have its students see a movie at a local theater. The 3.1
total cost to rent the theater is $1,500. What equation shows how the cost per
student depends on the number of students who attend?

C = 1,500 ÷ n, where c is the cost in dollars per student and n is the number of

3 Celia writes the equation d = 8t to represent the distance in miles d that riders 3.1
could travel in t hours at a speed of 8 miles per hour. Make a table that shows the
distance traveled every half hour, up to 5 hours, if riders travel at this constant


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Time (h)
0 0
0.5 4
1.0 8
1.5 12
2.0 16
2.5 20
3.0 24
3.5 28
4.0 35
4.5 36
5.0 40

4 A girls’ basketball team is playing in the Texas state championship game. They 3.1
are going 560 miles from El Paso to San Antonio. Their bus travels at an average
speed of 60 miles per hour.

a. Suppose the bus travels at an almost steady speed throughout the trip.
Make a table and a graph of time and distance data for the bus.

Time (h)
0 0
1 60
2 120
3 180
4 240
5 300
6 360

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7 420
8 480
9 540
10 600

b. Estimate the distance the bus travels in 2 hours, 2 ¾ hours, 3 ½ hours,

and 7.25 hours.

The bus travels 120 miles in 2 hours, 165 miles in 2 ¾ hours, 210 miles in 3 ½
hours, and 435 miles in 7.25 hours.

c. Describe in words and with an equation a rule you could use to calculate
the distance traveled for any given time on this trip.

The distance in miles is 60 miles per hour times the number of hours. An equation
is d = 60t, where d is the distance in miles and t is the time in hours.

d. The bus route passes through Sierra Blanca, which is 90 miles from El
Paso. About how long does it take the bus to get to Sierra Blanca?

The bus takes 1.5 hours to reach Sierra Blanc because 90 ÷ 60 = 1.5. Students
may say that 90 miles is the halfway point between 60 miles (1 hour) and 120
miles (2 hours).

e. The bus route also passes through Balmorhea, which is 1/3 of the way
from El Paso to San Antonio. About how long does it take the bus to get to

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Balmorhea is 560 ÷ 3 miles from El Paso. That will take 3 9hours, or 3 hours and
6 3minutes. 560 divided by 3 is about 187 miles. The question asks students to
estimate so accept the argument, if they are traveling 60 miles per hour, it will
take just over 3 hours.

f. How long does it take the bus to complete its 560-mile trip to San
The whole trip will take 9 hours, or 9 hours and 20 minutes.

g. Explain in words and with an equation how time t for the 560-mile trip
depends on average speed s.

The amount of time decreases as the average speed increases for the 560-mile
trip. An equation is t = 560 ÷ 2.

h. Use the rule from part (g) to calculate trip time if the average bus speed is
50 miles per hour, 45 miles per hour, and 70 miles per hour.

Trip time will be 11.2 hours (11 hours and 12 minutes) at 50 miles per hour; 12.44
hours (12 hours and about 26 minutes) at 45 miles per hour; 8 hours at 70 miles
per hour.

5 The table shows the relationship between the number of riders on a bike tour and 3.1
the daily cost of providing box lunches.

a. Explain in words and with an equation how lunch cost L depends on the number
of rider n.
As the number of people increases by 1, there is an increase of $4.25 in the lunch
cost. An equation for the relationship is L = 4.25n.

b. Use your equation to find the lunch cost for 25 riders.

25 x $4.25 = $106.25

c. How many riders could eat lunch for $89.25? Explain how you found your
21 lunches for $89.25. You can expand the table and look for the value that
corresponds to the lunch cost, $89.25. You can make a graph of the relationship
and find the x-value for y = 89.25. You can also use the equation L = 4.25n and
divide $89.25 by $4.25 per lunch to get the number of lunches.

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6 The equation d = 70t represents the distance in miles covered after traveling 70 3.2
miles per hour for t hours.

a. Make a table that shows the distance traveled every half hour from 0
hours to 4 hours.

Time (h)
0 0
0.5 35
1 70
1.5 105
2 140
2.5 175
3 210
3.5 245
4 280

b. Sketch a coordinate graph that shows the distance traveled between 0

and 4 hours.

c. What is d when t = 2.5 hours? Explain how you found your answer.

175 miles
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Table: 2.5 hours corresponds to 175 miles of distance.
Graph: If you locate 2.5 hours on the x-axis, the corresponding y-value is 175
Equation: If you substitute 2.5 hours for t in the equation, you get 175 miles for d.

d. What is t when d = 210 miles? Explain how you found your answer.

3 hours
Table: 210 miles corresponds to 3 hours.
Graph: If you locate 210 miles on the y-axis, the corresponding x-value is 3 hours.
Equation: If you substitute 210 miles for 3 in the equation, you get 3 hours for h.

e. You probably made your graph by plotting points. In this situation, would it
make sense to connect these points?

In this case, it makes sense to connect the points because the car is presumed to
be moving continuously and covering distance steadily between half-hour

For Exercises 7-8, use the equation to complete the table.

7 3.2

K 1 2 5 10 20 50
m 99 98 95 90 80 50

8 3.2

t 1 2 5 10 20 40
d 3.5 7 17.5 35 70 140

9 Express each rule with an equation. Use single letters to stand for the variables. 3.3
Identify what each letter represents.

a. The area of a rectangle is its length multiplied by its width.

A = lw, where A is the area, l is the length, and w is the width

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b. The number of hot dogs needed for a picnic is two for each student
h = 2s, where h is the number of hot dogs and s is the number of students

c. The amount of material needed to make curtains is 4 square yards per

m = 4w, where mis the amount of material in yards and w is the number of

Connections Investigation 3
Exercise and Answer Problem #
10 Multiple Choice Which equation describes the relationship in the table? D 3.1

A. C = 10n
B. C = 10 + n
C. C = 10

11 The perimeter P of a square is related to the side length s by the formula P = 4s. 3.1

a. Make a table showing how the perimeter of a square increases as the side
length increases for 1 to 6 in 1-unit steps. Describe the pattern of change.
Side Length
1 2 3 4 5 6
4 8 12 16 20 24

CMP4 Field Test Unit Grade 6 Unit 6: Variables and Patterns June 2023
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Area (units
1 4 9 16 25 36

The perimeter increases by 4 as the length of the side increases by 1.

b. The area A of a square is related to the side length by the formula 𝐴 = 𝑠 2. Add
a row to the table in part (a) to show how the area of the square increases as the
side length increases. Describe the pattern of change.
The area increases as side length increases at a constant rate. In fact, the
successive differences are the odd number 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, etc. Algebraically, this is
because (𝑥 + 1)2 − 𝑥 2 = 2𝑥 + 1 for all x.
Note: We do not expect students to use this reasoning yet.

12 Find the indicated value or values. 3.1

a. The tenth odd number (1 is the first odd number, 3 is the second odd
number, and so on.)
b. The area of a rectangle with a base of 10 centimeters and a width of 15
10 x 15 = 150

13 What number am I?
Clue 1 When you divide me by 5, the remainder is 1.
Clue 2 I have two digits. One digit is odd and one digit is even.
Clue 3 The sum of my digits is 9

14 2 x 6 x 5 = 60. How does knowing this fact help find the product of each of

a. 6 x 6 x 5
Answers will vary. Students may notice that the only factor that changed was the 2 is
now a 6; since 2x 3 = 6 the new product will be 3 times as large or 60 x 3 = 180
b. 2 x 6 x 10
Answers will vary. Students may notice that the factor of 5 is now a 10 so the product
will be doubled or twice as large; 60 x 2 = 120.

c. 2 x 3 x 5
Answers will vary. Students may notice that the factor of 6 is now a 3 which is ½ the
size so the product will be of the original product: 60 ÷ 2 = 30
15 Describe the relationship between the variables in words and with an equation. 3.3

CMP4 Field Test Unit Grade 6 Unit 6: Variables and Patterns June 2023
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y is 4 times x; y = 4x


t is 50 minus s; t = 50 – s

For Exercises 16-17, copy and complete the table of values for the given
16 3.3

17 3.3

Extentions Investigation 3

Exercise and Answer Problem #
18 For Exercise 20 (a-c), describe in words the relationship between x and y. 3.1

CMP4 Field Test Unit Grade 6 Unit 6: Variables and Patterns June 2023
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y is equal to x.


y is 1 more than x


The sum of x and y is 5. As x increases by 1, y decreases by 1.

19 You can calculate the average speed of a car trip if you know the distance and 3.1
time traveled.

a. Copy and complete the table below.

CMP4 Field Test Unit Grade 6 Unit 6: Variables and Patterns June 2023
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Distance Time Average Speed
(mi) (h) (mi/h)
145 2 72.5

110 2 55

165 2.5 66

300 5.25 ≈57.1

446 6.75 ≈66.1

528 8 66

b. Write a formula for calculating the average speed s for any given distance
d and time t.

s = d/t; You can calculate average speed by dividing the distance d by the
number of hours t.

For Exercises 20-23, solve by guessing and checking.

20 The equation p = 50 + 10n gives the admission price p to Wild World Amusement 3.2
Park for a group of n people. A club’s budget has $500 set aside for a visit to the
park. How many club members can go?

45 club members
500 = 50 +10n
500 – 50 = $450 after the $50.00 group fee is paid.
$450 divided among $10 for each is $45 per member.

21 The equation b = 100 – 6r gives the number of bonus points b left on a Wild 3.2
World Amusement Park bonus card after r rides.

a. Rosi has 34 points left. How many rides has she been on?
CMP4 Field Test Unit Grade 6 Unit 6: Variables and Patterns June 2023
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11 rides
34 = 100 – 6r
100 points to begin with -34 left = 66 used
66 divided by 6 per ride = 11 rides

b. Dwight has 16 points left. How many rides has he been on?
14 rides
100 – 16 = 84 points used
84 points divided by 6 per ride is equal to 14 rides

22 The equation d = 2.5t describes the distance in meters d covered by a canoe- 3.2
racing team in t seconds. How long does it take the team to go 125 meters? 400
50 seconds; 125m divided by 2.5 meters per second is equal to 50 seconds
160 seconds; 400m divided by 2.5 meters per second is equal to 160 seconds

23 The equation d = 400 – 2.5t describes the distance in meters d of a canoe-racing 3.2
team from the finish line t seconds after a race starts. When is the team 175
meters from the finish line? 100 meters from the finish line?
90 seconds; 400 – 175 = 225m traveled so far, 225m divided by 2.5m per second
is 90 seconds
120 seconds; 400 – 100 = 300m traveled so far, 300 divided by 2.5m per second
is 120 seconds

24 Armen builds models from rods. When he builds bridges, he makes the sides 3.3
using patterns of triangles like the ones below. The total number of rods depends
on the number of rods along the bottom.

a. Copy and complete the table below showing the relationship between the
number of rods along the bottom and the total number of rods.

Rods Along Bottom 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Total Number of
3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39

CMP4 Field Test Unit Grade 6 Unit 6: Variables and Patterns June 2023
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b. Write an equation relating the total number of rods t to the number of rods
along the bottom b. Explain how the formula you write relates to the way
Armen puts the rods together.
Possible rule: t = 4b – 1, t = 3b +b -1, or t = 3 + 4(b – 1).
Possible explanations: The first rule comes from studying the numeric pattern.
The second involves building triangles on each bottom rod and then adding one
less than the number of bottom rods to connect those triangles at the top. The
third involves starting the first piece with a triangle and then adding four new rods
to get each additional length.

Note: With patterns like this it is generally easier to think recursively, “What gets
added (or subtracted or multiplied or divided) to produce the next step?” This
does not lead naturally to a rule for any stage (without building up to it). Students
will get lots of practice in both kinds of thinking in future Units.

c. For the design below, make a table and write an equation relating the
total number of rods t to the number of rods along the bottom b.

Possible equations: t = 3b + 1, t = 2b + b + 1, t = 4 + 3(b – 1)

25 The Ocean Bike Tours partners decided to include a visit to Wild World 3.3
Amusement Park as part of the tour. These are the cost and income factors.

a. Combining all these factors, what equation relates expected tour profit P to the
number of customers n who take the trip?
Students can express the given information with a variety of equivalent profit
equations. At this point, students might write either the long form P = 350n – 30n
CMP4 Field Test Unit Grade 6 Unit 6: Variables and Patterns June 2023
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– 125n – 700 – 50 – 10n – 25n or the condensed form P = 160n – 750. They
might also make some common errors and write P = 350n – 30n – 125n – 700 –
50 + 10n – 25n.

b. For what number of customers will a tour group produce profit greater
than $500?
Using either rule in part (a) and by inspecting a table or graph or by guess-and-
check reasoning, the tour profit will be greater than $500 when there are at least 8
customers. 160(8) – 750 = 530, but 160(7) – 750 = 370.
26 Theo and Liz think about running the Great Lakes Tour with trips for large groups. 3.3
To plan, Theo looks for large group specials on websites. He finds the admission
price for an adventure park.

a. Find the price of admission at the adventure park for a group of 20 people, a
group of 35 people, and a group of 42 people.
$250; $400; $470
 For a group of 20 people, the price of admission will be $50.00 +
$10.00 x 20.
 For a group of 35 people, the price of admission will be $50.00 +
$10.00 x 35.
 For a group of 42 people, the price of admission will be $50.00 +
$10.00 x 42.

b. Describe in words how you can calculate the admission price for a group with
any number of people.
Multiply the number of people in the group by $10 and add $50.

c. Use this information to write an equation relating admission price p to group

size n.

Price = $50 + $10 per person

P = 50 + 10n
CMP4 Field Test Unit Grade 6 Unit 6: Variables and Patterns June 2023
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d. Use the equation to calculate the price of admission for 30 people.
P = 50 + 10x30 = 50 + 300 = 350. The price is $350.

e. Use the equation to calculate the number of people in the group if the price of
admission is $450.
450 = 50 + 10xn. The number of people is 40.

27 Liz wonders whether they should rent a cart to carry their backpacks. Below are 3.3
an equation, table and graph that represent the cost of renting carts.
C = 20 + 5h


a. What are the variables?

The number of hours is the independent variable and the rental cost is the
dependent variable.

b. Describe the relationship between the cost over and time?

CMP4 Field Test Unit Grade 6 Unit 6: Variables and Patterns June 2023
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The rental cost is increasing over time. You can see the rental cost is getting
larger in the table as the number of hours increases. You can also see the
data points in the graph are going up.

c. How is the relationship represented in a table? Graph? Equation?

The cost per hour shows up in the table and graph as a steady rate of
increase of 5 dollars for every 1 hour. It shows up in the equation as the
coefficient 5.

d. Why is there a cost for 0 hours?

When you rent a golf cart, you might pay the initial rental fee and the cost
goes up from there depending on the number of hours you want to rent. It
might be also for those who rent a golf cart less than 1 hour, such as 30
minutes, 40 minutes, etc.
e. What do these points tell us about the golf cart rental? (4, 40), (0, 20), (7,
For (4, 40), you need to pay $40 to rent a golf cart for 4 hours.
For (0, 20), the rental cost begins from $20.
For (7, 55), you need to pay $55 to rent a golf cart for 7 hours.

f. How are these points related to the table and equation?

For each point (#1, #2), you can relate these numbers in the table: #1 is in the
‘numbers of hours’ row and #2 is in the ‘rental cost’ row. In the equation, #2 =
20 + 5 x #1.

CMP4 Field Test Unit Grade 6 Unit 6: Variables and Patterns June 2023
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