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S3 Chemistry – Metals – Worksheet 3

Section 1 – Metal Extraction – Which method? (slides 1 – 11)

1. What is an ore?

2. Complete the table below, stating which method of extraction is required for each
You should use P.10 of your data booklet to help you.

Metal Method of Extraction

Heating alone / Heating with carbon / Electrolysis





3. Copper can be extracted from copper oxide.

a. Using a ruler, draw a labelled diagram of the apparatus required to extract copper
from copper oxide.

b. Write a word equation for the extraction of copper from copper oxide.

4.Why do metals such as Aluminium require to be extracted using electrolysis?

Section 2 – The Blast Furnace (slides 12 – 18)
5. What is the name of the industrial equipment that is used to extract iron?
6. Why is the extraction of iron so important in our society?


7. Which method of metal extraction is used to extract iron?

Circle the correct answer.
Heating alone / Heating with carbon / Electrolysis

8. Air and 3 other ingredients are used in the industrial process of iron extraction.
What are the other 3 ingredients?
a. _________________ b. _________________ c. _________________

9. There are 3 key reactions during the extraction of iron.

For each of the 3 reactions write a WORD equation and a description of this stage.
a. Reaction 1
Word equation: _______________________________________________________________________
b. Reaction 2
Word equation: _______________________________________________________________________
c. Reaction 3
Word equation: _______________________________________________________________________

10. What is added to the process to removes impurities? ________________________________

Section 3 – Using metals to make electricity (slides 19 - 24)
11. What is required to create a voltage?
____________________________________and ______________________________________________
12. What is the function of an electrolyte?
13. What type of compounds are electrolytes?
14. Using a ruler, draw the apparatus set up required to create a voltage.

15. Complete the following sentences.

a. Electrons travel in the _______________ of an electrochemical cell.
b. The electrons travel from the metal _________________ on the electrochemical series, to
the metal ____________ on the electrochemical series.
c. Increasing the distance between metals on the electrochemical series _______________
the voltage produced.
d. Electrochemical cells form the basis of _____________ that we use in our everyday lives.

16. For each of the electrode combinations below, state the direction of electron flow.
a. Aluminium and zinc electrodes _____________________________________________________
b. Silver and lead electrodes _________________________________________________________
c. Nickel and magnesium electrodes __________________________________________________
d. Iron and gold electrodes ___________________________________________________________
e. Tin and tin electrodes ______________________________________________________________

17. For each of the statements below, simply state whether the voltage would increase or
a. A magnesium electrode was substituted for an iron one and connected to a copper
electrode. ____________________________________________________________________________
b. A zinc electrode is substituted for an aluminium one and connected to a silver
electrode. ____________________________________________________________________________
c. A lead electrode is substituted for a copper electrode and connected to gold
electrode. ____________________________________________________________________________
Section 4 – More practise of SVSDF and Prefix formula
Reminder! Write the chemical formula of calcium sulfide
S – Symbol Ca S
V – Valency 2 2
S – Swap 2 2 (makes no difference here)
D – Divide 1 1
F – Formula CaS
18. Using SVSDF reminder write the chemical formulas of the following compounds.
a. Lithium oxide b. Aluminium sulfide c. Nitrogen phosphide

d. Sodium chloride e. Magnesium oxide f. Calcium Iodide

Mono = 1 Di = 2 Tri = 3 Tetra = 4 Pent = 5 Hex = 6
Do not use SVSDF when you see one of the prefixes above.
Example: Carbon dioxide has 1 x carbon and 2 x oxygen = CO2
19. For each of the compounds below, write the chemical formula.
a. carbon monoxide ____________________ b. sulfer trioxide ___________________________

c. dinitrogen tetroxide __________________ d. phosphorus pentachloride ________________

20. Write the chemical formulas of the following compounds.

(You need to decide whether to use SVSDF or the prefixes)
a. sulfer hexafluoride b. sodium oxide c. carbon tetrachloride

____________________ _________________ _______________________

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