Practice Test 1 - A2 Key For Schools

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A2 KEY for Schools

★ Let’s practice for the final exams.

★ For each question choose the best answer.
A2 KEY for Schools

1) a 4) a
2) a 5) a
3) a 6) a

★ For each question, choose the best option.

1) Which subject offers students several trips?

A biology B geography C history
2) Which subject includes working in small groups?
A biology B geography C history
A2 KEY for Schools

3) Which subject needs extra equipment that students have to buy?

A biology B geography C history
4) Which subject has a lot of homework?
A biology B geography C history
5) Which subject has some lessons outdoors?
A biology B geography C history
6) Which subject teaches students about something unusual?
A biology B geography C history
7) Which subject includes watching videos?
A biology B geography C history

★ Task 1

Your English friend Charlie has invited you to the cinema tomorrow, but you can’t go.
★ Write an email to Charlie:
• tell Charlie that you are sorry
• explain why you can’t go
• say which day you can go instead.
Write 25 words or more.

★ Task 2

Write a few sentences about your plans for the weekend. (will / won’t) 25 words or more
A2 KEY for Schools

★ For each question, choose the correct answer. (Listen to the audio here:

1) a 3) a 5) a
2) a 4) a
A2 KEY for Schools



★ Write answers for Jake. Use the words in brackets. Then, write questions.

2) ________________________________
3) ________________________________
5) ________________________________
6) ________________________________

★ Look and write sentences with will and won’t

A2 KEY for Schools


★ Complete the sentences. Use one word or phrase from each box.

1) If you go by bus, it takes 45 minutes.

2) What happens if you _______ ice at ___________?
3) You can __________ a lot of things in science class if you ________ experiments.
4) What _______ if you _________ a seed?
5) If you _______ water, it __________ steam.

★ Write complete sentences. (who/which)

1) he’s the thief / stole my friend’s watch

He’s the thief who stole my friend’s watch.
A2 KEY for Schools

2) that’s the train / goes to Scotland

3) there’s the musician / violin was taken

4) that’s the cinema / I go to sometimes

5) this is the place / I left my books


★ Use the letters to write words. then number.

2) ____________________ a
3) ____________________ a
4) ____________________ a
5) ____________________ a
6) ____________________ a
7) ____________________ a
8) ____________________ a
9) ____________________ a
10) ____________________ a

★ Complete the crossword. Then, complete the phrases.

1) climb a volcano
2) climb a _____
3) trek across a _______.
4) walk under a _______
A2 KEY for Schools

5) walk on the ________

6) explore a _________
7) dice near a ________
8) explore a ________

★ Look and write sentences. Then match.

A2 KEY for Schools

2) _________________________________________________ a
3) _________________________________________________ a
4) _________________________________________________ a

★ For each question, choose the best option.
A2 KEY for Schools

1) a 4) a
2) a 5) a
3) a 6) a

★ Use the words to make complete questions or sentences. Answer the questions.

Personal information
1 What | name?

2 Do | work | student?

3 How old ?

4 Where | live?

Daily life
5 time | you | get up?

6 Where | usually | lunch?

7 When | go | bed?

8 Who | you | eat dinner ?

9 tell | something about | did yesterday.

10 Which sports | enjoy playing?

11 Where | you | play sport | your town?

12 Which sports | enjoy watching?

13 Who | you | sport with?

14 tell | something | sport | would like | learn.

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