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1. When did most scholars think the Earth was completely spherical?

By 500 B.C the most scholars thought it.

2. Who was the first person to try and calculate the size of the Earth?
He was Aristóteles.
3. How did he calculate the size of the earth?
He determined the Earth’s circumference.
4. Who used the following equation: (360.......) in 250 BC?
He was Erastóstenes.
5. What did Erastosthenes use to get the angle measurement?
He used the rays of the sun.
6. What is the accepted measurement of the Earth's circumference today?
The accepted measurement of the Earth's circumference today is about
24,855 miles
7. What technique did scientists and surveyors use to measure distance in
the 16th and 17th centuries?
They used triangulation.
8. What is triangulation?
Triangulation is a method of determining the position of a fixed point by
measuring the angles to it from two other fixed points that are a known
distance apart.
9. Why did the Royal Society in London and the L'Academie Royale des
Sciences argue about? Who was right?
The L'Academie Royale des Sciences argued that the Earth was prolate like
an egg while the Royal Society thought that the Earth was flattened at the
The Royal Society was right.
10. According to the test, what are the advances of Geodesy in the 20th
The 20th century brought space-based technology, making geodetic
measurements extremely precise. For example: NAVSTAR allow scientist
to measure changes in the Earth's surface to the centimenter.

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