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Section 1: Consumer Details

Q1. Name:
Q2. Mobile Number:
Q3. Email ID:

Section 2: Basic Consumer Understanding of Septic Tanks

Q1. Are you aware that your household has a septic tank or an STP?(Yes/No)

Q2. If yes, do you know that a septic tank needs maintenance? (Yes/No)
Q3. How frequently should the maintenance should be taken care of?(Once a week,Once in 2
weeks,Once in a month,Once in 2 months.Once in a quarter,Once in 6 months,Once a year)

Q4. Who is responsible for maintaining the septic tank and who is the decision maker?

Q5. Have you ever experienced issues with your septic tank?(Aided and Unaided)

Q6. If yes, please describe the issue(s) you faced.(Unaided)

Q7. How frequently have you faced those issues?

Q8. Whom do you contact to resolve those issues?

Q9. What are the solutions you have got from the people whom you contact for resolving the
issue? (Aided/Unaided)

Section 3: Households that have used a Suction Truck

Q1. Do you use the private ones or call the municipality?
Q2. How easy or difficult is it to arrange a suction truck?

Q3. Comments on the overall process of using a suction truck?

Q4. How much does it cost to use a suction truck?

Q5. Does the problem get solved once a suction truck is used? (Yes/No)

Q6. Has there been a recurrence of the problem? If yes, in what


Q7. Are you aware that there are products available that help maintain a septic tank, which
could eliminate the need for a suction truck? (Yes/No)(Unaided)
Q8. If yes, what are the products you are aware of, and why haven't you used them?

Section 4: Use of a Scavenger to Clean the Septic Tank

Q1. Have you ever used a scavenger or a manual method to clean the septic

Q2. If yes, who recommended the use of a scavenger, and did the problem get solved?

Q3. Are you aware that there are products available that help maintain a septic tank, which
could eliminate the need for a scavenger? If yes, what are the products and why haven't you
used them?(Unaided)

Section 5: If HH’s have been using a product to maintain their Septic

Q1. What product are you using?

Q2. How long have you been using it?

Q3. Where do you buy the product?

Q4. If purchased online, which website did you use? If purchased from a shop, what kind of

Q5. How frequently do you use it?

Q6. What is the cost of the product?

Q7. Has the use of the product solved your septic tank problem? (Yes/No)

Q8. How satisfied are you with the results you are getting from using the


Q9. Who recommended the use of such products?

Q10. Have you ever recommended such products to anyone


Q11. If Yes,how many people have you recommended?

Section 6: Awareness about Bioclean Septic

Q1. Have you heard of Bioclean Septic?(Yes/No)
If yes,
Q2. How did you hear about it?

Q3. Have you used the bio clean septic before? (Yes/No)
Q4. If aware, why have you not bought the Bioclean Septic product?

Q5.Would you have thought about purchasing these products if you had known about them


Q6.What specific details about the product would you wish to know?

Section 7: Aided Response to Bioclean Septic

Q1. First impression on seeing the product

Q2. Would you consider buying Bioclean Septic?(Yes/No)

Q3. If no, please provide the reasons why in your own words.

Q4. Would you consider buying the product if it is available only on e-commerce sites?
Trade Information

Q1. Name of Store:

Q2. Area:

Q3. Type of Store(General Store,Hardware store,Sanitary store,Supermarket)

Q4. If there are any products for septic tank maintenance.(Yes/No)

If Yes
Q1. What products are available?

Q2. In sales terms, how popular are these products?

Q3. Do customers ask for specific products by name, or do they suggest based on customer

Q4. What are the problems customers are seeking help for?

Q5. Details of in store communication of competitors if any

Q6. Who supplies the septic tank maintenance products to the


Q7. Information on Margin

Q8. Selling Price:

Q9. Are there any instore communication from the brand taking place?

If No
Q1. Has any customer ever inquired about septic tank maintenance

Q2. If yes, what did the store recommend to the customer?

Q3. Would the store be interested in stocking septic tank related products?

Q4. Can they recommend a distributor who could distribute these products?

Q5. Comments on Bio Clean Septic

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