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A: Hey ................ Can I talk to you?

B: Yes, of course....... What’s up?
A: I’m here today to interview you about your social media use and take your answers to have enough
information about this fact and how it affects people’s life.
B: No worries, is really important to keep an eye on this topic that is realed to many situations in our daily
A: You are completely right, that’s why we are doing this kind of activities to show the pros and cons of
this matter.
B: I hope you ask me specific and easy questions to give a real answer to all of them!
A: That’s the idea. Here We go with the first question: How many social media platforms do you know?
Can you list them in the order of importance?
B: O.k. I don’t know many of them, but I think Instagram is the most popular, in the second place we have
facebook, the third place is for tiktok, X, snapchap, and others.
A: Really good answer............ those platforms are very popular nowadays. The second question is very
close to the first one: How many social platforms do you use?
B: To be sincere, I only use Instagram, Facebook and X just to keep me informed about news, important
facts and of course, to keep in touch with my family.
A: That’s a reasonable use of social media. But now, opposite to the last question, what kind of social
media do you refuse to use and why? Give me three reasons:
B: I don’t like to use tiktok because I think It’s a waste of time, This social media was created for people
who like to waste their time creating or watching videos with no sense. Besides, I love to watch or listen
to news to keep me informed.
A: I don’t agree with you in some ideas, but this is your point of view and I respect it. Next question is:
How much time do you spend using social media every day?
B: I spend at least three or four hours a day using social media.
A: This is a lot of time, taking into account that you work ten hours a day and you take a nap for an hour
and you sleep at least eight hours at night.
B: You are certainly right!
A: To finish this podcast, answer me last question. Is the world a better place thanks to social media?
B: Of course It is. The impact of these kind of platforms have been very positive for humanity. Society,
economy, information, comunication, technology, reasearching, education, globalization and many
others are getting better and more important because of them. The world has advanced so fast since
those kind of platforms were started to use for everyone.
A: Thanks a lot...... for your answers. I hope to see you again next time. Have a good day and don’t forget
to follow us in our social media groups or watch and interact in our podcasts or videos.

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