The Central Role of The Universe in The Emergence of Life

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The Central Role of the Universe in the Emergence of Life


Ian Beardsley

Copyright © 2023 by Ian Beardsley

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This is the continuance of my paper A Precise Theory for the Proton Radius and the
Elements as Mathematical Sets. Since we developed a theory for inertia that predicted
the proton radius, and in doing this developed a Planck constant for the macrocosmos
of the solar system connected to the microcosmos of atoms, and developed an
equation of state for the periodic table and showed this includes the hydrocarbons, the
backbones of life chemistry, we needed to now predict the amino acids, the building
blocks of life. Then we predict ribose the fundamental sugar of life that is a primary
component to DNA and RNA that provide the instructions for life. In writing this chapter
in the project we found we had summarized the key talking points of the theory, that
can be read separately. One would have to resort to the original complete paper to nd
the veri cations of the equations. But essentially what we have here now is a clear
picture of the role of the Universe in the emergence of life. Now that we have the amino
acids and ribose, we need the purines, or nucleobases adenine, guanine, cytosine,
thymine, and uracil, and the phosphate backbone DNA and RNA. The ndings here
may shed light on origins of life on Earth, the prebiotic path.
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The natural constants measure the properties of space and time. We can list some of them here:

mP : 1.67262 × 10−27 k g (Proton Mass)

h : 6.62607 × 10−34 J ⋅ s (Planck Constant)
rp : 0.833 × 10−15 m (Proton Radius)
G: 6.67408 × 10−11 N 2 (Gravitational Constant)
c : 299,792, 459m /s (light speed)
α : 1/137 (Fine Structure Constant)
qp = qe = 1.6022E − 19cou l om bs
Nm 2
ke = 8.988E 9 2
The program used in this paper for our proton-seconds

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

int n;
oat value=0, increment,t=0, p=1.67262E-27, h=6.62607E-34,G=6.67408E-11,

printf("By what value would you like to increment?: ");
scanf("%f", &increment);
printf("How many values would you like to calculate for t in equation 1 (no more than 100?): ");
scanf("%i", &n);
while (n>=101);

for (int i=0; i<n;i++)


int intpart=(int)protons[i];
oat decpart=protons[i]-intpart;
if (decpart<0.25)
{ printf("%.4f protons %f seconds %f decpart \n", protons[i], t-increment, decpart);

Earth day=(24)(60)(60)=86,400 seconds. Using the Moon’s orbital velocity at aphelion, and Earth’s
orbital velocity at perihelion we have:

K Emoon = (7.347673E 22k g)(966m /s)2 = 3.428E 28J
K Eearth = (5.972E 24k g)(30,290m /s)2 = 2.7396E 33J
New equations in this paper will 13.1, 13.2, 13.3,…
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The idea is to as I have equation 1.2 and 1.3 for the hydrocarbons on page 7, I would like to next
extend them to the amino acids because they are they are the building block of life. That will
take me to CHNOPS the most abundant biological elements (Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen,
Oxygen, Phosphorus, and Sulfur).

1 h 4π rp2
Equation 1.2. = 6pr oton ⋅ secon d s = carbon(C )
α mp
2 Gc

1 h 4π rp2
Equation 1.3. = 1pr oton ⋅ 6secon d s = hydr ogen(H )
α mp
2 Gc
We found
1 1 h 4π rp2
Equation 13.1. pr oton s = ⋅
t α mp
2 Gc

And, we can run our program to get more values by changing the value it increments for t, to get
approximate values for CHNOPS:

This one gives Sulfur S (16 protons) comes from t=0.375 seconds by incrementing t by 0.005
seconds. We can get the rest by incrementing t by 0.05 seconds:
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We get

Nitrogen N (7 protons) is t=0.8500 seconds

Oxygen O (8 protons) is t=0.7500 seconds
Phosphorus P (15 protons) is t=0.400 seconds

We already had for the hydrocarbon backbones to which N, O, P, S attach to make the amino
acids (they form what are called functional groups):

Hydrogen H (1 proton) is t=6.00 seconds

Carbon C (6 protons) is t=1.00 seconds

The interesting thing is carbons gives 1 second and hydrogen gives one second is the largest
integer before protons become fractional and the rest of the elements are at less than 1 second is
carbon. This shows the elements rooted in 6-fold symmetry based on hydrocarbons, the
backbones of life chemistry.
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We see the rule of thumb is

Equation 13.2. pr oton s =
t im e(secon d s)
This is fascinating because we see this 6-fold symmetry predicts the protons in the elements in
terms of second because it would seem the second is a natural unit, as luck would have it,
because we have found

1 h 4π rp2
Equation 1.4 = 1.004996352secon d s
6α 2 mp Gc
K Emoon
Equation 1.6. (Ear th Da y) = 1.08secon d s
K Eearth
KE is kinetic energy. The interesting thing is that we have the duration of a second is what it is
not because we were attempting to find some base unit of time for Nature, but rather we have
the duration of a second from ancient times that came to us over many years of dividing the
rotation of the Earth into hours, minutes, and seconds in such a way that we ended up with it.
However we may have had some sort of a thought going into it when we noticed

1 1 1 1
1secon d = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ = 0.0000000316881year
365.25 24 60 60
And that thought I showed (Section 3.0) was in a six-fold pattern that the motions of the Earth/
Moon/Sun system had in it approximately

( year ) ( d a y ) ( h our ) ( min )

360d a ys 24h ours 60min 60sec
= 31104000secon d s /year

Which can be written

( year ) ( d a y ) ( h our ) ( min )

60d a ys 1h our 60min 60sec

Where there are 360 degrees in a circle and as such the Earth approximately moves through one
degree per day around the Sun.

Indeed we found that both the atom and the Earth/Moon/Sun orbital system quantize according
to a base unit of 1 second In section 11:

11.9. h⊙ = (hpC )K Ee

11.10. (hpC ) = 1secon d

1 1 1 2π rp
11.15. C= ⋅ ⋅
3 α2c 3 G mp3
Where hp is a Planck constant for an atom and h⊙ is a Planck constant for the Sun.
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We indeed found this six-fold symmetry early on in the Periodic Table of the Elements by
forming an equation of state for it:
pr oton s
5.3 NA = 6E 23
gr a m
gr a m
5.4 ℍ=1
pr oton

5.5 NA ⋅ = 6E 23

is any element and NA is the number of protons in times Avagadro’s number per that
number of grams. ℂ would be carbon is 6 grams per 6 protons. This resulted in an equation of
six-fold symmetry by way of a constant k, and the Earth orbital velocity:

5.1 k ve = 6

We found that k is

4 8π 3G 1 s
Equation 13.3. k = mp (1 + α) ⋅ NA =
3 c h
3 773.5 m

By way of finding an intermediate mass between the proton and the Chandrasekhar limit for a
white dwarf star:

5.8 mi = Mmp

c 3ℏ3
5.7 M ≤ 0.77 = 1.41 ⊙ Is the Chandrasekhar limit.
GN3 mp4

3 3 3
c ℏ
5.9 mi =
2 G 3mp2
By way of

1 (1 + α) 1 s
5.11 k = h ⋅ NA = ⋅
mi2 G 773.5 m

Back to

pr oton s =
t im e(secon d s)
Where time in seconds is given by
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1 1 4π rp2
pr oton s = ⋅ 2
t α mp Gc

Carbon=6/1sec, Hydrogen=6/6sec, Nitrogen=6/0.85sec, Oxygen=6/0.75sec, and so on…

We want to pursue this to explain the amino acids, we have already found that the hydrocarbon
backbone of life chemistry is at the crux of explaining the 6-fold symmetry

1 h 4π rp2
= 6pr oton ⋅ secon d s = carbon(C )
α mp
2 Gc

1 h 4π rp2
= 1pr oton ⋅ 6secon d s = hydr ogen(H )
α mp
2 Gc

Life chemistry as we know it is based on carbon. It is based on carbon because carbon is in

group 14 of the periodic table table which means it has 4 valence electrons to combine with other
atoms because since it is in group 18, the last group in the periodic table, the noble gases, has all
of its orbitals filled and it wants to have noble gas electron configuration, which means when it
bonds it gains 4 electrons; 18-14=4. Thus carbon gains 4 electrons when it combines with other
atoms, it becomes C 4−. We have said CHNOPS are the most abundant life elements. So for
instance to combine with hydrogen, which loses an electron to become H + it combines with 4 of
them to become neutral:

C 4− + H + → CH4
Which is methane, the most simple hydrocarbon. This relationship of 4 to 1 allows for the
backbone of life chemistry, the hydrocarbons. We have
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But we said carbon is the basis for life because it ionizes C 4−, then why no silicon Si? It ionizes
Si 4− because it is in group 14 as well. The problem is silicon needs to combine with everything in
CHNOPS and it can’t but carbon can. The reason is that in the presence of oxygen gas, O2, it
combines with it very easily becoming SiO2, silicon dioxide, sand or the basic ingredient of
glass. We have

Si 4+ + O 2− + O 2− → SiO2
Silicon can gain or lose four electrons determining whether it attains the noble gas electron
configuration of either neon or argon. But silicon wants to gain or lose 4 electrons to get noble
has electron configuration, which is stable because all of the outer orbitals of a shell are filled.

Since we have already found the hydrocarbons in theory, the backbones of life chemistry, and
want to move on to the amino acids, the building block of life, we should talk a little about them.

The amino acids are the building block of life because deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA) the
instructions for life use them to synthesize proteins, and proteins are used to make everything in
life, our hair, our nails, our tissue,…

To explain how life starts on Earth we need to explain how DNA and RNA (ribonucleic acid)
came into existence from what was present on the primordial Earth. As well we need to explain
how the amino acids came into existence. This has been done for some of the amino acids life
needs in the Miller-Urey experiment. Miller and Urey found if they put the primary hypothetical
constituents of the primordial Earth in a bottle and passed electricity through it, which were
water H2O, methane CH4, ammonia NH3, and hydrogen gas H2, they were able to produce many
of them.

Each amino acid has a hydrogen atom H, a carboxyl group COOH, and an amino group NH2.
This is constant. But the variable attached to it, the so-called R group, determines its function.
We have
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But we want to consider that H2 N (amino group) comes from NH3 (ammonia) of the primordial
Earth and that COOH is really COO because COOH is carboxylic acid and if we remove an H it
becomes a carboxyl group. We have

I processed the 20 genetically encoded amino acids according to

A min oGr oup

Equation 13.4. (R gr oup)
Aci dGr oup
By molar mass which is to consider their relative masses and got

H3 N = 3(1.01) + 14.01 = 17.04g /m ol

COO = 12.01 + 2(16.00) = 44.01g /m ol

CH2 + OH = 12.01 + 2.02 + 16.00 + 1.01 = 31.04g /m ol

When I considered serine, which is
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H3 N 17.04
I got (CH2 + OH ) = (31.04) = 12.0182 ≈ C
COO 44.01
The molar mass of carbon is 12.01 g/mol.. So

H3 N
Equation 13.5. (CH2 + OH ) = C
Thus the amino acid balances with the carbon, the core element of life, by mass. We notice that

H3 N
Equation 13.6. = 0.387 ≈ (1 − ϕ)

Where ϕ (phi) is the golden ratio conjugate is ϕ = which occurs throughout life
because it has many physical functions.

Since we have

1 h 4π rp2
= 1secon d
α 6mp
2 Gc

Where 6mp = carbon, we have

1 h 4π rp2 (6.62607E − 34)4π (0.833E − 15)2

= 18769
α2 Gc (6.67408E − 11)(299792459)


6mp = carbon = 6(1.67262E − 27) = 1.00356E − 26


1.0085862E − 26
= 1.005secon d s
1.00356E − 26
Which is what we already knew. But now we can find the time values fro the components of our
amino acids…

H3 N = 3(1.67262E − 27) + 7(1.67262E − 27) = 10(1.67262E − 27) = 1.67262E − 26

1.008562E − 26
= 0.60298secon d s ≈ 0.603sec
1.67262E − 26
COO = 22(1.67262E − 27) = 3.679764E − 26
1.008562E − 26
= 0.27408sec ≈ 0.2741sec
3.679764E − 26
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This gives

H3 N 0.603
= ≈ 2.2
COO 0.2741
We have for the time value of the R group

CH2 + OH = 6 + 2 + 8 + 1 = 17

17(1.67262E − 27) = 2.843454E − 26

1.008562E − 26
= 0.354696
2.843454E − 26

H3 N 0.603
(CH2 + OH ) = (0.354696sec) = 0.78sec
COO 0.2241
But let us find

H2 N
Equation 13.7. ser in e = (CH2 + OH )
We have

H2 N = 9(1.67262E − 27) = 1.505358E − 26

COOH = 23(1.67262E − 27) = 3.847E − 26

1.008562E − 26
H2 N = = 0.66998sec
1.505358E − 26
1.008562E − 26
COOH = = 0.262168sec
3.847E − 26
This gives

COOH 0.262168
= = 0.3913 ≈ (1 − ϕ) = 0.382
H2 N 0.66998
We have already found by molar mass

H3 N
= 0.387 ≈ (1 − ϕ)
Thus we have

Equation 13.8. = 3
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Where the left side is by time units and the right side is by molar mass. The expression by molar
mass includes neutrons. We have

So the equation is the relationship between primordial Earth constituents and their products,
the amino acids. This is done seeing we found it was Carbon, the core element of life

H3 N
(CH2 + OH ) = C
This may shed some light on the prebiotic path to life. As it is figured in terms of the Universe
we see the Universe plays a central role in the emergence of life.

COO can be written CO2, which was a dominant gas in the early Earth atmosphere, N2 was as
well. In fact O2, oxygen, did not appear in abundance until the photosynthesizers arrived to
convert CO2 into O2, that is the plant life that makes carbon dioxide into oxygen. We can write
our equation as

Equation 13.9. =
tH2 N CO2

Equation 13.10. (tCOOH )CO2 = (tH2 N )NH3

We see the time value of carboxylic acid in an amino group acting on carbon dioxide equals the
time value of the amino group in an amino acid acting on ammonia. That is the primordial earth
gases ammonia NH3 and carbon dioxide CO2 correspond to amino acids (COOH and H2N).

Indeed we see the Universe plays a central role in the emergence of life. In the original paper I
presented a basic Universal energy that is obvious from dimensional analysis:

h c3
5.17 ⋅ = 1.599298E 29J
G mp

This resulted in the lifespan of the Universe which agrees with the Friedmann model of
the Universe (1E14 years). I found
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h c3
⋅ mp
5.19 (1secon d ) = Li feSpa nUniverse
mi ( k )

I found in terms of the orbit of the Moon around the Earth we get the Earth orbital period

h c3
⋅ mp
5.21 (1secon d ) = 1Ear thYear
Mm ( k )

I also found the radius of a proton is

1 18 2 Gc
Equation 13.11. rp = ⋅ α mp = 8.288597 × 10−16 m = 0.829f m
t1 3 4πh

1 hc RH
Equation 5.29 rp = ⋅
mp 2π 3G NA


RH h 4π
Equation 5.25 t =
2α 2 mp Gc
Equation 13.12. t1 =

4 8π 3G 1 s
Remembering k = mp (1 + α) ⋅ NA =
3 c 3h 773.5 m
Noticing (1 + α) ≈ 1

Where RH is the Van Der Waals radius of a hydrogen atom (1.2E-10m). I also found it was

2 h 2 h
10.7. rp = ⋅ , 10.8. mp = ⋅
3 cmp 3 crp

There even became reason to suggest it was

h 1
Equation 12.3. ϕ ⋅ = rp
c mp

This gives
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Equation 12.4. rp = 0.816677E − 15m ≈ 0.817m

Which is toward what it seems to be approaching the more we try to measure (It is the least well
known of the data, but they feel they are closing in on it.)

This progress with finding the amino acids should open a door to a lot in looking for the origin
of life on Earth (a prebiotic path) because we now have

1 h 4π rp2
= 1secon d
α 26mp Gc

And we can substitute for 6 any number of protons, not just those in the amino acid serine as we
did, but in all of the genetically encoded amino acids that life utilizes. We can find the time
values as well for all of the elements of the periodic table. We can then proceed to all of the their
ensuing compounds which are billions upon billions. We can start with the millions of
fundamental biological compounds. But to do this we would need to write a computer program,
a much better one than the one I did on page 3. I think the next best step to take would be for
DNA and RNA and their phosphate backbones because to get started in the search for the
origins of life you need to start with DNA and RNA and the amino acids, to get the first living

Serine was the perfect amino acid to start with because its R group is simple using CH2 related
to CH4 the methane of the primordial Earth, and OH the hydroxyl ion OH − so pivotal to the
function of water in life (the most important ingredient) that is the OH − of dehydration
synthesis (removing water to make a bond) hydrolysis (decomposition by adding water to
remove a bond).

Finding Ribose

Several problems arise in trying to find a prebiotic path to life. We have to produce two things: 1.
The 20 genetically encoded amino acids for which the Miller-Urey chemistry only produces 11 of
them. 2. We have to produce the sugar ribose and the nucleobases (purines) adenine, guanine,
cytosine, thymine, and uracil so we can have the DNA and RNA that encodes for synthesizing
the amino acids into proteins.

Let us now move onto DNA and RNA for which biologists focus on RNA as the most likely
candidate for something to arrive first as a synthesizer of amino acids.

At the heart of solving this problem is the formose reaction. In this reaction the isomerizations
and aldol condensations seem to mimic the way current-day life makes sugars from smaller
precursors. It may be the most convenient chemistry by which sugars can be made. Problems
with it are that formaldehyde concentrations required to support the reaction can be difficult to
come by, though formaldehyde can be created by ultraviolet light on carbon dioxide and water in
the atmosphere that with the presence of carbon monoxide and water can produce from these
radicals formaldehyde, however only very slowly; it would require 10 million years for enough
formaldehyde to accumulate by this mechanism for the formose reaction to proceed. It is likely
in this way such a reaction could not be driven and the other problem is the formose reaction
produces only small amounts of each of many different sugars, and really only produces little
ribose, which is the most fundamental sugar to life on Earth. And worse, that little ribose
produced is very unstable. However, Steve Benner showed calcium borate which is in nature as
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borax minerals and colemanite, stabilizes ribose under the conditions under which the formose
reaction can proceed. But, while this pushes up the levels of ribose, it does not stabilize the
ribose meaning it wouldn’t have the life span we would think would be needed for prebiotic
chemistry to make the precursors of life.

As far as producing purines of which Miller-Urey chemistry fails to produce in significant

amounts, the primary progress that has been made in this area was by John “Juan” Oro who
found that amino acids and small amounts of the purine base adenine form spontaneously from
mixtures of hydrogen cyanide and ammonia in water. However, higher concentrations of
hydrogen cyanide by hundreds of thousand of times are required than are calculated to have
existed on the surface of the early Earth. Hydrogen cyanide is more volatile than water so it
cannot be concentrated in tide pools. However, to that end progress was made by Leslie Orgel
who found, and was tested by by Miller in 1975, that it could be achieved by colder temperatures
as frozen hydrogen cyanide concentrated in the voids between ice crystals, but then the prebiotic
synthesis could have only happened at the Earth’s polar regions or in icy planetesimals in the
outer solar system. Miller did it at -78 deg centigrade.

Sugars are


n = 3,4,5,6,7

Formaldehyde is n = 1. That is H2CO, but it is not a sugar, but all sugars are polymers of

Alexander Buterov discovered the formose reaction in 1861 which is the most plausible prebiotic
route path to sugars where prebiotic is prelife chemistry. It starts with formaldehyde dissolved
in water under alkaline basic conditions. At its peak 50% of the formaldehyde is converted to
sugars. Glycoaldehyde is formed from two formaldehyde molecules , then with another
formaldehyde makes the sugar glyceraldehyde with three carbons (n=3). This then isomerize to
dihydroxyacetone and again n=3 it just has a different geometry. These are the three possible
three carbon sugars. Two of these n=3 sugars can become hexoses (n=6 sugars). This
dihydroxyacetone (n=3) can combine with formaldehyde to form four carbon ketotetrose. We
can go to erythrulose which isomerize to aldotetrose, also four carbons. The formose reaction
produces little ribose (n=5) which is the most fundamental sugar for life.

The short of it is ribose (C5 H10O5) of DNA and RNA is a polymer of formaldehyde (H2CO) so we
want to look at these two. Each atomic orbital of an atom can contain two electrons (an electron
pair) with opposite spins. However, in organic chemistry they occur briefly during a reaction on
an entity called a radical, or free radical. Thus a radical is an atom, molecule, or ion, that has at
least one unpaired valence electron, and these radicals are highly reactive which means they
have short lifetimes because they react to have their electrons paired. So a hydroxyl radical
would be HO· where the dot means the oxygen has one unpaired electron and : CH2 (triplet
carbene) has two unpaired electrons.

Back to the formose reaction. In order to have it we need formaldehyde. High energy electrons
or UV light cause the following radicals that strike atmospheric molecules knocking an electron
out making them:

H2 → 2H ⋅
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H2O → H ⋅ + HO ⋅

CH4 →⋅ CH3 +⋅ H

And we get the following radical reactions with other atmospheric components:

CH3 + H2O → H3C − O ⋅ + H2

H3C − O ⋅ + H ⋅ → H2C = O + H2

Where H2C = O is formaldehyde

CH3 +⋅ CH3 → H3C − CH3

Where H3C − CH3 is ethane.

We found in terms of time

COOH 0.262168
= = 0.3913 ≈ (1 − ϕ) = 0.382
H2 N 0.66998
And in terms of molar mass

= 0.387 ≈ (1 − ϕ)

Where NH3 and CO2 are primordial Earth substances and COOH and H2 N are amino acid
components made up of their components. We want to do the same with the components of the
ribose sugar primary to life in DNA and RNA, which comes from formaldehyde. Therefore we
have since formaldehyde comes from

Molar Mass

CH4 = 12.01 + 4(1.01) = 16.05g /m ol

H2 = 2(1.01) = 2.02g /m ol

CH3 = 12.01 + 3(1.01) = 15.04g /m ol

H2O = 2(1.01) + 16..00 = 18.02g /m ol

H2CO = 2.02(1.01) + 12.01 + 16.00 = 30.03g /m ol

C5 H10O5 = 5(12.01) + 10(1.01) + 8(16.00) = 198.15g /m ol

Time Values

CH4 = (6 + 4) = 10(1.67262E − 27) = 1.67262E − 26

1.0085862E − 26
= = 0.603secon d s
1.67262E − 26
18 of 22

H2 = 2(1.67262E − 27) = 3.34524E − 27

1.0085862E − 26
= = 3.015secon d s
3.34524E − 27
CH3 = (6 + 3)(1.67262E − 27) = 1.505E − 26
1.0085862E − 26
= = 0.670secon d s
1.505E − 26
H2O = (2 + 8)(1.67262E − 27) = 1.67262E − 26
1.0085862E − 26
= 0.603secon d s
1.67262E − 26
(H2CO) = (2 + 6 + 8)(1.67262E − 27) = 2.676192E − 26
1.0085862E − 26
= = 0.377secon d s
2.6762E − 26
C5 H10O5 = (5 ⋅ 6 + 10 ⋅ 1 + 5 ⋅ 8) = 80(1.67262E − 27) = 1.3381E − 25
1.0085862E − 26
= = 0.07537secon d s
1.3381E − 25
By time values

= 1.00 = 5.002
H2O C5 H10O5
We have

H2 → 2H, CH4(m eth a n e) → CH3, CH3 + H2O → H3CO

H3CO + H → H2CO( for m al d ehyd e)

Which is

Pr im or di al At m ospere → FreeRa dicals → for m al d e yhyd e

Which is:

→ → H2CO
H2 H2O

CH4 0.603 CH3 0.670

= = 0.2, = = 1.1111, H2CO = 0.377secon d s ≈ (1 − ϕ)sec
H2 3.015 H2O 0.603
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We have for formaldeyhyde of which ribose is a polymer (using time values):

CH4 1 − ϕ rp h 4π
Equation 13.13. (H2CO) ≈ ⋅
H2O α2 6mp Gc

Compare this to our equation for amino acids, it is similar in structure (using molar mass,
equation 13.5):

H3 N
Equation 13.5. (CH2 + OH ) = C
Remember that we had by time value

COOH 0.262168
= = 0.3913 ≈ (1 − ϕ) = 0.382
H2 N 0.66998
And, by molar mass

H3 N
= 0.387 ≈ (1 − ϕ)
So the factor by which everything works is (1 − ϕ) because our result comes from

1 h 4π rp2
= 1.004996352secon ds
6α 2 mp Gc

Often we see 1 − ϕ in Nature because if you go ϕ around a circle, 1 − ϕ is the same

location, just coming from the other direction.


John Oro found small amounts of and the nucleobase adenine and amino acids when he mixed
hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and ammonia (NH3) in water (H2O). Later more experiments were
done and small amount of several di erent nucleobases were found. Essentially what we had
were four molecules of HNC combine to make diaminomaleonitrile a polymer of hydrogen
cyanide (HCN )x which becomes H4C4 N4. Then another molecule of HCN is added and it
becomes C5 H5 N5 which is one of the four nucleases needed to make DNA, is adenine,
cytosine, guanine, thymine, or one of the four needed to make RNA is adenine, cytosine,
guanine, uracil.

We have


NH3 = 14.01 + 3(1.01) = 17.04g/m ol

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H2O = 2(1.01) + 16.00 = 18.02g/m ol

NH3 = 7 + 3 = 10proton s

H2O = 2 + 8 = 10proton s

NH3 = 10(1.67262E − 27) = 1.67262E − 26

H2O = 10(1.67262E − 27) = 1.67262E − 26

1.0085862E − 27
= 0.6029978sec ≈ 0.603secon d s
1.67262E − 26
= 2 = 1.00
The molar mass ratio of HCN to H2O is

(HCN )mm 27.03g/m ol

= = 1.5
(H2O)mm 18.02g/m ol
And by time values NH_3 to HCN is

(NH3)t 0.603s
= = 1.5
(HCN )t 0.402s
This gives us

(H2O)mm = (HCN )mm
(HCN )t
The time value of HCN is

HCN = (1 + 6 + 8)(1.67262E − 27) = 15(1.67262E − 27) = 2.50893E − 26

1.0085862E − 26
= 0.4019985s ≈ 0.402secon d s
2.50893E − 26
We have the molar mass of ammonium cyanide is

NH4CN = 14.01 + 4(1.01) + 12.01 + 14.01 = 44.07g/m ol

And its time value is
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NH4CN = 1 + 4 + 6 + 7 = 24(1.67262E − 27) = 4.014288E − 26

1.0085862E − 26
= 0.25125s ≈ 0.25secon d s
4.014288E − 26
We have for adenine

C5 H5 N5 = 5(12.01) + 5(1.01) + 5(14.01) = 135.15g/m ol

The time value is

C5 H5 N5 = 5(6) + 5(1) + 5(7) = 70proton s

70(1.67262E − 27) = 1.170834E − 25

1.0085862E − 26
= 0.086142545s ≈ 0.08614secon d s
1.170834E − 25
Thus we see that

NH4CN = 0.25s
(C5 H5 N5)mm 1 5
⋅ = = 20s −1
(HCN )mm (NH4CN )s 0.25

(C5 H5 N5)t = 0.8164s −1

(20s −1)(0.08164s −1) = 1.6328 ≈ = Φ = 1/ϕ

C5 H5 N5)mm (C5 H5 N5)t
⋅ ≈Φ
(HCN )mm (NH4CN )t

(H2O)mm = (HCN )mm
(HCN )t
We have

(C5 H5 N5)t (C5 H5 N5)mm (NH3)t

⋅ = (H2O)mm
(NH4CN )t Φ (HCN )t
And this is our nal result. We see that adenine that encodes for life (its time value) to the time
value of ammonium cyanide times the molar mass of adenine over Φ, the golden ratio, is the
ratio of the time values for the ammonia and cyanide times the molar mass of water which
make the ammonium cyanide on the left and when mixed in that water on the right make the
adenine on the left.
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The Author

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