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Microplastic pollution in Deli River Medan

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International Conference on Research Collaboration of Environmental Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 802 (2021) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/802/1/012019

Microplastic pollution in Deli River Medan

N Harpah1,2*, P Ageng1, R Addauwiyah1, A Rizki1, Z Perdana1, I Suryati1, R

Leonardo1, A Husin1, M Faisal1
Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas
Sumatera Utara, Medan 20155
Integrated Research Laboratory, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Tridarma No. 8,
Medan 20115, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

Abstract. Microplastic is new pollution and made from a synthetic polymer. The Deli River is
one of the main rivers in Medan city that flow on urban and suburban areas. This study has
aims to identify the characteristics (shape and type), the quantity, and the microplastic
correlation with the flow velocity. Sample collected at eight locations based on SNI 03-70160-
2004 and preparation in the laboratory with organic digestion and density separation. The
microplastic characterized identified with FTIR and microscopy, the quantity identified with
microscopy. Analyze the relation tested by Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test and significance tested
by Pearson Correlation at a 95% confidence level. The result showed that Deli River contains
polyethylene, Polypropylene, and Polystyrene with film and fragment shape dominated. The
average microplastic quantity on Deli River Water is 102 particles L-1. The amount of
microplastic has a positive correlation with the flow velocity. Most of the microplastic on Deli
River Water in Medan came from secondary microplastic.

1. Introduction
Medan city produces 17,7% plastic waste from household waste, and 1,2% of total household recycled
it is [1,2]. Plastics are not recycled enter landfills and water bodies. The river is one of the water
bodies and the main pathway of plastics to oceans [3].
Deli River is one part of the Deli Sub-watershed, 47.748.01 Ha with a river length of 70 km
upstream of the river on Deli Serdang and Medan City as the downstream that used as the residential
area is 36,6% from total area [4,5].
Plastics are persistent and durable, but they can degradable caused by exposure to ultraviolet
radiation. Physical abrasion can break down plastic debris into smaller particles like micro to nano,
called microplastics [6]. Microplastics with unique sizes and stable properties are breeding for
microorganisms and pollutant carriers [7]. Plastics also contain toxic monomers and addictive
substances, which can dissolve into seawater and affect existing aquatic organisms [8]. There is no
standard method to identify microplastic. There are two types of the microplastic base on their
formation process, primary and secondary. Primary microplastics are plastics that have micro sizes
and are usually found in cleaners and cosmetic products. Secondary microplastics are formed from

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International Conference on Research Collaboration of Environmental Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 802 (2021) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/802/1/012019

plastics that already exist in the environment and are fragmented into smaller plastics into
microplastics [9].
This study analyzes the type, shape, quantity of microplastics, and the related quantity of
microplastic with flow velocity in the Deli River Medan. The ends of the Deli River flows to the
Belawan Sea, which is one of the seafood sources for the people of Medan City. The results of this
study are predicted microplastic pollution in Medan and encourage the integration of waste
management in Medan City.

2. Methodology

2.1 Sampling site

The sampling location was selected by Indonesia Standard SNI 03-7017-2004. Determination of
location coordinated using Google Earth and Compass Pro application then mapped using QGIS 2.18.
The sampling location consists of 8 locations along 25 km. The land use of location as residential in
the watershed with the coordinates are 3°31'34.8"LU and 98°40'54.7"BT (location 1), 3°34'23.2"LU
and 98°40'58.3"E (location 2), 3°35'40.6"LU and 98°40'21.6"E (location 3), 3°36'44.7"LU and
98°40'18.6"E (location 4). Location 1 is upstream of the Deli River in Medan. This location is as
control with few populated residential areas. Location 2, 3, and 4 are high populated residential areas
on the watershed, and most of the community still used the water river for daily activities. Location 5,
6, and 7 are residential area and industry area with coordinate such as N 3°37'37.3"E98°39'53.5"
(location 5), N3°40'17.9"E98°39'55.0" (location 6), N3°42'41.4"E98°40'38.2" (location 7). Location 8
as a downstream and the end of this flow to Belawan Sea, the coordinate is N3°45'14,5"E98°40'34,1"
(location 8).

Figure 1. Sampling location.

2.2 Sampling method

Measurement of the flow velocity of the Deli River for each sampling location used the float method
per SNI 8066:2015. The flow velocity is instantaneous. Water sampling was carried out base on
Indonesia Standard SNI 03-7016-2004. The method used as composite samples. The sample was taken
on the left, middle, and right of the river [10]—water samples taken on ½ depth of water. Water
samples have been obtained and then preserved in a cool box with a temperature of 40C.

International Conference on Research Collaboration of Environmental Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 802 (2021) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/802/1/012019

2.3 Sample preparation

Water samples that will analyze the type, shape, and abundance should be done to separate dissolved
substances in the water samples, such as organic compounds. The separation process of microplastics
consists of three main stages: digester of organic compounds, density separation, and vacuum
filtration. Water samples in 250 mL filtered and added 400 ml NaCl 30%, and keep for one night then
added 10 ml of H2O2 10%. The sample solution was filtered by a vacuum method and dried the filter
paper in a desiccator for 1 night.

2.4 Data analysis

Analysis of shapes observed using a microscope with 10x magnification and displayed in photographs.
The shape will be compared with the previous studies, such as granules, pellets, foam, fragments,
films, and fibers. The quantity of microplastic was analyzed using magnifying lamp and microscope.
The unit of microplastic particles is particles/L for water. The types of microplastics will be presented
descriptively in the graphs. The results of the FTIR test will be matched with the wavelength than the
standard spectrum from the polymer database to determine the type of polymer in the sample,
including polyethylene, Polystyrene, and Polypropylene.

2.5 Statistical analysis

Analyze the relation of river flow velocity and the number of microplastics tested by Kolmogorov-
Smirnov Test and significance tested by Pearson Correlation at a 95% confidence level. The null
hypothesis is that there is no relation between flow velocity and the quantity of microplastic. The null
hypothesis is accepted if the significance value is smaller than the r table.

3. Results and discussion

3.1 Microplastic particles shapes

The particle shape of the microplastic has different variations at each sampling location. Film and
fragment are dominant shapes on water samples. The physical characteristics of the film are flexible
and thin [10]. Fragment shapes have physical elements, namely irregular shapes, thick with sharp
edges [10]. Most of the foam comes from styrofoam with the characteristics such as soft, asymmetrical
shape and dominants on yellow color [11]. The particles shape on sampling location as below:

Table 1. Microplastic particle shapes.

Location Water
Deli River 1 Film
Deli River 2 Fiber, Fragment, Film
Deli River 3 Film, Foam, Fragment
Deli River 4 Film, Foam, Fragment, Granule
Deli River 5 Film, Fiber, Fragment, Granule, Foam
Deli River 6 Pellet, Film, Fragment, Foam, Fiber, Granule
Deli River 7 Fragment, Granule, Film, Pellet
Deli River 8 Film, Foam, Fragment, Fiber, Granule

The particles shapes of microplastic on water and sediment in Deli Rives as follows:

International Conference on Research Collaboration of Environmental Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 802 (2021) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/802/1/012019

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Figure 2. Fragment (a), film (b), granule (c), fiber (d), foam (e) on water.

Some research shows that the origin and pathways of microplastics determine the shape of these
microplastics [7]. Microplastic contamination from anthropogenic sources such as household waste
contributed to the largest microplastics in the form of fragments [12]. The existing condition of Deli
River found that 36,6% of the watershed uses it as a residential area [5]. Fragments can come from
pieces of plastic waste that have been degraded to smaller fragments [13]. The film comes from the
degradation of plastic bags and plastic packaging [14]. Microplastics that float with irregular shapes
tend to be attracted to water bodies and get stuck in water bodies [15]. Therefore, particles with the
shape of films and fragments tend to be found in river water.
Fibers mainly come from clothing [16]. The form is widely used in packaging, apparel, automotive
components, and building utensil [17]. Granule form can come from microbeads such as body wash,
cosmetic facial scrubbers, detergents, or abrasion beads for industrial use [18]. Small granule shapes
may represent microplastics from primary sources as used in personal care products [8]. Secondary
microplastics such as films and fragments come from the weathering of plastic packaging or plastic
bags [19], and primary microplastic such as fiber and granule comes from sewage.

3.2 Type of microplastics

The test results of FTIR for microplastic samples on the water will be adjusted to the IR spectrum
table to identify the polymer type. In this research, the polymer type only polyethylene,
Polypropylene, and Polystyrene. The physical characteristic of polyethylene is complex and low
strength, for Polypropylene is slippery and elastic, and Polystyrene is transparent and stiff [10].

Figure 3. FTIR result for Deli River Water.

The combined test of microplastics from the eight sampling locations in water samples contain
polymer bonds of Polyethylene, Polypropylene, and Polystyrene. The results of the water sample peak
values were 2915 cm-1, 2847cm-1, 1462 cm-1, 1375 cm-1, 718 cm-1 and 666 cm-1. Polyethylene is
widely used in clothing, food containers, fishing nets, and mulch. Polypropylene is widely used in
household appliances, pipes, and packaging, while Polystyrene comes from foamed plastics such as
styrofoam [17].

International Conference on Research Collaboration of Environmental Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 802 (2021) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/802/1/012019

However, there is still a lot of noise found in the reading results due to the presence of mixed
organic material and not destroyed during preparation, so that when filtering, the organic material is
attached to the microplastic. This is because the use of H2O2 10% solution is not optimal. Repeated
addition of H2O2 10% solution during preparation can overcome this [3].

3.3 The quantity of microplastic

The average quantity of microplastic on Deli River Water is 102 particles L-1. The amount of
microplastic upstream of Deli River (location 1) is lower than others. Location 1 has a dividing wall
with residential areas. There is no pile of garbage in existing conditions both on the banks and river
Location 2, 3, and 4 (segment II) are residential areas with a high population. The number of
microplastic started to increase and fluctuate. We found garbage disposal points on the riverbank in
this location, which are then carried by water, wind, and other natural processes that enter the river
body. The number of microplastic increases significantly in location 4 because this location is a
confluence of Babura River tributaries. There are 27 discharge points for domestic liquid waste that
enter the Deli River based on the Environmental Agency of North Sumatra Province data in 2015 [20].
There are 11 discharge points for domestic liquid waste located along with the segment II sampling
location. The slum area is using water for washing and bathing. Slum area with the poor sanitary
condition is possibly affecting the abundance of microplastics [21].
Location 5, 6, and 7 (segment III) are residential, commercial, and industrial areas. In this location,
mainly area doesn't have a dividing wall between the residential area and riverbank. The amount of
microplastic in location 6 is higher than in others. Location 6 is a confluence of Sei Kambing River
Tributaries. The average microplastic in the Sei Kambing River is 114 particles L-1 on water [22].
Quantity of MPs (particles/L)

Figure 4. The quantity of microplastic at all locations.

The quantity of microplastic in several rivers showed that the amount of microplastic in Deli River
higher than Ciwalengke River in Majalaya, but microplastic in Deli River lower than Saigon River and
several rivers in South-Eastern Nigeria.

International Conference on Research Collaboration of Environmental Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 802 (2021) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/802/1/012019

Table 2. Quantity of microplastic in several rivers.

Location Amount of Microplastic

Ciwalengke River, 5.85 ± 3.28 particles L-1
Saigon River, Vietnam 172-519 particles L-1
South-Eastern Nigeria 440 to 1,556 particles L-1
Deli River 8-152 particles L-1

3.4 Relationship of velocity and quantity of microplastic

Flow velocity is one factor that significantly affects the mechanical process and breakdown of large
plastics into small plastics or microplastic pieces. The data normality test for the number of
microplastics used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test. The test results showed that the maximum D value
was 0.140. If the Maximum value is smaller than Kolmogorov Smirnov's Table, the data is typically
distributed. Kolmogorov Smirnov's Dtable value with a significance level of 0.05 for eight data was
0.454. The information was normally distributed. The Pearson Correlation value was +0.080. It means
the Deli River's flow velocity is correlated with the number of microplastics with a low correlation
value because it is in the range of 0-0.199. The resulting significance value is 0.850 greater than the r
table, namely df (N-2; 0.05) of 0.707. The significance value shows that Ho is rejected, meaning that
the river flow velocity correlates with the number of microplastics in the Deli Medan river. If the flow
velocity of the Deli river is high, the higher the number of microplastics obtained.
The existing conditions of the river, such as; width, bend, and flow velocity affect the quantity of
microplastic in the river [24]. In this case, It is possible that the flow velocity is not correlated with the
amount of microplastic. This is because many other factors can affect, such as the amount and volume
of waste that is different at each sampling location and industry compliance in processing the waste
[24]. The number and habits of the population, the distance between the source and the river body, and
the hydraulic conditions of the water bodies significantly affect the number of microplastics in the
waters [13].
The existing conditions caused the number of microplastics to fluctuate. Location IV and Location
VI are the locations after the tributaries. Location VI has the number of microplastics 152 particles/L
with the lowest flow velocity of 0.475 m/s. Location VI is the location after the confluence of the Sei
Kambing River with the Medan Deli River. This confluence of tributaries is one of the causes of the
high number of microplastics in the Deli River [22].

4 Conclusions
Microplastics found in water samples in Deli, Medan are Polypropylene, polyethylene, and
Polystyrene, which are often found in plastic bags. Microplastic shapes in water are dominated by
film, fragments, foam, and fiber sourced from secondary microplastics. The average of microplastics
abundance is 102 particles L-1 on water. The location after the tributary had a higher quantity of
microplastics compared to other places. The amount of microplastics has a low correlation with flow
velocity, several factors that had an impact are the presence of waste accumulation points, settlements,
and microplastics from tributaries [22].

This research was conducted by funding support from Research Institution at Universitas Sumatera
Utara under Research Implementation Contract TALENTA USU 2020 with Number
4142/UN5.1.R/PPM/2020 Date 27 April 2020.

International Conference on Research Collaboration of Environmental Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 802 (2021) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/802/1/012019

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