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ISSN 20790864, Biology Bulletin Reviews, 2015, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 527–537. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2015.

Original Russian Text © S.V. Shestakov, E.A. Karbysheva, 2015, published in Uspekhi Sovremennoi Biologii, 2015, Vol. 135, No. 2, pp. 115–127.

The Role of Viruses in the Evolution of Cyanobacteria

S. V. Shestakova, b and E. A. Karbyshevab
Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Received November 14, 2014

Abstract—Cyanophages play an important role in the evolution of cyanobacteria. They control cyanobacte
rium abundance, population dynamics, and the structure of natural communities. Cyanophages are a global
reservoir of genetic information. They act as vectors that transfer genes, endow cyanobacteria with novel
properties, and affect the rate and direction of evolutionary processes. Lysogeny makes a significant contri
bution to the maintenance of the gene pool and ecological adaptation of cyanobacteria. The integration of
many cyanobacterial genes into cyanophage genomes indicates that a genetic transfer occurs between hosts
and phages. Such a gene transfer performs the driving functions in adaptive microevolution. Analysis of the
molecular base of cyanophage–host interactions strongly supports the concept of the coevolution of
cyanophages and cyanobacterial genomes.

Keywords: evolution, genomics, cyanobacteria, cyanophages, horizontal gene transfer

DOI: 10.1134/S2079086415060079

INTRODUCTION genomes) serve as vectors for intrapopulational and

Bacteriophages, or, simply, phages, are viruses that interspecific gene transfer (Kristensen et al., 2010).
infect bacteria. They play an important role in the Horizontal gene transfer among prokaryotic taxa can
ecology and evolution of microbial communities, be mediated by gene transfers between phages and host
which determine the biogeochemistry of the Earth cells, in which phages undergo mutational and recom
(Fuhrman, 1999; Hambly and Suttle, 2005). The binational events. Phages supply host cells with
interaction between phages and their hosts imple genetic information that can alter the evolution rate
ments this role. and direction (Filee et al., 2003). In nature, lytic
phages evolve towards higher virulence, and host cells
First, phages control the microbial population size strengthen their defense, in particular, restriction–
and furnish the environment with sources of carbon, modification systems, mechanisms associated with
nitrogen, and micronutrients by degrading prokary clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic
otic cells. The concentration of phage particles in oce repeats (CRISPRs) that arrest phage gene expression
anic ecosystems reaches 106–109 per mL. These parti (Sorec et al., 2008; Stern and Sorec, 2010), and muta
cles lyse 20–40% of prokaryotic biomass daily (Suttle, tions in phage receptors (Labrie et al., 2010). The flex
2007). By regulating bacterium “mortality,” phages ibility of systems mediating the interaction between
not only influence the turnover of matter and energy in phages and hosts underlies the permanent antagonistic
the biosphere but also drive microbe diversification, coevolution of phages and their victims (Buckling and
modify ecosystem structures (Weinbauer and Rassou Rainey, 2002). The viral pursuit of wellbeing leads to
lzadegan, 2004), and modulate the rates of food web responded host genome variability in response. This
processes. mutual dependence is figuratively described as an arms
Second, phage genomes are greatly variable. Thus, race (Comeau and Krisch, 2005; Stern and Sorec, 2010)
they store a huge volume of genetic information in the in which each contestant strives to leave the rival behind.
biosphere (Clokie et al., 2011). Metagenomic studies The evolution of cyanobacteria, whose contribu
of oceanic ecosystems revealed hundreds of thousands tion to gene and metabolic networks of various ecosys
of phage genotype, most of which have no similar tems is of global significance, is discussed in the con
sequences in genomic databases (Angly et al., 2006). text of these three types of phage involvement in eco
The presence of identical genomic segments in phages logical and evolutionary processes.
sampled from different regions of the ocean and ter
restrial ecosystems points to a broad circulation of
phages in the biosphere. CYANOBACTERIAL VIRUSES
Third, phages and viruslike particles (derivatives Cyanobacterial viruses, or cyanophages, belong to
of defective phages bearing fragments of host the order Caudovirales. They have linear double


stranded DNA genomes (Ackermann, 2003) and are heterogeneity of natural cyanobacterial populations,
divided into three large families: myoviruses (Myovir which underlies the ecological diversification of
idae), which are similar to phage T4 and possess a long strains in microevolution.
contractile tail; tailless podoviruses (Podoviridae); and Genomic studies of cyanomyoviruses lysing Syn
λlike siphoviruses (Siphoviridae), which possess a echococcus and Prochlorococcus reveal a great similar
long noncontractile tail. The notion of species ity of many basic genes encoding replication and tran
assumed for prokaryotes is not applicable to cyanoph scription proteins to functionally similar genes of
ages. Classification inside a family is based on the abil phage T4 (Clokie et al., 2010). In addition, cyanoph
ity of phages to infect cells of certain species or strains age genomes contain many metabolic genes with
of host cyanobacteria (Safferman et al., 1983). Strains functions typical of cyanobacteria: psbA, mazG, phoH,
and isolates are designated alphanumerically with cobS, etc. (Clokie et al., 2010; IgnacioEspinoza and
indication of the ecologic origin. The classical marker Sullivan, 2012).
16S rRNA used in the phylogenetical analysis of
prokaryotes cannot be applied to viruses, since they
have no ribosomes. Studies of cyanomyoviruse THE ECOLOGIC AND GENETIC
genomic diversity often use the relatively conservative SIGNIFICANCE OF CYANOPHAGES
marker gene g20, which encodes one of capsid pro Cyanophages are among the key factors determin
teins (Zhong et al., 2002; Dorigo et al., 2004; Wilhelm ing the rate and direction of evolution in cyanobacte
et al., 2006; Jing et al., 2014). The differences between rial populations. Cyanobacteria need viruses as
strains in this marker reach 50%, and the differences genetic information stores and carriers (Hambly and
between isolates are seldom greater than 0.5%. Suttle, 2005). Cyanophages also regulate the sizes and
Cyanophages infecting filamentous freshwater genetic diversity of cyanobacterial populations.
cyanobacteria were discovered in 1960s (Safferman Viruses need hosts to reproduce their genomes. This
and Morris, 1963). Phages infecting unicellular mutually profitable partnership determines popula
marine cyanobacteria were extensively studied in tion histories in communities and provides grounds for
1990s (Waterbury and Valois, 1993; Wilson et al., the coevolution of cyanophages and cyanobacteria
1993). Analysis of cyanophage genomes showed their (Marston et al., 2012).
broad diversity in size (10 to 380 kb) and sequence. Lytic cyanophages destroy cyanobacterial cells.
Metagenomic studies of marine ecosystems revealed a The degree of lysis depends on the ratio between the
great diversity of virus genotypes, including cyanoph amounts of virulent cyanophage particles and cyano
ages (Bench et al., 2007; Williamson et al., 2008). This bacterial cells sensitive to viral infection (Mann,
great variability is related to the species and strain 2003). This ratio depends on the population structure,
specificity of the interaction between cyanophages availability of nutrient and energy sources, competi
and host cyanobacteria that inhabit different habitats tion with other ecosystem members, and various envi
in different regions of the globe. Most cyanophages ronmental factors, particularly seasonal factors.
can infect only certain cyanobacterium species or (Mühling et al., 2005; McDaniel et al., 2008). The
strains. For example, one of podovirus groups is spe degree of lysis is negligible in oligotrophic marine
cific to Prochlorococcus HL strains adapted to high communities due to the low population density and
insolation (Sullivan et al., 2003). Cyanophages with rare contacts between cyanophages and their hosts. In
wide host ranges also exist. Some cyanomyoviruses tropical regions of the ocean, cyanobacteria are more
infect LL strains of Prochlorococcus and many Syn abundant; correspondingly, lysis is more intense,
echococcus strains sharing the same ecozone (Sullivan though it depends on the amount of viral particles,
et al., 2003). For example, both cyanobacterium gen which rapidly die at high insolation and temperature.
era are hosts of cyanophage Syn9 (Weigele et al., Obviously, the genotype ranges of virus and host pop
2007). ulations are the decisive factor.
Cyanobacteria displaying high phylogenetic prox The coexistence of phagesensitive and phage
imity according to basic sets of genes and synteny may resistant cyanobacterial strains supports the dynamic
differ significantly in the presence of auxiliary opera balance of interests in the cyanobacterium–cyanoph
tional genes, which are often located on the same age system (Garza and Suttle, 1998; Avrani et al., 2011).
genome islands (Coleman et al., 2006) as genes con New variants of virulent cyanophages constantly arise
trolling fitness traits, including virus resistance. in nature. Concurrently, cyanobacterium strains resis
Cyanobacterial genes from such islands have been tant to strainspecific phage infection are selected.
found in cyanophage genomes (Labrie et al., 2013). The development of cyanophage resistance can follow
This discovery is indicative of a gene transfer between different pathways. Resistance to a certain cyanophage
viruses and hosts and the putative involvement of the may be determined, first of all, by mutations in cyano
islands in cyanophagemediated horizontal gene bacterial genes, which code for cell receptors recog
transfer (Dufresne et al., 2008; Millard et al., 2009). It nized by cyanophages. The Synechococcus marine
is the transfer of auxiliary genes, including genes for cyanobacterium has a group of independent mutant
cyanophages resistance, that determines the genetic strains selected for resistance against 32 cyanomyovi



ral isolates (Stoddard et al., 2007). Most mutations are LYSOGENY IN CYANOBACTERIA
related to the restriction of cyanophage adhesion.
Many mutants selected for resistance to a particular Lysogeny is an important mechanism by which
cyanophage isolate show crossresistance to other, cyanobacteria resist phage infection. It involves the
though not all, cyanophages. In addition, the control integration of temperate cyanophage genomes into
of cyanophage resistance involves various metabolic chromosomes or plasmids of some cyanobacterium
genes responsible for the biosynthesis of certain carbo strains (Mann, 2003). The resulting prophages repli
hydrates and lipids and for transferase activities (Mar cate with the host genome without causing lysis. They
ston et al., 2012). These data indicate a broad range of prevent host infection by genetically related virus
cyanobacterial genetic diversity in natural communi strains, thereby ensuring homoimmunity. Stress fac
ties with regard to phage resistance. tors, such as heat shock, intense illumination, UV
irradiation, heavy metal ions, etc., can induce the
Most mutations conferring phage resistance occur prophage, causing virus development and host cell
in hypervariable genome islands, where many genes lysis.
mediating adaptation to stress impacts are clustered. Lysogeny was discovered in filamentous freshwater
These islands are intensely engaged in horizontal gene cyanobacteria (Cannon et al., 1971). There is indirect
transfer (Avrani et al., 2011). The variability in island evidence for lysogeny in senescent cultures of unicel
composition and polymorphism is produced by lular freshwater cyanobacteria Synechocystis aquatilis,
genomic rearrangements in the course of multiple Microcystis aeruginosa, and Anacystis nidulans
infection events. It manifests itself in the formation of (Goryushin et al., 1976). Later, lysogeny was found in
subpopulations differing in cyanophage resistance. natural populations of marine unicellular cyanobacte
With the absence of viruses, phageresistant cells con ria (Sode et al., 1994; Ohki and Fujita, 1996;
stitute as little as 0.01–0.2% of a population (Garza McDaniel et al., 2002). Lysogeny in cyanobacteria is
and Suttle, 1998). These cells grow more slowly than confirmed by their ability to produce phage particles in
phagesensitive ones and lose the competition (pay response to mitomycin C (Cannon et al., 1971;
ment for resistance) but ensure the preservation of the McDaniel et al., 2002; Ortmann et al., 2002). How
basic gene pool of hosts (Lennon et al., 2007). The ever, little is known about the mechanisms governing
coexistence and interaction of resistant and sensitive the lysogenic cycle in cyanobacteria and the function
cells capable of gene transfer is the tool with which of their prophages.
viruses control population composition and support
the balance of genetic diversity (Bouvier and del Gior The evolutionary significance of lysogeny involves
gio, 2007; Buckling and Rainey, 2012). This is how the control of cyanobacterial population size, mainte
cyanobacteria adapt to new conditions in particular nance of the cyanobacterial gene pool in an ecosys
tem, and support of the virus reproductive potential.
High levels of lysogeny and poor prophage induction
One of the mechanisms controlling phage resis efficiency in a population are related to low concen
tance in cyanobacteria may be associated with the trations of cells sensitive to a particular cyanophage
CRISPR system. The system is conjugated with the type. The probability of the lysogenic cycle is lower at
function of Cas proteins, which arrest virus replication higher concentrations of sensitive cells (Mann, 2003).
in host cells (Breitbart, 2012). Genomic analysis of The proportion of lysogenic cells is limited under con
two thermostable Synechococcus isolates from hot ditions favoring phototrophic growth, but it increases
springs revealed two types of CRISPR repeats specific with shortage of nutrients, phosphorus, or iron. The
to each of the strains. The viral metagenome of the worse the living conditions of marine cyanobacteria
same habitat contained genome variants that are capa are, the higher is the selection probability of cells
ble of evading the CRISPR resistance mechanism housing inserted prophages in the population (Paul,
(Heidelberg et al., 2009). Cyanobacteria apparently 2008). This tendency is clearly seen in the seasonal
produce mutant variants with altered CRISPR arrays, habit of lysogeny. In winter, when daytime is short,
ensuring immunity against mutant cyanophages. populations of marine cyanobacteria contain large
Thus, coevolution as the strategic principle of the proportions of lysogenic cells, which bear prophages
virus–host interaction is clearly implemented in this responsible for immunity and regulation of adaptive
system as well. response to stresses. The proportions of prophage
bearing cyanobacterial cells are higher in anoxic water
The possibility of rapid antagonistic coevolution in ecosystems and oligotrophic lakes of Antarctica (Lay
the twocomponent cyanobacterium–cyanophage bournParry et al., 2007). Metagenomic analysis of the
system was proven in experiments (Marston et al., virosphere of marine plankton demonstrates an asso
2012). After six months of cyclic cocultivation of Syn ciation between prophage induction and the activity of
echococcus WH7803 with lytic cyanomyovirus RIM8, genes encoding integrases, which are involved in
the culture contained new cyanophage variants with prophage formation (Paul, 2008; McDaniel et al.,
altered host ranges and phenotypically new (resistant 2008). The possibility of the lysogenic cycle in some
to the cyanophage) cyanobacterial isolates. cyanophages in principle is indicated by the presence



of genes for recombinases, integrases, and antirepres strom et al., 2013). Prophagelike elements were
sors responsible for prophage switchon and induction found in genomes of freshwater cyanobacteria Syne
in their genomes (Yoshida et al., 2008; Huang et al., chococcus PCC 6301 (Huang et al., 2012) and Syne
2012; Sullivan et al., 2009; Labrie et al., 2013). chocystis PCC 6714 (Kopf et al., 2014).
It should be mentioned that prophage genes con Little is known about the mechanisms by which
trol not only the suppression of the lytic cycle but also cyanophages transfer cyanobacterial genes. No repro
some metabolic processes in the host cell. Prophages ducible transduction systems have been developed for
possess genes for transcription regulators, including cyanobacteria (Flores et al., 2008; Hess, 2008),
repressors, which arrest the activity of unnecessary although there is indirect evidence of the possibility of
metabolic pathways in slowly growing cells. This phe gene transfer by common transduction. A study of
nomenon saves energy and macronutrients in chal DNA from cyanomyovirus SPM2, which infected
lenging environments. Prophages act as modulators of Synechococcus, detected a cyanobacterial DNA frag
phenotypic variability, which determines the course of ment with the Kmr marker gene in encapsulated
selection in populations. Insertion of a prophage cyanophage particles (Clokie et al., 2003). It was
inside a gene or operon can influence the manifesta deduced from PCR data that one of the 105 phage par
tion of the corresponding trait significantly. A proph ticles contained a packed fragment of cyanobacterial
age can be a target for recombination–transposition DNA of the same size as the phage genome. With
systems performing genome rearrangements that regard to the presence of DNA from degraded phage
affect gene expression. The specific mechanisms by particles in the aquatic environment, gene transfer by
which prophage genes suppress metabolism in transfection of cyanobacterial cells may be suggested.
lysogenic cyanobacterial cells in response to stress are
unknown. However, it is reasonable to suggest that the
key role is played by sensory systems and mediated by CYANOBACTERIAL GENES
various histidine and serine–threonine protein IN CYANOPHAGE GENOMES
kinases. In particular, cyanophage SSM1 utilizes the
PhoR/PhoB regulatory system of Synechococcus cells The presence of homologs of bacterial genes in
for induction of the expression of phage genes pstS and cyanophage genomes (see table) is indicative of gene
phoH against a background of phosphate deficiency transfer between viruses and their hosts (Lindell et al.,
(Zeng and Chisholm, 2012). Thus, the presence and 2004; Zeidner et al., 2005; Sullivan et al., 2006; Clokie
activity of prophages are an adaptive feature that et al., 2010; IgnacioEspinoza and Sullivan, 2012).
assists host cell survival under adverse conditions. Coinfection of cyanobacteria by different cyanophage
They are beneficial for both parties of the cyanobacte strains capable of infecting both Synechococcus and
rium–cyanophage system. Hence, prophages should Prochlorococcus is accompanied by recombination
not be considered solely as a dangerous timebomb between the genomes of different cyanophage strains
(Paul, 2008). The relationships between a cyanophage (Zeidner et al., 2005). This is how gene transfer
and its host assume the possibility of pseudolysogeny, between genera may occur. Through recombination of
in which the viral genome exists in the infected cell as viruses acting as vectors, cyanobacterial genes cap
an inactive particle that does not cause lysis rather tured by cyanophages are drawn into gene transfer. In
than as a prophage (Mann, 2003; Clokie et al., 2011). the case of closely related cyanophage strains,
It is conceivable that pseudolysogeny also provides the intragenic homologous recombination produces
conditions for genetic transfer between the cyanoph mutations and allelic variants. However, amino acid
age and host cell. replacement happens very rarely because of tough sta
In the lytic phase, after prophage induction, the bilizing selection (Marston and Amrich, 2009).
probability of gene transfer between cyanobacterial Homologous recombination between genetically dis
cells increases due to the appearance of cyanophages tant cyanophage strains or between a virus and the
acting as vectors. The result is an opportunity for host genome produces mosaic genes, which consist of
genetic diversification of strains and selection of segments from different partners (Marston and
clones with mutations that confer virus resistance and Amrich, 2009). In nonhomologous (illegitimate)
affect DNA repair and recombination processes. recombination, cyanobacteria acquire “alien” genes
These processes control genetic variability, which of adaptive significance, which can alter the direction
determines microevolution in populations. Although of evolutionary processes in bacterial populations
the role of lysogeny in cyanobacteria attracts scientists’ (Shestakov, 2007). Some cyanophage genes, e.g.,
interest, information on prophages and their genomes phoH, talC, and hsp20, are highly similar to genes of
is scarce. No prophages were found in the genomes of some heterotrophic bacteria. It appears that cyano
cultivated marine strains of Synechococcus and bacteria that had received these genes from genetically
Prochlorococcus (Kettler et al., 2007; Labrie et al., distant donors were intermediate hosts for corre
2013). Only a single cell of one Prochlorococcus isolate sponding cyanophages. It is likely that agents perform
of the HL ecotype contained a defective prophage ing gene transfer in the nature include viruses whose
similar to the genome of podovirus PSSP7 (Malm overlying host ranges have not been established.



Cyanophage genes homologous to cyanobacterial ones

Gene Encoded protein Cyanophage Cyanobacterium
psbA Protein D1 FSII PSSM4 (M) Prochlorococcus
(photosystem II) PSSP7 (P) Prochlorococcus
SPM2 (M) Synechococcus
psbD Protein D2 FSII PSSM4 (M) Prochlorococcus
(photosystem II) SPM2 (M) Synechococcus
psaEF Proteins FSI Metagenomic Prochlorococcus
(photosystem I) clones Synechococcus
hli Photoprotective proteins PSSM2 (M) Prochlorococcus
PSSP7 (P) Prochlorococcus
SPM2 (M) Synechococcus
SCBS2 (S) Synechococcus
pebS Phycoerythrobilin synthase PSSM2 (M) Prochlorococcus
pcyA Ferredoxin oxidoreductase PSSM4 (M) Prochlorococcus
cpeT Regulation of phycoerythrin PRSM4 (M) Prochlorococcus
synthesis SPM2 (M) Synechococcus
speD SAdenosylmethionine PSSM4 (M) Prochlorococcus
decarboxylase SPM2 (M) Synechococcus
nblA Phycobilisome PaVLD Planktothrix
degradation MaLMM01 Microcystis
tal C Transaldolase PRSM4 (M) Prochlorococcus
PSSP7 (P) Prochlorococcus
SRSM2 (M) Synechococcus
petF Ferredoxin PSSM2 (M) Prochlorococcus
SSM2 (M) Synechococcus
petE Plastocyanin PSSM2 (M) Prochlorococcus
SRSM2 (M) Synechococcus
ho1 Heme oxidase PSSM2 (M) Prochlorococcus
pto Plastoquinone PSSM4 (M) Prochlorococcus
terminal oxidase Syn9 (M) Synechococcus
gnd 6Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase Syn9 (M) Synechococcus
zwf Glucose6phosphate dehydrogenase Syn9 (M) Synechococcus
cp12 Regulator of C metabolism PSSM2 (M) Prochlorococcus
SSM2 (M) Synechococcus
pstS ABCtype phosphate transport PSSM4 (M) Prochlorococcus
SSM2 (M) Synechococcus
phoH Phosphate metabolism PSSM2 (M) Prochlorococcus
regulation SPM2(M) Synechococcus
MaLMM01(M) Microcystis
cobS Cobalamin synthase PSSM2 (M) Prochlorococcus
cobO (vitamin B1 synthesis) SRSM4 (M) Synechococcus
SCBS2 (S) Synechococcus
nrdA Subunits α and β PSSP7 (P) Prochlorococcus
nrdB of ribonucleotide reductase PSSM2 (M) Prochlorococcus
PSS2 (S) Prochlorococcus
SPM2 (M) Synechococcus
MaLMM01(M) Microcystis



Table (Contd.)
Gene Encoded protein Cyanophage Cyanobacterium
mazG Regulation of the level PSSM4 (M) Prochlorococcus
of guanosine3',5'bispyrophosphate SRSM4 (M) Synechococcus
hsp Heat shock proteins Syn9 (M) Prochlorococcus
SPM2 (M) Synechococcus
prnA Tryptophan halogenase PSSM2 (M) Prochlorococcus
SPM2 (M) Synechococcus
rpoS RNA polymerase PSS2 (S) Prochlorococcus
sigma factor III SCBS4 (S) Synechococcus
thy1 Thymidylate synthase PSSM4 (M) Prochlorococcus
SPM2(M) Synechococcus
PSS2 (S) Prochlorococcus
SCBS2 (S) Synechococcus
dcd CTP deaminase PSS2 (S) Prochlorococcus
SCBS2 (S) Synechococcus
prm DNA primase PSS2 (S) Prochlorococcus
SCBS2 (S) Synechococcus
SPM2 (M) Synechococcus
ssb Singlestrand PSS2 (S) Prochlorococcus
DNAbinding protein SCBS2 (S) Synechococcus
SPM2 (M) Synechococcus
pep Peptidase SCBS2 (S) Synechococcus
Abbreviations: (M), myovirus; (P), podovirus; (S), siphovirus.

The evolutionary histories of phage genes of cyano and Synechococcus, between groups of cyanomyovi
bacterial origin shown in the table are different. They ruses and cyanopodoviruses, and between isolates
depend primarily on the mode of the interaction from different ocean regions. This psbA diversity is
between the particular virus strain and the host cyano related to the host strain specificity, which determines the
bacterium and on ecophysiological conditions. One nature of cyanophage interaction in particular habitats
transcription cluster in the genome of a cyanophage (Chenard and Suttle, 2008). Cyanobacteria extract and
can combine bacterial genes that are involved in a sin preserve those psbA variants from the natural cyanoviral
gle metabolic pathway but are located in different gene pool that optimize photosynthesis.
cyanobacterial genome segments. Clusterization of
this sort, e.g., psbA with psbD in cyanomyovirus SPM2 What is the biological significance of the preserva
(Millard et al., 2004), is a result of multiple recombi tion of the psbA and psbD genes in the genomes of
nation events in the phage genome. It allows gene cyanophages, where photosynthesis is impossible? At
coexpression (Lindell et al., 2007). early stages of infection, many genes, including psbA
and psbD, terminate their operation, but the transcrip
Among genes of the basic set, psbA and psbD most tion of phage genes is activated, together with synthe
often occur in the genomes of myo and cyanopodovi sis of the corresponding polypeptides of the photosys
ruses but not in cyanosiphoviruses. These genes tem (Sullivan et al., 2006). A high level of protein D1,
encode photosystem II proteins. The genomes of 88% which is rapidly inactivated by light, is maintained in
of marine cyanophages contain psbA, and 50% of them an infected cell, and it supports the stability of the
have psbD as well (Sullivan et al., 2006). The psbA gene photosystem, which provides energy for phage
has been found in all cyanomyoviruses and in clade B genome replication. The cyanophage takes care of its
of cyanopodoviruses infecting Prochlorococcus own reproduction by using the resources of the host
(DekelBird et al., 2013). The difference in the psbA cell, which is sentenced to death. The photosynthetic
sequence between freshwater and marine cyanophages genes of cyanophages favor infection development and
points to different evolutionary histories of these increase the rate of virus reproduction, particularly, in
cyanophage groups. Differences in psbA have been a challenging environment (Bragg and Chisholm,
found between cyanophages infecting Prochlorococcus 2008; Hellweger, 2009).



The cyanophage genes of photosystem II are, as a tivation (Bhaya et al., 2002). These proteins absorb the
rule, similar in structure to the homologous host excess of excitement energy. They are induced by high
genes. This similarity reflects the coevolution of insolation and expressed in conjugation with ribonu
cyanoviral and cyanobacterial genomes. The demand cleotide reductase genes psbA and nrdAB at early stages
for psbA and psbD expression is determined by the of infection (Lindell et al., 2007). Cyanobacteria have
duration of the lag phase at the beginning of infection. multiple copies of hli genes, which are located mainly
Cyanophages with lag phases lasting 2–3 h require in genomic islands. It appears that these genes were
photosynthesis genes, because the degrading host cell recurrently transferred by cyanophages. The cyanoph
is already short on energy. Cyanophages with short lag age pto (ptoX) gene encodes plastoquinone terminal
phases, such as cyanopodovirus P60, have no photo oxidase, which is responsible for electron flux switch,
synthesis genes. This difference is also of ecological and also contributes to the optimization of energy sys
significance. The psbA gene is characteristic of group B tems (Sullivan et al., 2003; Weigele et al., 2007; Mill
cyanopodoviruses inhabiting the surface layer of olig ard et al., 2009).
otrophic ocean, but it is absent from group A cyanop In the absence of photosynthesis, the pentose
odoviruses, which inhabiting coastal zones and estuar phosphate pathway (PPP) provides energy for virus
ies (DekelBird et al., 2013; Zheng et al., 2013). replication. Its key steps are controlled by cyanophage
The relationship between coevolution processes in genes. The genomes of many cyanophages contain the
cyanophages and cyanobacteria is also illustrated by cp12 gene (Thompson et al., 2011; IgnacioEspinoza
the fact that the psbA gene present in cyanomyovirus and Sullivan, 2012). Its product inhibits the Calvin
SPM2 of Synechococcus and in the phage metage cycle and switches C metabolism to PPP, which is
nome of sea ecosystems has an intron that is excised at conjugated with the functions of the zwf gene for glu
the early infection stage by a specific endonuclease, cose6phosphate dehydrogenase and gnd gene for
which is encoded by a gene linked to psbA. This splic phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, which is found in
ing, which ensures the formation of active protein D1, Syn9 (Weigele et al., 2007) and some other cyanoph
is regulated by an antisense miniRNA, and the synthe ages (Millard et al., 2009; Clokie et al., 2010; Sullivan
sis of this miniRNA is coregulated by psbA and the et al., 2010; Labrie et al., 2013). PPP activation pro
endonuclease gene (Millard et al., 2010). The stabili motes the production of deoxyribonucleoside triphos
zation of photosystem II may involve the product of the phates and increases the level of NADPH, which is
speD cyanophage gene for Sadenosylmethionine required for this process. Infected cells demonstrate
decarboxylase, which is the key enzyme in the synthesis coordinated expression of the zwf, gnd, and cp12
of the polyamines protecting mRNA (Mann et al., 2005). genes, together with the talC gene for transaldolase, a
Genes of photosystem I are also found in metage PPP enzyme (Thompson et al., 2011). Thus,
nomic analysis of cyanophages. Six psa genes are clus cyanophages not only serve as vectors for the men
tered together, although they are dispersed over differ tioned genes but also modulate C metabolism in host
ent genome regions of cyanobacteria (Sharon et al., cells in order to optimize their own reproduction.
2009). The modified complex of photosystem I genes Many cyanophages bear hsp genes, which encode
is likely to be associated with the respiratory chain of proteins inducible by heat stress (Mann et al., 2005;
electron transport and to support the reduction poten Weigele et al., 2007; Maaroufi and Tanguay, 2013).
tial. Cyanomyoviruses PSSM2 and PSSM4, which These genes, borrowed from hosts, participate in the
infect Prochlorococcus, contain genes pebS for phyco assembly of phage capsids. Marine and freshwater
erythrobilin synthase and pcyA for ferredoxin oxi cyanomyoviruses have phoH and pstS genes, which
doreductase. These genes are involved in the synthesis control the phosphorus metabolism (Sullivan et al.,
of phycobilisomes, which are lightgathering com 2005; Yoshida et al., 2008; Clokie et al., 2010). These
plexes that assist photosynthesis and protect it from genes are induced upon a phosphate deficiency. It is
photoinactivation (Dammeyer et al., 2008). The hypothesized that these auxiliary genes, which occur
cyanophage pebS gene encodes a new protein that per mainly in genomic islands and support adaptation to
forms the same functions as those performed by two phosphate shortage, are involved in cyanophage
cyanobacterial proteins: PsbA and PsbB. It is one mediated horizontal transfer between cyanobacteria.
more example of rearrangements in the cyanophage The genomes of most cyanophages have the cobS
genome in the course of coevolution of the virus and host. (cobO) genes for cobalamin synthase, an enzyme par
Some cyanophages possess the cpeT gene, which regu ticipating in vitamin B1 production (Sullivan et al.,
lates phycoerythrin production. Cyanophage SPM2 2005; Sullivan et al., 2010; Huang et al., 2012).
induces phycoerythrin synthesis in infected Synechoc Cyanophages support the natural diversity of various
occus cells (Shan et al., 2008). metabolic genes. It follows from phylogenetic analysis
Cyanophage genomes contain a number of genes that these genes may have been obtained by phages
supporting the photosynthesis machinery. They from different original donors (Sullivan et al., 2010).
include hli genes, which encode the family of chloro Horizontal transfer systems ensured broad dis
phyllassociated HLIP proteins. These proteins pro persal of the mazG gene, which is found in the
tect photosynthesis systems and cells from photoinac genomes of all cyanomyoviruses (Bryan et al., 2008).



This conservative gene appears to be essential for vation. The genome of SCRM01, which infecs
metabolism coordination at early stages of infection. It Microcystis, contains the “photosynthetic” psbA gene
regulates the level of guanosine3',5'bispyrophos (Dreher et al., 2011), which is absent from Ma
phate, which participates in adaptive cell responses to LMM01 and PaVLD.
stress factors. Phylogenetic analysis shows that differ
ent cyanobacteria received mazG from different
Many cyanophage genes that are supposed to have By 2014, a large volume of information on com
been received from bacteria support replication (thy1, pletely sequenced cyanobacterial and cyanoviral
prm, and ssb), transcription (rpoS), or translation (see genomes had been collected (
table). The genomes of some cyanophages contain edu/project/cyanophage/), and the Cyanobase plat
intact or modified genes for transfer RNAs, which are form had been updated (Nakao et al., 2010). Compar
presumably able to assist in reading phage information ative genomics provides convincing evidence that hor
or serve as targets for insertion of mobile elements. izontal gene transfer played an important role in
The intact copies improve the efficiency of phage cyanobacterial evolution (Zhaxybaeva et al., 2006; Shi
genome translation by the convergence of GC con and Falkowski, 2008; Yerrapragada et al., 2009; Igna
tents and codon usage in the viral and host genomes cioEspinoza and Sullivan, 2012). Cyanobacteria har
(specialization strategy). Cyanomyoviruses employ boring plasmids and mobile elements can potentially
the adaptation strategy. They insert their set of tRNA utilize them for genetic transfer of transformation and
genes into host cells, thereby supporting the reading of conjugation systems (Hess, 2008; Flores et al., 2008).
their genes even in cyanobacteria differing in GC con Marine cyanobacteria with small genomes, which are
tent. In doing so, they expand their host range (Limor devoid of mobile elements and transposases (Mikhe
Waisberg et al., 2011). Thus, the variability and horizon eva et al., 2011), as a rule have a limited capacity for
tal transfer of tRNA genes are putative tools for the transformation and conjugation. The ample data pre
coevolution of cyanoviral and cyanobacterial genomes. sented in this review suggest that cyanophages provide
In addition to metabolic genes shown in the table, the main route for genetic communication among
cyanophage genomes have other genes of bacterial ori such cyanobacteria. Investigation of the machinery
gin: methyltransferases, irondependent oxygenases, supporting the involvement of cyanophages in the
peptidases signaling protein kinases, cell surface pro control of populational processes and gene transfer in
teins (lipopolysaccharides, receptors, and transport natural communities is an urgent task in the evolution
ers), and many hypothetical genes of unknown func ary genetics of cyanobacteria.
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