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iFogSim2: An Extended iFogSim Simulator for Mobility,

Clustering, and Microservice Management in Edge and Fog

Computing Environments
Redowan Mahmud, Samodha Pallewatta, Mohammad Goudarzi, and Rajkumar Buyya
September 17, 2021

Abstract 1 Introduction
Internet of Things (IoT) has already proven to be the The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm has drastically
building block for next-generation Cyber-Physical Systems changed the convention of interactions between physical
arXiv:2109.05636v2 [cs.DC] 15 Sep 2021

(CPSs). The considerable amount of data generated by environments and digital infrastructures that sets the tone
the IoT devices needs latency-sensitive processing, which of using numerous IoT devices including fitness trackers,
is not feasible by deploying the respective applications in voice controllers, smart locks, and air quality monitors in
remote Cloud datacentres. Edge/Fog computing, a promis- our daily activities. Currently, IoT devices are contribut-
ing extension of Cloud at the IoT-proximate network, can ing 11.5 Zetta bytes to the total data generated around
meet such requirements for smart CPSs. However, the the globe, which is experiencing an exponential rise each
structural and operational differences of Edge/Fog infras- year [1]. The recent adoption of Edge/Fog computing has
tructure resist employing Cloud-based service regulations relaxed the requirements of harnessing Cloud datacentres
directly to these environments. As a result, many research for different IoT-driven use cases. This novel computing
works have been recently conducted, focusing on efficient paradigm spans the computing facilities across the proxi-
application and resource management in Edge/Fog com- mate network and enables smart health, smart city, Agtech,
puting environments. Scalable Edge/Fog infrastructure is Industry 4.0, and other IoT-enabled Cyber-Physical Sys-
a must to validate these policies, which is also challenging tems (CPSs) to run the necessary application software
to accommodate in the real-world due to high cost and in the vicinity of the data source [2]. Thus, Edge/Fog
implementation time. Considering simulation as a key to computing ensures the delivery of application services to
this constraint, various software has been developed that the requesting IoT-enabled CPSs with reduced data trans-
can imitate the physical behaviour of Edge/Fog computing mission and propagation delay and lessens the possibility
environments. Nevertheless, the existing simulators of- of congestion within the core network infrastructure by
ten fail to support advanced service management features inhibiting the transfer of a large amount of raw data to
because of their monolithic architecture, lack of actual the Cloud datacentres.
dataset, and limited scope for a periodic update. To over- The realisation of Edge/Fog computing environments pri-
come these issues, we have developed multiple simulation marily depends on the integration of computing resources
models for service migration, dynamic distributed cluster such as processing cores, nano servers, and micro datacen-
formation, and microservice orchestration for Edge/Fog tres with the traditional networking components, including
computing in this work and integrated with the existing gateway routers, switches, hubs, and base stations [3, 4]. In
iFogSim simulation toolkit for launching it as iFogSim2. contrast to Cloud datacentres, such Edge/Fog computing
The performance of iFogSim2 and its built-in policies are nodes are highly distributed. Similarly, the heterogeneity
evaluated using three use case scenarios and compared in terms of resource architecture, communication stan-
with the contemporary simulators and benchmark policies dards, and operating principles predominantly exist among
under different settings. Results indicate that the proposed these nodes. Because of such constraints, the centralised
solution outperform others in service management time, Cloud-based resource provisioning and application place-
network usage, ram consumption, and simulation time. ment techniques have compatibility issues with Edge/Fog
computing environments and cannot be applied directly
Keywords: to regulate the respective services [5, 6]. Identifying this
Edge/Fog Computing, Mobility, Microservices, Clustering, potential research gap, a significant number of initiatives
Simulation, Internet of Things have been taken to develop efficient service management
policies for Edge/Fog computing. The research interest for
R. Mahmud is with The School of Computing Technologies,
STEM College, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
Edge/Fog computing has increased around 69% in the last
S. Pallawetta, M. Goudarzi, and R. Buyya are with The five years [7]. However, the newly developed service man-
Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Laboratory, agement policies for Edge/Fog computing environments
School of Computing and Information Systems, The University of require extensive validation before enterprise adoption.
Melbourne, Australia
Corresponding Author: Mohammad Goudarzi, Email: Real-world deployment is the most effective approach to evaluate the performance of any service management

policy. However, since Edge/Fog computing environments The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section
incorporate numerous IoT devices and computing nodes, 2, related researches are reviewed. Section 3 denotes how
both in tiered and flatted order with vast amounts of batch the proposed simulation models are integrated with the
or streaming data and distributed applications, their real- iFogSim simulator. The performance of proposed iFogSim2
world implementation with such a scale is challenging. The simulator is evaluated in Section 4. Finally, Section 5
lack of global Edge/Fog service providers offering infras- concludes the paper with future works.
tructure on pay-as-you-go models like commercial Cloud
platforms such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS fur-
ther forces researchers to set up real Edge/Fog computing 2 Related work
environments by themselves for costly policy evaluation.
Additionally, the implementation time for a real-world en- Among the existing simulators for Edge/Fog computing,
vironment is significantly high, and the modification and the EdgeCloudSim software supports the nomadic move-
tuning of any entity or system parameters during the exper- ments of the IoT devices [10]. Additionally, it considers the
iments are tedious [8]. These constraints can be addressed static deployment and coverage area for the gateway nodes
by simulating Edge/Fog computing environments. Not and assumes the link quality between IoT and gateway
only does simulation provide support for designing a cus- nodes remains always the same despite their distance. Sim-
tomized and scalable experiment environment, but it also ilarly, the FogNetSim++ simulator developed by Qayyum
assists in the repeatable evaluation under different settings. et al. [11] can imitate different mobility models for IoT
Although there exist several simulators for Edge/Fog devices, including random waypoint, mass mobility, and
computing environments, a majority of them lack bench- linear mobility. It also provides the facilities to develop
marks to validate other service management policies. They customized mobility models as per the operating environ-
merely use synthetic data without any functional ground, ment. The mobility support system of FogNetSim++ is
which often direct to biased and erroneous performance loosely coupled with the core simulation engine, and thus
evaluation. Their monolithic architecture also refuses peri- its extension requires the least modifications of the primary
odic updates, resisting them to cope up with the advanced libraries. However, both EdgeCloudSim and FogNetSim++
features of genuine Edge/Fog computing nodes. Conse- lack abstractions for implementing microservice orchestra-
quently, they fail in imitating various complex scenarios tion and dynamic clusterisation among multiple Edge/Fog
triggered by uncertain device mobility, resource constraints, nodes. In [12], Jha et al. proposed another simulator
and heavy-weight computations. To meet such shortcom- named IoTSim-Edge for modeling the characteristics of
ings, a set of simulation models for mobility-aware applica- IoT devices in the Fog computing environment. It rep-
tion migration, dynamic distributed cluster formation, and resents IoT applications as a collection of microservices,
microservice orchestration has been developed in this work. and the mobility model associated with IoTSim-Edge in-
The proposed models exploit real-world dataset and are corporates different attributes of IoT devices, including its
comprehensively mimics the capabilities of the state-of-the- range, velocity, location, and time interval. This simulator
art Edge/Fog computing nodes and IoT devices. These also facilitates users to implement their mobility model by
models are integrated with the existing iFogSim simulator extending the core simulator programming interfaces but
[9] and launched as iFogSim2 for widespread adoption as barely highlights the clustering of the computing nodes.
benchmarks. The major contributions of our work are Furthermore, Puliafito et al. [13] have recently developed
listed below. MobFogSim for simulating device mobility and application
migration in Fog computing environments. It is an ex-
• A service migration simulation model that can operate tension of iFogSim that modifies the basic functionalities
across multi-tier infrastructure and support simpli- of different iFogSim components with mobility features.
fied integration of real-world dataset. The launching However, the mobility support system of MobFogSim only
version uses EUA Dataset as the default and accom- deals with the IoT gateways and Cloud datacentres instead
modates different device mobility models, including of tiered Edge/Fog infrastructure and limits the scope for
pathway and random waypoint. creating clusters in Edge/Fog computing environments.
• A dynamic distributed cluster formation among multi- Mechalikh et al. [14] developed another simulator called
tier infrastructure is proposed, where Edge/Fog nodes PureEdgeSim to evaluate the performance of Fog and Cloud
in different tiers can provide services with a higher computing environments for different IoT-driven use cases.
quality of service. The cluster management is per- The mobility support system of PureEdgeSim includes a
formed in a distributed manner through which differ- location manager, which is loosely coupled with the core
ent cluster formation policies can be simultaneously simulation engine. However, the default mobility-aware
integrated. application management policy of PureEdgeSim is complex
and difficult to customize. It also has limitations in forming
• An orchestration model for microservices deployed node clusters and augmenting microservice management
across multi-tier infrastructure, which enables place- techniques. Conversely, Mass et al. [15] developed the
ment policies to dynamically scale microservices STEP-ONE simulator to imitate the operations of Fog-
among federated Edge/Fog nodes to improve resource based opportunistic network environments. STEP-ONE
utilisation. Different service discovery and load balanc- extends the conventional ONE simulator with advanced
ing policies can be integrated to simulate the dynamic mobility and messaging interfaces and primarily focuses on
microservice behavior. modeling simple business processes. Although STEP-ONE

incorporates support for the real-world dataset, it lacks and included in iFogSim2 (as shown in Fig. 1).
default policies for mobility management, node clustering, While simulating any use case through basic iFogSim,
and microservice orchestration. Likewise, in [16], Lera et its Controller class contains the object references of all
al. proposed YAFS simulator for Fog computing to design iFogSim core classes such as FogDevice, Sensor, Actuator
and deploy various IoT applications with customized re- and AppModule. Through an Application object, the Con-
source management policies. The mobility support system troller class can also access the Tuple class of iFogSim.
of YAFS operates based on the sender-receiver relationship Therefore, in the newly developed three components, we
between the Fog nodes that identifies the shortest path have inherited the Controller class separately, so that they
during device movements. YAFS also defines logical rela- can be easily integrated with the core iFogSim simulator.
tions among microservices through graphs and provides Additionally, the Controller class of iFogSim itself is a
interfaces for node clustering. subclass of SimEntity, which also helps bridge iFogSim2
Furthermore, the IoTNetSim [17] simulator for Edge/Fog with the core CloudSim 5.0 simulator. Besides, FogDevice
computing environments developed by Salama et al. can is updated with several parameters to support the integra-
model different IoT devices and their granular details, in- tion of these new components. In the following subsections,
cluding energy profile. It supports the mobility of IoT different iFogSim2 components are discussed in detail.
devices in three-dimensional space. Although IoTNetSim
is highly modular, it lacks benchmark policies for mobility-
3.1 Mobility
driven service management and dynamic cluster formation.
Wei et al. proposed another simulator named SatEdgeSim The Mobility of IoT devices can affect the performance of
for evaluating the performance of service management poli- Edge/Fog computing, especially when they change access
cies in three-tier satellite edge computing environments points very frequently [21]. This event urges to migrate
[18]. Considering the high mobility of satellite nodes, It the requested application service of the IoT devices from
supports the dynamic alteration in network topology and one computing node (migration source) to another (mi-
imitates the impact of communication distance on ser- gration destination) for ensuring the committed QoS. In a
vice offloading delay. Although SatEdgeSim is modular, logical multi-tier computing infrastructure like Edge/Fog,
it barely exploits the concept of microservice. Conversely, such service migration operations depend on the following
the IoTSim-Osmosis simulator, developed by Alwasel et al. aspects.
targets the migration of workload to edge nodes based on
performance and security requirements. It considers the • The location of IoT devices.
IoT environment as a four-tier architecture and models the
• The timeline of movement or the mobility direction
applications in form of microservices. However, the simu-
and speed of the device.
lation components of IoTSim-Osmosis are tightly coupled
and constrained in imitating device mobility. ECSNeT++ • The identification of an intermediate node to which
[19] is another simulator developed by Amarasinghe et al. the migration source can upload the corresponding
that mimics the execution of distributed stream processing application service and the migration destination can
(DSP) applications in Edge/Fog computing environments. download; provided that there is no direct link between
It extends OMNeT++/INET and provides multiple config- the respective migration points.
urations for two real DSP applications with calibration and
deployment management policy. Nevertheless, ECSNeT++ Based on them, the performance indicators of the Edge/Fog
lacks interfaces for supporting customized mobility of IoT environment such as network delay, energy consumption,
devices and forming dynamic clusters. and service delivery time can also vary significantly. There-
In comparison to most of the existing solutions, the fore, taking these facts into account and aiming to as-
proposed iFogSim2 simulator simultaneously supports the sist users in customizing them, we have developed several
integration of real dataset for evaluating the performance classes in the Mobility component of iFogSim2. A detailed
of different service management policies in Edge/Fog com- description of these classes is given below.
puting environments and provides default techniques for DataParser: This class works as the interface for extend-
mobility management, node clustering, and microservice ing data from external sources to the proposed iFogSim2
orchestration, which can be adopted as benchmarks dur- components. Currently, it incorporates abstractions for
ing performance comparison. Additionally, the simulation reading data from .csv files, which can be further extended
components of iFogSim2 are highly modular that eases its for other formats. However, while simulating mobility-
customisation for imitating a wide range of service man- driven cases, iFogSim2 adopts the EUA Datasets which
agement scenarios in Edge/Fog computing environments. contains the location information of a notable number of
Edge/Fog nodes deployed across Central Business District
(CBD) regions of major cities in Australia, including Mel-
3 iFogSim2 components bourne and Sydney.
To ensure granularity, we further customised the dataset
To address the prevailing limitations of the iFogSim sim- by segmenting the respective regions in multiple blocks
ulator in supporting the migration of application, logical and selecting a particular node at the middle of each block
grouping of Fog nodes, and orchestration of loosely-coupled as the proxy server. All nodes but the proxy server within
application services, three new components, namely Mobil- a block act as the gateway for the IoT devices. As a means
ity, Clustering and Microservices have been implemented of notations, proxy servers are specified as the tier-1 nodes

Table 1: A Summary of related work and their comparison
Simulators Real Benchmark pol- Supports Modular architec-
dataset icy ture
Customised mobil- Cluster forma- Microservices
ity tion
EdgeCloudSim [10] X
FogNetSim++ [11] X X
IoTSim-Edge [12] X X X
MobFogSim [13] X X X X
PureEdgeSim [14] X X
YAFS [16] X X X X
IoTNetSim [17] X X X
SatEdgeSim [18] X X X
ECSNeT++ [19] X X X X
IoTSim-Osmosis X X
iFogSim2 X X X X X X

ServiceDiscovery Mobility
LoadBalancer PlacementLogic ModulePlacement Location
ClusteringController LocationHandler Reference

Microservices RandomMobility
MicroserviceFogDevice Controller MobilityController DataParser

Core Components Clustering


Application FogDevice Clustering

Sensor AppModule Tuple

SimEntity PowerVM PowerDatacenter

Object reference
SimEvent VM Datacenter
CloudSim 5.0

Figure 1: Overview of iFogSim2 simulator

in iFogSim2 and assumed to be the immediate upper tier tive mobility pattern without affecting others. Currently,
contact for the gateways residing at the same block. In two different types of mobility patterns namely DIREC-
this case, the gateways are referred to as tier-2 nodes. For TIONAL_MOBILITY and RANDOM_MOBILITY are
example, Fig. 2.a presents the location of tier-1 (marked in associated with the DataParser class through an object of
blue) and tier-2 (marked in red) nodes deployed in the Mel- Reference class.
bourne CBD. Finally, such a logical hierarchy of Edge/Fog
nodes has been ended by connecting the proxy servers of • DIRECTIONAL_MOBILITY : This model refers to
all blocks to a Cloud datacentre serving as the tier-0 node. the fixed speed acyclic movement of users/IoT devices.
To align with the characteristics of conventional network To realise the DIRECTIONAL_MOBILITY model,
topology, the location of these computing nodes is set to we have at first identified a considerable number of
be static. Furthermore, using a file, these sequential coordinates lying at the same distances
customised information are injected to the DataParser across the Melbourne CBD for a user/IoT device (as
class, which is easily modifiable as per the simulation use shown in Fig. 2.b). Later, based on those coordinates,
cases. SimEvents using CloudSim 5.0 are created to mimic
the movement of the respective user/IoT device. Dur-
Additionally, the DataParser class provides scope ing simulations, the time interval between any two of
for assimilating location information of multiple mobile such movements is set to be equal for ensuring the
users/IoT devices individually so that respective appli- fixed speed of the user/IoT device. iFogSim2 pro-
cation services can be managed based on their distinc- vides a scope to tune this time interval as per the

test case requirements. Although this mobility model feature that tracks the Fog node-wise deployment of ap-
provides the pedestrial presentation of users’/IoT de- plication modules/microservices for each mobile entity in
vices’ movement, it is difficult and time-consuming the simulation environment. Once the simulation starts,
to generate for each individual. Therefore, iFogSim2 MobilityController approaches to execute events, such as
also incorporates the RANDOM_MOBILITY model launching of modules and management of resources as per
for faster generation of users’/IoT devices’ movement the initial placement. However, when it encounters any
data. mobility-driven event (e.g., changing of locations) as se-
quenced by the LocationHandler class, MobilityController
• RANDOM_MOBILITY : There are several random triggers a module migration operation. In this case, Mo-
mobility patterns to model the mobility behaviour bilityController executes the built-in ManageMobility
of users. The RandomMobilityGenerator class con- procedure as noted in Algorithm 1. This procedure takes
tains requirements to generate and extend different the object reference mobile entity m and the SimEvent trig-
random mobility models according to various mobility gered timestamp t as the arguments (line 1) and consists
characteristics, such as users’ direction, speed, stop- of the following five phases. For a better understanding
ping time in each position, and users’ sojourn time of the algorithm, Java-based object-oriented notations are
in the communication range of each Edge/Fog node. used in the description.
Currently, the RandomMobilityGenerator class imple-
• Initialisation: In this phase, the required initialisation
ments two well-known random mobility models, called
for the mobility management operation is performed. At
random_waypoint and random_walk that can be used
first, using the Getter methods of MobilityController class,
to represent the mobility model of either users or even
the object referrals of DataParser, Reference and Location-
Edge/Fog nodes, if required. Besides, in multi-user
Handler are extended to the procedure (lines 2-4). Later,
scenarios, where multiple different random mobility
the location Ltm of the mobile entity m at timestamp t
datasets are required, the RandomMobilityGenerator
is determined through the mobileLocation method within
class can be configured to generate different mobility
the DataParser class (line 5). This procedure also iden-
datasets for users. Furthermore, iFogSim2 users can
tifies the current upper tier contact ρ0 (noted as parent
use the functions embedded in RandomMobilityGen-
Fog node) of m and its operating tier η using the Getter
erator class to generate mobility positions in their
methods within the mobile entity (lines 6-7). An additional
desired Region of Interest (RoI). Fig. 2.c depicts a ran-
variable ρ is also formatted in the procedure to hold the
dom mobility pattern where the RoI is in Melbourne
reference of m’s prospective new upper tier contact (due
to location change) residing at the closest distance (line
However, while parsing the location information of both 8). For realising this case, another variable δ is set with
Edge/Fog nodes and users/IoT devices, the DataParser
class creates separate Location objects for each coordi-
nate. The block-wise information of the respective entities Algorithm 1 Mobility Management Logic
(servers and mobile objects) can also be included in a 1: procedure ManageMobility(m, t)
2: dP ← getDataP arserObject()
Location object. Furthermore, using these Location ob-
3: rF ← getRef erenceObject()
jects, DataParser can refer to the LocationHandler class 4: lH ← getLocationHandlerObject()
for sequencing the movement events of all mobile entities. 5: Ltm ← dP.mobileLoction(m)
MobilityController : Conventionally, iFogSim requires a 6: ρ0 ← m.getP arent()
7: η ← m.getLevel()
test script where the overall simulation environment, includ- 8: ρ ← null
ing the specifications of sensors, actuators, Fog nodes, and 9: δ ← rf.getM axDistance()
applications are defined. These classes are also set to be 10: for fu := Fη−1 do
linked with the iFogSim simulation engine through a Con- 11: Lfu ← dP.f ogLoction(fu )
12: δ 0 ← lH.calculateDistance(Lfu , Ltm )
troller object. However, for simulating any mobility-driven 13: if δ 0 ≤ δ then
use cases, a synthesis of such iFogSim core classes and 14: δ ← δ0
the newly created mobility-specialised classes, including 15: ρ ← fu
DataParser and LocationHandler is required. Therefore, 16: if ρ0 6= ρ then
17: Λ ← ρ0 .getP lacedM odulesOf (m)
in iFogSim2, we have created a subclass of Controller class
18: if ρ.inSameClusterOf (ρ0 ) then
named MobilityController and encapsulated the object ref- 19: pushM odules(ρ0 , ρ, Λ)
erences of those specialised classes within it so that they 20: else
can collectively address the mobility-driven issues. Since 21: κ ← null
22: Φ ← getN odesInP ath(ρ, Cloud )
the Controller class itself is a subclass of SimEntity, Mo- 23: Φ0 ← getN odesInP ath(ρ0 , Cloud )
bilityController poses direct access to the SimEvent class 24: for ϕ := Φ do
of CloudSim 5.0. As a result, it allows the flexibility to 25: for ϕ0 := Φ0 do
dynamically initiate the required sequential or parallel 26: if ϕ = ϕ0 then
27: κ←ϕ
events on different referenced objects of FogDevice and 28: break
AppModule for mobility management. 29: pushM odules(ρ0 , κ, Λ)
In iFogSim2, for initial placement of AppModules, the 30: pushM odules(κ, ρ, Λ)
MobilityController refers to an object of MobilityPlace- 31: m.setP arent(ρ)
mentMobileEdgewards class. This class replicates Module- 32: ρ.placeM odules(m, Λ)
33: ρ0 .terminateM odules(m, Λ)
PlacementEdgewards of core iFogSim with an additional

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2: (a) Block-wise Edge/Fog computing nodes, (b) Directional Movement of an user, and (c) Random Movement
of an user in Melbourne Central Business District

a maximum distant value denoted in the Reference class example, the current upper tier contact of mobile entity
(line 9). m is set as ρ (line 31). Finally, the application modules Λ
• New parent selection: Driven by the changing of lo- corresponding to m start execution in ρ and ρ0 terminates
cations, this phase determines the minimum-distant new them.
upper tier contact for the mobile entity m. For such an Algorithm 1 is a sample illustration of managing mobil-
operation, Algorithm 1 primarily considers Fη−1 as the ity in iFogSim2. From line 10 to 15 of Algorithm 1, there
set of all upper tier Fog nodes corresponding to m and are O(|Fη−1 |) iterations, where |Fη−1 | denotes the number
identifies the location Lfu of each fu ∈ Fη−1 with the help upper tier Fog nodes to the mobile entity m. Additionally,
of DataParser object line (lines 10-11). Later, the distance it has O(|Φ| · |Φ0 |) iterations from line 24 to 28, where |Φ|
δ 0 from m and a candidate fu is calculated. In this case, and |Φ0 | define the number of nodes residing in the path
the calculateDistance method of LocationHandler class is from ρ and ρ0 , respectively. Such iterations helps Man-
exploited that takes two location objects as arguments and ageMobility procedure to function with polynomial time
returns their haversine distance (line 12). Such exploration complexity. Nevertheless, using the mobility-specialised
also continues for other upper tier nodes, and the Fog node classes and respective methods of iFogSim2, further com-
that resides at a minimum distance from the mobile entity plex and comprehensive mobility management policies can
m is marked as its new upper tier contact or parent node be developed. In such cases, Algorithm 1 can also be used
ρ (lines 13-15). as a benchmark.
• Intra-cluster module migration: According to Algo-
rithm 1, the migration of application modules occurs when
3.2 Clustering
the current and new upper tier contact (ρ0 and ρ, respec-
tively) of the mobile entity m differs (line 16). To deal with In highly integrated computing environments, Edge/Fog
such a scenario, firstly, the application modules Λ deployed and Cloud resources are being simultaneously considered
in ρ0 corresponding to m are identified (line 17). Later, for service delivery. Such resources are inherently heteroge-
it is checked whether both ρ0 and ρ belong to the same neous with complementary characteristics. Distributed fog
Fog node cluster (line 18). If this condition is satisfied, ρ0 nodes usually have limited computing and storage resources
simply push the modules Λ to ρ using their shared cluster compared to Cloud resources, while they can be accessed
communication links (line 19). Such a shifting of mod- with higher bandwidth and less latency. Therefore, re-
ules from one cluster node to another is referred to as the source augmentation can greatly help resource-limited fog
intra-cluster module migration. Conversely, when ρ0 and ρ resources to be used for resource-critical applications, espe-
do not share a common cluster, inter-cluster migration is cially computing and storage resources [22]. Accordingly,
performed (line 20). a clustering mechanism to enable resource augmentation
• Inter-cluster module migration: To start this approach, among Fog resources is of paramount importance. Such a
Algorithm 1 firstly initialises a variable κ which is ulti- clustering mechanism can also benefit multi-Cloud service
mately used to refer a common accessible point for both providers to communicate more efficiently together.
ρ and ρ0 (line 21). For defining κ, it also includes all Fog The Clustering component of iFogSim2 enables dynamic
nodes from ρ and ρ0 to Cloud in separate sets Φ and Φ0 , coordination and cooperation among various nodes in a dis-
respectively (lines 22-23). Later, each Fog node ϕ ∈ Φ tributed manner. While each node can probe and register
and ϕ0 ∈ Φ0 are explored and mutually compared (lines their cluster members according to their specific cluster-
24-25). During the exploration, if any candidate ϕ and ϕ0 ing policy, the scheduling and other iFogSim2 features are
indicates to the same Fog node, that node is defined to decoupled so that clustering can be used for both central-
be κ, and the exploration is immediately terminated (lines ized and distributed scenarios, such as scheduling, mobility
26-28). Subsequently, the application modules are pushed management, and microservices.
from ρ0 to κ so that they can be further pushed to ρ0 and ClusteringController, which is extended from Controller,
migrated across clusters (lines 29-30). initiates the process of dynamic clustering among different
• Update: In the last phase of Algorithm 1, necessary nodes. In order to adapt different scenarios, Clustering-
updates in the simulation environment based on either Controller can trigger the clustering mechanism on various
intra- or inter-cluster module migration are made. For occasions, such as at the beginning of the simulation, af-

ter a specific simulation time, after a specific simulation Algorithm 2 Dynamic Distributed Clustering (DDC)
event, or any combinations of these criteria. Nodes re- Logic
ceiving clustering messages in FogDevice can start their 1: procedure ManageClustering(f, t, loc, lf )
clustering process. The FogDevice is updated with sev- 2: lHI ← loc.locationInf o()
3: ρ ← f.getP arent()
eral parameters to keep the list of cluster members (CMs),
4: η ← ρ.getChildren()
bandwidth, and latency among CMs, just to mention a few. 5: δ ← f.getRange()
It also contains a processClustering method which triggers 6: σ ← f.getLatencyT hresh()
the clustering process based on the policy implemented in 7: listcm
f ← null
Clustering. As each node runs the clustering process in a 8: mapCM T oLatency ← {}
9: fx ← lHI.get(f ).lat
distributed manner, different policies can be implemented 10: fy ← lHI.get(f ).long
in Clustering. 11: for f 0 := η do
The current clustering policy, implemented in Clustering 12: fx0 ← lHI.get(f 0 ).lat
13: fy0 ← lHI.get(f 0 ).long
class, works based on the communication range and/or
14: f lag ← calculateInRange(fx , fy , fx0 , fy0 , δ)
latency among different nodes. In Edge/Fog computing en- 15: if f lag then
vironments, heterogeneous nodes, either wired or wireless 16: listcm
f .add(f )

exist. So, clustering policies can use various metrics for 17: latency ← checkLatency(f, f 0 )
the creation of their clusters. The communication scope 18: mapCM T oLatency.get(f 0 ) ← latency
of wireless nodes is usually estimated based on their com- 19: if lf then
20: temp ← listcm
munication ranges. Therefore, for each type of Edge/Fog 21:
for f 0 := listcm do
node, a communication range is defined according to their 22:
if mapCM T oLatency.get(f 0 ) > σ then
antenna’s characteristics. Moreover, each node has a geo- 23: temp.remove(f 0 )
graphical position, defined in the FogDevice. If a dataset 24: mapCM T oLatency.remove(f 0 )
for the position of nodes is available, their geographical po- 25: cm
listf ← temp
sition can be parsed using DataParser. Accordingly, each 26: return listcm
f , mapCM T oLatency
node based on its geographical position and communication
range can probe and create its list of CMs. Furthermore,
clustering can be performed based on the average latency
Microservices are designed as small and independent com-
among each pair of nodes, regardless of whether these
ponents responsible for carrying out a well-defined business
nodes are wireless or wired. In such scenarios, a clustering
function, enabling them to be moved between Edge/Fog
communication latency threshold is defined, through which
and Cloud tiers easily [23, 24]. Multiple loosely coupled
each node can dynamically create its CMs. Algorithm 2
microservices coordinate together to build applications.
represents an overview of Dynamic Distributed Clustering
Because of these characteristics, microservices can scale
(DDC). First, each Edge/Fog node retrieves the informa-
up and down independently based on the workload and re-
tion about the location of other Edge/Fog nodes (line 2).
source availability of Edge/Fog nodes. Thus, microservice
The information of nodes’ positions can be obtained by
orchestration is a crucial process that combines distributed
each node in different ways, such as from 1) a centralized
microservices to create workflows.
node 2) From a parent node in a hierarchical approach, or
3) GPS. Also, each Fog node is aware of the characteristics The Microservices component of iFogSim2 provides or-
of its immediate parent, children nodes, its communication chestration support to maintain seamless coordination be-
range, and acceptable communication latency (lines 3-6). tween application microservices deployed across Edge/Fog
Next, the latitude and longitude information of the currentand Cloud resources. To provide microservice orchestra-
Edge/Fog node will be compared by all other available tion, iFogSim2 models two main features: service discovery
Edge/Fog nodes and those who are in the communication and load balancing, which help simulation of the dynamic
nature of microservices within Edge/Fog computing envi-
range of the current node will be added to the clustering list
of the current node, listcm ronments.
(lines 9-16). The calculateIn-
Range function is responsible to calculate the distance of MicroserviceFogDevice, which is created by extending
the current node to other Edge/Fog nodes. The latency of FogDevice makes it possible for Edge/Fog nodes to perform
the current node to each CM will be estimated and stored client-side service discovery and load balancing to enable
in mapCMToLatency (lines 17-18). If the communication decentralized orchestration among microservices. Once a
latency of CMs is a clustering factor (which is checked by request is generated in the form of a Tuple by a consumer
microservice deployed on a node, it uses ServiceDiscovery
the lf flag), the list of current CMs will be pruned to find
to retrieve locations of the service provider and apply
the CMs satisfying latency constraint (lines 19-25). Finally,
the list of CMs listcmf of the current Fog node alongsideLoadBalancer logic to determine destination node to route
their latency mappings mapCMToLatency will be returned the created tuple. To support routing of the tuples when
as the outputs (line 26). multiple instances of the same microservice are available on
multiple Edge/Fog nodes, routing of the tuples is modelled
based on the destination node id of the tuple which is set
3.3 Microservices after executing the load balancer logic.
To harvest the full potential of the Edge/Fog comput- LoadBalancer and ServiceDiscovery are initialized as
ing paradigm, application development has migrated from members of the MicroserviceFogDevice. The default imple-
monolithic architecture towards microservice architecture. mentation of the load balancer logic in iFogSim2 is based

on Round Robin Load Balancing where requests are dis- Algorithm 3 Scalable Microservice Placement (SMP)
tributed equally among microservice instances. The users Logic
of the iFogSim2 can incorporate different load balancing 1: procedure ManageMicroservicePlacement(F, a)
logic to simulate the microservice behavior by implementing 2: mapN odeT oµInst ← {}
3: mapN odeT oSD ← {}
LoadBalancer interface. ServiceDiscovery stores microser-
4: mplaced ← {}
vice to node mapping which can be dynamically updated at 5: P ← getLeaf T oRootP aths(F )
any point of time during the simulation using SimEvents. 6: mapP toN extN ode ← getN extN ode(P )
MicroservicesController which is extended from Con- 7: m ← getN extM icroservice(a, mplaced )
8: while m is not null do
troller initiates microservice-based application placement 9: for p := P do
and orchestration. To this end, it initializes the LoadBal- 10: f ← mapP toN extN ode.get(p)
ancer and ServiceDiscovery objects within each Fog node 11: if resourcesavail
f ≥ resourcesreq
m then
of the simulation environment and generates routing data 12: placeM odule(f, m)
13: mapN odeT oµInst.get(f ).add(m)
to be used by Edge/Fog node to perform node id based
14: f.updateResourcesAvail()
routing of data tuples generated by modelled applications. 15: else
Default implementation contains Shortest Path Routing 16: notP lacedP aths.add(p)
with flexibility for the user to incorporate different routing 17: for p := notP lacedP aths do
protocols. MicroservicesMobilityClusteringController ex- 18: f ← mapP toN extN ode.get(p)
19: F 0 ← f.getCM s()
tends MicroservicesController and integrates it with the 20: placed ← false
Mobility component of iFogSim2 to provide mobility sup- 21: for f 0 := F 0 do
port for microservice applications. It is also integrated with 22: if resourcesavail
≥ resourcesreq
m then
the Clustering component of iFogSim2 to enable dynamic 23: placeM odule(f 0 , m)
clustering among Edge/Fog nodes that host microservices. 24: mapN odeT oµInst.get(f 0 ).add(m)
25: f 0 .updateResourcesAvail()
Moreover, this controller implements dynamic updating of 26: placed ← true
service discovery information with user mobility-induced 27: break
microservice deployment and routing data updates due to 28: while placed is f alse do
29: f ← getN extInP ath(p, f )
user movements.
30: if resourcesavail ≥ resourcesreq
m then
MicroservicePlacementLogic is the base class to imple- 31:
placeM odule(f, m)
ment the microservice application placement policy. Users 32: mapN odeT oµInst.get(f ).add(m)
of the iFogSim2 can extend this class to implement their 33: f.updateResourcesAvail()
placement policies. As its outputs MicroservicePlacement- 34: placed ← true
35: mapP toN extN ode.get(p).set(f )
Logic provides two mappings:
36: mplaced .add(m)
37: m ← getN extM icroservice(a, mplaced )
1. Microservice to node mapping, which indicates
38: mapN odeT oSD ← generateSD(mapN odeT oµInst)
where each microservice of the application gets de- 39: return mapN odeT oµInst, mapN odeT oSD

2. Service discovery information per node, which

is calculated based on the microservice to node map- of each path (lines 9-16). If sufficient resources are not
ping. This ensures that all nodes hosting a client available within the considered node, the policy consid-
microservice is aware of the locations of the service ers cluster members (lines 21-27) before moving onto the
instances, that are accessed by the said microservice. next tier (lines 28-35). After all microservice instances are
mapped to nodes, the algorithm generates service discovery
Algorithm 3 provides an overview of Scalable Microser- information for each node hosting client microservices (line
vice Placement Logic (SMP), which is the default microser- 38).
vice placement policy available in iFogSim2. It is an edge- These objects together create a platform to model mi-
ward placement algorithm for microservices, which focuses croservices in Edge/Fog computing environments, while
on horizontally scaling microservices among Edge/Fog capturing their dynamic, independent, and scalable nature.
nodes of the same cluster before moving towards upper-tier
nodes of the Edge/Fog hierarchy. First, the placement
policy identifies leaf to root paths (P ) considered for place- 4 Performance Evaluation
ment (line 5) and initializes the mapPtoNextNode with the
first eligible node in each path for the placement process This section discusses the simulation of a set of Edge/ en-
(line 6). Leaf to root paths are calculated based on the phys- vironments using iFogSim2 for different application case
ical topology created by all available Edge/Fog nodes (F ). studies, including Audio Translation Service (ATS), Car-
Each path in P starts with a user/IoT device and traverses diovascular Health Monitoring (CHM), and Crowd-sensed
upward within the Edge/Fog hierarchy until it reaches the Data Collection (CDC). Then, we evaluated the efficiency
Cloud. For the microservice application, the next eligible of various combinations of iFogSim2’s built-in Mobility,
microservice for placement is determined by traversing Clustering, and Microservice management policies with
its DAG representation (line 7). A microservice becomes respect to latency, network usage, and energy consumption
eligible for placement if all predecessor microservices are for each case study. We also parameterised the lightweight
mapped to nodes. Afterward, the policy iteratively tries and modular architecture of iFogSim2 in terms of RAM
to place eligible microservices onto the next eligible node usage and execution time and compared it with the existing

simulators, including IoTSim-Edge [12] and PureEdgeSim • Storage module: The Processing module forwards
[14]. The use cases and the experiment results are discussed the input data and analytical outputs to the Storage
below. module for periodic updates of the AI models and thus
ensures the enhanced performance of the ATS.
4.1 Case study 1: Audio Translation Ser- Considering the amount of audio data generated through
vice (ATS) such an ATS, it is recommended to host the Storage module
in Cloud for further scalability.
Translation service is highly recommended for tourists, es-
pecially when they are visiting non-native language speak-
4.1.2 Simulation Environment
ing countries. Currently, Google and Microsoft offer dif-
ferent translator services to the users, which mainly deal The simulation environment for the ATS use case is made
with text and imagery inputs [25]. Since the frequency highly aligned with the EUA dataset of iFogSim2 having
and variations of such inputs can be easily estimated or 118 Fog gateways residing at 12 different blocks across
controlled, their processing is usually performed by fol- the Melbourne CBD. We assume that the smartphones of
lowing a specific set of operations without requiring any mobile users can connect with any of the gateways (tier-2
additional services. As a result, most of state-of-the-art nodes). The gateways of a particular block can also in-
smartphones can execute these translation services with teract with a Cloud datacentre (tier-0 nodes) via a proxy
the available computing resources they have. However, server (tier-1 nodes). The specifications of the comput-
for audio-based translation, various computation-intensive ing infrastructure along with that of application modules
data pre-processing operations are required as the pitch in- are presented in Table 2. The simulation experiments are
tensity varies between the users, and the background noises conducted on an Intel Core 2 Duo CPU @ 2.33-GHz with
always couple tightly with the actual data [26]. Conversely, 2GB-RAM configured computer, and the fractional selectiv-
for smartphones, the real-time adjustment or update of ity of input-output relationship within a module is set to be
external services for performing these operations is not of- 1.0. The numeric values of the simulation parameters have
ten feasible due to additional overhead. In such scenarios, been extracted from the existing literature as mentioned
the exploitation of Fog computation can be a potential in [27, 28].
solution for Audio Translation Service (ATS).
However, in any Fog computing-based ATS system, a 4.1.3 Comparing Policies
majority of users is expected to be mobile and their smart-
phones are regarded as the data sources. Therefore, to meet While imitating the ATS case study in iFogSim2, the move-
the desired QoS, efficient mobility-aware service manage- ment of smart-phones are set to vary using both directional
ment techniques are required for such an ATS. Considering and random mobility pattern. Furthermore, we have used
this issue, we have modelled a mobility-driven simulation three different mobility management techniques in the
case study on Fog computing-based ATS in iFogSim2. The simulated Fog computing environment to deal with such
details of the application model, simulation parameters, movement. These techniques are listed below.
comparing mobility management policies and their perfor- • Cloud-centric migration: In this approach, the
mances for this case study are discussed below. current upper tier contact (source gateway) of a mobile
smartphone pushes the respective application modules
4.1.1 Application Model directly to the Cloud VMs. Later, the Cloud VMs
pushes the modules to the new upper tier contact
To align with the distributed data flow approach adopted
(destination gateway) of the smartphone.
by core iFogSim, we have modelled the application for ATS
as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) (shown in Fig. 3). It • Non-hierarchical migration: By connecting all
consists of three application modules, which are described Fog gateways through a mesh communication channel,
in the following this approach allows the direct migration of application
modules between source and destination. As a result,
• Client module: It is deployed on smartphones that
the upper tier Fog nodes remain uninvolved during
primarily grasp audio data from the integrated sensors.
module migration, leading it to be a non-hierarchical
The Client module also performs necessary authenti-
cations to access the ATS and forwards the data to
the Processing module for further analysis. • Intra/Inter-cluster migration: This approach
refers to the built-in mobility management policy of
• Processing module: It is expected to execute by the iFogSim2 as discussed in Algorithm 1. It only involves
tier-2 nodes for faster interactions with the smart- the upper tier Fog nodes in migrating modules if the
phones. However, various computation-intensive Ar- source and destination gateway do not belong to the
tificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled audio data analysis same cluster. Here, the node clustering is performed
operations including data filtration, noise reduction, by Algorithm 2.
pitch classification, and speech segmentation are per-
formed by the Processing module. The results of these
4.1.4 Results
analyses are then pushed back to the Client module
so that they can be displayed to the user via the The performance of the comparing techniques is discussed
smartphone display. below.

m-sensor raw_data Processing Storage
Client processed_data
Module Module Module


Figure 3: Application model for the Audio Translation Service (ATS)

Table 2: Simulation parameter for the ATS

Duration of experiment : 500 seconds
Number of location change events:140
Resource type Cloud VM Proxy server Fog gateway Smart-phone

Configuration ⇓
Numbers 10 12 118 1
Speed (MIPS) 4480 3600-4000 2800-3000 500
RAM (GB) 16 16 8 1
Uplink (MBPS) 100 10 50 100
Downlink 100 20 100 200
Busy power 1468 428 206 60
Idle power (MJ) 1332 333 170 35
Attribute ⇒ RAM (GB) Input (MB) Output (MB) CPU length
Module ⇓ (MI)
Client 0.10 2 2.5 500
Processing 4 2.5 1.5 2500
Storage 4 1 1 1000

• Migration time: Fig. 4 depicts the delay in migrat- 250

Time To Migrate Modules (ms)

ing application modules for different comparing mobility 200 185

management policies. Since Cloud datacentres reside at a 156
multihop distance from the gateways, the transfer of ap- 107 112 121
plication modules to the Cloud and later their forwarding 100
to the destination gateway increases the overall migra- 50
tion delay for the Cloud-centric approach. Conversely, the
Intra/Inter-cluster migration technique exploits all possible Cloud-centric Non-Hierarchical Intra/Inter-Cluster
options to select a common accessible node (CAN) for both Directional Mobility Random Mobility
source and destination gateway not only in the node hier-
archy but also in horizontal levels. As a result, it is more
likely to find a CAN in the proximity of the gateways than
that of a Cloud-centric approach, minimising the migra- Figure 4: Time to migrate application modules
tion delay. However, the Non-hierarchical policy provides
the most desirable outcome in this case as it exploits the
niques. As the realisation of the Cloud-centric approach
mesh connectivity between source and destination gateway
involves multiple nodes within the communication path
during module migration reducing the delay significantly.
between gateways and Cloud to migrate modules in both
Nevertheless, as the assurance of large-scale mesh connec-
directions, it consequently increases their collective net-
tivity across the gateway is costly, such an approach is
work usage. Nevertheless, the Intra/Inter-cluster technique
feasible only when user mobility is confined.
performs slightly better in this case as it attempts to re-
Furthermore, directional mobility presents better man- duce the involvement of intermediate nodes during module
agement of migration delay than random mobility in all migration and consequently lessens their network usage.
comparing policies. It happens because, in directional mo- Conversely, the Non-hierarchical approach only exploits
bility, user speed remains the same. As a result, despite the network resources which is available within the commu-
location change, their source and destination gateway are nication link between the source and destination gateway,
less likely to vary within a short distance. Consequently, it resulting in the least usage.
reduces the number of total migration events and lessens Moreover, as the number of migrating events increases
the delay. Conversely, during random mobility, the num- with random mobility, network usage increases. On the
ber of migration events can increase unevenly, resulting in other hand, by limiting the occurrence of such events,
increased migration delay. directional mobility can help to lower network resource
• Network usage: Fig. 5 portrays the network resource usage.
usage during module migration for different simulating tech- • Energy consumption: Fig. 6 illustrates the con-

architecture to enable balanced deployment of real-time
19.25 20 18.29 18.57 tasks within resource-constrained Fog resources and latency
tolerant tasks within Cloud datacentres. Hence, Cardio-
Network Usage During
Migration (MB)

15 vascular Health Monitoring (CHM) is designed following
10 8.37 microservice architecture and modelled using DAG-based
modeling of applications integrated into iFogSim2.
Non-Hierarchical 5Intra/Inter-Cluster
Random Mobility
Cloud-centric Non-Hierarchical Intra/Inter-Cluster 4.2.1 Application model
Directional Mobility Random Mobility
Fig 7 shows the microservice architecture of the CHM appli-
cation, where vertices represent each microservice and edges
depict the data dependencies among microservices. CHM
Figure 5: Network usage during module migration consists of four microservices, namely Preprocessing Mi-
croservice, Emergency Diagnosis Microservice, Prediction
Microservice, and Client Microservice. The specifications
sumption of energy during module migration for different of each microservice are described in what follows:
adopted policies. For the Cloud-centric approach, the in-
crement in energy usage is obvious as it directly involves • Client Microservice: This is the mobile front end of
Cloud datacentres conventionally consuming a significant the CHM application. Client microservice is deployed
portion of energy in the distributed computing ecosystem. on users’ smartphones and receives raw ECG signals
The involvement of other intermediate nodes further con- transmitted by the sensors that are wirelessly con-
tributes to increasing the overall energy consumption. The nected to each smartphone. Also, it is responsible for
random mobility of users can also elevate energy usage sending sensor data towards Preprocessing Microser-
during mobility management by increasing the migration vice placed in either Edge/Fog or Cloud and displaying
frequency. In comparison, both Intra/Inter-cluster and results received after processing.
Non-hierarchical module migration approaches perform
• Preprocessing Microservice: The Preprocessing mi-
well in managing energy usage as they resist the involve-
croservice performs data cleaning using filters to filter
ment of Cloud and intermediate nodes to a greater extent
out noise added to ECG sensor data during transmis-
for such an operation.
sion. Moreover, data anomalies in the sensed data are
also removed before sending data for further process-
34.85 36.18 ing.
Energy Consumed During

30 28.32
• Emergency Diagnosis Microservice: This microservice
Migration (MJ)

25 22.16
18.97 19.25 is responsible for real-time analysis and identification
15 of concerning health conditions like heart attacks and
10 sending back a warning signal towards the client mi-
5 croservice to trigger an emergency notification.
Cloud-centric Non-Hierarchical Intra/Inter-Cluster
• Prediction Microservice: Prediction microservice
Directional Mobility Random Mobility
stores and analyses ECG time series data using ma-
chine learning models to predict health risks to the
patients. Prediction reports are sent back to the mo-
Figure 6: Energy consumed during module migration bile front end to be displayed for users.

These microservices communicate together to monitor and

predict the cardiovascular health of users. Preprocessing
4.2 Case study 2: Cardiovascular Health and Emergency Diagnosis microservices form a latency-
Monitoring (CHM) critical service to be placed on Fog or Cloud, based on the
placement policy whereas Prediction Microservice repre-
Electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring is a widely used sents a service that requires high computation and storage
method for diagnosing heart diseases using both reactive resources and is expected to be placed in the Cloud.
and proactive methods [29, 24]. In IoT-based smart health-
care, wearable sensors are used to sense and transmit ECG
4.2.2 Simulation Environment
signals towards analysis platforms that host applications
developed for detecting concerning heart conditions. Such For this case study, a physical topology of 7 Fog nodes is
applications are designed to perform multiple tasks, includ- used, which consists of 6 Wifi gateways (tier-2 nodes) con-
ing: filtering ECG data to remove data anomalies, ECG necting to a single proxy server. Besides, the proxy server
feature extraction and generating emergency warnings in (tier-1 nodes) is connected to the Cloud datacentre (tier-0
real-time, long-term collection and analysis of data to make nodes). Also, 25 smartphones with randomly generated lo-
predictions to ensure preventive measures [22]. cations connect with the Wifi gateways to send ECG sensor
Design and development of such IoT applications increas- data towards the Fog environment. The specifications of
ingly use modular architectures, especially microservices the computing infrastructure along with that of application


raw_data preprocessed_data Emergency

sensor Client Preprocessing
Sensor Diagnosis
Microservice Microservice

prediction_report preprocessed_data
emergency_notification Microservice

Figure 7: Microservice application model for the Cardiovascular Health Monitoring (CHM)

Table 3: Simulation parameter for the CHM

Duration of experiment : 20000 seconds
Number of location change events:140
Resource type Cloud VM Proxy server Fog gateway Smart-phone

Configuration ⇓
Numbers 16 1 6 25
Speed (MIPS) 2500-3000 2500-3000 2500-3000 500
RAM (GB) 16 16 8 1
Uplink (MBPS) 100 10 50 100
Downlink 100 20 100 200
Busy power 107.339 107.339 107.339 87.530
Idle power (MJ) 83.433 83.433 83.433 82.440
Attribute ⇒ RAM (GB) Input (MB) Output (MB) CPU length
Module ⇓ (MI)
Client 0.10 0.5 0.5 1000
Preprocessing 0.5 0.5 0.5 2000
Emergency 0.5 0.5 0.5 2500
Prediction 2 0.5 0.5 4000

modules are presented in Table 3. Furthermore, to model taking Fog node clustering and horizontal scalability-
the physical topology, MicroserviceFogDevcie, Sensor and based load balancing into consideration.
Actuator classes of iFogSim2 are used. The simulation
experiments are conducted on an Intel Core i7 CPU @ • SMP-No-Clustering: It uses horizontal scalability
1.80-GHz with a 4GB-RAM computer and the fractional and load balancing features available in microservice
selectivity of the input-output relationship within a module orchestration of iFogSim2 but does not implement
is set to be 1.0. The numeric values of the simulation pa- clustering of Fog nodes.
rameters have been extracted from the existing literature
as mentioned in [24, 30, 31]. • SMP-Clustering: Such an approach makes use of
both microservice orchestration and clustering features
7000 6443.18
available in iFogSim2.
Average Delay (ms)

5000 4.2.4 Results

The performance of the comparing techniques are discussed
3000 below.
2000 • Average delay of control loop: The control loop of
1000 the CHM application, which is the most latency-sensitive
loop, consists of Client microservice → Preprocessing Mi-
Edgeward SMP-No-Clustering SMP-Clustering croservice → Emergency Diagnosis Microservice → Client
microservice. The less average delay for this control loop
demonstrates better placement decision and coordination
Figure 8: The average delay of the CHM application among computational resources. Fig. 8 depicts the aver-
age delay for the execution of this control loop for three
placement techniques. It depicts that the average execu-
4.2.3 Comparing Policies tion delay of the control loop significantly decreases for
SMP-No-Clustering and SMP-Clustering in comparison to
For the experiments, three different placement techniques the Edgeward. Edgeward placement moves microservices
are used, as follows: upwards to the Fog hierarchy, such that a single instance
• Edgeward: This placement technique only consid- of each microservice is deployed for each edge to Cloud
ers vertical scalability of application modules without path. Due to the resource-constrained nature of Fog nodes,

this approach places microservice instances in higher Fog road system design and traffic signal controlling are ex-
tiers, thus increasing average delay. Also, the results show tremely challenging. Thus, these tasks can benefit from
that the SMP-Clustering outperforms SMP-No-Clustering. complex machine learning algorithms. As such algorithms
Even though SMP-No-Clustering uses horizontal scalability, require large amounts of data for accurate decision making,
due to lack of clustering, microservices are scaled among vehicular crowd-sensing is used as a solution for data collec-
nodes on multiple Fog tiers whereas, in the case of SMP- tion. Sensors onboard mobile vehicles sense and transmit
Clustering, clusters are dynamically formed among Fog real-time location and speed data that can be used to
nodes of the same hierarchical tier, which enables microser- derive traffic conditions of the road networks. Using this
vices to be horizontally scaled within nodes of the same method, any vehicle can voluntarily share data with the
tier before moving to the upper tier. Hence, the SMP- data analytic platforms, which results in a collection of
Clustering scenario places latency-critical microservices large volumes of data. Such applications can benefit from
closer to the edge network which results in lower average Fog computing environments to process the data closer to
delay. the edge network, thereby reducing the burden on the data
• Energy consumption: Figure 9 shows the amount transmission networks connecting sensors to the Cloud. So
of energy consumed by different classes of nodes and total we design a CDC application following the microservice
energy consumption obtained through each technique. As architecture and modelled it using DAG-based modeling
Fig. 9.a demonstrates, the energy consumption of Cloud of applications integrated with iFogSim2.
resources is higher in the Edgeward technique because
it places most of the microservices on the Cloud VMs.
However, the energy consumption of Cloud resources for 4.3.1 Application model
SMP-No-Clustering and SMP-Clustering are lower while
Fig 11 shows the microservice architecture of the CDC
they consume more energy in the Fog tier due to running
application, where vertices represent each microservice
more microservices in the resources of that tier. While en-
and edges depict the data dependencies among microser-
ergy consumption at different tiers depends on the number
vices. CDC consists of two microservices, namely Nginx
of microservices running on that tier, Fig. 9.b depicts that
Microservice, Processing Microservice and a database to
the total energy consumption of all nodes is reduced by
store data for further processing. The specifications of each
in SMP-No-Clustering and SMP-Clustering. It highlights
microservice are described in what follows:
the positive effect of more efficient distribution, scaling,
and load balancing of microservices in the Fog tier com-
• Nginx Microservice: This is the webserver that acts
pared to more centralized approaches. Also, the results of
as the gateway to the processing microservice. Ng-
SMP-Clustering prove the potential of clustering for better
inx microservice receives data, which is generated by
scaling and load balancing of microservices either vertically
the vehicular sensor network, and routes that data
or horizontally.
towards the Processing microservice to perform data
• Network usage: The total amount of data trans-
analytics. Also, it is responsible for load balancing
ferred in the network is an important metric for the evalu-
requests among multiple Processing microservices.
ation of different techniques. Techniques resulting in high
data transmission may lead to congestion in the network,
service interruption, or increasing average delay of the ap- • Processing Microservice: The processing microservice
plications’ control loop, especially in high-density networks. is responsible for sanitizing the sensor data, extracting
Fig. 10 illustrates the total network usage of different tech- features that represent trajectories of vehicles, and
niques in Megabytes (MB). It demonstrates that Edgeward sending the processed data towards the Cloud to be
placement incurs higher network usage due to excessive saved in a time-series database. Data analytic plat-
usage of higher tier Fog nodes and Cloud datacentre in forms can use crowd-sensed data stored in the database
comparison to the other two techniques. Furthermore, it for urban planning.
shows that SMP-Clustering results in lower network usage
compared to SMP-No-Clustering. Although the clustering
mechanism embedded in the SMP-Clustering requires data 4.3.2 Simulation environment
transmission for the formation of clusters, it is a lightweight
mechanism in terms of network usage. Hence, in a long Table 4 presents the specifications of general simulation
simulation time, SMP-Clustering outperforms other tech- parameters used in imitating the CDC case study. The
niques due to the efficient usage of the lower tier Fog nodes value of simulation parameters within a specific range is
and better load balancing. determined by a pseudo-random number generator. More-
over, the computing environment is set to be hierarchical
4.3 Case study 3: Crowd-sensed Data having mobile vehicles at the lowest tier. Tier-2 Fog nodes
are marked as the gateway followed by proxy servers and
Collection (CDC)
Cloud at tier-1 and tier-0, respectively. An Intel Core 2
Crowd-sensing exploits internet-connected sensors to collect Duo CPU @ 2.33-GHz with 2GB-RAM configured com-
vast amounts of data that can be analysed to retrieve com- puter has been used to execute the simulation script and
plex information. Crowd-sensed Data Collection (CDC) perform the experiments. The numeric values of the simu-
application represents a mobile crowd-sensed scenario that lation parameters have been extracted from the existing
aids urban road network planning. Within urban settings, literature as mentioned in [24, 27].

35 43.0

Total Energy Consumption (MJ)

30 42.8
Energy Consumption (MJ)

20 42.2
15 42.0
10 41.8
Edgeward SMP-No-Clustering SMP-Clustering
Cloud Fog (Proxy+GW) Fog-Proxy Fog-GW Edgeward SMP-No-Clustering SMP-Clustering
(a) (b)

Figure 9: Energy consumption for running the CHM application (a) Energy consumed by the resources of different
tiers, (b) Total energy consumption of resources

Table 4: Simulation parameter for the CDC

Duration of experiment : 500 seconds
Tuple generation rate : 5/seconds
Mobility interval : 10-50 seconds
Resource type ⇒ Mobile vehicles Tier-2 Node Tier-1 Node Tier-0 Node
Configuration ⇓
Percentage of nodes 30% 30% 20% 20%
Speed (MIPS) 500-1000 2000-2500 3000-2500 4000-5000
RAM (GB) 2 4 8 16
Uplink (MBPS) 100 50 10 100
Downlink (MBPS) 200 100 50 150
Busy power (MJ) 50-100 200-300 400-600 1500-2000
Idle power (MJ) 20-30 80-100 150-200 700-900

1625.19 engine; nevertheless, barely provides functionalities
1600 for node clustering and microservice management.
Total Network Usage (MB)

1200 • iFogSim2: The proposed simulator is well-equipped
with APIs and built-in policies for illustrating mobility,
microservice, and node clustering-related use cases in
363.13 Edge/Fog computing environments. The function of
200 its different components can also be tuned as per the
0 case studies to create variations in the simulations.
Edgeward SMP-No-Clustering SMP-Clustering

4.3.4 Results
Figure 10: The total network usage of the CHM application The simulation experiments on the CDC use case study are
exclusively exploited to demonstrate the efficacy of IoTSim-
Edge, PureEdgeSim, and iFogSim2 simulators in terms
4.3.3 Comparing Simulators of supporting mobility, microservice, and node clustering
The simulation environment for the CDC use case has issues. The results are discussed below.
been implemented on three different simulators includ- • RAM usage: Table 5 illustrates the RAM usage of dif-
ing IoTSim-Edge [12] and PureEdgeSim [14] along with ferent simulators for varying simulation configurations. As
iFogSim2. These simulators have been selected because of noted, IoTSim-Edge supports the imitation of device mobil-
their recent inclusions in the literature and open source ity and microservice orchestration in Edge/Fog computing
license. Furthermore, their Java programming language- environments. However, as it does not facilitate modulari-
based implementation does not arise any compatibility sation of the simulation components and mostly operates
issues with the proposed iFogSim2 simulator, which also in a monolithic manner, its RAM usage does not vary for
helps in reconstructing the experimental results. A brief Mobility and Mobility+Microservices simulation configura-
discussion of the simulators is given below. tions. Conversely, PureEdgeSim only supports the Mobility
configuration. Nevertheless, this simulator consumes more
• IoTSim-Edge: This monolithic simulator supports RAM than other simulators because of its built-in Fuzzy
the imitation of microservices in form of microelements inference engine, supporting task allocation based on qual-
and provides support for customising the user mobility; itative features. On the other hand, iFogSim2 supports a
however, lacks abstractions for node clustering. wide range of simulation configurations, including Mobility,
Mobility+Microservices, Mobility+Clustering, Microser-
• PureEdgeSim: It supports the modularisation of vices+Clustering and Mobility+Microservices+Clustering.
different simulation components and facilities qualita- Despite facilitating such configurations, the RAM usage
tive allocation of tasks using a built-in Fuzzy inference for iFogSim2 does not increase significantly because of its

sensor Nginx raw_data Processing processed_data
Microservice Microservice

Figure 11: Microservice application model for the Crowd-sensed Data Collection (CDC)

the usability of iFogSim2, several case studies and test

Table 5: RAM usage for different simulator
Simulators ⇒ IoTSim- PureEdge- iFogSim2
scripts are implemented and integrated with this simulator,
Edge Sim which simplifies the process of defining new policies and
Variations ⇓
Mobility 26% 38% 12%
case studies for its users. The results demonstrate the
Mobility+Microservices 26% - 21% effectiveness of using iFogSim2 for different case studies
and also prove its low footprint compared to other related
- - 32% simulators.
As a future work, iFogSim2 simulator can be further
70 improved by integration of monetary-based policies, simu-
60 lating distributed ledgers across Fog nodes, setting different
Simulation Processing

50 communication profiles for sensors such as LoRa and Blue-

Time (ms)

tooth, and simulating distributed and federated machine

learning approaches.
10 20 30 40
Number of Location Change Events
50 Software Availability
iFogSim2 PureEdgeSim IoTSim-Edge The source code of the iFogSim2 simulator is accessible

Figure 12: Simulation processing time for different simula-

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